Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Space drugs/Intergalactic plantlife...

Okay, so we are mostly adults right? So it should come to no surprise that in the massive, massive universe before us there has to be a drug similar in origin to marijuana. I'm not talking spice - no death sticks or glitterstim - I'm talking something that grows from nature and is not as dangerously addictive as spice.

Has anyone tried to make a codex for something like this?
I think the closest I've found is Marcan herb [member="Einarr Warscream"].

[member="Lily Kuhn"] Ambrian seems close, except for the "health problems" it mentions.

This leads me to my next question: what would it take to create an herb for this game?
You can make any type of drug through a development thread and submit it to the Factory, like as bio-tech. I've done some similar stuff so PM me if you have specific questions (one of my characters owns a pharmaceutical company)


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