Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something for Me, Something for You

Another day, another client in need of replacement parts. Nyos was sitting in the commissary with the rest of the morning crew enjoying some breakfast. He was going over the plans for his next client. A Jedi in alliance to the Protectorate and someone Nyos had met long ago. More than likely he'd been forgotten, but he remembered it as a casual meeting.

Sipping his morning Caf, Nyos saw the plans required a couple secret compartments, and alterations for special housing of a certain weapon that the Jedi loved so much. Should be a cake walk. The client was supposed to arrive on Cyto Val any minute and would be directed to the commissary. The Milenici scampered about, eating breakfast, chatting, laughing and making a little mischief. They were a pleasant bunch to have around and great help.

Krest actually remembered [member="Nyos Val"] from his own time within the Grey. He was delighted when the man had accepted his little project, mostly because of the fact that while he knew how to clean and maintain his mechanical limbs, he knew jack about making or modifying them. The last time he had his limbs modifies the kind of a planet had it done for him. But now here he was within Cyto Val, wandering to the mess hall. Of course, he had with him three sabers, two of his own and a third just in case he would need it for the manufacturing of his new arm, and a case holding the ore he wanted plated along the limb.

Stepping into the room, Krest would cast a glance about, trying to find his contact. Of course, this wasn't something he was use to doing, but at least he would stand out. Red man in brown leather armor. He let out a sigh as he would go to lean against the door frame he had came in from, hoping to be noticed.
Indeed, the red man was noticed as about half the Milenici stopped, looked and began mumbling in their language. Nyos' prosthetic ear picked up te chatter and turned. He rose to his feet. A giant metal man in a sea of little yellow aliens. Nyos waved [member="Krest"] over and gestured for Harvey, who was on lunch duty today to grab an extra plate of food and Caf. Nyos was anything if not hospitable. The cyborg retook his seat and slid the holopad to his side where Harvey and Carl had placed the setting.

Nyos had put the blueprints up for Krest to see.
A smile formed over his face as he saw [member="Nyos Val"] . Good, someone familiar. He would be quick to move over to him, taking a seat. He would be quick to look over the blueprints, his eyes darting back and forth before he would nod. "I like this, quite a bit actually." He would pull the case up, setting down the ore itself. "So you can really use this stuff? I mean, just to make sure. I don't want to put you in a fix or anything."

(Cortosis link )
Nyos sipped at his Caf as [member="Krest"] looked over the specs. He was pleased. Good.

"We can begin as soon as we are done with our breakfast. You'll need the calories." He said gesturing to the plate of eggs and fried meat and toast.

As Tim walked by, Nyos spoke to him about gettin the workshop ready for the patient. Tim saluted and scurried off, grabbing others to help.
[member="Nyos Val"]

"Ah? It's going to be that taxing?" Krest was, of course, only joking around. While he didn't actually know, he was hoping for a quick change for the two mechanical limbs he had attached already. This didn't stop him from chowing down though, as he tore into breakfast. After a moment however, he slowed down, remembering that he wasn't actually alone. Talking inbetween bites, he'd look over to Nyos. "So, what exactly do you need to do?"
A good question, very fine inquiry. What was Nyos going to do?

"First, I'll need a scan of your physiology. Then to build the parts, then slice and dice and hope I don't miss anything. Haha" His attempt at humor. He wasn't known for his sense of humor.

The Milenici around started chuckling. They're sense of humor was very light.

A light chuckle escaped the lips of the red man. Alice and dice huh? Well, he certainly hoped it was as easy as the man said. Finishing his breakfast the red man would stand up stretching out. "Lets not keep the people waiting eh? Time to cut me up again."
Nyos smiled at the man before him. He rose and began to escort [member="Krest"] to the workshop where the procedure would take place.

"Alright, surgical teams follow me. Get the Z4's down to the workshop to start on the peices. Jeff, you will head the surgery and Phillip will be your first mate. This man needs new limbs, let us not keep him waiting."

