Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soundtrack of the Soul

Amber eyes were distant as she stared down at the city scape from her high vantage point atop the roof of a nameless building, vibrant red hair dancing out behind her. Blinking slowly she scanned the horizon as though she were looking for something or someone. Eventually she returned to the present and took a seat on the ledge she had been standing upon, pulling her guitar from her back. She smoothed her hands across the instrument, admiring the craftmenship; the guitar was made of veshok wood with a cortosis weave encompassing the body while the rest of the components were made of phrik. The instrument had cost her a pretty penny, everything she had in fact, but it was well worth it to have a guitar she could take into battle and could channel her music through; at least that was the plan she had yet to actually practice with the guitar.

Smiling softly Anar tuned the guitar, before playing a simple melody. Smiling as she played she closed her eyes, allowing the Song of the Force to wash over her. The Song swelled in her mind and it amplified the music she was playing, breathing life into the notes she plucked on her guitar as if it were hooked up to an amplifier. She continued to play until the melody faded, her fingers ceasing to play of their own accord. Slowly amber eyes slid open and she just stared off into the distance, allowing the Song to sooth her soul. As of late she had been having nightmares and someone was there in her dreams, always the same presence, but if she knew who it was she could never remember when she awoke. Sighing she adjusted her grip on her guitar, the Song guiding her hands and her voice as she started to play once more, the wind carrying her voice away as she sang.

"My life is a musical

I know how to put on a pretty pathetic show

I hide backstage

Keep the curtains closed

'Cause I'm scared, I'm scared

I'm getting pretty good at feeding them the lines they like

But I don't recognize the girl that I face each night

I can compromise till I'm convinced

It's right

What happened to the girl who could overlook the world?

She never gave a second thought to what the other people thought

What happened to the dream of rejecting the routine?

'Cause they never worked for me

I'm gonna burn this theater down and pray to God for the strength to help me face the crowd

I wanna live like I lost the script and scream every line

Like "this is it!""

Ava Solborne

Dominator sat on a building roof and watched the sunset. The evening was so magical and mystical. An orange sunlight faded into the night and a very light pink shade followed it. Dominator had never seen this beauty before. Butterflies, sunrise. How could he had never seen these things before? Maybe he had seen, but he didn't concentrate, he didn't notice these small beautiful things, what made the life better and more pretty. A song came somewhere, but Dominator didn't notice it. He heard it. It merged with the wind, sunset, butterflies, though the song wasn't so beautiful and relaxing. It was so beautiful evening, that a tear grew in his eye and then flew down his cheek. Emotions... Dominator dangled his feet and relaxed.
"You know, there are better stages you could be performing on." The young Jedi had been playing her song, singing and all the while one man had made his way to roof on an unrelated note. However one could hardly consider work or anything else when the sound of music was in the air. While listening to holo-vid or recording was one thing, a live performance was another and now, leaning on an ornamental looking cane, both hands placed over the handle. One would never guess that the mild mannered looking man dressed in an outfit that showed him as a businessman of sorts was actually a Sith Lord, disguised as a normal man.

"Talent like that seems wasted on a roof," he added in as he stood a stalwart observer. She was a fascinating one, in how she felt in the Force and the type of outfit she wore. Even her hair color spoke volumes to him. Whether it was natural or not, he always did enjoy the company of a red head. The contents of the song itself seemed strange to him but then again he never claimed to be any sort of expert. He just knew talent when he saw it.
The wind carried the last of her song away, her voice echoing off the surrounding buildings. As she slowly came down off the high she always felt when singing she became aware that there were others nearby, a Padawan some distance away, but there was someone else much closer. His Song was mysterious and powerful, a strange thing for someone that seemed to have a very slight presence within the Force. Turning, guitar in hand, amber eyes fell upon a man that appeared to be her senior by a few years, though, Anara knew she was easily far older than him. His Song was beautiful, though she could hear notes within it that didn't belong, adding to his mystery.

A lopsided smile touched her lips and she simply shrugged in response, brushing her wild bangs from her face absently. Before speaking to the man she studied him further, taking in his business attire. He is as out of place up here as I am...What's he up to? While he was dressed for a board meeting, she was dressed for a summer outing in a short white sun dress with black floral print complete with a black petticoat beneath and matching black heels. With her wild hair and guitar she almost looked out of place in her own dress, but then the look really did work for her. Still smiling she adjusted her grip on her guitar, playing a few simple notes as she watched the man carefully. Her aura was a beacon of light, waves of positive energy radiating off her and sweeping outward toward the Padawan a distance away and the man before her.

