Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spins the Weave Through the Stars

Weaves the Stars


NAME: Unpronounceable, translates directly to; Spins the Weave Through the Stars.
RANK: Spider
AGE: Young Adult
SEX: Female, often referred to by humanoids as 'it', doesn't care
HEIGHT: 4'2"
WEIGHT: 500~ lb
EYES: Black
SKIN: White/Blue slightly translucent, crystalline


Instinctive Astrogation - Like all Lucents, between the way she perceives the Force and instinctive grasp of spatial relationships, Weaves The Stars can make blind hyperjumps with ease. As this is what she has spent her life doing she is particularly good at it.
Telekinesis - Force sensitivity in a Lucent generally manifests as a knack with telekinesis and Weaves The Stars is no exception. This is particularly useful when you have no thumbs.
Smart - Most Lucents are predisposed to be scientists, it could be the crystal brains, but when it comes to problem solving and figuring things out, they're no slouches.
Polyglot - Much easier to meet and learn about new people when you know their language. The more obscure, the more she likes it.
Curiosity - How, What, Where, Why, When? Weaves the Stars has a need to know, and it's taught her all sorts of things and keeps her life fresh and interesting. Open minded is an understatement.
Spider - Climbing on walls and ceiling, weaving webs, sometimes being a spider is handy. With eight legs she can also move quite quickly when necessary.
Spider - No thumbs or fingers and a tendency to send people running at first sight. Most non-lucent technology is nigh useless to her.
Curiosity - Probably the burning need to know why a place is called 'The Nebula of Death' is not high on the list of useful survival traits.
Didn't Get It Quite Right - ​Try thinking spider thoughts. How's that going? Weaves The Stars does fairly well at learning new cultures and being accommodating, but she sometimes gets things mixed up or confused, or says things that are just a bit.. off.
Mental Blocks - As a Lucent, Weaves The Stars cannot learn to influence or read minds. Ever. The mental side of the Force is out of her reach.
Naive - Weaves The Stars is mostly pacifistic, and generally means well, she assumes others do as well. Falls for pirate distress signal traps and the like Every. Time.

I'm a giant crystal spider! Woo!

Weaves The Stars is particularly curious even for a Lucent, which led to her roaming the galaxy in her ship to encounter as many new sentients and their technology as possible. Weaves The Stars has no current permanent home beside her ship and no strong religious or political views, instead seeing them as curious and often quaint peculiarities of other species.

Carries the Nest Over The Strands
Racial crystalline ship utilizing crystalline webs and energy charged gems rather than conventional tech.
Corvette sized, reasonable. Neither highly armed nor armoured, though it is immune to ion and EMP's.


Thank you :D

[member="Corrin Tal'verda"]
I do not think I find this acceptable.

[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
*Is made of crystal and unaffected, but baffled*

[member="Cylus Jest"]
Thank you, I like your proboscis :D
[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]
So you would not like me to come aboard and visit you? This makes me sad ):

[member="T'yr Dellos"]
*Hyperjumps away, chittering about wastefulness*

If that is your reaction to new things perhaps you should not reproduce either...

Oh! Thank you!
[member="Weaves The Stars"]
How large are your offspring and how many per breeding cycle. I ask because coilguns exist, as do shotgun shells, and I kinda want a spider shooting gun.
[member="Draco Vereen"]
You are not very civilized. It is a good thing I am understanding of less evolved species or else I might take offence to all of this planned offspring killing.

[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]
I would suggest not doing that, it is likely not good for your continued health and well being!

[member="Ringmistress Ludia"]
I think perhaps my understanding of he word freak is incorrect..

Oh! Yes, I would find this most agreeable!

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