Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some nights

Jade noticed the smirk on Tugoro's face as he spoke. "You're a cunning little one aren't you", she said in a very sophisticated voice and began to giggle as she shook her head but not in a bad way. "Your youth reminds me of me Tugoro, I like you", she smiled and nodded, "And yes of course I am satisfied. Now as for vahla woman, I don't know anything at all about her. I must say I don't know why she is of even great concern to you, that is unless you're not telling me something about her that you already know?", Jade looked at him making a gesture with her face lifting her forehead while half moving her neck back a fraction, "Yes", she said politely knowing he knew more and wanting him to spill out the beans now. Jade clearly had been deceived by the vahla woman. She had no idea she was a Sith Acolyte at all. "Anyway if you wish to pursue her, I take it she perhaps isn't at all what she had appeared to be back at the bar. Thus I will follow you in your pursuit and assist you", Jade finished off saying.

[member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The gang of Republic soldiers known as Strike Squad always had Rigorous back. They managed to show up whenever they were needed, meaning the Knight look that much better. They were a professional group, it was a wonder that they had put up with Tugoro's shenanigans for two years. The smirk upon his face would wider slightly as he listened to [member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"] giggle and praise him. "I try," the young man would reply, still gazing off the bridge and into the darkness below.

[member="Grace Darkson"] hadn't really caused any trouble, but even so Tugoro could feel a distinct dark presence about her, no matter how subtle it was. Looking over to the woman as she continued speaking, the Jedi would do so as well, hoping to find something else they had in common. "You like flying?" He would simply ask, wondering what her stance on piloting was. "As for that woman... We could attempt to find her. We'll have to be extra careful, something is wrong..." The young Jedi would trail off, a strange feeling running down his spine. Thanks to the Vahla, security in the area had bee kicked up a notch, and now the Knight duo would have to be extra sneaky.
Jade suddenly burst out into laughter. "Do I love flying he says. Well of course I do. I'm an ex Republic star fighter pilot. And I was squadron leader and for the most part of it, the top ace pilot of not just my squadron, but the entire group of squadrons on our star destroyer". She had a big smile on her face as she spoke with absolute pride. "I can fly just about any fighter craft ranging from your average X-wing, to your fancy Imp ships. Although I'm more an expert at the Imperial fighters. Speaking of which, my pride and joy is my very own personal TIE Defender. In fact it's parked at the local spaceport not too far from here. It's my ride to just about everywhere I travel alone to". She stopped as she realised she was starting to woffle off and had probably started boring the young knight before her. "Oh how I miss those days of combat and yearn for more", she sighed as she finished off.

"So do you like piloting and all that fancy stuff yourself?", she quickly added as she could sense that he wanted to tell her. "Oh and that vahla woman, you sense darkness in her, you think she could be Sith or something? Perhaps we go hunt for her", she quickly added.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Grace Darkson"]
A drawn out sigh would escape Tugoro's lips, as he listened to everything that [member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"] had to say. It was not because he had been bored, it was because he now had to show the old timer how it was done nowadays. Not that the woman really looked old, but the young Knight could tell that she had some experience under her belt. He had never heard of the woman's exploits either, which was surprising due to the fact that he himself had flown within the Republic squadrons before, even being the Antarian Rangers leader at one point. She must have really been before his time, how old was she anyway? "Do I like piloting," the Jedi would repeat, a playful smirk upon his face as he pretended to think hard on his answer.

