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(Species Idea) The Cornilkaus/Void-Walkers


The Darkness feeds me
Introduction (WIP) :
Who are the Cornilkaus? Their was few that now remain who remember them, and those who do fear them. Know in the Galactic Basic Standard as Void-Walkers they were first discovered within the deep confines of space. The few recovered archives and artifacts of them are long gone, once taken by the Old Republic and even the Ancient sith Empire, now all remains are stones and broken tablets. Few, if any documented records of them still exist, some weapons and creatures deserve to remain hidden and remain sleeping......for their are none yet to match them. Thought to be from the very early days of the galaxy, they have thrived and survived through many conflicts for many centuries and thousands of years, with barely expanding their territory outwards to further grow.

"Protege Serpente,
producentis protege,
tuere creatoris"
Translated: Protect the Serpent, Protect the Producer, Protect the Creator
-A passage from a unknown Cornilkaus Ruin

Lifeform and Appearance:

Cornilkaus Battle Drone
The Void-Walkers appear as a morbid creature, with what appears to be armor melted and seared into their skin. Will, this is actually their skin, it is mostly organic except for cybernetic parts randomly around the creature for no apparent reason at all. Although, they appear to be made only of cybernetic parts they are mostly organic. They wear strange helmets, most like a medieval helmet design but with different cosmetics. Some have antlers raising from their helmet while others just have plain steel bars with a red glow from the inside of the helmet. While in truth, the helmet is seared into the skin of the creature once they open up or drop from their cocoons.

Cornilkaus Brute Form

The Void-Walkers are born from strange slimy and tan cocoons with a thick mucus coating with many nutrients to feed the creature inside for a couple of years before it's body fully develops to where they can be put to use. Their skin is unusually smooth and not rugged giving them the appearance of being fully artificial. The Void-Walkers come in many shapes and sizes some even just a organic mass of a bulbous body and many nerves and oozing spores which are commonly used to operate and pilot ships with their nerve systems being connected to the wiring and engines and weapons causing the ship to only need one of these. The Void-Walkers each have a cybernetic and organic chip implanted into them while they are in the cocoon, it can act as a kill switch for when things go sour and as a last result. The Force sensitive one's have strange tattoos signifying that

Brief Culture Introduction (WIP) :

Cornilkaus Homeworld, Terra II

The Cornilkaus worship one being alone, the Spore Serpent. Although, this is no creature of myth rather, a celestial being whose origin is most unknown. This spore Serpent can open up small holes in it's skin and can launch out large bulbous, and organic and smooth spheres onto planets that can act as birthing chambers for the Cornilkaus. The Inside is hollow and lined with metal and slime while in the center in a bulbous Cornilkaus similar to the one that can control starships. However, to continue the process of production, the Serpent will have a smaller weaker version of it shoot out of it's mouth and go somewhere within space to a abandoned world to continue the process. The Spore Serpent is a large scaly serpent capable of tremendous feats but it is limited to one world unless it is the first Spore Serpent and not the smaller ones.

Spore serpent

Brief History (WIP):
The First recorded history of the Cornilkaus was when a couple of spore chambers crashed upon Gladius. Many Cornilkaus flooded out of the chambers and attacked the local government, their allies the New Terra Republic sent many troops and fleets to the planet to defend it. No matter how many were slain, they just kept on coming no matter what. Within roughly forty-eight hours of engagement, a Large Bio-Sphere chamber crashed into the surface of the planet. This resulted in the total annihilation of the planet's organisms and fauna leaving it a barren wasteland.
Afterwards, A Bio-Sphere renaziner assimilated the dead organic matter on the planet along with construction materials and cybernetic pieces. Gladius was abandoned and now the capital of the Terra Republic was being aimed for, Terra II. Within a matter of 1 and a half days the fleet made it to the planet and assimilated it. Once assimilated, large tunnels began to be dug and built for the Spore serpent. Within 10 years the tunnels were completed and the Spore Serpent went here, and slept for centuries, releasing spores but not into space, into a machine line where they where held upon a wall.

Terra II Aftermath

This would become the capitol of the Cornilkaus. Although a barren wasteland, it had the perfect conditions to breed a army, to breed the Cornilkaus. A large cube was built over the centuries of assimilating outer rim worlds. The purpose of the cube is unknown but it is thought to bring the avatar or the Truth Bearer or the Arbiter of the Spore Serpent. The Truth Bearer is thought to be born or made every 500 years.

"Verum Lucifer de illa gaudent Serpent descenderat rex noster,
et dominus noster aeternus cubus ab albo."
Translated: The Truth Bearer of the Spore Serpent is out desended king, our lord eternal from the white cube.​
- A inscription from a recently discovered Scroll

(Any feedback is appreciated, just keep it positive and negative )

Jordan Achilles

I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
[member="Cyrus Draxion"]
Ok, now this sounds really interesting to create.
I just see one problem, a large serpent that can go through space?
Yes it's possible but, why a serpent...why not, will actually I don't know.

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