Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Splinter of the Mind's Eye


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.



"We're Preparing to land General..."

Those words beat at the at edge of her ear, she heard them but they hadn't enough weight to pull her attention. She was entering her final mission before she returned back to Exis, it had been a long 6 month campaign that kept her from amongst things she was familiar with. Her body jolted forward; turbulence. They were finally breaking through the atmosphere and she immediately felt the pit in her stomach.

This was unlike the other missions, this one she had to handle herself for it was also a battle she fought internally. Some might call it a suicide mission but she was one of few who could actually do it.

"Thank you..."

these soft words escaped her lips just after a shallow breath. Her eyes slowly opened and her head snapped in the direction of circular window. She laid eyes on the environment of was dark, and for the moment seemed highly familiar. Her mind left her for a second.

In her head, memories that had been recorded and locked away were revealed to her. A figure...on a bridge...exotic. A cerulean blade lit her mind on fire, and the smell of ozone filled her nostrils. This was O'reen. A campaign she participated in during her youth as a Padawan learner; a student under Master Ru.

Then just as she began to realize, suddenly darkness befell her minds eye. Within a second she was on Felucia...and nothing but bodies of natives laid in her path. Their bodies were marked for there was evidence of lightsaber wounds. Though just as she realized who was so closely tied to these beings she was taken to Endregaad and just beside her was the blurry appearance of what could have been [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"].

There was the smell of blood as that planet had been turned into a battleground at the behest of someone who she admired; a paragon to her. A convocation organized to end those who walked similar paths. Her hand began to tense up and thus grow tired from gripping the bar that held her frame in place. When the ship landed, she snapped out of her trance.

The doors opened and she was hit with a wave of humid air typical of jungles. The atmosphere was eerie; this was typical of things engulfed in darkness. The Jedi Master strapped in her flak jacket and let out a long breath before stepping down onto the surface. Then her appearance took on one that spoke of ferocity. This was striking contrast between whom she was in general...but it was necessary.

Catching the tainted energy that use to be the bond she shared she knew where she needed to go. And just then, she knew her presence was expected. Suddenly the jungle around her fell silent, it was a loud silence that felt entirely empty. She turned to her subordinate,

"If I am not back within the specified time frame...Contact Master DragonsFlame. He'll know what to do."

Her words were strong as any superior's would be. Though to fail now would mean everything she had fought for these past 6 months were for nothing. Her mission as a Jedi wouldn't allow such things to come to past. This was something she should have done in the beginning.

She entered the forest following her senses, and the fragments of a bond built a long time ago but recently shattered.

[member="Sochi Ru"]
It was such a quiet thing to fall...

Once at the peak of all she knew, and then suddenly she fell. No one heard it...No one expected it. Not even she. All she had left were scars, possibly the only thing that was not an illusion. For years she had lived her life in service of something that she cannot understand. For that reason...she can only pass judgement on what she has seen it do up until now. The very thing she wielded, the very thing that connected her to everything else, she now saw as the enemy.


Her exotic voice cut through the silence. The humidity had caused her skin to grow in moisture, and just as she sat in this cove, she knew that the time had come. Yes, she knew one would not be able to kill an entity such as the Force...but there were things that one could do to cause dysfunction. A dysfunction that could pull others down a dangerous path and eventually create a ripple for what she dreamed of. Her stints were intentional...even when she was subject to mental outburst she sat within the crevices of her mind broken; she watched.

No, she did not attempt to stop it. Why? because it felt right at the time. It was an action she could see the logic behind. Though she had been subject to this pain alone here on Vendaxa after attempting to hurt those she knew and those they hated. For she saw error in both. Before she was acting on impulses and urges she could not control; it was out of anger and hatred. Now her mental outburst had become predictable. Solitude was worth it. Though it pained her to know that she hurt those that she was on her quest to help.

Sochi had always been a perceptive one, those were the words of Aika Kawakami...She knew someone would come for her. This person she saw was that of a face she knew when it was much younger. The last Grandmaster...

It was time for her to answer for her crimes so that they all could begin to deal with the pain they felt. However much that was the current goal...she had yet to reconcile with the very thing that sent her spiraling down this path in the first place. Maybe they would learn to coexist after all was said and done.

