Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spirits of the Dead

Varunda IX
New Habat
"Mill & Inkan" or to the alchemically initiated, Marrow & Illskins

"Thy soul shall find itself alone
’Mid dark thoughts of the gray tombstone—
Not one, of all the crowd, to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy."

Ereza Kep sat at the back of the shop, mulling over stock logs behind the counter. Pages upon pages of restock, of inventory counts, of sales and orders filled. Curious-er and curious-er...

"Be silent in that solitude,
Which is not loneliness—for then
The spirits of the dead who stood
In life before thee are again
In death around thee—and their will
Shall overshadow thee: be still."

Someone had been coming and going, reliably infrequent, and it appeared to be someone who had an idea about just what they were looking for. Nothing exceptionally special to note - ingredients mostly, but expensive ones, as if to say that anything concerning alchemy was ever cheap. No names mentioned, though he had his suspicions. Strong ones. He'd sent the normal storekeeper off on an errand that would take all week while he had every intention of waiting that time out.

Virago continued to recite from memory, turning now to tend to his stores. He pulled from a large shipping crate a single brick of carbonite within which a Bedlam Spirit sat on frozen display. Origins: the Atrisian vault raided what felt like ages ago alongside a singular emphatic Fringe Councilor.

"The night, tho’ clear, shall frown—
And the stars shall look not down
From their high thrones in the heaven,
With light like Hope to mortals given—
But their red orbs, without beam,
To thy weariness shall seem
As a burning and a fever
Which would cling to thee for ever."

They hated his poetry at the Coruscant store. Varunda IX was much quieter, his voice resonated through the store like a cracked bell.

[member="Rave Merrill"]

The little bell went ding as Rave came in for the weekly shopping. One disreputable personage behind the counter. Unidentifiable knickknacks on dusty, mismatched shelves. A vague smell of dirty hair and old blood. A miasma of low-level, jumbled-up Force signatures: there were items of significance here, for fairly unimpressive values of 'significant'.

Marrow and Illskins: never change.

But something was different, a shift in the wind; she couldn't put her finger on it. "I need to see your crystal tray," she said, even before she got to the counter. Unease tended to make her peremptory, but she could work on her personal failings once she figured out what it was that she sensed. "And-"

What she'd taken for something draped in gray cloth was a lump of carbonite; the lighting had tricked her eyes. And that carbonite contained a shape that should not, could not be here. How anyone could even hope to contain something like that in simple carbonite-

She stepped back, eyes going wide, and the hundred-thousand-year-old words of the Taurannik Codex began to spill from her lips. The shop's temperature dropped ten degrees and kept going as she began to weave the Codex's invocations of compulsion. She risked waking up the thing in the carbonite, but she hadn't exactly been careful about her Force signature. At a guess, it already had her scent. Her only chance was to get the Codex invocation to full force, back away slowly, and hope she could keep it from turning her into a blumfruit or a particular shade of orange. That would be too ignominious an end, even for her.

"Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,
Now are visions ne’er to vanish;
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more—"

"I need to see your crystal tray,"

" dew-drop from the grass."


Blue eyes watched the woman with keen interest, noting her garb, her posture, her attention to detail. They followed her immediate gaze as they landed upon the carbonite slab and the man did offer a curious prop of a brow as he looked again to see her backing away.

It wasn't immediately obvious. He'd never been intimately familiar with the woman, as much as he would have liked to be, and though he'd been around her enough to know her scent--it was different enough now. That sort of thing happened with the passing of time. Her presence within the Force, however...

His voice dropped, speaking words beneath his breath as she began to do the same. He recognized those words, oh yes.

"The breeze—the breath of God—is still—
And the mist upon the hill,"

The Taurannik Codex. There were only a handful of beings in the galaxy familiar enough with it to recite it by heart and of the ones he was aware the list was quite short. This certainly was no Sirella Valkner.

"Shadowy—shadowy—yet unbroken,
Is a symbol and a token—"

He placed caloused hands over the carbonite, fingers wrapping around its edges. Most assuredly not Circe Savan.

"How it hangs upon the trees,
A mystery of mysteries..."

Rave Karking Merrill.

