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Approved Species Songwing

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Out of Character Information

General Information

  • Name: Sci:Aegolius Duran Duran Common: Boreal Songs/Songwings

  • Designation: Sentient

  • Homeworld: Kashyyyk

  • Language: Shohowl / Galactic Common

  • Estimated Population: Scattered

  • Description: Short-statured avians, with downy plumage, large and almost incandescent eyes, taloned feet, and darkly lacquered, hooked beaks.

Physical Information

  • Breathes: Type-1 Atmosphere

  • Average Height of Adults: 22-27cm

  • Average Length of Adults: Wingspan: 50-62cm

  • Skin Colour: Pink/Fair

  • Hair Colour: Plumage Varies / Commonly White, Brown, Black.

  • Distinctions: Songwings are denoted by their avian nature, including feather plumage, wings, enormous eyes, and hooked talons and beaks. Colouration varies between familial lines but is commonly a mixture of brown, white, and black strokes. Differences in sex are not obvious unless clarified by a Songwing or given a physical examination (the latter is not recommended). Elders are indistinct from average adults, though they can be observed with arthritic movements and a generally hoarier visage. Chicks can be cupped in a single hand, feature thin plumage, unfeathered feet, and under-developed wings.

  • Races: N/A

  • Strengths:

  • Winged Flight: All Songwings, barring injury or defect, are evolved with a natural capacity for physical flight. Through wing power, they can achieve a fast click and are deceptively agile, and use it as their preferred mode of physical movement.

  • Natural Astrogation: Perhaps due to their nocturnal habits and flight capabilities, Songwings possess an almost inherent talent for directional navigation. With training, they’ve found their ability translates well into hyperspace cartography, and vessels employing them at navigational charts count their presence as a source of luck.

  • Weaknesses:

  • Hollow Bones: With most avian species showcasing flight, Songwings evolved hollow/porous skeletons to lessen physical weight and reduce fatigue and strain. It leaves them susceptible to breakages when traumatized.

  • Photosensitivity: Songwings find brightness in general a painful nuisance on their eyes. Prolonged exposure to elevated light levels can bring about retinal damage and eventual blindness.

  • Diet: Invertebrates, fish, reptiles, small mammals, amphibians, other birds. Their favourite is a mixture of vole and mice guts.

  • Communication: Songwings communicate through an exchange of variable hoots, trills, clicks, and subtle feather movements amongst their own. For others, they ‘resort’ to Galactic Common. Their disdain for Common is noted, described as ‘washing our tongues with dirt’ and calling it an ‘unsubtle mess’.

  • Technology Level: Galactic Standard

  • Religion/Beliefs: Though not overly mono or polytheistic or theocratic, most Songwing admit to subscribing to a belief about the ‘Slipstream’. A universal current wind that is the sum of all luck and misfortune, embodying all gods and devils, bestowing good chance and bad luck upon Songwing as it will.

  • General Behaviour: Songwing, as a rule, are secretive and private. They do not allow unwarranted glimpses into their society and do not entertain much idle chatter about its nature. Family units are insular, consisting of two parents and a handful of hatchlings, the parents accomplishing tutelage until their fledglings decide on pursuing outside academics. There’s little indication of a general cultural ‘head’ or ‘scion’, with Songwing communities banding together through family heads and temporary councils. A result is a kind of cultural aloofness. Songwing are proud of adapting to a universe not made for owls~
Historical Information
Nestled within their canopy nests, secure against most predations, Songwings flitted through their own unknown histories while their distant neighbours, the Wookiee’s, struggled and developed amongst themselves and against the coming edge of galactic civilization.

Observing the stars at night move above their own canopy, a few brave birds made tentative contact with the modernizing world below. The Songwings would not let the scope of the galaxy leave them behind. To that end, they learned, borrowed, filched, bargained, bled, and sweated through numerous tribulations before at last: a handful left for space.

Since, the Owls of Kashyyyk have weathered and wizened along with their tree homes. Enduring fires stoked from invaders, poisons and worse filtrated from outside powers looking to cause strife and mayhem. The Songwings accept it as part of a common fate, ordained by the Slipstream blowing unseen between the stars above.

A few now wander and explore. Serving aboard vessels as navigators and officers, utilizing sharp beaks and even sharper wits to enforce their reputations for intelligence and direction. Songwings are wise, in their way, but never suffer to be crossed. Their eyes pierce the dark between worlds, guiding ships and souls unerringly.
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