Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars: Ministries Furnace


Disney's Princess
Something wicked this way comes...

Entrance to the Sewers
Sullust Subterranean

It was a cold dark and ashen place. The black ground was muddled and blood red magma veins ran rivers in the distance. Hot ceilings, black smoke, and icy cold stones. Jagged blue crystals and yellow mushrooms gave off a radiant eerie light. Tracking shadows and soft reflections onto the cliff-like walls. What remained was simply thrown glow-rods by the GA and industrial lanterns that were speared deep into the crags. Corsair budget lighting at it's worst.

Captain Thorn stood nearby the smoking entrance to the sewer system. A dull grey fog filtered out as the edges of the durasteel smoldered from their thermal charges and the explosion they had just caused. Ripping away the hidden doorway and exposing the passage chambers that the Corsairs were using down here. There was even still loose cables and a generator near the sewer door. Bah. Amateurs. Didn't even bother to cover up their tracks.

The NJO's Sam Roberts gave the Captain a nod and turned to face all the newcomers to the raid. With the doorway now open, they were free to venture inside. Thorn returned the salute and stepped up higher on the rocks to give the last speech,

"Okay people. Corsairs, dark cultists, and Jessepi's demonic toys await us within. They probably know we're coming and they're ready for a fight. As such, our orders are simple. Smash everything and anyone we find in there and bring out Minister Rust into custody for a GA trial. ...It's going to be smoky, dark, and probably hot as hell in there. But as long as you don't fall into a steam vent or one of the furnace traps it shouldn't kill ya. ...Too much."

The rebelous female Captain lifted up her blaster pistol and gave a final hurrah,

"You know the drill! If it moves? Blast it! ...Here we go."

Four GA Commandos in black armor gave a shout and charged into the smoking abyss. Captain Thorn hoped down and gave Sam a dirty smile too. Then she charged in after them. Mm. Welp? Nothing for it now. Here we go!



[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Jonathon Patches"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Charlyn Nairne"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Peyton Steele"]
Peyton wasn’t quite sure her feelings on Sullust yet. She had started to feel like she was belonging to this world, to the outfit known as the Galactic Alliance, and that was good. Mix in her seemingly fast ability to recover from a variety of issues, the hybrid was already back out in the field. The Jedi had called for assistance And Rohan Will Answer!. Well, was it the Jedi really calling for aid? Or more Chevu asking her to come on a trip with her.

And by trip, it was apparently hunting. And that was all well and good by Peyton. The blonde had prepped for the task, opting more for a deconstructed loadout when compared to other characters from this writer. Working with leather pants and snuggly fitting tanktop, a vest over it, and her gunbelt, Peyton was keeping herself light weight. Besides, if she needed to change? It’d be easier this way.

Hunting bandits? That she could do. Sure, the Alliance was pulling strike missions against other governments, but within their own? They needed to defend. That meant taking the fight where it was needed. “Seems simple enough.” She nodded, grinning at the speaker.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
An interesting start. She had to admit it while standing tall to her full height of five foot one inch in the boots. THey gave her an inch and this was a whole new world compared to her previous level she could reach things that previously she couldn't without the aid of the force. For now looking at the one who had assembled them she stood there in the formed and refitted lightbrown robes that had been give to her by an ancient jedi ghost along with his crystal that had gone to her padawan. Seemed fitting for a former sith before she was moving with her armband on and the special belt with holsters for her ranger's. The largest ones to buy weapons from her before she withdrew the force light gun that glowed blue with energy. SHe could keep it nearly infinitely charged with the power of the force as her saber chakram hung on her hip. The circlet on her ankle within the boot allowing her to filter the air and anything that might be poison in the underground. "Ready here."
Chevu and Peyton's relationship had been completely professional so far, but today the Mirialan was determined to change that. The shy Jedi Knight was determined to do...something. She just wasn't sure what. Yes, Master Oomomo warned against getting emotionally attached to other beings, but Coren Starchaser had a girlfriend, and he hadn't fallen to the dark side because of it. Making the decision to throw caution to the wind was the easy part. Now she had to figure out how this girlfriend thing worked, and to be honest, she hadn't the faintest clue, but inviting her to provide company on a mission to hunt down one of the GA's most wanted was a good start.