Turning from the bridge's edge, Tugoro would make his way across the catwalk, lifting an arm to wave Cynna after him. Once within the Enclave, the youth would descend the main staircase, making his way to the lower level where a singular hangar had been set up. Stepping into the hangar, Tugoro would point a finger towards his vehicle, which seemed to be of Sith and/or Imperial design. The Aleph was an amazingly ship, referred to as a superfighter by some due to it's balance between safety and danger. It was incredibly fast in combat, and also fitted with advanced shielding systems that was able to outlast most other fighters. "What do you think?" He questioned the woman, fully aware that he was showing off. After doing so, the Jedi would remember the matter of [member="Grace Darkson"]. She really hadn't seemed like such a bad person, and so Tugoro did not feel the need to hunt her down. He was not even sure as to what faction she was aligned with, so there was little reason to jump the gun just yet.
Jade paced around and circled around Tugoro's ship slowly. She clearly was inspecting it. "Impressive piece of machinery you have here, clearly Imperial in design. Good, very good". She lifted her finger up and waived it around as she spoke. "You like your Imperial ships don't you? Just like me", she let off a cheeky smile as she said that. "Imperial ships are what I'm an expert at actually. Yours here looks impressive. Oh you will take me for a ride now won't you?", she gestured as her deep posh voice now became clear. She slowly paced away from the ship and walked back towards where Tugoro was standing.

"I know what you were thinking before, how old I am? You want to know but won't ask because I'm a woman. That's okay though, really", she smiled softly looking directly at the young Jedi Knight. "I will tell you. I'm 35. Umm and if I were to take a guess at your age, you can't be more than say 20 perhaps?". She turned around and began slowly pacing up and down. "I was once an Imperial pilot. Not for a long time. By the time I was 20 I had joined the Republic. I flew in a fleet known as the Retribution Fleet. We had squadrons of TIE based ships, so we used Imperial ships against them. We were known as The Rebel Squadrons. The Retribution Fleet has now long since been disbanded", she sighed. "I have so many good memories from then. It's all a long time ago now". She stopped pacing and faced Tugoro once more. "You really remind me of my youth and days as a star fighter pilot. I would really like to get to know you more. So umm why don't you show me your wings there and show an old timer a thing or two". Jade winked an eye at him as she clearly had been impressed so far at what she saw.

"As for our vahla woman, yeah let her be for now. If she really spells trouble, I'm sure we'll somehow bump into her. When I was younger, I would never find trouble, it always found me. Somethings never tend to change. No matter how old you are". She laughed clearly in a happy mood given the prospect of having a chance to check out Tugoro's magnificent piece of machinery that lay before her.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Grace Darkson"]
Remaining silent for the moment, Tugoro would watch as [member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"] began to circle his ship slowly, clearly inspecting it's quality. The young Jedi knew she would be impressed, for he could tell she had a good sense of taste in regards to starfighters. Listening to the woman's appraisal, the Knight could not help but smile, satisfied with impressing the more experienced Jedi. Slowly making his way around the Aleph in order to follow Cynna, Tugoro would continue to listen to what she had to say. He already knew that she liked her Imperial ships, but he hadn't thought that she had been that invested in them. Now that she had finished her inspection, Cynna returned to stand by Tugoro, a grin upon the youth's face as she asked to go for a ride in her elegant voice. "Of course, I wouldn't mind at all," spoke the Knight, before his face turned slightly red as he remembered something. The Aleph only had room for one seat, being an elite starfighter used in dangerous combat. However, that had not stopped Tugoro from taking other girls for a spin in it long ago during his Padawan days. "Or you could just give it a whirl, haha," the Jedi continued, trying not to make things awkward. Hopefully he hadn't by saying that.

