Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spared No Expense

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Randall Zork"]

The home of the wookiee's was a great place to be and Matsu was looking over all of it, her work with the Republic on the world to create warehouses and clean up the things in the shadowlands as well as across the world. All of it and still now as she was moving forward there was the idea of a preserve, a game preserve for the creatures that they could study and if need be clone them for low populations. Matsu was in a meeting with the wookiees and letting her mind expand outwards as the one was talking with her. This high up in the forest trees it was still an amazing sight to behold as she let the real breath of it come to her being this high up and rubbed her hands together. "This place is so exciting."
Sitting in the thicket, his eyes were narrowed as he watched the woman move on along, snarling slightly, as saliva slowly dripped down his mouth, splattering upon his elegant white fur. He watched, clearly suspicious as to why a Human would be located on this planet, Kashykk. Slowly, he rose to his feet, leaves and sticks crunching under his feet. Anybody in the general vicinity would catch a glimpse of the albino Wookiee, his natural camouflage, replaced with a thick, white fur.

Cautiously, he proceeded to head over to the woman, staring at her with a confused expression. Slowly, he took a step on the bridge, his eyes glued to the woman. He was simply standing there, not moving an inch as he stared at her with a mix of suspicion and slight fear.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu stood there and kept moving, her attention on the wookie that was there when she turned her head. Offering a bow with her hands behind her back and walking across the bridge towards the lift and village. "Hello there." She said it while moving and one of the wookiee's were there who were helping her. One approaching with a datapad showing some of the things, she had been there working with them for disposal and well providing the wookiee's shipwrights that were able to design and build ships for them. She had been working now to document some of the dangers within the shadowland and legendary monsters they had were able to be registered and mapped so the locals knew what was down there. "I am Matsu." She said it looking at the white furred wookiee.

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