Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sparring and Good Health (Syala)


Finding passage on a shuttle to Voss had not been difficult but it did inspire a bit of annoyance in Vol. Annoyance in the fact that he was an awful pilot with a ship so broken it was more profitable to sell than fix. And who knew how that worked? Vol sure didn’t. But despite his naval ineptitude, and regardless of the shuttle whose seats smelled like wet bantha, he was happy. Happy that he had touched down on Voss safely and was nearing his destination, The Shrine of Healing. The Shrine of Healing’s name could almost explain itself. It was an ancient structure and home to the ancient Voss Mystics who operated as healers by way of the force. Once Vol learned of it’s existence, being a Jedi and talented healer, he found he could not pass up the opportunity to make this pilgrimage.

As he neared the Shrine it stuck out from the rest of the old paths. It’s architecture striking amongst nature but it’s decay matching that of the rocks faces. The craggy brown of the temple in the afternoon light contrasted so much to the silver, irons and unnatural light one could find in the vast amounts of modern technology. This place was truly ancient which excited Vol. He smiled flashing his bright white fangs as he came to a stop in front of the temple. His cloak billowing in the wind, and revealing his dark brown jedi robes, was halted as he sat down to meditate. Vol found the weather most favorable and the air around the temple was so fresh he could feel it in his lungs. He let go a sigh of relief as he began to lose himself in meditation.

[member="Syala Daivik"]
Adjusting to being blind was a strange thing, to say the least. Managing her way about the Silver Temple had been a challenge at first, and now one Syala had nearly mastered. In the beginning she had utilized a combination of gentle telekinetic pulses and some rendition of Force Sense in order to navigate about the grounds. Slowly that had evolved, becoming far more finely honed as the weeks passed, and soon enough she was allowed ventures without an escort, though most times her Master stuck close by regardless, his presence a comforting one. Eventually she had managed some version of sight through the Force, though it was rudimentary at best, and certainly in the early stages of development. But it was far preferable to not being able to see at all, and she would take whatever small blessings were granted.

That skill had required its own sort of refining, and so she had taken to wandering the paths about the Temple, the only sign of her sightlessness being the slowness in which she walked, each step deliberate in its placement. A staff had been offered, so that she might feel her way, but even that aid had been rejected. If she was to do this, it would be on her own, with no outside assistance. This was one of the many roads necessary to tread so that she might become a better Jedi, let alone one of the elite Shadows. Independence was necessary, as was her own form of quiet determination. There were times when she had stumbled both literally and metaphorically, but still she'd been slow in giving up. This wasn't an easy trial, but it was one she had to undergo. If not to prove to herself that she was strong, than to her Master.

This day was much the same as any other, despite the discrepancies that may have set it apart. She arose at the proper hour - just before sunrise - and spent enough time in the refresher to shower and dress. Lately she had foregone wrapping bandages about her eyes in order to disguise the milky irises and scarred tissue. After a small breakfast she was ready to begin her day in short order. And with her Master off-world in search of the Sith that had blinded her - Be safe, Connor - she was left to her own devices. At first it had included a meditation of sorts, and for a time she had contented herself with that. But, once again, she had taken to the twisting paths that carved out routes to most any landmark on Voss. This was reminiscent of a sort of meditation, the quiet allowing her to focus and center her thoughts away from her disability.

The Shrine of Healing was as far as she'd ventured in some time. It was an ancient structure, dating back to the days of the Old Republic, when it had still been inhabited by the Voss Mystics. The structure hadn't been in use for the ages and eras since, but it still stood as a testament to all that had once been, a symbol of the Force and all of its capabilities for good. An intriguing place for any that took on the mantle of Jedi as their own. It was there she found herself, having finally located the path that led to the edifice after minutes of fruitless searching. However, it seemed she wasn't quite so alone this time. Another presence radiated in front of her, rooted in the light just as her own. Carefully she stepped forward, not wanting to disturb the newcomer but allowing herself to be heard. "Do you require assistance?"