The Togruta sat in the center of this cove, her attire was the same since Endregaad: Tribal, Ceremonial. Once a Jedi Master known to some others for her strength in the Force...and now possibly known to those as a symbol of betrayal. It was a different type of evil. A product of the Sith...but nothing like it. It was something of the contrast.


"The last of the Grandmasters seeks me out...I'm aware that this is the next chapter of both of our stories."

The Togruta spoke out, just as she felt the presence of the women grow in strength. She was here, cutting through the darkness. Standing a few feet away her. With a deep breath she stood to her feet and turned to face this woman.


Her words held knowledge, knowledge of their relationship and knowledge of how it all fell apart. There was nothing but silence for them both. All they could do was stare at what they use to mean to each other.

"I'm glad you didn't wait for [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and [member="Coci Heavenshield"] to send you. You came at your own accord...I suspect you have questions. To them? I will try to provide answers."

[member="Shmi Labooda"]


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
Her strides had grown in length, and with proper running form she was able to gain moderate speed. Aided by force-augmented acrobatics she was able to traverse multiple obstacles that could have halted her advance. Her body became hot like her resolve and thus in combination with the humidity permeating the jungle air her skin too grew in moisture as her clothing became slightly saturated. With a well timed slap of her hand against a rigid trunk, the muscles in her arm tensed and she was able to hold her weight up for a brief moment before smoothly gliding over it and landing on the other side. She landed in a crouched position and then she looked up into the abyss of fog that was generated by the jungle.

Of course her destination was far, and yes she covered ground as quickly as someone like her could but for the sake of story we'll only dwell in the juicy stuff.

Pouncing back up from the ground she went for it again, and all she heard break silence was the rustling and crack of the foliage beneath her boot, and those that cracked from her body colliding with them. Though with time she would be able to break through the veil of darkness that led to the other side. This was her destination. Before she even realized she had tracked her prey.

"Now what?"

This is what she thought as her inner voice narrated it all. She stood just within the darkness of what hung and could only shroud her appearance. Just ahead she saw the figure of the Togrutan women she had been searching for. She sat in what seemed to be meditation. However, Shmi had a knack for seeing situations as they were and as much as this one was blurry as fate made it she knew her former master was well aware of her presence.

So she stepped forward, standing slightly to the left of the woman's back but much in the distance. If you were looking at Shmi from where Sochi was you would see the silhouette but a shrouded face.

"The last of the Grandmasters?"

Her inner voice narrated, I suppose one could look at it in such a manner as she was the last elected Grandmaster before the Order disbanded officially and became what it was now. Though it was surely a title that was likely not to stick. She mentioned the Heavenshields...

"The Coalition has great leaders...and while many of your crimes lay within their jurisdiction of space. This was personal as much as it was sanctioned."

Then silence befell them for the moment as the Jedi Master blurred the lines between her duty and the memory of what she had. Her face showed no emotion as she had already prepared herself for where this was to lead. Though she must know now what it is she wanted before this was to end. If she was successful, then it was likely Sochi would go to trial...and if she failed she would die. Then there would be no time to ask questions...and receive answers.

Before she had went to [member="Jorus Merrill"] with the idea of him helping her find Sochi but...she later realized she was seeking validation. Shmi didn't want to ruin all that she knew, especially not with accepting the position she had at the time. She knew she would have never went before if no one else came with her. Look at all she could have prevented. She did want to know now...

"What I want to know is how? Your death was reported by [member="Connor Harrison"] .The order felt it...I attended your funeral. What could have brought you back and twisted you so, that you would seek to cause pain in the way that you did? What happen to you Master?"

[member="Sochi Ru"]

The Togruta peered at the woman before her, it was almost as if she was ashamed to say. The reflection of Shmi was visible in the obsidian mirrors that were Sochi's eyes. With a blink, her head finally moved and just then her montrals were slanted as her head had tilted down. Then her eyes slowly shut, as if to keep herself from not interrupting the true story she was about to tell.