Chevu's hair was freshly washed, her face dabbed with a touch of cosmetics. Instead of Jedi robes, she donned tight-fitting lightly armored clothing, along with a gear belt containing her saber and a blaster. Motorcycle boots covered her feet. Yeah, she was definitely trying to get the woman's attention. Those leather pants Peyton wore definitely got hers.

She greeted the blonde by sneaking up behind her and covering her face with green skinned hands, a playful gesture. She only hoped her quickly drumming heartbeat wasn't too noticeable. She was trying to play it cool. Well, mostly.

[member="Peyton Steele"]
[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Samantha Roberts"] [member="Charlyn Nairne"] [member="Audren Sykes"]

Well... isn't this a fine circus you have hitched yourself to this time, he mused to himself, leaning against a rock pillar as debris was cleared from the sewer entrance. His arms remained cross, as he stood a bit off to the side, as speeches were spoken and commands were given; his eyes scanned the eclectic group, studying their stances, expressions, and emotions.

Some were eager; those would likely be the ones to get killed or kill first. Others were here for altruistic motives it appeared, believing in their cause and what they were doing was right. Then there was the later group, that was here for personal motives... whether profit or other, Patches couldn't decipher, but it mattered not to him; so long as they didn't get in his way.

A few more force users than he would like were in the group - with their light wands and their holier than thou attitudes - which didn't exactly put him at ease. With their hypocritical values, unpredictable nature and their often reckless behaviour, they were natural magnets for trouble. The kind of trouble Patches wanted no part of; the kind of trouble that draws more trouble to it.

Yet here he stood, with his blaster on his hip, his bag of tricks slung over his shoulder, and a blank expression on his face. He was under one of his aliases for this op - a small time slicer and smuggler with an affinity for computers and bank accounts - Darius Kross. While perhaps not the ideal short term employee, desperate times called for desperate measures. They wanted to strike hard, and strike fast, which meant background checks weren't at a premium, thus allowing Patches to keep his true motives hidden for the time being.

If everyone stayed out of his way, he would do the same, and everyone would get what they want. However, in Patches experience that was rarely the case, which is why his power packs were charged, his datapad was at the ready and the safety was already off his blaster, though it remained holstered for the moment.

With the words, "Here we go!" the first wave was through the door - which Patches obviously wasn't in a rush to do so - and the adrenaline began to start rushing. A grin formed on his lips as he lightly quipped, "Suppose now would be a bad time to mention I hate confrontation?" he chuckled rheotically, drawing his blaster and taking a few cautious steps forward, following others in.
Sullust. Audren had been here before on account of an open spar hosted by Jedi Master Karen Roberts. That spar had taken place on the landing platforms surrounding the Jedi Temple construction site. Now he was here again - Temple completed this time around - accompanying Samantha Roberts and assorted others. Funny how life did things.

How he'd gotten here was an odd story. Not interesting, odd. Kulton Xalrich was a Jedi Knight who had been investigating a terrorist attack inside Coalition space. The trail led to Sullust. Now, Xalrich didn't like the Galactic Alliance, didn't like that people had left the Coalition for the Alliance. He had an obligation to finish his investigation though, so he'd contacted Audren. Work in tandem, get some experience, smooth some talks, et cetera. They'd come from separate areas however, and when Audren had arrived, Xalrich was nowhere to be found and his comm unit went straight to messages. The Padawan had continued with what he knew of the investigation, leading him to a GA HazOp team and then to Captain Thorn. And here he was.

