Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sometimes being self aware is limiting

In combat Sargon had always fought with instinct, but he understood now that instinct was the force's way of influencing him. It was a whisper in the quiet of his mind that only by not focusing on the self had he finally touched and through it sensed the fullness of life around him. He still had not touched the world through the force, though he knew that was possible after his duel with Lord Valik. He wouldn't be focusing on that now though, now he would be focusing on that instinct that had always kept him alive.

Sword and shield in hand Sargon faced an old combat droid, but apparently from reputation quite an efficient one. He'd need it though to hone his instincts. If the droid fought him with a simple pattern it be less instinct guiding him as much as simple memory. Activating the droid he decided to simply start fighting first as he normally would. The droid was capable of using various weapons so at least there would be plenty of variations of attacks.

The first weapon the droid choose was a forcepike, and it twirled it rather expertly to Sargon surprise. With a sudden lunge it came forward and tried to simply overpower Sargon with its mechanical strength. Instead of meeting the attack head on Sargon pivoted with the forcepike and allowed it to pass him by. As his right side was towards the droid he attacked with a quick thrust of his own towards the droid's torso. With incredible speed it released the forcepike and slapped down the sword even as it drew back the long weapon. Whatever he was facing here it was more then proficient.
It had already become apparent that the droid was faster then any droid he'd ever met in combat before, and easily more skilled then any droid he'd ever fought. Add to the difficulty that there were plenty of moves he'd usually use against an opponent were simply useless against a droid. With a rather elegant twirl of it's forcepike the droid brought it's weapon down to strike Sargon's head. With a quick lift of his shield Sargon blocked the blow, and struck at the droid's leg. His blow went astray though scrapping across the durasteel side of the droid's leg.

In an attempt to circumvent the shield the droid grasped the shield's edge and lifted it tossing both the shield and its wielder a few feet away. With a quick roll Sargon got to his feet and charged in using his shield like a battle ram with the droid taking the part of the castle gate. This was the moment Sargon realized not only wasn't he listening to his instinct, but the droid seemed to be malfunctioning. Being an old combat model droid it was supposed to have been remodeled as an advanced training model. Little did Sargon know, the seller of said droid was about the worst programmer that ever plied the trade. He did however become very aware that he might be in true mortal danger as the forcepike barely missed Sargon's head and nicked his ear. The shock of the blow was one thing, but the truly shocking thing was that the droid was out for blood.

Drawing back Sargon looked the droid over one before returning to his balanced position, and watching the droids movements. His mouth was dry from the feeling of panic that had just embraced him, and he felt his awareness of the force slipping away with that panic. Taking a deep breath Sargon calmed himself, and relaxed his mind away from fear. He could always simply deactivate the droid there was no reason for fear. Perhaps that would be best for the moment while he sought to have its programming checked. Of course it didn't look like it was going to let him get that close without a fight. Slowly he felt his mind quiet as he sought out the force, but the droid had other plans as it tired of waiting for the attack.

It charged Sargon releasing a flurry of thrusts at him with his forcepike, but defense was where Sargon's skill truly shone. With careful timing he either pivoted to allow the blows to slide past him, his shield still in between body and blade, or he simply took the shock of lighter attacks on his shield. Several plans and reactions came to mind, but he stopped most of them before they were even started. This fight wasn't simply about winning, but using the force to sense how, and when to attack, and defend. If he allow his consciousness to dictate ever movement he'd never learn to hear the whisper of the force directing his actions. So he just continued evading as he trained his mind to relax and simply listen.

((OOC: this ones feeling a bit rough... anyone who reads this has an opinion feel free to pm it))
The flurry of blows never ended from the droid, and worse yet the complexity of the attacks increased. If Sargon had been wearing full armor he'd have already been in trouble from exhaustion, but with only his sword and shield and using extremely efficient body movements he'd conserved his energy as best he could. His mind had finally reached completely silence as the whisper that was the force swirled about the room through a million channels. He could smell it now, the life of the planet on the force winds. Now he just needed to listen.

A swing came in low, and Sargon brought his shield down automatically by to knock it astray. The whispers of the force slowly stretched out before him heightening his senses. The buzz of the forcepike came in clearly, but so did a dozen others from his heavy breath, to the sound of whirling parts within the droid. He could taste the ionized air from the blade of the forcepike in the air. The salty smell of his own sweat filled his nose with dozens of other, each somehow identifiable. His callused hands felt the individual grain of his vibroblade hilt, and the straps of his shield. It was like opening his eyes to the world for the firs time, everything was the same, but at the same time it was like the first rising of the sun. The same strengthening came to his last sensation, the presence of the force. The whisper had gotten no louder, and he still couldn't tell what it was trying to speak to him, but he could feel its presence through him. Its slightest pressure trying to guide him, as it always had unbeknownst to him.

Even as the next attack came in to attack him he released himself to the will of the force, and allowed it to guide his reaction. With a twist of his shield he sent the next strike off to the left, and brought his blade against the droid's side taking a chink of its durasteel armor. It would take quite a few more blows to put the droid down, but it was his first real hit. The droid attempted a different approach, literally leaping in the air and bringing its forcepike down with all of its force onto Sargon. Instead of crouching under his shield, Sargon dove under the droid. While in roll he closed his eyes, and waited for what felt like an eternity. His patience was rewarded though as he pushed up under the droids feet, spinning it through the air to land on its face.

Thus so did the next several round of blows continue while Sargon trained his body to listen to the flow of the force, and allow himself to be guided by it. There was still more to be learned from this though, and he knew it. His trust wasn't complete, and if he could but find how to completely quiet his mind and emotions in combat he knew he could follow its guidance better.

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