"You think so? Well someone is enjoying the free least I like to think so..."

She played a few more notes, her fingers moving of their own accord, as she eyed the man. "Let me guess...Not you're preferred genre? Or is this one of those "hey you dirty kids get off my roof!" moments?" She grinned at her impersonation of an old man, a mischievous light in her eyes. The man honestly didn't looked much older than her, he had a pleasant sprinkling of gray in his hair, but certainly not enough that she would consider him an old man. Besides, the gray looked good on him, it was his attire that she was truly mocking; it made him look old in her mind and the cane certainly didn't help.
Her words were amusing to him, from the lips of someone who was not yet certain of who it was that was standing before her. That was for the best, few really did know who he was and that was just the way he liked it. "Cute." The man let his hands slid off the cane and he slowly strolled forward. "No, no, if I didn't like the music, I have a feeling the first words from my mouth would not have been praising your considerable talent." Moving closer to the edge he took a glance over and noted how far up they were and his expression mirrored what he had seen before he lifted his cane up and twirled it in his fingers.

"The same would hold true if I wished to seem like an old fart," he said adding into the fact without even betraying his advanced years. He supposed in a way that he did fit the mold considering his age but he didn't look it and he evolved with the times. "I see that look in your eyes, you're wondering what I'm doing up here. The question holds the same for what a young woman is doing up here as well and why she is playing a guitar?"
She smirked down at him, a soft laugh passing her lips as she bowed. "I do try my best at being cute, its a full time job sometimes." Grinning she plucked at the strings of her guitar, looking away for a moment as though the man were boring her. Slowly her amber gaze fell upon him once more, a thoughtful look upon her face. "Isn't it obvious?" She turned and looked out across the horizon at the setting sun, eyes taking on a distant look for a moment before she returned to the present and looked back down at the man.

"I'm a hooligan, I'm up to no good of course."

Truth be told she didn't feel much like a hooligan any more, despite physically only being in her late twenties, she sometimes felt as old as she really was. Laughing once more she momentarily felt like her younger self, when her life had been far less complicated. "Why else would a young woman be on a roof top singing at the top of her lungs playing a guitar like its her last day on earth?" She was curious to see how he would take her response and what his opinion on it all would be, but more importantly she wanted to know why he was also on the rooftop.

"Lets not make this all about me though, what are you doing up here?"
"Maybe she's looking for attention.. maybe she wants to be heard." The reasons were many but he had no desire to stand around and guessed why the young red head had taken to the roof and decided to serenade the winds. Despite her jests she seemed to have the undertone of a truly troubled individual, why he could not say and he would probably not ask out of respect. Though admittedly he did find it amusing that she could put on such a strong face despite the weight that she carried on her shoulders. It was fascinating to him that she was capable of carrying such things despite first impressions.

Soon the conversation returned to him and the question of why he was on the roof. Sadly he could not say he was here to play an instrument, to sing or anything so romantic. No he was up here simply because he liked the solace. Being by himself, watching the scenery, soon the sun would go down and the skyline would be turned a bright orange, red and gold. A smile passed over his face though in light of the question. "Maybe I'm just a hooligan too, up to no good and looking to be bad. Who's to say?"

Ava Solborne

Dominator still sat on a building's roof and watched the beauty, but the music stopped. Why? The boy looked at near rooftops and saw, that there were a woman and a man nearby on a roof. Maybe it wasn't polite to go and talk with them at the moment, but he needed to do it. He had to meet them. It was like his destiny, if someone could say that. So he stood up and turned to the people. He started to run and just before the end of the roof, he jumped. The jump was amazing: high and fast. He landed on the roof the people were on. He sat down, hoping that they don't see Dominator yet and listened carefully for the end of their conversation.
Amber eyes seemed to flare with his words, but she didn't betray how she was feeling further. Anara cooly hid her surprise at how well he read her behind a charming smile and a sweet laugh. "I always want attention and I'm always demanding to be heard..." She grinned, playing out a quick powerchord upon her guitar, the wind picking up at the perfect moment and making her hair dance wildly. The hem of her dress danced against her thighs, threatening to reveal more than was appropriate, but Anara wasn't worried about her attire at that moment. "I'm a rock star, we are full of ourselves like that." She winked at the man and laughed, shaking her head at his own answer to the same question he had posed to her.