Now the youth's arms would cross over his chest, his vision narrowing as he squinted towards Cynna. She was looking directly in his eyes now, and had once more told him what he had been thinking. This was getting ridiculous now, how was she able to do that? Tugoro had sensed the surface thoughts of others before, but he could have sworn he had his mental barrier up. Maybe not, he did feel quite relaxed while with Cynna. They were so alike, he could not help but let his guard down. "Thirty-five? No way," Tugoro would repeat, a confused looking expression crossing his face as he looked at Cynna. It was true that he would have never guessed it, but he was mostly just trying to flatter the Jedi. As she guessed his age, the young Knight would shrug, a smirk upon his face. "Yeah, right again. Eighteen." He answered, surprised by how good this woman was. Following her movements as she began to pace, Tugoro would fall silent once more as Cynna recalled her past, speaking of her history as an Imperial pilot. "Imperial pilot? How'd that happen?" Tugoro questioned, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"We should definitely hang out sometime," Tugoro offered, bending his legs at the knees and jumping into the air before landing atop his Aleph's hull. "If you insist, old timer," the Jedi would continue, a smug smirk upon his face as he looked to Cynna playfully, kicking open the cockpit hatch before jumping in. Exhaling quietly and calming his mind, the youth would telepathically send the woman a message, figuring they should meet up in space or something. <Why don't you make your way to the docking bay? I can wait.> He spoke through the force, hoping her mind would receive the message.
Jade couldn't help but chuckle a little when Tugoro had told her that despite his elite fighter having room for just one pilot, he somehow had in the past made room to take girls for a ride on it. Clearly he was flirting with her, "A real ladies man she thought to herself". She stopped with the chuckling and spoke in her natural elegant voice once more, "You're very charming", she blushed a little when he had pointed out that she looked younger than her age. Although true, such comments were always flattering. "18, wow! You really are young. And cute",she winked an eye at him but then thought perhaps that wasn't such a great idea as she clearly would be sending him the wrong impression. Yet this young knight had clearly made her night and she was going to enjoy the moment for as long as she possibly could.

She wasn't sure however if Tugoro had noticed that moment of sadness and sorrow in her eyes when he had asked how she had once flown for the imperials, she was going to tell him, but before she knew it, he was already on the cockpit seat of his starfighter. "His very keen and eager, I like that", she thought to herself. "We can definitely hang out more in the future".

Jade's telepathic skills were exceptional. She nodded to herself once she received his message regarding the invite to meet him in space in her own star fighter. Telepathically she responded, "Sure, but since I'm the veteran ace, it's only right that I set the pace. To see if you are at my level, and better still, a chance for you to best me if you can". She knew he had instantly received her message. She telepathically then sent him coordinates of where to meet her in 10 minutes time, but it wasn't in space, it was high in the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa instead. She had just the perfect crazy course idea in mind. And she knew deep down that he would be a definite match for her skills and perhaps just maybe, be able to show her a thing or two. "Now that would exceed my expectations", she said out softly to herself.

And with that she was off at lightening speed, running and jumping over buildings at an even faster pace than she had done so previously with Tugoro. She reached her Tie Defender, the "Soul of Wilcat". Wildcat had been her callsign at Hellfire squadron back in the day, so what better than to name her premium fighter after her. She initiated the star fighter's systems and in minutes had the fighter craft all powered up. She rose from the spaceport at where she had been parked, and flew off to the coordinates at the edges of the high atmospheric sky of Nar Shaddaa where she patiently waited for the young Jedi Knight.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Sitting in the cockpit of his Aleph starfighter, Tugoro would begin prepare the ship for takeoff, all while smiling brightly. It was true that there was a certain satisfaction that the young Jedi got from bragging and showing off, but there was nothing quite like the thrill of making one's day. Despite his demeanor which seemed to be one of smugness and confidence, Tugoro found the most pleasure in aiding others, in whatever way he could, too. Even if it was just putting a smile on their face.

The young man could easily tell that he had lifted the spirits of [member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"], however there was one thing that had caught his attention. A brief, almost unnoticeable flicker of sorrow within her eyes, one that had surfaced due to the mentioning of her past. Upon reflection, Tugoro figured he should have known better to jump right into the woman's history, especially if she had been an Imperial pilot at one point. There was a sob story in there somewhere, for just about everyone had 'em.

The Aleph's engine would begin to roar to life, lifting slowly into the air before being propelled forward and out of the Enclave hangar. The Sith vehicle would begin to pick up speed, Tugoro's robotic hand pushing down ever-so slowly on the throttle. Of course, he was showing off again, demonstrating the pace in which his fighter could move to his fellow Knight. Having waited a few minutes before take off, the young Jedi would easily spot the Tie Defender Cynna had spoken of, advancing on it's position before ascending along with it.