"Envoking the passages of the Taurannik won' do you any good, m'fraid," his hands spun the carbonite around and whisked away the layer of dust, revealing a strangely corrupted carcass within. One could make out the ethereal innards of the Spirit in its natural state ... if it could truly be thought to have such a thing, in a form of forced discintigration not unlike one's soul ripping from its mortal coil.

" 's inert. Long a'fore a-freezin' an long a'fer, too. But keep going, mebe one of these ovver useless trinkets will finally wake up."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

Rave's heart took a long time to slow, longer than it would have a quarter century back. One hand found the edge of a display table; it creaked under her minimal weight. Stabilized, she returned her attention to matters of substance. One couldn't just stop reciting the Taurannik Codex. She switched verses, still in the original Whateverthefeth, and wound down with a hundred-millennium-old, superstition-tainted equivalent of 'end subroutine, amen.' The store's temperature began to normalize. Silence fell, except for the singsong voice of the scuzzball by the carbonite slab. There was, in the end, very little familiar about him. Even knowing what she did about the perils of analysis by kaloskagathia -- there were many supermodel Sith and cakeface Jedi -- she found it difficult not to categorize this man as nothing of worth. Which would be a very serious mistake.

"There's not many that would know what I was reciting," she said, aiming to keep her voice even and not sure what she felt, "and fewer still that'd use a Bedlam Spirit to screw with me." She scrutinized him; no familiarity stood out, even to close inspection. Her mouth twisted. She'd hoped she'd at least be able to see some hint of the truth once she knew it; she'd have liked to think that of herself. Today that was not the case. "Hello, Dissero. It's been...far too long. You can stop singing. You know, at your convenience."
"Nobody 'preciates the classics. Ah'd belt me some Zinatra if the form could handle the notes."

Ereza Kep grinned a yellow-toothed grin, leaning elbows down over the carbonite slab to take a good, long look at his former partner-in-infa-alchemy. In the right light she looked almost familiar. Still that same arcane glint to her eyes. His gaze shifted back down to the brick beneath his arms, "Wha, vis fing? 's been sittin' on my mantle collectin' dust fer years. Jes' lookin' to rehome it, s'all."

A cracked chuckle rattled from his chest as he gave the thing a pat and pulled a rag from some dark corner behind the counter to wipe it clean, "'s kinna pretty. Equal parts fascinatin' and terrifyin'. Bit like you."

"Tho' ahm relieved to see you in a much bevver state than our little fren here. I wonder'd when you'd make the return."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

The dusty carcass begged for analysis, but she'd never been especially susceptible to begging. It might not even have an equivalent of genetics. What did ideas looked like when they turned to dust? Perhaps the Jedi Council could shed light on the question. "A younger me would try to clone it. Currently, I'm just grateful it didn't see me from a million years away and turn me into bubbles or the sound of rain on dust." She crossed the store with a rustle of cybernetic joints, and eased herself into a chair that had seen better days, prior to what might have been a Bando Gora fertility rite.

"I shouldn't have come back," she said once her heart stopped racing. "I did what I meant to do - watched myself, my other self, grow up without the Dark Side. That's all I wanted. But I wasn't strong enough to deny my selfishness, my pride, and I came back. And when I came back, I... I added...weight to my shoulders. No more alchemy for me. Not as such. I shouldn't even have invoked the Codex but...bad habits."

She felt little net comfort, a painful sort of catharsis, in being this open with someone. Anyone. Her own family didn't get this kind of forthrightness from her, and never had. Even when she was young, voyaging with Jorus -- well, she'd always played her cards close to her chest, and he'd accepted her on her terms. And those terms, of necessity, included secrecy. Don't look too close, she'd told her brother once; it's dark inside. That, in the end, was what had made her relationship with Dissero so valuable to her: he had never once judged her.
Ereza followed her progress across the store to the chair with his eyes, the smile slowly fading from his face as the woman began to recount her disappearance and subsequent re-emergence back into the galaxy. It was a story he would have eagerly soaked up simply for the listening, simply for the curiosity, but not one he would badger from the woman.