"Really? You certainly are an enigma..."

She crouched down slightly, putting herself on his level as she focused in upon his Song once more. Her eyes were fierce and it looked as though she were peering directly into his soul, reading every little deep dark secret he had tucked away there. "Hmmm." After a moment she stood once more, eyes a little darker as she studied the man before her. "For someone who seems so small within the have a massive Song...and it doesn't all fit." She smirked then, tilting her head back just slightly. "I hear a hidden tune shut behind a door, sir...What lies behind that door I wonder?" They were playing a game with one another, she could feel it and while she wasn't normaly up for such things this man made all the difference.
She was an odd one, that much was for sure. She seemed to be hiding behind her words, they made her harder to see but he could tell it seemed like more then met the eye, a thing he had no doubt of. However now she began to speak of him once more, claiming him as an enigma and making an observation that he appeared to have a massive presence in the Force, implied by her use of the term song. Even hidden she seemed to be able to read him in a way to see who he really was to a degree. All Xander did was smile at the question, wondering what he hid behind closed doors.

"I'm not certain your ready for such knowledge." The man turned his head away from the young woman, where the flaring of a presence had come from. There was a distinct change that he could feel quite easily however he did not bother to point it out. It was of no real consequence to him or the woman he had come across. "You have me curious though, you speak of songs.. what exactly do you mean by such description?"
"I'm always ready."

She winked at the man, her attention diverted from him for just a moment as she acknowledged that the Padawan was suddenly closer. Amber eyes fell upon the businessman once more, a thoughtful look upon her face as she studied him. "I could tell you..." She grinned, slowly pacing back and forth upon the ledge, strumming a slow melody upon her guitar. "Or I could show you..."

She stopped her pacing and held a hand out to the man, a daring smile upon her face. Her eyes sparkled and held an almost devious look to them, though, truth be told she wasn't going to anything devious at all. Her connection to the Force was unique and she had learned long ago that she could show someone her unique perspective with a simple touch. She wiggled her fingers just a bit, head tilted to the side ever so slightly.

"I promise I won't bite...much."
Always ready, that would need to be put to the test he imagined. She was confident but she still had no idea what it was she was looking at. She did not answer his question instead she made a bid to instead show her what it was that she meant. Her hand extended inviting him up to the ledge of the roof, a thing that could prove foolish, even with her reassurances that she would not do anything unbecoming though the metaphor she used was quite interesting. Something told him she had a bit of darkness to her even if she shown as one of the light. Very curious, either that or she was just very naughty.

Sliding his walking stick over his shoulder as if he was holding a sword and resting it there, he moved forward and held his hand out to hers. "Do you wish for my hand?" he asked her with a grin before his hand slid into hers. "Or perhaps.. up on the ledge?" he added in as he pressed his boot to the ledge and lifted himself up to the ledge next to her. "Or maybe you want both? Me standing on the ledge with you, hand in hand."
She smiled, a soft laugh passing her lips. "Well no matter what I wanted...I now have both." Grinning she turned toward the man, staring up into his deep blue eyes. It was as though a dark ocean was battling against the afternoon sun as they stared at one another. "Just relax...and don't fight me or you won't hear it." With a soft sigh she closed her eyes and titled her head toward the darkening sky above, allowing the Song of the Force to fill her mind. As its melody washed over her, washing away everything around her, she turned her attention back to the man whose hand she now held.

Once more his Song filled her mind and with a little extra concentration on her part, she emparted what she was hearing to the man before her. While still taking in his Song, she opened her eyes and met his gaze once more. A soft smile touched her lips as she whispered almost breathlessly, "hear it? Your Song is far to magnificent to belong to a simple man...There is more to you. No one has a such a Song within the Force with such a small connection..."
He was unsure how he could possibly fight her on what she attempted to do, however by her own strength she brought forth a melody he had not heard before, it was strange to him that such a tune would fill the air around him. He listened for the moment and thought the song was appropriate. Subtle yet with power hidden behind a vale that she had yet to pierce. The question now stood whether or not he should let her hear more of what she sensed. Again though his mind had focused on the thought that she was not ready for such a thing, for good reason he might add.

"I fear I might overwhelm you, if this is the scope you sense from a man that appears to be holding back then I shudder to think what would happen if you were to hear it all, untamed, wild." Not to mention she would sense that he was a Sith Lord, a thing he was trying to hide from all specifically because he lived two lives, the one she would see before her and the other hidden in shadow, only to be revealed to those deemed worthy enough to know. Anyone else could make things.. difficult for him in the coming future of the things he would try to accomplish.