"My presence was made possible by sorcery...the kind akin to the Sith. A dark lord removed my soul from the netherworld and bound me to his will." she said as her face twisted and her head slowly turned to the side; violated...

"Then he was known as Darth Vornskr...what name he claims now I do not know. It was not my will to return..." she said softly, her accent gave it an exotic tone that fit her appearance. She was sure [member="Darth Carnifex"] was finding ways to spread his influence killing him didn't work before. She despised him and still wanted to be the one to strike him down...he was the one who took Iella's life and for him to have resurrected her and forced her to live again was an ultimate slap in the face.

Her head came back around, it was forward yet still facing the ground.

"While I served him for time before I was able to escape his was not him that entirely drove me to do what it is you know." She was bound to him, it took just as many people to break the grip he had on her. For that she was forever grateful to [member="Sumiko Tanaka"] , more than likely without that the help she would still be bound. Even now as she stood here she could feel his imprint on her soul.

"That is how I stand before you...and the whole time I had kept up a ruse. You may have figured it out before anyone else but you refused to see it for what it was. Though what really happened started much long ago, likely when I was but a youngling and I was given over to the Jedi."

Connor, Joshua, and [member="Nima Tann"] were likely the only few to have figured it out. Everyone else wouldn't have dared to go that deep into thought to deconstruct her for what she she really was. In time [member="Rasu Gan"] would have would have gotten to the point where she wouldn't have been able to hide it from the likes of her.

She finally allowed her head to rise, and her eyes laid upon Shmi as she would talk. "I was brought up within the was all I had known since my earliest memory. I devoted my life to study and had been slated to be a promising prospect. Eventually I became a Padawan during a time of war...I had no choice but to be secure in my teachings or else I would have fallen. It was instilled in me earlier on that I was to serve and protect and by constant study and service I would transcend and become apart of the Force. It would take me back after giving my life to it..."

She took a deep breath and released it. In her stomach she felt the true weight of her words. "I did that...I became a Knight and then a Master...I took on numerous students, you included. I've protected innocents and hunted the last of the Sith who fled a dying Empire. When the Order split...I became lost in the translation. I had no choice but to involve myself deeper in my work but then was the start of my madness. It wasn't until my last mission that I had lost control over who I was and with it my life."

Heh. Her head tilted upwards and she looked through the foliage of the jungle into one single opening that shed just a tad of light on her compared to the darkness which surrounded them.

"I...I was ok with losing my life. Part of me wanted it as reality had become too much for me to bear. I was sure I would become one with the Force but my spirit remained on the plane between here and there and that's where I lost my identity and faith. I'd grown to despise the very thing my life was dedicated to because I...I felt left behind."

"When I was brought back to walk amongst you again, I began to realize the atrocities caused by the Force on every end. My mission became to cause it as much pain as it caused me. For I suffered in both lives...the torture never ceased."

[member="Shmi Labooda"]


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.

No emotion,

Her face was stiff.

"So it was sorcery..." she thought to herself, just as she had stated it.

Shmi had figured...when she felt the energy that was left of Felucia it wasn't as it felt previously; it was warped. With the events following the seemed like the perfect time to reach out pull souls from beyond. That wasn't beyond the Sith she would know. She let go a breath and continued to listen.

She peered at the Togruta...her mouth began to scrunch up as her former Master called her out for her inability to realize the truth, and speak on. "Your right...I lacked the courage to believe, but it was because I dared not leave the memory of you I had behind." she said looking down as her eyes came to a close. "Everything seemed fine until I became Grandmaster...I lost myself in the attempt to save everyone else. It was an honor...and I did what I could but I was never the same afterwards." she said said as a vein became visible in her forehead. The moisture made it stand out even more. "However...I never gave up. I confided in my comrades and I was able to find myself again."

Shmi let go a breath before staring back at the Togruta. She had begun to explain her true downfall...and the Chalactan began to prepare her heart. She watched her lips as she spoke, most the words echoed again inside her head. She was present but half of her still clung to memories and thoughts.

She thought about [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] and she remembered how he explained to her back on Exis that he he lost everything, which at the time was the Order. He experienced a feeling of betrayal as well...had served with every breath and still he was left with the short end of the stick. Before she hadn't comprehended it...and the pain she had seen someone else who felt a betrayal and the effects of that pain.