There were four black-armored commandos present along with the Captain and Roberts. A green female - Audren didn't know the species offhand - and a human woman, and a male smuggler were also present, along with Matsu Ike. The Sephi didn't know why Matsu was here, but he wasn't going to complain. She was armed with a gun as well as more traditional Jedi weapons. In like manner, Audren had a heavy blaster pistol holstered at the small of his back and his vibroknife sheathed against his back. His lightsaber, training blade though it may be, was hooked to his utility belt on the right side. And while he didn't trust typical Jedi robes to provide enough protection, he wore a basic set with plastoid gauntlets. No full-on armor this time around, he hadn't been expecting to need it.

A smoky sewer system crawling with bad guys. Why not? The Sephi pulled the blaster pistol and followed the commandos and Roberts on in.

[member="Samantha Roberts"] | [member="Peyton Steele"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Jonathon Patches"]


Disney's Princess
The Sewers
Sullust Subterranean
Room 1 Map

The smoke began to clear as the party entered the winding tunnels of the sewers. It was a cold, murky advance. Dimly lit with a sticky humidity to the air. The large tunnels echoed with the sounds of steam vents, fan turbines, and the rushing of distant waters. Even their footsteps echoed as the GA commandos made their advance to the first intersection. Thorn raced up behind them and peaked around the corner.

"Trip mines in the connecting tunnels. Mm, and Corsairs patrolling the the furnace room. Okay. Looks like this is it."

She turned around to the party and gave a nod,

"Shoot down the trip mines on the walls everybody. Then the commandos and I will turn on our bubble shields and make a fast advance. Cover us and clean up the stragglers. ...Okay. Let's do this people."

Roberts nodded and advanced with the group. They broke their cover of stealth and began rapidly firing at the trip mines on the walls. Frap frap frap. The sound was extreme and the mines exploded with gusto. The smoke swirled, echos cascaded, and the frantic shouting of the Corsairs could heard in the next room. Blaster bolts began to bounce throughout the tunnel as both sides opened fire upon one another.

"Charge!" Thorn shouted.

She and her four soldiers all proc'ed their energy shields and dashed into the breach. Forming a wall from which the Corsairs guns simply reflected and bounced away. Smashing into the walls, the grates, and the hanging vent shafts above. The sound was loud, shuttering, and terrifying.

Sam clutched her lightsaber and dashed up behind the commandos. Leaping onto the walkways of the first room and following the GA soldiers as they swung right. Together they found cover and established a beach head in the room. Returning fire with the endless swarms of pirate smugglers that filtered in from every nook, cranny, and alcove. Lasers went wild and the furnace towers belched black smoke. Up and up and up, the fumes rose. Into an endless black ceiling above.

Roberts ducked behind cover and watched as the room filled with Corsairs. Some being foolish enough to leap into the water below and quickly succumbing to the icy temperatures. She took a big gulp and deflected an incoming round. Trip mines, freezing waters, endless pirates, and blocked doorways. This room seemed quite the deathtrap. Oh dear.

The blaster bolts never stopped flying.


*ooc: first room now open. smash some heads and use the tower consoles to open doors or create electronic hazards for the enemy. 4 consoles must be reactivated to proceed through the doors and into the upper room. enemy spawns will continue at random until the doors open. cheers!

[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Jonathon Patches"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Charlyn Nairne"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Peyton Steele"]
Peyton couldn’t help but feel a bit confused. She knew that Chevu was cute, but the feeling? Was it really quite there? Probably, but it was Peyton, she denied a lot. Especially when it came to feelings. Still, when Little Green showed up, the blonde didn’t notice right away. When the hands came over her eyes, Peyton flinched a little, smiling before reaching up for the hands.

Chevu… She knew who it was, somehow, she wasn’t sure. Hands reached up to the others. “Hey.” She grinned, turning around.

She could probably, and would, had there not been a mission at hand, just look over Chevu. The mission was going to be moving, and when the talk was over, it seemed the commandos were already on the move. “Lets go?” She grinned. What kind of girl invited another to go on a mission like this?

Still, clearing out the riffraff? Good call.

[member="Samantha Roberts"]
[member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Jonathon Patches"]
[member="Chevu Visz"]
Inviting her girl crush to help hunt a suspect in a dank underground sewer deep under Sullust made one thing glaringly obvious.