He reached up and removed the silver chain upon which a curious trinket hung from around his neck, placing it securely in his pocket. A few mumbled words later and the pain set in. Bones cracked and realigned, the fire of muscle and sinew regrowing coursing along his frame. His skin prickled, flared, stretched and pulled. He buckled, disappearing behind the counter where he managed to bite back a rancorous groan. By the time it was all over - a lifetime of brawn and scars and corruption regrown in but the few breaths it took Rave to finish speaking - Dissero sat keeled over in place of the man known as Kep.

The Traveler's Locket: a beautiful agonizing gift.

"Bad habits," he coughed, sweat dripping from his nose as he slowly pulled himself to stand again, "hardest to break."

Damn, he forgot how much smaller a man Kep was from him. This outfit was all wrong in the worst ways.

Dissero grimaced and passed a look around the shop briefly, the pitch of his voice was noticeably strained, "Catch your breath, Rave, I'll be right back with those crystal trays."

And some looser pants.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
She winced in rare sympathy as Dissero underwent his transformation, but she kept enough clinical detachment to get a sense of what was behind it. That amulet, as a precedent, had all manner of strange and valuable implications. She had no desire to use it -- she'd tasted enough painful transformations in her time -- but it all tied back to the tree. Everything tied back to the tree; the crystal tray, even her presence on Varunda Nine. And if there was some way to draw upon the amulet's principles with the Light Side, one more element might fall into place. She made a note to ask Dissero when he came back, and hoped she wouldn't forget. The Bando Gora-defiled chair shifted under her unsteadily, breaking her train of thought.

"That amulet," she called back after a long minute. "I'm looking into transmutation, surgical transmutation, but from a Light Side direction. It's for a major project. How generalizable are the principles?" She'd tried Nightsister transformation amulets, but they balked at her touch these days. The Dark Side was a jealous master, and she got the feeling the talismans didn't much appreciate the way she'd sworn off Gethzerion's and Talzin's arts. Which made her project that much the harder, because not only did Allyan magic have no transformative equivalent, but none of the other Light Side crafting arts she studied had any relationship to transformation-

She sat up straight. No, that wasn't quite true, was it. The Gesaril wood-carvers imbued their creations with the emotions they felt during the process of creation. Perhaps Gesarils uplifted and trained as surgeons could reshape Sithspawn under the tree's influence -- no, that would take years and rely more on individuals than on the tree. But the Gesaril precedent...

Such were her thoughts and mild obsessions when Dissero returned.
"Transmutation?" his voice echoed from the back faintly.

Not a subject he'd ever discussed with anyone. At least not in depth and never about the Locket. It had taken years to track down and a hefty fortune to claim. He'd faced the scorn of his then-Master for its perceived negligable value in comparison to far bigger, far greater things of power; the ire of his First Master for the huge potential of misuse and the unbalanced consequences of a portion of alchemy not well understood or defined; and finally the pain of his shortcomings.

Dissero did not like to think of what he had lost because of this trinket, or what he could have lost otherwise.

He'd already broken his promise not to use it again, but he'd taken certain measures to ensure it would not yet get the best of him a second time. In so far as the Locket went, it was a sorely under-explored fount of power. If there was anyone he would dissect and discuss it with, it was Rave.

"My understanding of the principals is generalized," he appeared again behind the counter, setting down a glass tray carrying a leather pouch pregnant with goodies. Carbonite slab set aside, the bare-chested man pulled the cord of the pouch and slowly began to empty the contents of crystals out onto the tray, "Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Rhythm, Polarity, Gender, Cause and Effect-" his head nodded with each recited as he counted seven pink-hued crystals out to one corner, "not all of which I believe apply to the Locket. Hermeticism is the only approach to the study of Transmutation that implies all seven are inherently involved. I do find that some of its principals are more exclusive and applicable than others and none of them are mutually exclusive to one side of the Force or the other. Transmutation, in my experience, is one of those few powers that resides somewhere in the middle, and only its function by Dark or Light have any effect on restrictions and applications."

Tink, tink, clink. A few pale yellow crystals of varying sizes to another corner.

"I would argue it's not the avenue, but the driver that creates the restrictions, however. ...What sort of crystals were you looking for?"

