Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soon'tyr Wootton


NAME: Soon'tyr Wootton
RANK: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
SPECIES: Shistavanen
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9m
WEIGHT: 80kg
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Greys, whites, and browns
SKIN: Pinkish (hidden under fur)


  • Shistavanen - Naturally fast and strong with very good sense, including good nightvision, Shistavanens can easily run for long distances without tiring on two or all four limbs.
  • Limber - Lithe and swift, Soon'tyr has training in acrobatics and sports excellent agility as a result.
  • Hunter - A trained tracker, Soon'tyr enjoys the thrill of the hunt and uses his natural advantages to his benefit as much as possible.
  • Up Close and Personal - With his natural speed, strength, and agility Soon'tyr tends to forgo ranged weapons and opts for melee whenever the chance arises in order to overpower his foe or prey and achieve victory.
  • Xenophobic - A trait often underrepresented in the galaxy at large, Soon'tyr is highly leery of any non-Shistavanens he encounters. He'll often take jobs or work from humans and Hutts alike, but ultimately does not trust them and prefers his own company or that of his species to non-Shistavanens.
  • Fragile - While not necessarily built of glass or clay, Soon'tyr is not built for durability. He can only take so much of a beating before he has to disengage or risk going down. All the more reason for him to try and take a foe down as quick as possible.
  • Distractions - For whatever reason, one unknown to even Soon'tyr and the rest of the galaxy, he becomes easily distracted when certain parameters are met. The only parameters being when a spherical or quasi spherical object is thrown, lobbed, dropped, or rolled, Soon'tyr has the inexplicable and reflexive urge to attempt to chase down and/or obtain the object in some manner. He has no idea why this occurs and keeps such information to himself, striving to ignore such urges when they occur.
  • Aquaphobia - Strangely enough, Soon'tyr is completely at home on board water going vessels or even interacting with large, deep expanses of water such as seas or oceans. For some reason he cannot place, he has an inexplicable fear of small bodies of water such as buckets, 'freshers, and hoses.

Tall and lithe, Soon'tyr has a thick coat of gray, white, and brownish fur covering his body. On his muzzle he sports a pair of scars and is often seen in basic clothing or his protective armor.

Born to a simple and middle class Shistavanen family, Soon'tyr grew up normally and quietly. As time went on, he found himself enthralled by the stars and what they held, not out of amazement of space, but for the planets that lay near them. As he reached maturity, he left home and signed on as a crewman aboard a cargo vessel for a time.

There, he met new species such as Humans, a race he'd only seen in holos or heard of in stories. They seemed so very different from him and while curiosity rose at first, the basic exposure he had to non-Shistavanen species changed curiosity to distrust. Humans and other races distrusted someone that looked so very different from themselves, often placing Soon'tyr as the butt of jokes or even displaying outright hostility. He quickly learned that the only groups he could trust were his own species and the Shistavanen crew of the ship he lived aboard and so long as he had his crewmates to fall back on, he felt he could survive in the galaxy for a while longer.

Unfortunately, fate had other ideas.

His parents had long suspected he'd possessed some level of Force sensitivity, but had left him to his own devices on whether to pursue training for such. Figuring his sensitivity was low, if not minimal, he had ignored training and opted for more practical scopes of education. Occasionally, the odd thing or two would happen around him such as objects moving or levitating, sometimes even waking up to seeing many items floating in the space around his bunk. It was on a small bout of shore leave that bad luck hit hard.

Soon'tyr and many Shistavanens from the cargo vessel had left the ship in search of food and drink in the local area. Successfully finding a cantina to enjoy themselves in, they spent many hours and many, many credits for the evening, finally leaving as the last call was announced, but causing no trouble. As the group meandered back to the spaceport, they were attacked by a small group of locals armed with clubs. In the confusion, many Shistavanen were badly hurt or rendered unconscious.

Soon'tyr was struck over the head and knocked to the ground. As he lay in the dirt with his attacker over him, he panicked in his dazed state and reached up to push the enemy away. The result was a Force blast that knocked everyone around him off their feet. Startled by the sudden display of Force sensitivity, the attackers vanished, leaving the Shistavanen crew to pick themselves up and tend to the wounded.

Soon'tyr passed out from the exertion and woke up in a local jail cell. Charged with assault, the police had arrived as the battered crew made their way back to their ship. The attackers, claiming that the Shistavanen had attacked them labeled Soon'try as the key perpetrator. Letting the majority go, but arresting the unconscious Soon'tyr, they'd jailed him and leveled charges.

While the charges were eventually dropped as the accusations had no foundation, the Shistavanen ship had left to prevent further attacks from the locals. Soon'tyr's bank account was filled with credits, the remaining pay owed to him for the rest of the voyage, but he was no stranded and far from home.

Looking for work, he wound up in the poor and destitute parts of the city. Agile, fast, and terrifying for many to encounter, he was quickly hired on to help move shipments or protect locations for legal and illegal enterprises. Soon, he was able to purchase his own armor and weapons as well as purchase travel off planet. Sure enough, as the years passed, he made a name for himself as a mercenary and a bounty hunter.

Gone was the curious Soon'tyr who desired to see the far flung planets among the stars. Now was the Hunter Soon'tyr, the one who stalked prey for pay among the silent streets of the galaxy.





I'm sorry.... but.... is it..... is it bad that.... I kind of want to make some kind of evil character with a self-developed like.... super-soaker.... specifically to harass and terrorize this character?

Yes, I know, rude as kark.... but that weakness caught my attention and my imagination ran with silly, terrible potential scenes involving that.

Goofy ideas aside, I like this character. Now, just hope he doesn't go full-dog-mode if we ever meet IC. Not in the mood to get chased up a tree or something. :-3

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