Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sparring: Head-to-Head, Tête-à-Tête

Master Noble, I've noticed you haven't left the station yet. That's lucky for me.

Droids are all well and good to practice with, but I'd appreciate the opportunity to spar with a real lightsaber master for once. I've been using my sword so much I need the workout with the old glowbat. If you'd care to join me, my training room is on the far back left of Habitat Module 6C. The door code is Tapalo.


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: The station
Valery: Appearance
After the meeting, Valery spent a little while catching up with some of the Jedi she hadn't seen in quite some time, and soon enough, she was ready to travel back home. She passed through the now somewhat familiar hallways to get back to her fighter but along the way, she paused as a message came through on her wrist-device.
A spar?
She smirked and figured that a few more hours here wouldn't really be a problem. Valery also needed the training now more than ever before, so she began to quickly make her way over to the Module he directed her to. Once she reached the door of what she believed to be the right room, she entered the code and watched the doors slide open.
Knowing he'd likely be training already or preparing, she entered quietly as to not disturb him, and bowed her head respectfully when she finally did get his attention.
"Couldn't pass up the opportunity myself," she said with a slight smirk.
In fact, neither training nor preparing were on Cotan's mind at that moment. His personal training space was blissfully free of distractions for once, and after the meeting and all that it entailed he had needed the empty quiet for a time; so as many of the others went about their further planning and discussion, he had retired to do something he rarely did:


He'd always understood the value of the practice, of course—he could thank his master for that—but it was rare he ever engaged. There was always too much to do, too many things pulling him one way or the other in the galaxy to claim for himself the time to simply sit and exist, to try and re-center himself. Most often he managed as much as he could through practice or outright combat, relying on the same moving meditation principles of Alchaka or the Matukai martial arts.

But it was clear that the frustration he'd been feeling leading into the meeting, as well as the whirlwind the galaxy had thrown him into with each of his most recent conflicts, were overtaxing his own sense of control. Pulling him perilously close to the edge of the storm, rather than safe within the eye. So, satisfied that he'd have a decent amount of time before his day's sparring partner would arrive, he withdrew a pair of kyber crystals—one the powerfully light healing crystal he'd found deep within Firefist, and the other a cracked red blade taken from a long-dead Sith's weapon.

"Chaos," and the red crystal floated upwards. "And harmony." The healing pendant followed after. "As on Tython, so without." In the absence of the Je'daii's original homeworld, some among them had had to find their own focuses of meditation, substituting for the moons; Cotan was lucky in that he had items that so purely reflected either extreme of the Force. Perhaps...too purely.

His eyes snapped open again, falling upon the bled crystal. Even in the state it was, the bond it had once possessed with its master was unmistakable. She'd found the crystal originally, one which called to her deeply, and bled it afterwards; however, she had died years ago. He'd held her in his arms as she did, given her body a funeral after.

Why, then, did the crystal respond so strongly as his focus set upon it, like it never had before? Why did it feel as though it was calling out to its master once again?

The answers to those questions weren't ones he particularly wanted to contemplate, not given the troubles he was already having with a different master of the Dark Side come back from the dead. He closed his eyes again with a shake of his head, and began the process of meditation anew; and it was in that position that Valery found him, kneeling on the floor, crystals floating alongside him, having at some point found his way to a state of serenity. His eyes came open again at some point after she arrived, and he returned the bow.

"Master Noble. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long here." He scooped the crystals out of the air, placing them back within a small pouch at his belt in the same movement. Then he rose fluidly, pulling one of the lightsabers from his hip. "I hope you can forgive me for not pulling out the more unique tool for this."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: The station
Valery: Appearance
"Not at all," Valery said with a soft smile on her lips. She had watched the meditation rather intently, and especially the crystals had drawn her attention. To see a Jedi walking around with a bled crystal would have been strange, but using one in something as deep and focused as meditation was even more peculiar. In her mind, she could create a huge list of old Masters she knew who would have given her so much trouble if she had done it.
But Cotan wasn't some kind of stubborn Padawan, and she trusted that he had his reasons for it, so no comments were made and she'd simply greet him with the respectful bow.
"It's no problem — I quite enjoy a good sparring session regardless of the weapons people use. I've also been in a bit of a recovery process, so being pushed a bit will be good for me," she smirked and raised her hands up to make sure her ponytail was tightly tied together.
Then much like him, a hand lowered down to her waist and she removed one of her two lightsabers from her belt. With the weapon drawn into both hands, she distanced herself and tapped the ignition switch so the violet blade finally revealed itself. She was ready for a good spar, and she was certainly going to enjoy it as well.
"I hope your meditation hasn't made your legs stiff." she joked.
"Not at all," he replied. He pivoted slightly, his left foot falling back, shifting into a classic duellist's stance. One finger hooked in the thin-necked space of his weapon like over the guard of a rapier, he activated his amber blade, giving Valery a quick salute and flourish. Even as long as it had been since he'd truly used his lightsaber, more often relying on the Force-imbued blade he'd constructed, his movements were still sharp and fluid. Graceful, but restrained.

Overly pure, one might say, hyper-focused on the strictures of a single form, though whether that would truly remain the case had yet to be seen. "After you," he said with a slight nod.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: The station
Valery: Appearance
Recognizing the stance instantly, Valery felt it was only fitting to honor the Contention Form by opening similarly. So with grace, she drew her left foot back to angle her right side towards the man. Her right hand took a firm grasp on the hilt as her fingers wrapped around the metal, her thumb alongside the length of the hilt.
Drawing the weapon up in front of her face to show respect through the salute, Valery then flourished her violet blade into the signature X-pattern in the air before lowering the blade down between her and her sparring partner. The woman's smirk finally transitioned into a calmer, more serious expression and when he signaled that he was ready, she wasted not even a second.
In a quick burst, Valery closed the distance with a lunge that lowered her body and widened her stance. Using the forward momentum of her movements, she rapidly extended her arm and thrust the blade towards Cotan's stomach, before stepping back with the leading foot to regain her stance and create some distance.
The dance between duelists had begun.
It had been a surprisingly long time since Cotan had been given much opportunity to go up against someone who studied the same form he'd originally taken to. It was refreshing, in a way; he was a fan of elegant and refined dueling, rather than the barbarism commong among most of those he fought. He gave Valery another nod, this time in appreciation, in the moment before she lunged at him.

In a single fluid movement, he raised his own blade, point towards her, lightly pushing hers aside as he pivoted slightly further away and leaned backwards. A simple void and constraint, claiming the line of engagement for himself. Luckily for Valery, she didn't over-commit in the drive to close measure, or she'd have speared herself. A trap that even masters had fallen into, not just novices. "Good distance control," he complimented as she retreated, the both of them regaining their posture.

He stepped around, eyeing her posture carefully, eyes probing for any weakness in her alignment as he bent into a slightly lower position. Then, just as suddenly as she had, he stepped forwards, shoulder turning to raise his blade into second guard as he aimed a probing feint towards her left shoulder, trying to draw her into a parry.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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