[member="Rave Merrill"]

"I've come to similar conclusions. I'm told Phylis Alince is known to call healing a form of transmutation, and she's not wholly wrong." She rose from the battered seat, prosthetic knee clicking, and came over to examine the tray. "Interesting classification system. What I'm looking for, generally speaking, is samples of upari, firkrann, Lorrdian stones, hurrikaine...things along those lines. Upari especially. I discovered recently that the Wookiees, and the ancient Jedi, developed minimal but consistent Force traditions centered on carving upari crystals. Turns out if you cut them in different ways, you get different effects. An entire Force crafting tradition that I never knew existed."

Her eyes crinkled in self-depricating amusement. "What are the odds? And not just them, but the Lorrdian stones as well. Artificially Force-imbued by a sect that arose and fell all on its own, not derivative. My niece recently came into possession of the Ankarres Sapphire, you see," she added, poking through the tray. "Now that...has been fascinating. I've had the chance to examine it, and I'm trying to take crystallurgy back to first principles. Convergent evolution, if I can manage it. These'll do."

She held up a chunk of firkrann to the light. "These are mildly terrifying. Anything Sharu generally is. But these? These shouldn't work."
"Not familiar with the Upari," Dissero admitted, eyebrows raising, "but that's something, isn't it..."

No doubt in the future they'd find their way into the selection of Marrow & Illskins, even if only in sparse numbers. If what Rave said was true, they'd prove themselves immeasurably useful in the arts of alchemy and sorcery. He'd have to do some research... make a few changes to the Oni statuette he was currently working on, if the findings were telling of use.

"The Ankarres Sapphire?" there was a momentary glance of disbelief before the man gave an amused snort, "Of course your relative would find it. Wouldn't tell too many people about that one though. The Republic's liable to shoot a person down if they think it'll help their plight." Dissero itched absently at the black mark of corruption encircling his neck. The years between now and the last time she'd seen him would go to show that while Rave had chosen to take a path less darkened, the Archivist had not. A large portion of his torso now bore the remnants of years pursuing dark and dangerous powers. She might also catch a whiff of Nighsister magic on him through a blood-trailed black hand print square upon his sternum.

A rasp chuckle followed her assessment of Firkrann, "Maybe not, but they're fun to play with." Blue eyes narrowed on her over a forming smirk, "what are you working on, Rave? Surgical transmutation, lightside elements, convergent evolution, terrifying crystals...if I didn't know any better I'd say you were attempting to play God."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

Rave snorted. "As if the qo'saarai tuk'ata and the Deicide Oculus didn't already prove my hubris. Playing god is what I do. But this time? This is something special. I've made too many mistakes, Dissero. Too many sins. Too often for no reason but because nobody could stop me. Throw in all my sins of omission, standing by while the One Sith pretenders used my arts to twist... tens of thousands of innocents into Sithspawn.

" I've found a way to start making that right. I'm building...growing something that should reverse the damage they did. Grafts rejected, exaggerated traits reduced, minds cleansed, bodies purified. I'm creating an amalgam of every marginal Light Side crafting art, emphasis on crystallography, and it cures Sithspawn. Any Sithspawn. There's a Battlelord hogtied in my garden and a team of Ithorian doctors charting surgical success rates on Kashyyyk survivors and a half dozen other little initiatives. It's trees, Dissero. Force sensitive trees that... "

Tunnel vision failed her; the vagaries of age. She trailed off. She might be a Lightsider now, but only after decades of corruption.

"...options, for you," she said quietly, "if you're not happy but can't stop creating. So many more options than I thought there were. I wish I'd known about them when I was your age. Or would my ambition and selfishness have tainted all those arts regardless."
A deep frown etched itself across his face.


There were never doubts that his heritage would lead him down the path of dark powers. It was in his bones, in his blood and soul. He'd long given up hope that the damage he'd cause himself or others could ever be undone. That his own power could ever tread a new path. Perhaps he was young, like Rave Merrill once was, but where she must have felt she had nothing to lose by leaving ... he did not.

