Nyos Val
The Redeemer
Another day, another client in need of replacement parts. Nyos was sitting in the commissary with the rest of the morning crew enjoying some breakfast. He was going over the plans for his next client. A Jedi in alliance to the Protectorate and someone Nyos had met long ago. More than likely he'd been forgotten, but he remembered it as a casual meeting.
Sipping his morning Caf, Nyos saw the plans required a couple secret compartments, and alterations for special housing of a certain weapon that the Jedi loved so much. Should be a cake walk. The client was supposed to arrive on Cyto Val any minute and would be directed to the commissary. The Milenici scampered about, eating breakfast, chatting, laughing and making a little mischief. They were a pleasant bunch to have around and great help.
Sipping his morning Caf, Nyos saw the plans required a couple secret compartments, and alterations for special housing of a certain weapon that the Jedi loved so much. Should be a cake walk. The client was supposed to arrive on Cyto Val any minute and would be directed to the commissary. The Milenici scampered about, eating breakfast, chatting, laughing and making a little mischief. They were a pleasant bunch to have around and great help.