Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stars In Her Eyes (Jake Sorin)


Little Darling
The sun was slowly descending in the skies of Nar Shaddaa as a girl weaved her way through the packed streets of the Red Sector. Her thin frame nimbly slid around person after person like smoke. Her hair was short, except for a long bang that covered her left eye, and dyed a unique shade of purple. This was the only detail that really stood out on her. She was too fast to be seen by any other feature. Such was the key factor that was leading the police right to her. All they had to do was follow her hair. But Skye Reviar was too good to be caught. This chase, however, was gonna cut it a bit close. As the crowd began to thin out a bit, Skye found an opening, and shot out like a bullet in a full on sprint. Unfortunately, her shoulder slammed into someone else's, causing her to drop the stolen spray-paint cans and cigarette pack on the ground. Her chocolate brown eyes glanced down at her "borrowed" things, and then looked up and locked eyes with the person who had just paused her escape. "What the Hell?!" She said frustratingly.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake Sorin probably the biggest loser in the galaxy...or so he told himself. Jake wore his leather jacket over his normal all black attire. He walked along the sidewalk, there were not much people where he was. He strolled along hands stuffed in his pocket. He puffed out hot air causing his hair to part from his left eye for a second. A few more seconds of walking earned him getting slammed into by girl. "What kind of pathetic loser would run into me?" . He looked at her, then her things she had dropped, then back up at her. He didn't realize she was so beautiful, He frowned and quickly picked up her things.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you,....I-i'm Jake...Jake Sorin." Jake said before giving a half smile.

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye snatched her "belongings" from Jake's hands, giving him an icy glare. Her gaze shifted to the police officers moving swiftly through the crowd behind him. "Frak..." She said, shoving everything back in the inside pockets of her sleeveless black vest. "Thanks a lot!" She spat before turning around and starting to run again.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake noted the guards and saw her running.

'why does getting girls have to be troublesome for me.' Jake thought before looking at the men following her.

Jake called them. he looked back to the girl. She was far off.

"Hey, she went that-a-way." Jake said pointing to another direction.

He smiled as they ran off towards the direction his finger was pointing.

'Troublesome loser, she's lucky I'm here.' He thought before running after her.

He caught up to her and looked into her eyes.

"Hey you can stop running, they're gone!"

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye was rounding the corner of the alleyway that lead to her shoddy little home when Jake stopped her. Again. This time her glare was intense. And SCARY. "Oh yeah? Why, because you told them I was going in the other direction? You're a fething feir'fek! Whaddya think they're gonna do when they figure out that I didn't go that way? That you LIED? They'll be on your ass before you can even think about running! If they find out where I live, I'm frakkin' SCREWED! " She yelled right up in his face, not caring how close she got. When she was angry, she was ANGRY. She turned around and started storming towards the small fire escape on the left side of the alleyway that led to a window on the second story. She shoved her fingers into her bangs, raking them upward until they were tangled.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake flinched at her foul language.

"You think I give a damn if they get!"

He softened his tone.

"They wont find you for a while...too much people in that direction."

Jake leaned against the wall and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, then pulled a single one out. he lit it an let out a sigh.

"If I had a credit for every time a woman yelled at me i'd be rich.

He waited a few minuets later he looked up the fire escape and climbed it to the second floor where the girl went. He just sat on one of the steps smoking.

'what the hell are you doing up here Jake!' he yelled inside his head.

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye ignored Jake as she opened the window and climbed inside. It was a small one-room place. There were two windows looking out on the street in front of the building and that was it. Everywhere else was bare concrete walls except for the wooden floor and the leaky foam-paneled ceiling. The building was an abandoned apartment complex that went up at least forty more stories. The floor was covered with cans of food, bottles of water, empty cigarette packs, spray paint canisters, candles, lighters, matches, a double-wide sleeping bag, and some neatly folded clothing. Skye took out the two spray paint canisters she'd just acquired and walked up to the far wall. You see, the walls may have been plain, but she had found a way to compensate for that. All four walls were absolutely COVERED with spray-painted art. The ceiling was painted a deep blue and dotted with millions of little white stars, all coming together in the center of the room to form a mesmerizing galaxy. Skye took off the caps of the new canisters and immediately began continuing to make a large red and fiery phoenix. she had neglected to close the window behind her, and she wasn't aware that Jake had climbed up behind her.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake slowly rose and stepped in the room, she began to spray the wall making something beautiful. he looked around then up at the paint plastered roof. He gasped and smiled, it was breath taking. "Amazing...How did you do this?" He spoke softly, he still was looking up. Jake looked at her, he felt like such a stalker. C'mon he was in some abandoned apartment building trespassing in some girls room.

