Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some help with Cybernetic concepts

Alright so I have been working on a number of cybernetics that will be more advanced versions of the most recent V-1 replacement. There are a few questions I have about the templates for these later units.

The first is which Template I should use for some of these. The V-1 uses an armor template, but the later units will have more droid parts so should I use a combination of the two?

Also with some of the very advanced ones I have in mind they will be made specifically for their wearer. They each have unique portions and abilities to them, but their base tech is the same and they will for the most part use the same materials. Should I make individual submissions for each or can I put the, all in one with special portions?

One of the other units is supposed to have an advanced camouflage capability, not stealth in so far as becoming invisible so much as taking on the color and texture of what it is touching. Would this require any specific dev thread?

Thanks everyone for you time.


Well-Known Member
[member="Ultimatum"] It may do, as it is still stealth. I had to a similar idea with a missile, as it would not been seen on the radar. To do that I would have had to do dev thread for it, post 3 if you like a quick read of judges comments, which I think where fair, and helpful.
Hope this helps you, also if you do want to do a dev thread I am more than happy to help.

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