She wished Josh was here with her right now...

However Sochi was one of the most traditional of the Jedi...Shmi was somewhere in the middle. She was able to experience emotions on a more personal scale and her life transformed.



"You have become selfish my Master...and have put the lives of others at risk. You relied on an ideal...and chose to disregard your comrades. What of your legacy? Was it worth it?" she said her the muscles in her face began to relax.

"This will be my last mission as a Grandmaster...I shouldn't have let it go any further than it did." She slowly reached for her lightsaber hilt on her belt and held it gently within her hands. Her eyes shut for a moment and the silence hit her harder than anything else because in this moment she knew that it would eventually grow full if they would draw their blades.

"Sochi Ru..." she said as her voice shook but quickly grew in strength; authority.

"Your are under arrest for treason..."

Shmi had the ability to see the outcome of situations before they unfolded at will...but she didn't need to analyze anything for her to know what it would come to. Her eyes opened back up and she stood rigid in her stance as she waited for the women to comply. It was her goal to bring her back alive, so that the Coalition could pass judgement.

[member="Sochi Ru"]
"Ahh the Dragon..." she said looking back down and over at Shmi.

They both would know what that meant...however the Togruta would speak on that no further. She let go a sigh, was it relief or disappointment? She wouldn't elaborate on that further. "Shmi..." She spoke, "Don't you think for one second that I am not proud of you..." She said. "You were thrust into circumstances beyond your control...and you did your duty and continue to do so even now."

She was proud of all of her students, wherever they were in the galaxy... [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Avedia Lacroix"] [member="Maya Carrick"] Hasjo Hallu Ane'irna to name a few...

She brought her right hand up, cuffed, and held it against her mouth as she cleared her throat. "Despite what anyone says, eventually you saw..."

When her hand came back down she reached for her lightsaber hilt, and held it gently within her hand. Her expression had failed to change. "I think my legacy will persist in those that I have trained and worked with...Upon conclusion of this the tale will go on and the others will come to see and interpret as they will. I'm excited for the lesson that should come from this. Knowing that...I am content with where my legacy stands."

She ignited her lightsaber and the magenta blade sprung to life. Sochi held it close, looking into its silver center almost as if she saw her reflection. It use to be cerulean...a color she adopted from [member="Kiskla Grayson"] so long ago.


"It is treason what it is you must."

Sochi had always been noted for her strength in the Force...without even showing signs of what she planned to do she plunged her weapon into the ground beneath her and sent shockwaves through the ground. They resonated from her position and spread in all direction until it gripped hold of Shmi stance. Attacks such as this weren't damaging directly...

Shmi' knees buckled under her, and as she crouched slightly to solidify her stance she ignited her emerald lightsaber and gripped it tightly in her right hand. Immediately looking up the Chalactan women noticed a shadow from above growing as it shrouded her in darkness. It was Sochi approaching with an aerial attack. She swiftly brought her lightsaber up in a horizontal position to ward off the woman' blade. Her field of vision was full of sparks that originated from the collision. From the force her right foot gave slightly and slide across the ground. Without a thought she twirled her body around and brought her weapon hand up to parry the swift and fluid maneuvers of her former master.

In her own thoughts, the Chalactan thought to herself, "I have to take control"

The Togruta had unleashed an astonishingly rapid series of attack. Her aerial attack was warded off, and she landed behind the woman. Her natural agility allowed her to beat Shmi's speed, and using that to her advantage she was able to gain control. She twisted her wrist and her magenta blade swung down in an underhanded slash that was a feint. Immediately following, she exploited the opening by bringing her weapon back up and over in a sudden yet fluid overhand slash aimed for the woman' shoulder. She finished her sequence with a swift thrust at the woman' upper left thigh which was seemingly pushed forward.

[member="Shmi Labooda"]
A surge of electricity in the form of Electric Judgement, a light blue in color would burst between the two, separating them before they could battle further. Shmi hadn't seen him use the move before... Sochi? Possibly. Sochi was likely the only one of the two who might recognize the color and who it belonged to, but there was no mistaking the presence in the Force that followed it.