[member="Vol Nanna"]
[member="Syala Daivik"]

Vol turned his head to see the keeper of this sweet voice, the person who cared to visit the Shrine of Healing. It was a girl. A blind girl? Vol could not know so he figured to ask. In a light, humorous manner. He usually kept quiet. And when he did open his mouth others had described him as tactless. So he had to be careful about what his big, gruff voice said. “Me. No. Do you?” Maybe a little bit too careful. A question like that wasn’t really directed toward his curiosity of the girl’s eyes, which is what he was really curious about. He just asked her own question back which didn’t really make sense considering the fact many people who ask if one need’s assistance usually don’t need assistance themselves. “What am I saying of course you don’t. I just… I wanted to meditate here. I heard that this shrine was a great place for healing long ago. Judging by the feeling I get it still seems so. I’m sorry, furless sentient. I didn’t mean to give my life story.” Vol pulled back. He had never spoken that much in such a short amount of time to a stranger.

Vol smiled. His fangs always made him look so menacing. Maybe they wouldn’t this time.
A flash of a smile was her only response, and it seemed for a brief moment that despite her inability to physically see Syala was able to pick up the gesture, though that itself was entirely impossible. Slowly she folded her legs beneath her in order to sit next to him, her posture and presence open. With both hands she lowered the cowl of her robes, revealing her sightless eyes and scarred flesh surrounding them. Her openness meant she wouldn't hide from her injuries or disability any longer, and that meant she wouldn't disguise them from others either. This blindness and these scars were as much a part of her as anything else now, woven into the fabric of her being from the day they were inflicted and all the weeks afterwards. It had just taken her time to rationalize and work through all of it.

"There isn't a need to apologize." And there wasn't, really. He hadn't done much else other than explain why he was here. That was far from his life story, but then she supposed that he hadn't intended for her to read so much into things. "I agree in that this structure is ideal for meditation. It's quiet. Calm. Peaceful." She allowed those words to hang in the air for a moment, slowing her breathing that she might open herself further to the ethereal. It would put not just her but hopefully him at ease as well, perhaps dissipating some of the inevitable tension at the both of them facing an individual much unknown to them. Reaching out with the Force she let a feeling of peace permeate the area about them, a tactic that had its uses in calming and relaxing others, and one employed the most often by her.

Finally she turned to face him, or more accurately where she sensed him to be. "Forgive me for interrupting your meditation." So much for not needing to apologize. But it was habit to be carefully respectful of all, even those strangers that happened by. "My name is Syala Daivik, Knight of the Silver Jedi." That manner of introducing herself had rubbed off from her Master. Routine always did tend to repeat itself when put to use consistently, after all. "It's my pleasure to welcome you to Voss. Might I ask who you are?" Her first guess would be a Jedi, though of a different denomination. Visitors from the Republic or other light side sects weren't uncommon, so who he was would pose little issue. But it was always nice to know who one was conversing with, especially when looking them over with physical sight wasn't an option.

Briefly she paused, unsure if the next words spoken were exactly what he was looking to hear. "I am blind, but you shouldn't allow it to concern you. Navigation is no longer an issue. But your offer, however unspoken, is appreciated." And, with a small smile, she meant it. Pure selflessness was a rarity, and to see it in any amount within another was a heartwarming thing. "What brings you to Voss? I can't assume the Shrine is your only interest. There's much and more to see here, not to mention experience. I would be willing to show you about the grounds, should you so wish." The tour would be a bit different, given her recent disability, but she would manage. Something told her he wouldn't be blatantly outspoken against it, at the very least.

[member="Vol Nanna"]
Vol kept the smile on his face because he wasn’t alone. Although isolation could be nice being surrounded by people of like mind could be better. As far as Vol could see this girl was of like mind. She was, too, there to meditate on the ancient structure, on the idea of healing, peace, and history. And Vol watched her curious but still connecting with the force as she began to. He could feel it through his instincts both in the force and primal. As she delved deeper into her connection it affected Vol. His excitement and nervousness in meeting someone new was lulled. It was still there just lulled leaving more room for him to focus and deepen his connection to the force.