"This is an interesting gift you possess though.. I will admit."
As his Song faded, swept away by the wind, she didn't release his hand; she was deteremined to learn what lay beneath his Song. "Overwhelm me? I doubt it...You haven't even heard my own Song...Mine would likely put your true colors to shame." She grinned and gave his hand a light squeeze as she playfully pouted. "Give us just a taste?" She held onto his hand for a moment longer, staring up into his deep blue eyes, before she slowly let his hand slip from her own.

She moved her guitar to her back and turned away, looking out across the horizon, cutting her amber eyes over to her new "friend" periodically. "I have a unique connection with the Force...that's all..." Amber orbs took in the last light of day, a far off look slowly finding its way into her gaze as a sad smile touched her lips. "I am as untamed and wild as they come without walking in complete Darkness, sir..." The man beside her could be a Sith Lord, hiding from prying eyes, but even with that possibility looming over her head she kept trying to poke holes in the man's guise. However, it was just as likely that she was reading far more into the situation than was actually there, he could just be a simple businessman.

She took his hand once more and turned back toward him, taking a small step forward, leaving very little space between them. "I can handle anything you've got up your sleeves...I promise."
"Untamed and wild without walking in the darkness. An interesting place for one such as yourself to be," he said remarking on her choice of words. She thought her own presence could put him to shame and that in itself seemed challenge enough to prove what he was. If he wished to do such a thing, revealing himself to two people though was not among the things he felt compelled to do, even if the young woman was particularly enticing to him. Besides, he liked the little game they were playing she was trying so hard to feel what was behind the veil but to no avail.

"If you think yours capable of dwarfing mine.. perhaps you should show me yours first and then I may show you mine. Since a man can be judged by such a thing, I'm not exactly in the best of positions am I?" he asked setting forth a bargain that might be made. One had to be careful in these sorts of situations as in all things.
She grinned, amber eyes darkening a bit as her eyes slid closed. The wind suddenly picked up around them, the hem of her dress dancing around her thighs as she tightened her grip upon the man's hand a bit. Channeling the Force in ways few could she barred her own Song to the man and the Padawan upon the rooftop. Upon the wind a forlorn sound could be heard that grew in strength. The music swirled around them, haunting and sad before growing ominously silent. Then as the silence was settling the music came rushing back, stronger and fuller than before. Anara threw her head back, a wide smile upon her lips as the wind tore at her hair and dress.

Beneath the melody a guitar screamed to life, but it wasn't Anara's guitar at all. This was the Song of her Soul, her very essence in its purest and most powerful form. Voices joined the music, giving it strength and adding to the Darkness that lurked at the edges, threatening to overwhelm herself and everyone upon the rooftop. Then as suddenly as the music had roared to life it slowly faded, leaving her skin tingling and an electrifying quality to the air. Her Song embodied everything that she was and hinted at what she could be, but it was too soon to tell how her Song would end.

Slowly she opened her eyes, amber meeting blue as she let go of the man's hand. She took a small step away from him, putting a little space between them. She grinned widely, folding her arms over her chest as she eyed the man. "Still think you can put me to shame with what you have hidden away..." Amber eyes darted toward the direction of the Padawan and for a moment her smile slipped from place, but as she met the man's gaze a coy smile found its way to her lips. "Don't worry...I'll be the only one here able to hear it...though others will feel what is hidden beneath all those layers." She still didn't know if this man was capable of manipulating the Force, but she was certain that there was more to him than met the eye.
"It's marvelous," he said, trying to figure out how best to explain something he had never really experienced before. It was.. fascinating, intriguing.. it made him realize that even though his knowledge was quite extensive there were always wonders out there that he could find if he knew where to look. A smile passed over his face thinking of the tune, but then it seemed that it was his turn now though he had told her that he may show her his. Would he be so mean? Would he really give into the little display for a chance to show off? Maybe he would do it just to shock her.

"Okay.. but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone." With those words he let his smile grow into a smirk and let his cane press to the ground. Once more both hands slid over the handle of the ornamental walking stick as he let down the barriers, the masks, everything. From a simple man dressed in nice clothes leaning on a cane, a sinister aura came forth from him. Powerful, dark, imposing, the man light up like a firework in the night sky. The presence of a Sith Lord stood before the Jedi Master and curiosity began to flood him as he wondered what she would think.


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