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Approved Species Stakerals

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Male and Female Stakerals
(Female art by biov xen of DeviantART.)
(Male art by 3d fantasy art)

Name: Stakerals
Designation: Sentient,
Homeworld: Coralius
Language: Many of them speak their native dialects, however the most known one is Tiatiel. But many Stakerals in the capital of Corzel speaks the Common Language for business and speak it pretty well, differentiating themselves from their other kin outside of the capital.
Average height of adults: For Males, they can grow to be about six foot, and females seem to grow about five foot eight. However, depending on the tribe, females can grow much taller than males, but this is only according to the majour cities that are around their homeworld, as the majority is around this.
Skin color: Stakerals are mostly pale, with some being a bit more darker in the common light skin tone like humans.
Hair color: Stakerals are a largely white haired species, where many are born with white hair, but some can be born with different shades of white and sometimes platinum blonde, but this is rare.
Breathes: Type 1
Skilled Duelists - Stakerals aren't idiots when it comes to fighting. Infact, they've been pretty trained well for a combat situation. Though regulars are not as good as a master force user, their fighting can indeed be something of use to help keep themselves alive.
Honourable - Stakerals are known for their honour, and would usually never kill an opponent whom is good at fighting. As such, it would be against their way to waste their blade on a pointless kill that gave them a good fight.
Force Sensitive - Stakerals are highly force sensitive these days, due to more and more being born. Though not that common, it's beginning to grow more common, and many Stakerals are starting to use the force to fight, which explains why they are much more skilled duelists than they were before the Force Sensitive Baby Boom.
Quick Reflexes - Even without the force, they are very fast to respond to any combat situation when something is about to hit them and are always ready for action. Their nerves send fast signals to their brain when this is about to occur.
Less Defensive - Since Stakerals are great fighters, they usually focus on their blade more than they defend themselves. Thus, they are more lightly armed if anything. They don't particularly find it useful to have defense if they have a fantastic offense, thus making them vulnerable to leave their defenses open.
Skin Sensitive - Stakeral skin is known to be sensitive. Bleeding can feel twice as worse than normal, and sharpness can be pretty painful when felt on their skin. This is namely due to their quick reflexes, and their nerves always at work.
Hollow Bones - The bones of a Stakeral are pretty hollow due to their fast speed. The fact that their cartilgainous of their skeleton leaves their bones, it can make their bones pretty easy to break and it isn't a very good thing for them in the long run for many things.
Lanky - The fact that a Stakeral is more lankier than other species due to their fast speed and agility, it's natural that they're much physically weaker than others. Even if they display as strong warriors, they could be defeated easier than humans.
Sunlight Cancer - Some suns around the galaxy can provide a rather majour hindrance to their skin, and can be dangerous for their skin in the long run if exposed too often. That is usually why they wear highly protective clothing to protect themselves from the dangers of some of the suns around The galaxy.

Distinctions: Stakerals are usually described as a skinny-looking yet athletic race. They usually have slight muscle showing, but this is due to the skin hiding it quite well. There are a few Stakerals who can grow pretty strong and muscular, but they are usually rare. Many Stakerals have faint scars on them to symbolize their tribal marks. Different parts of the body as marked in a certain way, pattern or shape.
Average Lifespan: Stakerals can live 130-140 Galactic Standard Years, and can live for a long time. The signs of aging namely comes from their eyes fainting in colour and their skin beginning to sag. Their hair also shows signs of decaying as it no longer has the natural flow, and looks more naturally messy, no matter how well kept it is.
Bleached - Most Common
Slight Bleached - Rare
Slightly Peach - Real rare. Usually close to Humans.
Peach - Real Rare. Usually seen between breeds of Human and Stakeral.

Estimated Population: It's estimated that over 10-12 Billion Stakerals exist in the galaxy alone, with several hundred million living in other planets, making them a minority in the galaxy.
Diet: They can eat mostly anything that comes up to their plates. The most poisonous food to them would be anything made out of something toxic such as wild mushrooms and such. The most poisonous fruit on their planet, the Shulpple is hazardous to them.
Communication: Their communication comes from their mouths via vocal cords just like most other humanoids. They usually click their tongues when speaking certain languages of their tribe, and snap their fingers when speaking too when it’s in their language. They also seem to gesture allot considering that some languages are are pretty based on hand communication.
Culture: It usually depends on where you go and who you talk to when it comes to Stakeral culture. While many of them live in another planet, assimiliated to their culture, traditional Stakeral culture is mostly tribalistic much like other native planets. The mentality of the tribal Stakerals are a little different than one might think. Other than hunting and gathering, as well as their traditional dances, Tribal Stakerals tend to also maintain their own small defense force, as well as forging metals to shape into different types of materials that would serve them well, such as perfumes, weapons, cooking supplies and such. Tribal Stakerals believes that Slavery is a majour taboo, and frowns upon any one of their kin practicing it. It also depends on what type of clothing the Stakerals wear. Some wear little clothing while some others wear heavier clothing to keep warm. But many also choose to take in clothes donated to them which are usually from Corzel or another majour city.

