Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech SSC Signet Ring

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Factory Judge

Image Source: Ring site
Intent: A special ring given to members of the SSC as a special reward.
Development Thread: Aquiring said force crystals
Manufacturer: SSC, Carrison Tech and Fashion
Model: SSC Signet Ring
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Electrum, Diatium, Force Crystal
A ring forged from the fires of the Jedi way, The signet ring is very different from most other rings. Using the coveted Electrum as a symbol of accomplishment, as well as Mastery, The ring is given to the highest of awards to members who prove themselves worthy. While the ring is simple in design, it is more complicated by the items it is made from. Crushed down to a powder, Force crystals were then invested into the metal. The crystalline structure effectively turning this ring into a personal Force battery. Housing a small amount of the force within the ring.

The amount of force stored within the crystals is very small. Enough to give a small boost should the wearer be low on strength, or close to fatigue. It can only hold enough for a quick pick-me-up.
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The people who may receive this item can choose to not accept it, or give it to someone else.

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