<You'll find I'm full of surprises,> Tugoro thought, transferring his thoughts mentally to Cynna who was nearby in his craft. Breaking off from her path, the youth would jerk his controls to the side, applying the breaks in order to send the Aleph into a full rotation. Spinning for only a moment, it's viewport would come to rest on the woman's Tie Defender which was still close by. <Ready? We should leave this space afterwards, I wouldn't be surprised if we were shot at.> Tugoro would continue to converse with the woman telepathically, a bit worried about their location.
Jade started laughing as she sat in the cockpit of her TIE Defender. She immediately opened a comm channel to his ship and waied for Tugoro to pick up. "Okay Tugoro, your telepathy skills are well above average, however for the point of this exercise, I prefer to use standard everyday comm. If someone wants to listen in, in a few moments you will realise that it will not matter thus you will not care". She waited for his achnologement and quickly continued. "If you are worried about being shot at, you should be or will be", Jade continued laughing more. "Not by me of course", suddently she stopped with the giggles and was in an instant all serious.

"Now what we are going to do is this. I am going to desend at high speed towards the rooftops of those Nar Shaddaa skyscrapers. You are going to follow me and match my speed. Do not try and pass me at anytime, assuming you can keep up that is, as I am going to set the pace and course. And please don't shoot at me", Jade added jokingly. "Once near the buildings, I am going to fly fast, very fast around them. I will be turning in all different directions randomly. Turns will be sharp, I will be doing deep nose dives next to buildings and of course the exact opposite at others. There will be slow air traffic such as other vehicles in the way. I won't be slowing down for them nor stopping, rather I'll be dodging them etc. You will follow me the whole time and match my pace. Assuming you are at my level that is. Once I am done, I will initiate a steep climb out of the city and into space where we will stop in orbit of the planet and conclude the run". She paused emphasising her strong poshy accent as much as she could. "Any questions before we begin"?

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
A smile would stretch upon the youth's face, as he listened to @Cynna Jade Sun rider praise his abilities. It was funny though, for telepathy was one of his least use powers. The Jedi did not like abilities that linked the minds of others, and sometimes even found it difficult in times of stress. Leaning back in his seat, Tugoro would continue to listen to Cynna, having opened his comm channel as to not waste any stamina via telepathy. The exercise she had planned out was most certainly interesting, and if it didn't get them shot at, nothing would. With his hands upon the ships controls, the Knight would align his craft with Nar Shaddaas surface, waiting for the woman's go. It sounded complicated and dangerous, perhaps more challenging than even a regular dogfight. That is what Tugoro had been expecting, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't pleasantly surprised. He loved challenges. "Just one," Tugoro would begin, replying to her comment about questions, "Can you keep up?" He spoke playfully, placing his palm on the Aleph's throttle.
"Can I keep up?", Jade tried not laugh, but that effort was in vain as she burst out into laughter all over her comm unit. "Can I keep up he dare says to me, Cynna Jade the champion of all worlds", she had to put in a bit of an effort to control her laughter, and eventually stopped as Tugoro patiently waited for her. "Umm I'm sorry about that outburst, really ummm, you really are my hero kid"', Jade was full of emotion, she was saying the first things that would pop into her mind. "I haven't said that ridiculous line of mine since I was like in my early 20s. You are making me feel like soooooooo young again. You're a champion". She stopped a moment, her face had gone all red underneath her helmet, this kid sure had did a great job in making her feel great. "Time to repay the favour", she thought to herself.

"Okay kid, enough of all the chatter, let's go have some fun and put our skills on the edge, and on the edge of glory". She had a huge smile on her face as she spoke, if only he could see it. Jade dipped the nose of her TIE Defender star fighter towards the city of Nar Shaddaa and nose dived towards it. "Bring it on", she called out through her comm unit as Tugoro eagerly followed.

As she rapidity descended towards the city, she could feel the adrenaline rush through her body. She broke off her nose dive and zig zagged her way around the busy Nar Shadda sky traffic. Tugoro was close behind her, easily matching her for pace. She repeatedly came close to buildings turning left or right at random, narrowly missing them or the traffic near them. She would at times come close to a building and then at the last minute, tilt the nose of her ship 90 degrees skyward and rise upwards skimming across the building only to then spin her fighter downwards again once on top of the building for a quick dive back down, the whole time narrowly missing other vehicles and objects.