A cloaked figure would walk toward the duo, slowly, before finally stopping a little ways from them and removing his hood. It wouldn't be hard to discern who he was before he removed the hood, but let's face it... Josh did always enjoy his theatrics. But his expression didn't seem to be of one who was enjoying what he saw.

The fact was, Josh had gotten off his last mission early, and upon hearing of Shmi's mission, and knowing who was there... He'd felt an ill omen, to say the least. To be honest, he was worried sick about Shmi, knowing how powerful Sochi could be, by what he'd known about her. In the end, he just wasn't able to leave well enough alone, and had decided to go right to the planet in order to make sure Shmi was safe... And possibly settle this without violence.

He would stop to look from Shmi to Sochi, and scratched his head. "Hi Sochi" He would remark, a light smirk crossing his lips as he would wave lightly. "It's been awhile."

Either way, he decided it'd be best to get to business...

[member="Sochi Ru"] - [member="Shmi Labooda"]


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.

Of course she was holding back, but why? Perhaps it was because she felt like she was still in a student's position, but also because she had no intention of striking this woman down. However, Shmi was no newcomer to likes of was actually one of the things she was rather good at. At it's very base she relished in the tides of the combat and even enjoyed being close to the edge of death. It was one of her deepest, darkest secrets...

To underestimate a woman like her was...wrong in every sense.

Her grip tightened around her weapon and she fell into the motions, Shmi saw through the feint and in a fluid motion she twisted her torso and brought her blade up to be parallel with her body just as Sochi' weapon clashed against it. Swiftly she pulled her leg backwards removing it from the range of her opponent blade; her thigh avoid the thrust of the magenta blade. Stiffening her wrist, and tightening her grip, Shmi pushed off and reengaged with a ferocious counteroffensive. The Togruta had been well within her range, and this allowed for the Chalactan to pull her in and take control.

When she withdrew her leg, she parried her former masters blade, running her blade against the other and out to force the Togruta to outstretch her weapon arm. With an uncanny speed, Shmi pulled her arm back in to cut across Sochi' abdomen diagonally. Sochi allowed herself to take to the air as she flipped over the woman' weapon with acrobatics. When her feet touched back down she was met with, a staccato of disconnected attacks that forced her backwards. Shmi had brought power and speed, meshing the two as she moved forward in a line force Sochi back towards a tree. Her blade left afterimages, as she wove a web of green fire. Attacks came heavy against Sochi' weapon arm, this was an attempt to disarm her.

Pushed back, the Togruta leaned in, ducking under a horizontal attack and threw her foot up against the trunk of the tree. After fluidly sliding under the plasma blade she propped herself back up and caught the next attack, causing both women to clash and hold each other there. Shmi pushed, having more use of her physical strength given the forms she studied. Before long, Sochi gave and Shmi swung her blade with enough ferocity and force that she cut through the trunk of the tree causing it to fall.

A lound grunt could be heard as strands of her hair fell over her face. The jungle heat caused her to sweat a bit, allowing the hair to stick to her face. She turned to see that their was a few feet between her and Sochi. Then came the bright blue flash of energy that cut through the area between them. Shmi felt the familiar presence...and looked over to see the figure appearing from the shadows.

Of course Shmi was soft in nature but...she had been slipping into the folds of combat and wasn't as gentle now.

"Josh...wha...what are you doing here?" She said, breathing a bit hard from the recent bout.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Sochi Ru"]
Josh turned his head just a bit, never taking his eyes off either woman. This was an awkward reunion to say the least, considering the nature of his last visit to Sochi. Speaking of...

"Geez, I gave you my number and everything, you never did call me back..." He would joke toward Sochi before his eyes fell on his beloved Shmi. His eyelids lowered, as if Shmi had just said something ridiculous. His expression remained serious, even if he was joking around a bit... But his tone indicated the seriousness he held in this situation... The jokes, even if spoken dryly as they were now, were just Josh being Josh. "Clearly I'm here to have a picnic with my two beloved friends, with the intent of getting chit-faced drunk, prank calling Serena Halcyon and telling her she's won the Grandbooty Trophy Of Bootany" He remarked, not at all sarcastic as he just stared at Shmi for a moment.