He then moved to the corner and sat down his cigarette still hanging from his lip.

he watched as she tagged the walls.

"That is very nice."

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye was in her Creative Zone. It was something she did often. Sometimes she'd spray-paint on things and sell them so she wouldn't have to steal stuff. Most of the time, though, she had to be a thief. She didn't talk to Jake until she'd finished the Phoenix. She backed away from the wall, studying every detail, spotting every error she had made. Satisfied, she re-caped her spray cans and glanced over at him. She still gave him a glare, but it was a bit softer than the two before. This was her outlet. It helped her calm down, and focus on other things. "The ceiling took me a month to complete. That's because I used glow-in-the-dark paint for the stars, and that's super hard to find here." She said. She reached into her vest and pulled out a cigarette from the new pack. Walking to the other side of the room, she picked up a lighter and lit it. After a long puff (also what she used to calm down), she looked back over at Jake. "And thanks. That phoenix took about two days." She slowly walked over to where he was and leaned against the wall, the cig in her hand.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake was a bit revealed she had stopped yelling.

'glow in the dark paint ok, I guess she is not a complete loser.' he thought to himself.

He looked up at her. "A month to complete awesome." He said before his mind drifted to the nice flowers he would often see.

"You never told me your name..." Jake said, he looked up at the ceiling admiring the art.

He looked into her eyes...He never noticed the stars in them.

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye would hold Jake's gaze only for a minute before she looked back up at her greatest masterpiece. "It's Skye. And no, I don't have a last name anymore." That was probably not true, but Skye didn't care. She'd been just fine without one for the past three years. she looked at the center of her painted galaxy. She was relieved when she'd finished it. When she'd gone to sleep that night, the nightmares finally went away. She took another puff of nicotine, remembering what those restless nights of Hell had been like.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake puffed smoke out.

"Skye...That's a ok name...I guess.....for a loser." Jake felt curve appear at the side oh his lip.

Jake reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flower, he smiled as he examined the beautiful flower, slowly turning it.

Flowers and peace were things Jake loved since he was young...If you could.

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye made a small "tck", and looked down at Jake. "That's honestly the best you can do?" She said, almost challenging him to try again. she watched him take out a partially wilted purple flower from his jacket pocket. That was weird. "A violet," She said out loud, "But... They're out of season....."
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake jumped, he almost forgot Skye was there.

"Troublesome...." Jake mumbled before looking up to her.

"Out of season her yes, but I found it elsewhere. Why is the flower of interest to you?" Jake said still turning the welted flower.

Jake held it up to her.

"You may have it Skye."

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye guffawed. Wow. A boy was actually giving her a flower. What a load of banthacrap. Nevertheless, she looked down at it, and then at Jake, and then at it, and then at Jake again. Keeping her eyes one the boy, her free hand slowly reached down, and swiftly plucked the tiny plant from his fingers. She examined it more closely, lightly rubbing a petal with her thumb. "I like the colors," She said simply. It was why she liked anything flowery. Her eyes were naturally drawn to the beauty of vibrant and vivid colors. "Wait. Why were you carrying this around in your jacket? Kinda weird for a guy...."
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake smiled...

"Well the truth is, I like know sitting in the meadows and watching clouds." Jake said softly.

"The flower you are holding is my good luck flower, The flower that I entrust to you."

He always kept a flower on him, it truly was luck.

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
Skye maintained her composure upon listening to Jake. Good God. She'd never met a more girly guy in her life! What was next, being able to play the harp? A massive stuffed animal collection?? She swallowed, keeping any form of laughter heavily suppressed as she handed the flower back to him. She made sure to keep her eyes glued to the ceiling. "So, uh...... why flowers? Why not, I don't know, starships or something?" That was the best she could say without sounding like an ass.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

((haha funny btw))

Jake smiled.

"Well, my father actually taught me a bit about starships. but when he passed I had to help my mother at her shop.."

"I also am a bit of a dancer and can recite poems."
Purple Flowers Verse 2 Charles R. Hice
"Picking Purple flowers,"

"Purple flowers in the rain,"

"Purple flowers hide my pain,"

"You do love me don't you mother,"

"Purple flowers,"

[member="Skye Reviar"]


Little Darling
(( that's a real poem, isn't it? :D))

Skye's eyebrows raised as Jake recited poetry. She actually liked poems. She looked at him, suddenly curious. "Purple Flowers by Charles R. Hice?" She said. He wasn't a very well-known poet, but Skye had read some of his work somewhere before.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

((Of course.))

"Yea, not a well known poet but it is good enough."

"I did not know you dabble with poetry but what can I say I just met you."

he smiled before getting up.

"Why is this place a bit filthy?"

[member="Skye Reviar"]

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