This whole spectacular spectacle continued for at least another 5 minutes with Tugoro tucked in behind her. "You sure are good kid", she managed to speak out through the comm unit, "But remember I'm in front and it's always harder to lead and easier to follow the leader from behind, as all you need to do is copy my moves. Of course you still have to be good at doing that, which you clearly are.........", her speech was abruptly cut short, "Sithspawn!", a droid transport had gotten in the way of her erratic flight plan and there wasn't much room for her to dodge it or safely go around. The buildings were close and she and Tugoro behind her were moving way to fast to even try stopping, not that she wanted to anyway. "Stuff it, they're just droids", she muttered to herself. With a quick burst of her fighter's laser cannons, she vapourised the obstruction that had been the droid ship. Debris went everywhere, some harmlessly hitting her ship. At the same time, the erratic flying of both Jedi pilots had attracted the unwanted attention of the authorities. If you could even call them that. "Oh oh, time to go", she spoke out through her comm unit this time in a more frantic voice as she suddenly pointed her TIE Defender's nose skyward and accelerated at a rapid pace towards the night sky and into the blackness of space. Tugoro was right behind her. Clearly he had passed her test. She turned off her TIE Defender's engines once they were clear and safe and waited for Tugoro to do the same.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The young man sat in his starfighter patiently, crossing his arms over his chest as he listened to @Cynna Jade Sun rider laugh. It was a strange pattern, though whenever Tugoro attempted to impress or goad people it usually did not end well for him. However, the Jedi was not annoyed or fed up with the woman, actually enjoying the sound of her genuine laughter over the comm unit he had opened. It was honorable to aid and assist those in need as a Jedi should, but there was just something satisfying about helping others in a noncombative way.

Truth be told, Tugoro was enjoying himself thus far, having not met many similar to him in the Order. The youth's face too would grow slightly red as he continued listening to the woman, he compliments and praise making his somewhat embarrassed. Even so, he thiugjt himself good at playing it calm and cool, opening his channel and speaking, "That's all that matters, isn't it? How you feel," the Knight began, trying his hand at a wise reply before continuing, "Anyway, you could be twenty for all I know, 'champion of all worlds,'" he responded, cutting his comm and laughing a bit himself. Despite claiming to be thirty-five, Tugoro found it hard to believe due to how beautiful the woman was, not to mention the way she was acting.

Perhaps it really was Tugoro after all, for he had a habit of bringing out either the best or worst of people. He was happy to hear Canna enjoying herself. Things were about to get far more exciting however, as the duo jettisoned off back towards Nar Shaddaa's surface, heading towardsbthe massive skyscrapers at a frightening pace. Utilizing the immense speed and maneuverability of his craft, the young Knight would have little trouble keeping up with Cynna, no matter how advanced her piloting was. She was most definitely skilled, Tugoro though it might be fun to have a practice dogfight with her. They would travel through the air lanes, avoiding traffic and buildings alike as they came into their path. The two Jedi were acting rather recklessly, and Tugoro could only hope that word didn't get out of their mischief.

After five minutes, things would calm a bit, the woman's voice ringing out over the speaker as she complimented Tugoro's skill. She then went on to explain the different difficulties of their positions, it almost sounded like she was saying she was better. A wide smirk would spread across the young man's lips, able to appreciate what he saw to be a subtle challenge. Kicking up the speed of his ship in order to over takebthe woman's position, Tugoro would suddenly brake as he came up next to her TIE defender. As a droid transport veered into their path, the Jedi would watch in horror as Cynna obliterated the vehicle, casting debris in every direction. He couldn't say it had been the right thing to do, for Tugoro had done worse in the past and was not one to judge.