The Milenici scurried about their tasks and droids began coming alive from their home units. To the turbo lift they went and down to the workshop they'd end. Upon the door parting, Krest would see a massive manufacturing floor, where all of InVal Cyberntics ware were built and stored for shipping. Off to the side was a lone crew of mechanic droids. One would come out to obtain the Cortosis from Krest. All the while, as they walked to the far end where the surgery room was, Milenici in scrubs began taking scans and blood pressure and physical measuents. Like little yellow insects buzzing around the feet of the two men. Nyos threw the blueprints up on a big holo projector to aid his work. The two limbs rotated slowly on an axis as Nyos ushered Krest into the room. There he would be asked to don a gown and step into the body scanner. The process of the task were now beginning.
Krest was quick to follow, resting both of his hands behind his back. Fingers of flesh would interlock with the temporary fingers of metal he had. He was looking for a replacement for the two mechanical limbs he already had, and it was looking like he was going to get exactly what he wanted. Moving into the room after his blood pressure and scans were finished, he would take a moment to look over to the limbs, nodding slow.

"They look nice. But.. How will I control the extra features again?" Blue eyes turned back to [member="Nyos Val"] , blinking slowly.
Nyos produced a device, smaller than the palm of a child. He held it up for inspection. It was the MCD. The device used in all of his newer prosthetics that wired the unit to the wearer.

"This is the MCD. It will be 'plugged' into the base of your skull, and wired to the limbs. Effectively connecting electrical nerves to your nervous system and grounding the unit to you. It helps for those who combat Force Users where electrical damage may be present. It can be disabled, but only if you die. EMP's will no longer effect the limbs and will keep you moving even during an electrical storm. As good as I could have made this, try not to press your luck. If you would..." He gestured to the table to lay face down.

"I'm not going to knock you out, it's a simple outpatient procedure for the MCD. Just don't move. I'll provide local anesthetic, and Tim will provide some soothing music. Jeff and Phillip are going to head the surgery. I will take over when the limbs are finished being crafted. If you'll exacuse me."

Nyos stepped away to oversee the manufacturing of the new limbs for [member="Krest"]. Jeff and Phillip stepped up onto a Repulsor platform that hovered at the head of the table where Krest would lay his head. Tim put on a record of classical music to work to. The Milenici would begin once the anesthetic was complete.

"Bokay, Big Red, mocca takka favor."*

*please lay down
A brow raised as the Zabrak glanced over to the little device. Well, that was going to be standing out on his skin, wasn't it? He almost pouted at the thought. As he would lay back, his voice would ring out, trying to get [member="Nyos Val"] 's attention.

"Any chance that thing can be put under the skin? I'd rather not have it a potential target for those who might know what it is." It was a valid concern. Krest had no idea the backlash if someone happened to shoot the thing off of him or if someone hit it. Last thing he needed was it to get hit and his arm and leg fail.
"As it is intended [member="Krest"], you have plenty of room in your head I'm sure." Nyos jested as he departed the room.

Jeff and Phillip having planted the anesthetic in the nape of Krest's neck, they used a laser scalpel to draw the first incision. Using spreaders, they would open the skin wide enough so the control device could be attached to the spinal cord. The pair moved the the nerves into the position, to which the control device would be stationed.

On Nyos' end, he and the droids were building the beginnings of Krest's new prosthetics. The Cortosis was set to melt and be filtered for the purest form used for the addition to the arm and leg.
The Zabrak opened his mouth to say something, but he would only shut his mouth and shake his head as [member="Nyos Val"] made his jest. At least it was a good one. Leaning back, he let them get to work on him, just staying still as they cut open the back of his neck. It wasn't the most pleasant thing, but he at least didn't feel it, and just kept silent.

It was only a matter of time now.
"Bocca, Phillip, maka tu, ponta MCD ey."

"Si Jeff, me ponta ey."