Chevu seriously lacked game.

Still, it was nice to spend time with Peyton even under these circumstances. When their hands touched it was a little bit electric. When the blonde turned to say hi, Chevu averted her gaze and thrust her hands in the pocket of her jacket. Peyton's grin was much too disarming for that much eye contact. A few awkward moments later, their squad began to mobilize and soon they moved through the tunnel, Chevu's blue blade illuminating their way. Cold sewer water soaked through the Mirialan's boots as both women crept through the murk, almost touching, but not quite. Oh yeah, this was totally romantic.

The Alliance commandos opened up a beachhead ahead of them, and in an instant things became increasingly more chaotic. A criss-cross of blaster fire pierced through the tunnel, and Chevu met the beams with her lightsaber, parrying them away from their squad. A duo of Corsairs advanced on the Jedi Knight, well-worn machetes already bloodied. In two fluid movements of Makashi, Chevu cut them both down, leaving their bisected bodies to sink effortlessly into the sludge.

Was she showing off a bit for the cute blonde? Maybe, but who could blame her?

[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Samantha Roberts"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Jonathon Patches"]
[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Samantha Roberts"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Charlyn Nairne"]

Patches was many things, but a lead by example type he was not. So when Captain Thorn offered to lead the commandos first, they weren't going to hear any objections or alternate plans from Patches. He was all to happy to oblige, and let others take point. I'm not in it for the glory, don't see why I should take it from the others, he justified to himself.

The familiar snap-hiss of a lightsaber being ignited made Patches twitch, the sound bringing all kinds of uneasiness. He repressed a sigh, instead just gripping his own blaster a bit tighter. Not helping matters, was the sound of more light sabers being ignited, followed by their melodramtic hiss, fsccch as they parried incoming blaster fire.

Patches head remained low, following the bubble shields, looking for an exit strategy. At first, he was looking for a branching hallway, but as the frequency of fire increased, a duct, shaft or even janitors closet would start looking mighty tempting. A catwalk above had a couple of corsairs firing down below on the lean commandos, and while at this point Patches was pretty indifferent to their well-being, he wasn't too keen on losing their shields either.

A quick glance at the power pack in his blaster showed it was fully charged, and a deep exhale calmed his nerves as he trained his blaster on his would be victims. Three, two, one... he counted down, and then released several shots in their direction catching the one on the left square in the chest on his first shot. The second was less elegant, catching his target in the shoulder and foot in between a few errant shots, but effective none the less. A bit rusty, he mused to himself, might want to avoid conflict whenever possible.

To do that, though, he would have to get to one of those consoles... the consoles that seemed to have about a couple of dozen or so less than friendly targets between him and there. Sithspit, he mused to himself.

"Suppose they wouldn't be very open to negotiation at this point?" he asked with a chuckle, before firing off a few more shots.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Samantha Roberts"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Jonathon Patches"]

Matsu was moving carefully and letting her senses expand outwards while she noticed the others but well what the two were doing wasn't her concern. The small feelings of something wasn't hers to pry as they were going in deeper and at the ready. She observed the commandos and the padawan who was there as her eyes flicked to the man speaking. "No sadly not." Negotiation was something she wished to see, seemed it was always on the table but violence was essential and conflict. It kept her attention on many things while she followed watching the commando's move in then took position behind them.

The room she was moving in now and watching enemies pour in. One hand launching out while she grabbed at their weapons to pull them to herself and crouching low she jumped to the side. Rolling as she slid the force gun into the holster on her hip before popping up into the air as a stream of flame erupted from hands and feet. Now was a chance to practice more of her skills before launching a foot out towards one of the things coming at them. Flames arcing out to impact their chests while she was moving backwards into another crouch spreading her arms out with a blue shimmer in front for a moment until it went greenish becoming a wall that was being kicked into the enemy getting them to pause and flinch before the illusion broke with Matsu taking the moment to senf an arc of pink energy that left them convulsing on the floor.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

It was like watching a fireworks display. A dizzying array of lights, flames and sith knows what erupted from one of the Jedi. It was as dizzying as it was beautiful, mesmerizing and fierce. It was everything you had read, heard about or seen from Jedi; a power that eluded lesser peons like Patches and those that weren't blessed with some mystical voodoo power like the force.