There was his family. Amorella, Soliael, and now Kira and their children. Young Micah who had grown so fond of the Alchemist's table and skills. And Verie. Of all his greatest regrets it was the disappointment and horror on her face when he revealed to her the nature of his darkside compulsions. It had repulsed her, terrified her even. What he wouldn't do to take that moment away, to reforge that string of fate as strong as the alchemized products he created.

Like Rave, he'd never known there were options. While drunk on the wealth of Darkside knowledge at his fingertips he'd completely overlooked the notion that there could be another way.

"Show me."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

Rave's workshop comprised a simple house and the surrounding forest, at the edge of town. Juvenile Trees of Ankarres, far from a finished product, grew in the garden and throughout the woods. Inside, much of the floor space was devoted to an arcane laboratory. Runes, crystals, carvings, things from a dozen traditions.

"I'll give you a copy of my research notes," she said as she ushered him inside. "But I can give you an overview now."

She brushed wood chips from a workbench with a flick of her hand, and took a seat, presuming that Dissero would want to examine things all over the workshop. "It turns out," she said, "that there are Light-oriented crafting traditions, convergent evolutions going back thousands of years. Pre-Republic, in some cases." She tried to keep her tone lecture-free; Dissero was an equal. "The oldest confirmed tradition is Force-imbued blade crafting, of course, going back around three hundred centuries, but there are indications of much older things. Firkrann crystals, for example, have a strange relationship with the Force and electromagnetism, and they're found only on the homeworld of the Sharu.

"I should mention that most of my efforts have involved tracing origins, trying to establish first principles, and defining qualities that can be emphasized. An example might be enhancing or isolating a Force-imbued blade's ability to dissipate spirits. But I'm sure you're familiar with that art; it was rediscovered close to a decade ago, and now any Jedi Padawan can use it." She snorted eloquently.

"Slightly more versatile, and potentially almost as old, is the Jal Shey tradition. Jal Shey crafting arts have three more-or-less standard effects, though they share broad principles suitable for extrapolation. Their armors are generally crafted to soothe contention in nearby people, at least if you get them in conversation. These generally come in three grades -- neophyte, advisor, mentor, equivalent to apprentice, knight, master. Their belts are traditionally imbued so as to help the wearer resist Dark Side-related mental and emotional influence. These generally come in two grades - standard, and mentor. Their gloves are traditionally imbued so as to help the wearer perceive her surroundings through improved intuition. These generally come in two grades - perception gloves are the lesser, meditation gloves are the greater.

"Traditionally, it's always clothing. Nobody knows why. These principles work fine for making amulets or even odder creations; I've heard that Shule's Workshop partners with a Mandalorian clan to produce sniper scopes, of all things. Jal Shey crafting focuses on creating or countering mental or emotional influence on the wearer, and sometimes nearby people. This may depend upon the direction of the wearer's focus to some extent; I can't tell yet. Stunningly, and almost uniquely among crafting arts, Jal Shey creations can be used to their full effect by non-Force-sensitives.

"Or we could take a short jaunt to Cerea. Kasha stones, large and small, clear the mind and obliterate distractions better than most pharmaceuticals, and without side effects. I find them compatible additions to many complex creations. Kasha stones, of course, can be quite large -- amber discs bigger than a humanoid's head -- or cut down for use as lightsabre crystals. The nature of their inscribed patterns is a source of ongoing fascination to me. Like Jal Shey garments, Kasha stones can be used by non-Force-sensitives. The patterns are thousands of years old, attributed to a sage called Bi-Dar Tyunda, who founded the Cerean planetary government.

"I'm experimenting with extrapolations and interpolations of the patterns, variations on stone composition, Velokite double-slit work and interferometry, etc., trying to deconstruct and reverse engineer the kasha stones down to first principles. It fascinates me that an entire crafting tradition, clearly Force-attuned, should be focused on the production of a single kind of item for thousands of years. The Kasha stones are one of the Cerean culture's greatest accomplishments, though the Cereans don't boast of them.