The Milenici pair spoke to one another as they labored, their tongue as foreign as Shrii'wook to outsiders. The made to plant the MCD into the base of Krest's skull and wire in the system.

"Kresto, beh felt pinch, beh okah yah." Jeff tried to reassure [member="Krest"] as the next part might be odd to the senses.

While Jeff wired the device, Phillip and Tim worked on removing the existing limbs from their homes. Undoing extensive work from another doctor, and replacing current wiring with the updated wires from Nyos's wares. He'd feel slight discomfort as the wiring was moved around his body.

With te droids aid, Nyos had cast the first pieces of the arm and leg assembly, they were being hammered, drilled and soldered into place as each piece was completed. The Cortosis was melded with Durasteel and titanium, to secure limb integrity and lightsaber and blaster resistance. The skeletal structure of the limbs were completed.

The next step was wiring and adding the 'muscle' of the limbs with the cavities for the holster and mounted blade left to be worked on later.
There was a slight groan escaping the Zabrak, but otherwise he seemed still. This wasn't his first time having new limbs attached to his body, yet it wasn't something he was going to get completely use to. Glancing about the medical room, he'd try to set up some sort of conversation as the Milenici did their work.

"So.. How long have you done this for?"

[member="Nyos Val"]
The procedure was going along smoothly as Krest attempted conversation with Phillip, Jeff, and Tim. They looked at him, ten back to each other, thinking back of how long it had been for them.

"Uh, Big Boss Nyos abre yo en quat. Uh...Four Monts..." Tim replied as his Basic was the best. If you could call it Basic.

"Boss Nyos lernt us quik" he continued as he threaded wire into the base of [member="Krest"]'s leg cavity. Phillip started humming to the music and dancing as he worked.


Nyos on the other hand was finishing up the arm when he began working on the spare saber Krest had brought to be used in the making of the hidden blade. He was attaching the Crystal to the internal coupler at the base of the blade emitter and focusing lens. The next step would be implicating the spring mechanism and activation switch inside the arm so when the blade was exposed, it would ignite and turn off before disappearing into the arm again.

The activation switch would be set on a pressure switch that would activate and deactivate on the thought produced by Krest as if he were flexing a new muscle. He'd only need to think it, and it would react. The leg on the other hand would be a little more tricky, getting the spring accurately primed and recoiled when closed. He changed his mind on spring loading the mechanism, instead, pressurizing the compartment like an airlock would on a ship. When the pressure change flushed into the compartment, the rule of pressurization would launch the lightsaber from its holster and up to Krest's waiting hand. Though he would focus on finishing the arm first. It was the more pressing issue.
There was little the Zabrak could do but sit and listen, and occasionally talk. Of course, it didn't seem like it was something that was working out. So he would sit still, occasionally twitching as the wires were rearranged on him. This couldn't go on forever, and he would eventually speak up again, twitching as another wire was moved. "So uh.. Where is [member="Nyos Val"] ?"
Tim and Jeff looked at one another, speaking in Milencii, discussing the answer. The Phillip chimed in from another table where he was disposing of the old wires and salvaging the parts from the original prosthetics.

"Big Boss, yah," he pointed to a room were sounds a machine work buzzed from, "He work mak cyber."


As if he had super hearing in one prosthetic ear or something, Nyos emerged from the workshop next door with the completed limbs in hand. The arm finished black and the leg metal grey. He ran out of black paint for the leg.

"Your prayers were heard and answered," Nyos poked at Krest and held the limbs up for him to see. Polished and new, Nyos handed Tim and Phillip the arm. Nyos demonstrated the concealed compartment in the thigh as it shot out a metal rod off into the next room.

"We can begin the procedure for attaching the limbs. Get me a soldering gun and pliers. Let's get this hero into the field again, all shiny and new."

[member="Nyos Val"] would find the red man sitting there with an arm and a leg missing, and a grin on his face as he looked over the items themselves. "Those are perfect indeed. Can't wait to have that attached."

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