As an ark of pink energy lept from the Jedi and subdued their enemy, all Patches could do was look at his blaster, then glance at the Jedi, and then look back at his blaster with a mild case of disappointment.

I karkin hate Jedi... he mused to himself, firing off a few more pot shots that seemed to make more a pew pew sound, now more than ever.


Disney's Princess
Patches was not the only one alone in thinking that [member="Matsu Ike"] and [member="Chevu Visz"] were absolutely killing it. Two of the GA commandos gave Thorn a look of complete disbelief. Corsair bodies were being bisected and thrown into the waters below. Still sizzling from the cut. If the poor soldiers could have said anything in reply, well... It probably would have been: kark me.

Even the Corsairs seemed to notice that their intruders were no mere smugglers. Their eyes went wide as many of them began to flee in terror. One even stumbled back into the trip mines along the outer tunnels and got himself cut clean in half by the mine's plasma spray. Still others tried frantically to climb back up the walls from whence they came. After all. Pirates don't fight Jedi. Pirates fought cripples, babies, and lonesome doves. Not commandos, secret agents, or unicorn wielding space mages. This was insane to them. Utterly insane.

The blaster fire became only more intense and more sporadic as the pirates fled for their lives. Fear gripped the enemy and common sense became a superfluous, fleeting commodity. In sudden surprise one pirate even jumped down right in front of Patches! Only then, to turn and flee in abject terror. Running from the undercover agent as if Patches was the devil himself. Nigh, worse. A space God.

And yes. There was throngs of enemy forces still descending upon our heroes. However, there was also a complete throng of enemy forces now blinding running from them as well. Ha! Leaving the pirate's poor reinforcements in a stupor of thought and wonder. Wait? Are we being raiding by the police? Why is everybody running away? Their confused looks lasting only long enough to catch a deflected blaster bolt right to the face. Frap! Dead.


Sam grimaced as another Corsair's chest exploded with white sparks and then came sailing over the railings. Splashing magnificently into the watery abyss below. ...Ouch. Space mages. Gods how I hate them...

"I love them!" Thorn remarked gleefully, "Move up! Let's make these tastards pay!"

...Erm. Or not.
Yep, those were definitely sewers. Water on the floor, a heavy humidity in the was a wonder the place wasn't fogged up. Then again, breathing in evaporated sewer remnants. Bah, no thanks. He'd take humidity over that any day. These weren't the quiet sewers of some nice village either, these were the lines of a major city and it showed. Steam vents - he stayed away from those - and turbines and distant open water lines all added to the noise levels. Even their footsteps were louder than normal, Audren could actually hear his own, but the distant noises no doubt covered them from any but close observers.

Then came the first intersection. The commandos, by far the liveliest of the bunch, made it there and stopped. Captain Thorn turned to give them a quick sitrep. Trip mines on the wall, shoot them down. Fair enough. Commandos go ahead with shields, get a foothold. Good plan. And off they went. Audren got two or three shots off, definitely hitting two of the mines, before the resulting ruckus hit him. By then though, the commandos were through and Sam, lightsaber ignited, was rushing after them. They swung right at the first bend in the walkways and found cover, stopping there. Through the blaster bolts still screaming through the tunnel, Audren was able to see the general room. It was big for a sewer room, definitely larger than he'd expected. And it was filling up fast, both with Corsairs and blaster bolts. Time to join the fray.

The others had the same idea. The green woman was some sort of Force user, and she used her lightsaber to good effect against blaster bolts and beings both. The smuggler-person shot at pirates on a catwalk who were putting the commandos in a crossfire; a fairly basic response, if effective. Matsu was a virtual light show in motion: red-orange flames, blue and green illusions, followed by some sort of pink energy that left a group of pirates on the floor. Seeing that proved to be a breaking point for many of the Corsairs in the room; they turned and ran with wild abandon.