With that, he let out a sigh and just decided to be upfront. "Darling, I am a bloody worrywart. I'm almost offended you didn't see this coming" He remarked, half-jokingly, though he was being serious about the point of it all... "I came to stop this before someone does something stupid... To be honest I probably should have interfered before you both accomplished this by fighting... Truthfully I've been standing over there invisible for most of the conversation, but didn't want to interrupt your conversation since Sochi was explaining herself... And because I do love to hear you talk. I would have stopped the fight sooner but..." He trailed off, before lifting his foot to show his left boot covered in mud.

"... I got my karking boot stuck."

With a light, sheepish smile to break the tension a moment, he decided it time to get to business as he turned toward Sochi.​

"Listen... Sochi. I understand how you feel" He spoke, his voice taking a softer, gentler tone as he stepped toward Sochi a moment. "I get the whole betrayal thing... I do. I mean... Look at me. I've been a Jedi since I was five, Sochi... This is all I know. Serving the Force as a Jedi, that's all I've ever done... I've served loyally for years and years, but yet... Look at me now. I'm nothing to the Order I served... Nothing. They cast me aside the minute I wasn't useful to them anymore."

He bit his lip in turn, his eyes lowering a moment as the pain came back all over again. He tried to meet Sochi's eyes as he recounted it, but it was clear by his expression that it was hard... It was hard reliving that again.

"They cast me aside, and left me with nothing. I had nothing left... They left me with nothing but a physically, mentally and emotionally broken shell. I... I was dead, more or less. There was nothing left of me because of them... And I still resent them for that, I'll admit it... A Jedi is not supposed to hate, but..."

He took a deep breath. Shmi was not going to like these next few words. It was something he'd never admitted before, to anyone, not even Shmi.

"... I hate them for what they did to me."

"I hate them for destroying everything I worked for. I hate them for casting me aside like an unwanted toy when I wasn't their flavor of the month anymore. I hate them for making me feel like I wasted my entire life... I was broken and I spent nearly two years in isolation to try and put myself back together. During that time... Several things happened. I almost ended my life during that time.

I... I wanted to die.

I went from wanting to die... To wanting vengeance. I wanted to lash out. I wanted to kill them. All of them. But... I didn't. It wasn't right. If I did that, then I'd... Just bring suffering to other people who weren't them. Why should they suffer because of my grudge with their friends, their family? Why should innocent people suffer for what they did to me? It wasn't fair what happened to me, and it wouldn't be fair if I did that to them either."

He stared dead into Sochi's eyes.

"The thing is... Instead of doing that, I decided to do what I believed in, my way. I was given a second chance in this life after I had nothing, and... Sure, the circumstances weren't ideal, but you have been too. The fact is... You don't have to do this. You don't have to hurt people..." He spoke softly, and let out a sigh afterword at what he was about to say next.

"Sadly, Shmi's right on one thing. You did hurt people... There are repercussions for that. You'll have to stand before the Silvers and answer for them, yes... But..."

He raised a pinkie.

"I'll make sure that they won't hurt you, without good reason. And if they don't listen and they do anyway... I'll leave the Silvers. Immediately. No questions asked.

I promise."​

He gave a moment to let that sink in, before speaking one more time... This time, a small smile crossed his lips. He did sincerely want to help Sochi... Sure, she'd done some bad things, but he still cared about her. Maybe not in the fashion he did Shmi, but she was still a friend...

"After that's all settled... Shmi and I have been able to finally accept the fact that we're more then just weapons, more then just slaves to the will of someone, or something in your case... We're people.

People who deserve to have their own lives... Not just tied to something and just that. You have so much more to live for then what you're doing, I want us to be able to show you that... I know Shmi doesn't want to hurt you, and quite frankly, neither do I. Neither of us have any desire to bring you harm, and we want to be able to help you... In any way we can."

"Besides... You're better then this. I know you are. The Sochi Ru I knew is better than this."

[member="Sochi Ru"] - [member="Shmi Labooda"]

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