"Then there's the Ithorians, right here on Varunda Nine. The nature priests form one of the most capable, unassuming, internally consistent Force traditions in the universe. Their presence is a major reason I'm on this planet, and one of the reasons I once operated out of the Kyrikal system. They have powers of healing, both physical and spiritual, as well as plant cultivation. They can even partially or fully heal Force severing, in their gentle way, and that's an ability that's virtually unique to them. The Jedi may have appropriated every Force technique at one point or another, but most have been forgotten again, and this is generally one of them.

"As far as crafting goes, I think it's a matter of learning to see with new eyes -- seeing what's there, rather than what one expects to see. I firmly believe their processes for tending and breeding plants are a powerful but extremely subtle analogue to alchemy. I'm experimenting with these processes. I intend to understand how the Ithorians can enhance their Force connection with trees and plants, and likely even enhance the trees' sensitivity as well. As of yet I haven't studied bafforr groves in any comprehensive way, but I'm looking into it. The grove hive minds are notoriously shy. They...don't like me.

"As a general rule, none of the artifacts and items associated with Ithorian culture have Force properties so far as I can tell. Insofar as the Ithorian nature priests can be considered a crafting tradition, their products are entirely living. The natural next step, of course, is to determine what proportion of that influence remains in their creations after death. Many Sithspawn provide useful crafting materials. I suspect certain kinds of Ithorian-raised wood could be used for similar, if subtler, purposes, retaining the unique characteristics of the living tree. This is a major focus of my research. I'm also experimenting with exposing young trees to shredded Jal Shey garments and powdered Kasha stone via their mulch. Some of these trees are themselves Force-sensitive. We'll see if they bear fruit, so to speak.

"Or we could range farther afield, out toward former Moross space, to the Gesarils. Strange race. Two metres tall, six limbs, each hand/foot with only two digits, heavily clawed, huge tubular ears like sea anemones that give their heads a T-shape. They use the Force in ways commensurate with their limited intelligence: basic, small-scale telekinesis and telepathy are common to all Gesarils, and they have a paranoiac's skill in divining the Dark Side. They use their telepathy for limited communication with offworlders. They can also divine the Force...history, I suppose you could say...of a starship, whether it's experienced the Light or the Dark, regardless of who's currently or most recently aboard. It's a rudimentary form of psychometry, I believe, and it may influence their choices in crafting materials. As such, it should be considered as a part of their crafting tradition.

"All that aside, the Gesaril crafting tradition is almost worthless. The Force is used in the crafting process, but only minimally present in the final product most of the time. They carve wood, primarily, into masks and statuettes. The best and most Force-attuned carvers' products can be imbued with the same emotion felt by the creator at the time of creation. That's it: that's all that Gesaril crafting does. It makes pieces of wood into primitive artworks that feel like emotions.

"In combination with other arts, however, it may prove interesting. Nobody has yet turned a Gesaril carver loose on a Force-sensitive tree, mixed in Ithorian horticultural arts, or attempted other combinations in any serious way. It may yet turn out that Gesaril carvings are the seeds of creations to rival the Helm of Ieldis or even the Phobis Devices. The power to affect moods and emotions should not be underestimated, not in terms of creation nor in terms of marketability.

"A word of warning if you seek out the Gesarils. Purify your heart and take a new ship. When they sense the Dark Side, they collectively telekinesce ships into uncontrolled crash-landing.

"The Felucian shamans have a crafting tradition; it was implicitly approved by Master Shaak Ti, who lived among them during the Jedi Purge. Like some other primitive Force-related crafting arts, the Felucian variant can only be used by the Light least, traditionally.

"Felucian Skullblades are the most well-known creations of this tradition. Their crafting process is highly suggestive of usable implications. Various creatures native to Felucia have, within their bones and teeth, naturally occurring Force crystals (with which Velok was known to experiment). The bones and teeth are the crafting material. The end result is a large, awkward weapon, a close technical parallel to a Force-imbued blade, capable of blocking lightsabres and blasterfire. Interestingly, rancor bones can be used as well, but only the bones of Felucian rancors. This suggests that the crystals may appear through a variety of environmental or parasitic factors. Skullblades are used by Felucian shamans for ceremonial and combat purposes. Chieftain staffs, as it happens, have similar functionality, and shamans' horns may also.

