Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private ...some consider to be unnatural

Halls of Reflection,
Massassi Temple

The dense jungle opened into a small clearing, where a towering temple rose from the earth. The temple's stones, weathered by millennia, bore the marks of an ancient race. Their name had long since faded from common memory, gathering dust in crumbling tomes and whispered inforgotten legends.

The clearing was silent, save for the distant calls of whisper birds and the gentle rustling of the wind through the trees. Yavin's orange light filtered through the gaps in the canopy of purple-barked trees, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor and a soft, motley glow on the Massassi temple.

Within its walls, dim light seeped through cracks and crevices, outlining the cross-legged form of Sinestra. Here, where the dark side echoed through the fabric of time, the Dark Jedi found clarity in her visions of the future. As she delved deeper into her trance, a shadowy figure from her visions began to coalesce in the present.

Here and now.

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
Capris was set on ignoring it.

But a straight week of this place cropping up in her dreams –only for her to awake with heart palpitations and some new form of migraine– had started to get a teensy bit agitating. Capris wanted answers, and sleep.

But first answers.

Booting a vine off her leg, the girl grimaced as she drove herself deeper into Yavin's vegetation. Finding her way here had proven disturbingly easy, a simple matter of browsing a few star maps and letting the unyielding bend of the force do the rest. That simplicity had her concerned. Something wanted the ex-padawan here, bad, and based on current patterns Capris couldn't imagine it being for a particularly great reason.

Yet here she was regardless, sniffing around an ancient temple like some padawan learner itching to barrel headfirst into danger and intrigue. This had to be the first time in a year the force had offered her any type of direction. Capris wasn't about to refuse.

Upon arriving at the temple stairs, she could make out what seemed to be a.. green woman meditating a stones toss away. Even from a distance Capris could feel the tendrils of the dark side orbit the woman. She looked serious.

"Uh- hi there."

Capris took a moment to card through her options on how to engage this situation, a hand gingerly moving to her blaster holster justtt in case.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Sinestra Sinestra
The visitor's question reverberated as quiet as a whisper across the ancient temple. Silence hung heavy in the halls of reflection before the seer's shadowy form slowly stood up from her meditative stance.

"Welcome... I have been expecting you." Sinestra finally responded, the haze of her visions still hanging over her sight and mind. Her steps stirred the stagnant air, sending wisps of dust swirling in her wake as she approached the girl.

The Mirialan paused just a few feet away from the visitor. A sliver of light pierced through a crack in the ancient stone, illuminating the sulfuric glint of her appraising eyes. The girl was a bit younger than Sinestra, but the scars etched across her skin aged her.

"You have come for answers, haven't you?" she asked, barely tilting her head to the side. "Come, walk with me then, ..." her voice trailed off, silently asking for a name, as she sauntered past her.

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
Capris met Sinestra's sulfur eyes with suspicion. Running away was still on the table, and from where she stood it didn't seem like an awfully bad option. The way the Mirialan moved, spoke, felt was incredibly inorganic. The twitching remains of Capris's self preservation labeled that a bad indicator.. This was dangerous. Stupid.

Capris moved to follow her the next moment.

"Yes." She replied simply, a flare of alertness clear in the girl at the mention of answers, "Who are you and what is this place?"

Her tawny eyes drifted back to the Mirialan. Sinestra wanted her name, something Capris paused at. Her knee jerk reaction was to lie, but that might have been a risk in itself. She was silent a moment.

"It's Capris."

Sinestra Sinestra

"Sinestra." the seer replied after a moment of silence as they slowly strolled through the dusty halls of the temple. There was a chill in the air, foreign to the natural cool of stone, electric.

"This place was built many millennia ago; a place of worship to someone who sought and found answers." Sinestra explained. The full tale of Exar Kun had long been lost, but fragments of it were retained on moldy Sith manuscripts and tomes. "I, like many others before me, have come here to seek answers."

The Dark Jedi stopped, shooting a glance at Capris as a small smile tugged her lips. "And so have you."

Beyond the material plane, a dark current, brimming with power, cracked across their ethereal senses.

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
Capris followed along with healthy caution, absorbing Sinestra's words. A place of worship? Tawny eyes regarded the neglected halls anthropologically, as if trying to find indicators of human meddling.

"I, like many others before me, have come here to seek answers."
She paused at that.

"And what have you found?"

Whatever answer Sinestra could provide was interrupted by a sudden dark energy occupying Capris's senses. Her muscles tensed in unison, but no sign of tangible fear could otherwise be detected. Rather anticipation.

"I assume you felt that as well?"

Sinestra Sinestra
"I assume you felt that as well?" Capris asked.

There was a long pause as the smile on Sinestra's lips grew wider. "That is what I have found."

"Power—power over my fate... power only the dark side provides." the dark side's strength had purged her failings as a Jedi. She had cast aside the weak Halsia Myr and embraced its tremendous power as Sinestra.

Turning her head to Capris, she asked with an ever so slightly rhetorical tone. "Isn't that what led you here, too?"

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

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