As for Stakerals whom are outside of the Tribal culture, they tend to be much more different if anything. In more civilized societies, Stakerals usually much more of a industrious, militaristic and trading culture rather than the hunter gatherer crafting culture as they grew up in. Civilized Stakerals do not normally wear tribal clothing unless it's for some sort of celebration or such. They tend to focus more or less on the culture of their own as they adapt to the culture that is around them and such. They usually see the tribal Stakerals as "uncivilized" and "savage" as Civilized Stakerals usually see themselves as a higher class, and therefore, tribal ones are usually seen in more poorer sections of cities and planets.

There is several celebrations that usually happen. Of course, the Stakerals do celebrate Republic Day and several other Galactic holidays, but they also celebrate something known as Warrior Day, which celebrates and commemorates the greatest heroes of their people. The list changes from time to time, and the one whom had a significant impact on their people is the person of honour that gets the most attention. The celebrations are celebrated with Stakerals wearing their traditional military uniforms and such.
Technology level: As a whole, Stakerals have a medium to low technology level, as many are trying to still find their ways in the galaxy. If anything, the Stakerals tend to go from spears and swords to primitive semi-automatics that fire bullets and not blaster ammunition. As such, they do not really have the advantage when it comes to their species being invaded by others.
General behavior: The Stakerals behaviour usually depends on where you go. Usually, they’ll adapt to whatever culture that they appear on, so Coruscanti Stakeralss of course, would act like Coruscanti people or Tatooinian Stakeralss will act like a Tatooinian. But on their home planet, tribal Stakeralss usually depend. Some are open to outsiders, while some are hostile to them. In Corzel and their majour cities, they tend to be polite and reasonable.
History: Stakerals appeared long ago on their planet. None really know well on how Stakerals managed to become the dominant species of their planet, but researchers had determined that they had evolved from a primate that existed on their planet long ago that is now extinct. Their evolution had involved them becoming more adapt to their planet and later, became hunter and gatherers. Corzel was possible founded years ago, but none can really spectatate on how the city was found, but the ruins determined it was over eight thousand to ten thousand years Before the Battle of Yarvin. Stakerals became members of the Republic upon discovery and many treaties tha took place, most notably the Treaty of Corzel in 1000BBY, and had held their own seat in the Galactic Senate.

The Stakerals participated in the Rebel Alliance upon rise of the Galactic Empire. The Battle of Coralius was one of the last battles in the Middle Rim for the Rebels. Many Stormtroopers held the area but with the assistance of Stakeralian Tribes and other allied forces, Imperial Presence was eradicated from the planet and was used as a forward base to Coruscant. Since, the Stakeral people had been functioning members of the New Republic, and became the Capital of the New Republic during elections of the New Republic System.

The Gulag Plague was also a majour problem for the Stakerals, as many fell sick and died from this plague. As such, precautions were taken by the race, such as having their villages that were on their homeplanet quarrentined and many had left the affected systems during this plague. However, they eventually gained help from the Republic and the plague has many treated from this all. Since, the Stakerals lost contact with the Outer Rim, and most of their allies that had been along with it. The plague had been one of the more tragic things that the Stakerals had ever faced with a grand total of 4 billion people, which was most of the population of them at the time.

Years after the Gulag Plague, the Stakerals rebuilt from the sickness that had caused from the Gulag Plague with new immunities to it, and now, the majour threat was no more to the Stakerals, allowing them to re-populate and grow large once more. However, things are different for the Stakerals. No longer having their plant being apart of the Republic, many of them went separate ways, and their race being neutral from the other factions in the galaxy. But even peace can't really last with the race as they were just about to enjoy it. In 837ABY, the threat of the corrupt Kwa Princess begun to slaughter a good million Stakerals and such. Many Stakeral Champions volunteered to assist to fight her and such, however, she did eventually hauled the invasion, once again, bringing peace for the Stakerals.