"In the end, you can mark down Felucian Skullblades as a less powerful, biologically sourced variant of Force-imbued blades, with a note to further examine the mechanisms by which Force crystals grow inside living beings. This is a research direction that may have implications for combining Force crystals and related crafting arts with living trees, for example.

"Do not go to Felucia without being a Lightsider. You will be killed and fed to a sarlacc. The shamans believe that all Darksiders corrupt the jungle's Force balance by their presence, and they're probably right.

"Holocron crafting, of course, can be used by Dark or Light with equal facility. The two most important principles have to do with growing crystalline lattices through the Force, and imbueing those lattices with information. And information can take widely varying forms. The most interesting implication, when compared with the Felucian tradition and Force bladesmithing, is that I see no reason why holocrons cannot be Force-imbued for defensive purposes. My own holocron is off to do its dirty work, or I would test the hypothesis. If I'm correct, a holocron's creator could potentially alter the design in such a way that the item could channel the Force like a blade. Despite a Holocron's inherent fragility, such a device could banish spirits and resist blasters or lightsabre. Nor, in the end, is there any reason why organic crystals, within static living beings, cannot be made into low-capacity holocrons. And if combined with some derivation of the Sapphire or the crystals of fire, the implications get downright interesting.

"Or there's crystallurgy. There was a time when every Jedi was issued a healing crystal; did you know that? And then there are the various properties ascribed to lightsabre crystals. Some of the unique crystals are so old that nobody knows whether their stranger properties are naturally occurring or the product of some forgotten art. Jedi crystallographic Force-crafting -- wouldn't that be priceless? And yet at some level I suspect that may have been an actual technique. Not for Ilum or Adegan crystals, but for things like the Ankarres Sapphire, the Healing Crystals of Fire...the alternative is to believe that there are worlds with huge deposits of such crystals, which is fundamentally silly. No, at some point, someone accidentally or deliberately made these. Using skills that no Jal Shey or Sith alchemist now knows.

"Then we could look at confirmed crystal crafting traditions. The Lorrdian gemstones were deliberately created by Force-sensitive Lorrdians during their uprising in the Kanz Disorders, around five millennia ago. Implicitly Light-side oriented. I need to know more. Fortunately, my brother married a Lorrdian." The ghost of a smile. "Or Upari crystal. Why is it found in orbit? Why only in orbit of forest worlds? Something to do with biomass or tree spirit influence? What Jedi traditions allowed Jedi Masters to get multiple effects out of it, around 5,000 years ago? More to the point, what Wookiee traditions enabled Wookiees to use specific cuts to increase the crystal's power? I feel it's comparable with the Kasha stones, in that specific cutting/etching techniques amplify certain effects.

"There's others, but that's the...general idea. And all of those can be...combined."

When it came to avoiding lecture mode, she'd failed spectacularly.
The Archivist found a seat somewhere and listened. No interruptions, no comments or sounds, just avid fascination, growing intrigue, and as always the same interest he held for the woman back before he knew her to be dangerous. That mystical quality had been as much a part of her being as anything else, and it was something he would always be drawn to.

Even if she appeared 30 years his senior now. But that had been bound to happen eventually - he shared the same blessing of longevity as his ancestors and likely the man would outlive his friend here if he managed not to make anymore enemies.

Regardless of the tone, Dissero enjoyed the lecture. He was nothing if not a good student and by all means Rave was the more experienced here when it came to Lightside Alchemy in many ways. Though, as he thought, there were perhaps some projects of his own that had drifted in that direction already. The Aoelocrons, or Velokrons as he later renamed them, were the first to come to mind. He mentioned this and explained them briefly.

Holocron-like items built upon crystals, imbued with a singular power of the Force, placed within a casing crafted to express the energies contained within with but a simple uttered release word. Jal-Shey based, even a non-force-sensitive could operate them. He'd brought Cerita in on the project to help him and between the two of them they'd crafted several working pieces.

"Force Push is about the only one we've come close to perfecting thus far. I've a few out in the field for live testing with a particularly tenacious Merc. Reports back are that they've proven useful. We've captured the essence of Plant Surge in another, though the results aren't quite right yet. That one's purely conditional for obvious reasons - useless in an area void of plants, but unruly in lush places. I've been successful with imbuing Force Fear into another, and it smacks of a cheap, single-use knock-off of the Phobis Device but it is nothing short of temporarily heinously effective."

