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Approved Tech Sovereign Heavy Battle Armour Mk 1

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  • Intent: To sub a set of heavy Shock Trooper armour to serve the Sovereignty's close quarters assault units.
  • Image Source: Image | Image Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N.A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: Average
- EMP/ION: High

  • Copper Faraday Cage: Designed to protect the SHBA-1's internal delicate systems and instruments, this Faraday Cage lines the inside mesh of the armour.
  • Blaster Resistance: The SHBA-1 is designed to be incredibly blaster-resistant, especially thanks to the Chromium and Transparisteel included in its design.
  • EMP/ION Resistance: Thanks to the Copper Faraday Cage included in its design, the SHBA-1 has resistance to EMP attacks directed at its more delicate systems.
  • Worth the Weight: This armour is particularly heavy, and it requires a very strong individual by human standards to be able to properly operate it.
  • Late to the Party: Thanks to the aforementioned weight, no matter the strength of the user, this armour will significantly slow down their movement and flexibility from what it usually is.
  • Maintenance: This armour is not designed for long-term engagements, and requires a lot of regular maintenance, being more prone to breakdown and deterioration than similar models.
Originally designed as a lighter armour that was designed to protect from the environment, the SHBA-1 could not acheive its purpose originally. Eventually however, it was discovered that the materials and design used was far better for resisting blaster fire and turning the user into a far more durable force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With various internal and external components being designed to try and accommodate the inherent weaknesses of the armour, it was also decided to include a Copper Faraday Cage on the internals of the armour, to protect these systems. As a result, the armour requires a specific kind of soldier; one who has the strength to properly use it, and with the training to properly manage the more complicated systems included.

Mod request 9.3.18
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  • Affiliation: The Sovereignty

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