However, good news is not always good news. The Stakerals had faced yet another majour fear, and this time, it's probably the most scariest thing they had to encounter since the Galactic Empire. Coruscant was sacked by the Sith and now, the main Stakeral nation had begun to take up opportunities to help improve themselves and vyed for their own ambitions of power and stability, although they know defiantly they can't face anyone properly with the current state their people are on their homeworld. More force sensitive Stakerals are being born, which is bringing prominent hope for the species as a whole.

Notable Player-Characters: None at the moment
Intent: The race was actually intended to populate Coralius with something other than humans, and maybe give a chance to make a interesting intractable Middle Rimmer species to interact with in addition to some opportunities and variation of races on the site. In addition, having an albino race might actually be pretty interesting to see, especially if they have natural long hair.

I tried my best to describe the entire species. I have been worn ALL day trying to do things with them and well... this is what I got.
Alright so a few things:

Prone to Anger - Stakerals are also known to be quite violent when a certain thing in their life happens, and they’re triggered enough to remember that very event. If it’s mocked in any way, they can get pretty angry very easily, and that is something that makes them quite dangerous, yet makes them stronger. However, they are more prone to getting killed easily due to them losing most of their senses of training. More skilled individuals take longer to fall, but still.
Stars Burning Skin - A handful of Stakerals when not on their native planet, and in a more hotter planet is prone to have their skin feel injured by the damage of the UV rays from that star. Force Sensitive Stakerals seem to not have a problem with this, but the non-Force Sensitive ones do, due to the calcium that their skin has.
These weaknesses aren't sufficient enough to equal the strengths you have set up. Think of it in a PvP setting the Stakerals are excellent runners, and good duelists. What clear weaknesses do Stakerals have that will come into play in a PvP setting?

Estimated Population: A large chunk of their population lives on their homeworld of Coralius, but there are a few who live in the Inner Rim, though in minority. They are more commonly found where there is trade routes and such.
For population I need an estimated number.

Culture: The Stakeral culture usually composes of traditional warrior-like cultures and tribalistic culture outside of Corzel. Certain tribes are either Matriarchal or Patriarchal, some are gender segregated in forms of Fraternal or Sororal societies. Therefore, it would be a bit weird to visit Corzel or any majour city on their planet to meet the opposite gender but still something. As warriors in the tribal culture, they are also taught how to read and study, in addition to practice with whatever blade they are given. Concentration is a key part of their cultural dynamic. Therefore, many Stakeralss are intelligent. In Corzel and large cities, they are much different. Instead of growing up to be warriors, the majour cities instead teach them knowledge and later, combat. Therefore, many do graduate from being a warrior, but being very well aware of their enemy’s movements. They also wear more clothing than the tribalistic people do, as well as carry on any culture that comes into their cities.
Expand on this. Culture is what gives this species character, and with a tribal culture theres plenty for you to get another paragraph here.

Technology level: The technology level usually depends on where you go. In their homeworld, Stakeralss vary from primitive with spears, to powerful modern technology. Many raiders usually salvage old blasters and such, and use them against their enemies, and thus, making them a stronger tribe. In cities, galactic modern technology is used, and many are equipped with Blasters and various of modern technology. Again, this matters if they are outside of the planet, as they will adapt to any technology that is there.
This is all over the place. Narrow this down to what technological level they are by default as a people. If they're very primitive on their homeworld, and still expanding into the galaxy they'll be at a primitive/low technological level.

History: Stakeralss appeared thousands of years ago, and legends say that the firsts Stakerals was infact, not what modern Stakeralss appear like today, but more looking like a human with white hair. No one is quite certain on how they became to be, but Stakeralss started off as nomadic peoples until a few hundred years later, where they finally begun to settle and form settlements. Noteable Stakerals architecture includes their Grand Academy, and several other structures in ruins. First real contact with Stakerals was about 500 years before the Battle of Yarvin and eventually, their home planet became apart of the Galactic Republic in 485 BBY. The Stakeralss were strong supporters of the Rebel Alliance, and many of them joined against Emperor Palpatine and were also apart of sevearl battles, including the Battle of Yarvin. Much about the Stakerals’s past history is unknown to this day, but many are still researching about them every day, and finding more and more things, not only in the tribes, but in their majour cities as well on their home planet.
I need you to add the Gulag Plague and the Netherworld Event to the history.