Heeding her warning, the Jedi would slam down his throttle, pulling up on his controls to align the Aleph with the sky. It was time to go. Powering down his ship as they exited the atmosphere, Tugoro would begin to relax, has tense body easing up as he leant back in his pilot seat. Opening up his channel, the youth could not help but smile, shaking his head as he spoke, "You're absolutely mad. I love it," he commented, picturing the droidship explode in his mind. It was a questionable decision, though after thinking about it the Jedi found himself not caring. He'd have done the same, plus it was the TU. "Where to now?" He questioned, knowing they couldn't go planetside.
Responding with pure pride to Tugoro's she must me mad comment, and heavily emphasising her poshy accent, "Well they didn't give me the callsign of Wildcat back in my Hellfire days for nothing". She could sense the young Jedi patiently listening to her. That's one thing she never had when she was his age that she wished she had had. She really admired that about the young Jedi.

"I'm sorry I'm acting immature", she was indirectly referring to his earlier thoughts about him thinking if she was really 35. Once again she had read his mind to his annoyance. "I've never felt like this for a long time. Rejuvenated that is, and I have you to thank for it. In all honesty, I've been a bit of a mess and depressed for several years now, since becoming widowed, so um yeah, you really brought back the me in me today. Speaking of, you did well out there today. You were faster than me, even if I was leading, you were going to pass me until that droid ship showed up". Jade paused as she once again sensed the annoyance in Tugoro as she once again had read his mind. "I had no choice but to destroy that ship. Had there been living beings aboard it, we wound have been in trouble as I wouldn't have fired at it. I really screwed up", she slowIy admitted in a soft apologetic voice. "My heart felt like it had jumped in my throat when I saw it in our path. I sort of freaked out. I'm sorry".

After a short pause she continued. "I want to relax a little and get to know you more. You know of any safe places with a tad bit of class we can go to now? Clearly we can't go back down there planetside", she said sighing, a little sad as memories of her late husband flashed through her mind.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
With a few swift movements of his fingers, Tugoro would power down some of his craft's minor systems, wanting to save fuel for the trip they were about to embark on. Hearing [member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]'s voice over the comm channel once more, the young Jedi would simply smirk as she began to apologize. He really didn't care that much, and was about to reply with a witty comment before the woman spoke of being widowed. Tugoro had lost many friends over the course of the war, though never had he lost something akin to a life partner. It was saddening to hear, and now the young man saw why such attachments were discouraged in the Order. Not that that would stop him either way, given he had gone out of his way to break the rules many times. Unsure how to respond to such a remark, the Jedi fell silent for a moment, before piping up at the last second.

"I'm glad. It's difficult to overcome the pain of loss, I've been there before. It's good that you let loose," Tugoro began, hesitating briefly as he thought what had happened, "even if you blew up a droid transport," he would conclude, a slight laugh following his words. Wanting to relax after all of that as well, the Knight would nod his head in agreement, despite the fact that Cynna couldn't see him. "Okay, let's get out of here. I'm thinking... Alderaan." Tugoro suggested, as he began to tap on some buttons and flip a few switches. His hyperdrive would begin to power up, as he set a course for the planet. Even though it had been vong-formed, some areas were still intact, and those that were were still quite pretty and classy. The Jedi would also manage to kill two birds with one stone thanks to this trip, seeing as he had planned to seek out a Grey Force User that lived within the planet's forest.
"Alderaan?", Jade questioned the young Jedi. "Or do you mean New Alderaan?, I mean unless you have some sort of time machine up your sleeve, the Empiire destroyed Alderaan over 800 years ago". She paused for a moment, still collecting her thoughts from earlier on. "Anyway send me the co-ordinates, that way we are sure to actually both end up at the exact same destination, we wouldn't want to lose each and all, I mean not after the swell time we have had together", Jade said chuckling over the comm unit. She sounded like a girl of around 15 years old as she happily giggled and spoke, rather than the woman she was 20 years the senior. However she didn't care what the young Jedi thought in regards to it at this point of time. She was experiencing some long due happiness and she was going to make the most of it while she could. Tugoro promptly gave her the co-ordinates to wherever they were going. She was still confused about Alderaan or New Alderaan as he hadn't yet clarified it to her. She punched them into her nav computer and powered up her hyperdrive. "Okay my good friend, I follow you, once we are there, take me somewhere you think is suitable, indulge me", she finished off flirting at the young Jedi again knowing she really shouldn't be doing that.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"].

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