He turned his head back to the temple, then closed his eyes and dropped his head. His hands held each other softly unhindered by his claws. He didn’t feel the need to say anything. He was naturally quiet but also at ease. So instead he listened.

“My name is Vol Nanna, Padawan of the Jedi Order.” He answered mimicking her introduction. “The pleasure is all mine and you didn’t interrupt anything. I’m actually glad to have company and have made a new friend.” Vol was easy to throw that word around. It was something he had picked up from his late master, but that didn’t make it any less true. Vol was very trusting and simple, and totally not a hard person to befriend. And again Vol honed in on his connection to the force as he listened.

It was amazing. Syala knew exactly what Vol wanted to ask. Her senses were great. For a blind girl she really saw a lot. Vol could feel the appreciation in her speech and that made him happy. Syala inquired more about his reason for coming to Voss and he wasn’t really sure how to answer. He wasn’t sure how to answer because the truth was that he had come to Voss just for the Shrine. He was going to meditate and try to find more of an identity or connection to and in being a healer. He had a knack for it and didn’t really know why. “Well, honestly, this shrine really is the only reason I came to this planet. I was hoping I would get some answers. Answers to an abstract question that I’m not really sure I can put into words.” He thought for a second. “But I’d love a tour of the grounds. I think, maybe, I’ll find my answers elsewhere.” Vol said trusting his instincts.

“I have a question to ask you first. If you don’t mind?” She didn’t seem like the type of person to be opposed to answering a simple question. “Did you come to this shrine just to meditate?”

[member="Syala Daivik"]
The question posed didn't have such a simple answer, the best response being both yes and no. This was one of the ideal places for meditation about the Silver Temple, but Syala hadn't come here just to seek her own inner peace. It had been, at first, a test of sorts, to determine just how well she was able to see and navigate despite being blind. There was also a wealth of history that came with visiting such an ancient place, the weight of the past held within the architecture of the Shrine an unexplainable thing. A drawn out answer, however, probably wasn't what he was looking for. Neither of them had come here of a mind to discuss any sort of philosophy. "In truth, no, I didn't come here solely for meditation. It was a trial as well, in order to determine just how much I'm able to see." Only then did it become evident by her words that she was newly blind.

Without further comment she pushed herself to her feet, stretching minutely. So would begin the rather impromptu tour of the Temple she called home, and had for as long as she could remember. "The Shrine of Healing is merely a sliver of what there is to offer here. I think you'd find our libraries worthwhile as well, given that you're seeking answers." It was there she began to lead him, her steps careful through the grass until the path seemed to materialize beneath her feet once more. It was that she followed back to the Temple itself, the only sign to her senses that she had entered a cooling of the air that was gentle and barely detectable. The walk from there to the library was a short one, and soon enough their surroundings quieted, replaced only by the tranquility that accompanied a vast knowledge. "These are our archives. The history of the Order and more is kept here."

Their entire time wasn't to be spent there, however. In a few minutes she stepped from that peace back to the buzzing activity of the halls, their destination this time outside of this very building. It was around the back she took him now, to the gardens, lush and full of life. It was here she spent the majority of her time, preferring the natural calm of nature to anything else. This was where she felt the most connected, to her fellow Jedi and the natural, living Force itself. "Here are the gardens, and where I spend time when I'm not occupied elsewhere. When it comes to meditation, this is typically my preferred venue. There is a place here to remember those fallen as well, and pay your respects." That particular sect had been gaining far too much attention lately.

"There is one final place..." And it didn't lay too far from where they currently stood. Within minutes they were there, the sound of water lapping up against the shore seeming to set her immediately at ease, as her shoulders relaxed, muscles slackening nearly imperceptibly. "As you can likely tell, this is the lakeside. It's where I first spoke formally with my Master, and where the two of us spend our time together when we're both on Voss. It's where I took my first steps as becoming a true Jedi, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I wanted to show it to you so that perhaps you might share some of the peace it's granted me throughout my life here." This final destination was purely sentimental, one that meant the most to her in a manner that wasn't easily put into words.

[member="Vol Nanna"]

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