Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Space Arena

The Trandoshan approach Thraxis, his face slightly starting to bruise. "One of your boys are down in room 31-C." He look over Thraxis and awaited his order.

Cadan sat, unmoving, unblinking. His eyes still focused on the area in front of him. He said nothing, instead he started running a list through his head of who wanted them dead. They had pissed many people off in their life, but one to have the skill to enter their base and kill them? They were someone of great power.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Vitani Amani"]
Vitani stepped away. "I'm sorry this happened." she said softly. She was afraid that it could have been a Jedi but then again, they wouldn't do that. The Padawan said nothing more and saw it best to let him grieve.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Thraxis would look to him, laid out on the floor, still exhausted from the running, "Wha" he would force himself too say, only to be stopped by the heavy panting, "Who is it?" he would inquire, forcing himself up from the floor, he would look to him, he had no real interest in who it was, he did not really know the crew on a close enough level to care, "Also, who killed him?" the air starting to refill himself and starting tor regain his breath.

"Don't know, looked like a Bothan to me though." he would respond, his face flustered from the running around he had been doing for his higher ups.

Thraxis eyes become engorged with rage, he pulled from his holsters his twin heavy blasters, he started to break into a sprint to room 31-C ignoring the heavy pain that was encumbering his chest, forcing himself to rush through the pain. Tears rolling down his face as the pain grew more painful as he ran though if he was correct, one of his few friends had just been slain and Thraxis wanted too see if this was true, though if it was true, he will make sure that whoever perpetrated the act would not only die, but be slowly and agonisingly painful suffer, Thraxis hoped the painful torture would takes week to do, if not months to complete.
ADAM Gazed in wonder as he watched things unfold, his systems were malfunctioning, the hardware would function, he couldnt do anything! His systems locked up as the ship's anti-virus blocked his communication routes, he began to grow furious in his small cell. He began running power through the station, lights flashed on and off twice and he was free. A small power-surge to reset the security parameters... but it was too late, all the assailants were gone. He had failed to keep watch. He gave orders to droids who went about the ship rapidly sweeping for evidence, DNA, anything to catch these people.. His systems had erased the scan data from the restart... It was not going to be pleasant to explain that to the captain. The com that had showed ADAM's avatar turned off, and he went to vent his frustration by hacking into bank accounts.. keeping most of his AI focused on security from now on. Droids would go and turn on cameras that had been turned off, moving about hurriedly.

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