He worked very hard at keeping the look of guilty pride from his face for that one. Darkside or not, it was the first Velokron to work properly the very first time. Whether that spoke of his own personal influence over the item from start to finish or simply the inherently cruel nature of the power itself he couldn't say.

"I've attempted to help my sister craft one for Force Light, but as you can imagine that didn't end well. She is neither trained in the art of Alchemy or Crystallography and I cannot expose myself to her power without taking significant damage. I also wonder if our failed attempts were not even much the result of opposing forces, but that the base of the Velokrons are crafted by Darkside influence through myself."

Dissero looked Rave up and down, considering the woman's new aura. He was only beginning his path to leaving the Dark Arts behind for the sake of one person, but his was a change fueled by a self-serving goal filled by doubt and equally by regret. There was no denying that he liked the power he'd attained and wanted to continue his pursuit of it. Yet the consequences of his years were also undeniable, evident by the blackened corruption of his flesh and his own aura tainted by the darkside.

"But could do it. Not before, but now you could," he stood from his seat and began to pace - Rave might recall the same flurry of movement from the cavern back on Kayri as they uncovered the uses of the Void Stone, "the Upari crystals. How much has your research on them uncovered? I've never been particularly choosy of the crystals used in the Velokrons aside from quality. Mostly I've used Pontites, but Upari carved with the intent of their use? Feth. Combine them with similar carvings to the Kasha stones and they might be able to self-energize instead of having to be recharged manually...I wonder..."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

"Ahh, that blend of achievement and shame. I sometimes think I've spent all my life feeling that, except for two sorts of moments. Times when I've battered my conscience down to nothing, and times when I've created things of which I don't need to be ashamed." Rave patted a block of Ankarres wood and got to her feet, metal knee creaking. "If you're right, yes, I could do what you want -- create a Light-imbued holocron derivative that your...sister?...could load with Force Light. If I'm understanding you correctly, anyway."

She gathered her thoughts, going back over his words as she peered through overlapping lenses at an eviscerated lizard. "Upari crystal, cut according to uncovered first principles, etched and prepared according to Kasha patterns, could have any number of effects." She looked up from the lenses. "There's a Gormak technology, from Voss, that relies on properly cut upari -- it can shield its wearer from lethal mental assault, temporarily. I suspect that reverse-engineering it will demonstrate the crystal's potential responsiveness to...existential jeopardy. Moments of crisis, with an emphasis on the mind. A curious parallel with the Kasha stones' primary function. Not a full parallel, rather, but a syncopation. Purity of mind, integrity of mind...qualities that dovetail with emotional influence. Such as from your Velokrons, or Gesaril talents. An art that, I suspect, can be turned to many kinds of crafting, not just carving.

"Nearly all those arts require that the maker approach the Light. It would be...ambitious." She raised an eyebrow. "A challenge you've never faced, so far as I'm aware."
The man lofted a brow at the creak of Rave's knee, blue eyes trailing after her as she moved about.

"Did I never tell you I have a sister?" he asked absently, "You might be more familiar with her as Aesir Inari, if at all."

Not many people he'd reveal that little tidbit to but there was an inherent trust he had in the woman that maybe shouldn't be there. Dissero couldn't help himself, old crushes had that sort of effect on him. He had no idea how familiar she was with the old Moross Crusade, but as he thought back he couldn't recall seeing her at those last few celebrations or meetings before the Fringe disbanded. A frown formed on his lips. She probably didn't even know he'd been put on the High Council.

King for a day and she never saw the crown. Well that was a shame.

He moved to the Ankarres wood, giving it a wary look, and slowly reached a hand towards it to test the resistance it might give him and his darkside essence.

A wince indicated that Rave Merrill was, as always, so astute at hitting the nail on the head.

"The closest I ever got to the Lightside was being possessed by a Jedi Master's soul. As much as I can relate to his sense of honor and duty, some things we simply couldn't see eye-to-eye on..."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

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