And Audren hadn't even gotten off a shot yet.

Those pirates that weren't running scared were clustered near consoles of some sort and wore grim looks. They didn't like what they were up against, but they would stay regardless. The nearest console...yea, he could make that. Without pausing to reconsider, the Sephi hurtled out of the sewer tunnel and onto the grating at a full sprint. He didn't turn, he went straight ahead at the dead end, simply gathering speed and momentum. His last step was more of a jump, putting his right foot up on the rail just at the corner. He continued from there, putting all the force he could generate and all his momentum into the leap, then adding some Force power too.

With the Force, he easily cleared the space and landed on his feet on the grating. The pirates there had been shooting at the commandos and more importantly, not paying attention to the flying Sephi. Not until there was the loud sound of him landing at least. As he landed, the vibroblade was in hand and powered. A single arcing strike from right to left sliced through the barrels of both guns, and a continuation of the strike turned into a spinning kick that dropped one instantly. The other didn't take the hint and pulled out a vibroknife of his own. The Padawan didn't parry the blade, he parried the hand, sending it one direction and the pirate back a step in shock. Another kick pushed the man over the railing and into the water below with a splash. This, of course, had the result of attracting the attention of other pirates, and he soon realized that jumping out ahead of the commandos - even if they were on the same side of the room - probably hadn't been the best-thought move he could have made.

His solution was a catwalk much like the one smuggler-person had shot at. It wasn't much, but it did provide a bit of cover against those below. Like the fool he was though, he didn't run back towards the safety of the soldiers, he ran forward towards the back end of the room. He shot as he ran, making himself more than just a moving target.

[member="Samantha Roberts"] | [member="Peyton Steele"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Jonathon Patches"]
Peyton was a bit confused by the invite, but still, there was a job to be done, and she was here with others. And Chevu. That was a weird feeling. Was she supposed to be this nervous-excited when hunting through Sullust’s sewers? She shook her head. There was a lot of room here, and she could probably start hitting people, but with the lightsabers?

She was going to take a few shots, trying to thin the herd, not that it was needed too badly with everyone around. Watching Chevu, Peyton swallowed hard before turning her eyes back to Sam and Patches. The blonde was apparently having issues with her head. Why was concentrating so hard?

Hopefully if it came time to change, she’d be able to direct her wrath a bit more… intelligently. The blonde was lost.


She was nervous for those around her.

[member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Samantha Roberts"]
[member="Jonathon Patches"]
[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Chevu Visz"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Samantha Roberts"] [member="Jonathon Patches"] [member="Chevu Visz"]

There was more going on now, the others fighting or moving to the computers the corsairs were at down here while Matsu kicked off a wall and spun around sending a burst of force energy to trip one of the men charging and running at them down. She could see the others retreating before grabbing a piece of metal while she swung to toss herself into the air wrapping her legs around his head. The teras kasi training letting her engage them in hand to hand as she pushed the force into her limbs. The muscles tense while ready before squeezing and flipping backwards with the one going end over end.

Matsu had her fingers in the grating for a moment keeping her grip as she climbed up crouching lower and looking at a pair near one of the computers. Their eyes locking as the two seemed fearful in the force for a moment and she charged with a burst of speed and chanting to herself. A green glow under the palms and soles of her shoes while she gripped the walls almost running across them like one of the gaping spiders from Dathomir while she moved along the area to grab one of them and holding him with her legs on his head. Her hands went to the grab the other one and hold his arms while twisting with a chop to his throat.


Disney's Princess
Moving forward.

The first room was well busy as the heroes and soldiers kept the enemy forces occupied. Now the time for everybody to spread out and start activating consoles to open up the interior doors. Sam moved to one of the 3 consoles in the center room and began opening up the interface. It was time to see what fun could be had with the computer systems now.

Interesting? Not only could she unlock the doors to the further rooms but she could also create venting hazards in this room currently. Mm. Might have to try roasting some corsairs? Let's see. Block off this vent and then release the lava steam into this pipe. Bingo! Now she had cut off an avenue of enemy reinforcements. Nice!