Intent: Mostly with the intent on expanding the Star Wars universe and adding on to the thousands of species that are here. In addition, the Stakeralss will be proven useful with their combat ability in the military of either side, and maybe have some fun on their planet, since it’s full of mysteries and secrets, and treasures of course. Their planet namely is something to observe, and also, maybe to provide some challenge for any Jedi or Sith whom want to challenge these people. A good fight, but not insanely hard, but enough.
This section needs some more working too. Both in the Star Wars universe and on Chaos it is chalk full of human/near human species that have been created. What sets the Stakerals apart from the other near human species? What is it about the Stakerals that will make them a unique addition to Chaos different than what we've seen?

Hello again- apologies for another huge block of fail

I was so tired when I was working on this one, and obviously, I've been really busy so I had to make a basic template before going under review.

I'll start working on this one first and soon as possible.
[member="Darth Prazutis"] Okay, updated. Sorry if it took a few days. I was busy. But now I had time to finish this and their home planet!

Hopefully everything looks okay now.

Lightly Armed - Stakerals are more or less lightly armed instead of wearing heavy armour due to them needing to run away fast. If they wear anything heavier than their own weight, their fast running will not really be that effective. If anything, they have to stay with more lighter weight armour if they are to even have that advantage to them.
Sensitive Skin - Although they have pretty human skin, their skin is pretty sensitive too due to it being pale and light. Some sharp things might feel a bit more sharper than what another humanoid might feel it. Due to this, their skin can make them feel pain much easier than humans. Although it's not that bad, it's still quite bothersom.
Cocky - Since Stakerals think of themselves as great warriors, they always get themselves cocky when fighting with their pride overtaking them too often. This can be trouble in the long run as this can easily get them killed.
Unstable when Running - Stakerals are great runners, but with all of that running, they can easily forget to have their balance above all else, and have a higher risk of falling over when running for a long amount of time, tripping easier, which indeed, can be troubling, not to mention, embarrassing.
So again these weaknesses like cocky, lightly armed are character weaknesses. I need legitimate weaknesses that come into play in a PvP setting. Let me give you some examples. A lot of species such as winged hybrids that fly have hollow bones, other agile species tend to be shorter and skinnier, and biologically are weaker than humans. For each strength you have there should be an equal opposite weakness to balance the scales.
Less Defensive - Since Stakerals are great fighters, they usually focus on their blade more than they defend themselves. Thus, they are more lightly armed if anything. They don't particularly find it useful to have defense if they have a fantastic offense, thus making them vulnerable to leave their defenses open.
Letting the Enemy Go - Stakerals are honourable beings, and since they are, they usually let almost anyone go since they can't have the guts to kill them unless their mind is covered by the dark side. Therefore, this can be a majour disadvantage since they're giving their enemy time to lick their wounds and become even stronger on their next encounter, which can or cannot be dangerous for them.
Skin Sensitive - Stakeral skin is known to be sensitive. Bleeding can feel twice as worse than normal, and sharpness can be pretty painful when felt on their skin. This is namely due to their quick reflexes, and their nerves always at work.
Short - Stakerals can sometimes grow tall, but that is quite rare. Most of them are quite short, at around 5'4-5'6, and tall Stakerals are usually hard to find around the Galaxy. Tall Stakerals can be around 6'5 at maximum. This is however, a bit more common off planet or in tribes than their majour cities.
Anger-filled - Probably one of the more challenging things for an aspiring Stakeral Jedi is controlling their massive amount of anger and hatred inside of them. The warrior-like mentalities of the race can really put a toll on a Stakeral, and make them very aggressive and violent when fighting. Things like this could be the core reason why a Sith might be super interested in these new Stakeral Force Users.
Sure I can help you out.

So this is a pretty good start. In terms of weaknesses I'm looking for biological weaknesses, weaknesses player characters cannot control in combat. Most of these are personality-character weaknesses.

Righty. What do you suggest? What do you think would be a good weakness? I really can't think of any to be honest. It's kinda hard for me to think.

[member="Darth Prazutis"]
Sure, heres a few ideas. [member="Sereniama"]

  • Hollow Bones. While they're exceptionally agile the cartilaginous of their skeleton leaves their bones hollow and very easy to break.
  • Some sort of incredible susceptibility to disease. You could have them as a species be plagued by powerful cancers of the skin and such, due to their pale skin that often kills them.
  • Skin sensitive works for the most part.
  • You could also add that due to being lanky and designed for speed, they're as a fault weaker than other human species and generally opponents are going to be stronger than them
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