Thorn noticed the effect and shouted into her com,

"Okay people. We've got a blast door down the left side we need to open. Spread out and find me a console to unlock the doors. Roberts believes there are 4 locking mechanisms we need to release to move up. Let's get it done people."

The soldiers nodded and separated into two groups to hunt for the computers. The corsairs remained as resistance in good number but were well shaken if not fleeing all together down adjacent pipes.

[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Jonathon Patches"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Audren Sykes"] @Peyton Steele
One of the Pirates descended from Sith knows where, before Patches, as both stared at each other for a moment, a startled look on each other's faces. The pirate blinked first, and Patches did his best roar impression, which sent the pirate off in terror, yelling profanities as he fled the hectic scene.

"Huh... Usually have that effect more on women" he quipped with a grin, flicking his blaster over to stun, he fired a shot that hit the fleeing pirate in the back. "Apparently my ability to repel transcends gender," he said with a shrug and chuckle.

As further orders were given - a bit bossy in Patches' opinion, if anyone was asking - Patches followed the left team, providing cover fire as he shuffled from behind, wanting to get near one of those terminals, and let his slicing skills begin to take over. An errant shot the escaped the soldier's shields told Patches that patience was a virtue. No need to be a hero Patches, he told himself. Heroes are just dead people with really big statues, he reminded himself.

[member="Samantha Roberts"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Chevu Visz"]
They just kept shooting. The first wave had run, but the second was either less reticent or more bloodthirsty. They simply kept coming, more and more of them dropping down the walls. There was enough blasterfire coming from above that the Sephi really couldn't justify staying on the catwalk any longer, he was getting fewer bolts from below than above. But he couldn't stop, that would invite a dozen blasters to converge on him. Instead he leaped out to the left and forward, stretching out with his right hand as he did. That hand snagged a cable holding up the catwalk and served as a focal point to swing him around back towards the grating pathway running underneath the catwalk.

The Padawan landed with a roll, dropping his empty blaster as he did and popping up with unlit lightsaber in hand. Five meters away was a right-angle turn though, with more pirates along the back wall. Just before he hit the turn, his right foot came up to the first railing at knee-level and kicked off. His left foot hit the top rail along the back wall - just above hip-level - and also kicked off as he leaned to his left. Thus was he able to keep going at speed and avoid the pirate poised to shoot him down as he skidded around the bend. A 'tap' to the back of the head with the base of his lightsaber hilt pushed the man towards the wall, knocking his head there. Unconscious. And now Audren was running along the rear wall's grating, lightsaber and knife both out, moving quickly.

All the while his comlink squawked unheard from his belt.

[member="Samantha Roberts"] | [member="Peyton Steele"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Jonathon Patches"]


Disney's Princess
It took time but finally all of the computers were located and activated. Sealing off the pirates entry points and opening the second series of doors that lead further into the complex. Thanks to presence of many active heroes, the Corsairs had nary stood a chance. Thorn and her boys were mighty impressed.

Everybody stopped for air at the next junction and the Commander gave a few words,

"Darn fine job people. Wizards. Shooters. Wow. I never expected this much resistance from a cell of Corsairs. But you heroes are more than up for the job. Didn't even lay a scratch on us? Impossible."

The commandos nodded and she gave the company a grand wave,

"My boys and I are going to set up here and call in for reinforcements. We'll hold this tunnel and have Roberts here sweep out the last of the mines will Lieutenant Miller. This is a good place to take a breather people. Restock on items and catch your breath. We'll move up again soon."

Sam nodded to the instructions given. This was a good time to reshuffle the deck and catch a quick break. Plenty of fight left for everybody too. She stood to one side and made herself available for conversation. Just in case anybody wanted a moment to talk.

Thorn and her boys hit the radio and setup a parameter at the second doors. This fight wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon.


ooc: break time, reshuffle.

[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Jonathon Patches"] [member="Audren Sykes"]

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