Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Soldier of Fortune

Location: Coruscant

"Hey boss, we've arrived."

Elkin chewed on his sweet cigar going over the latest quarterly reports for New n Tasty one of the many businesses that he owned and among the most profitable. The business is enduring some hard times ever since the near extinction of the Meechgrubs. Meehie Cakes were easily the most popular amongst the food that was created in the industry and now the the damned race has been drying up to the point where there not much left. Elkin's investors were scared because profits were grim. Soon the annual board meeting will begin and Elkin will be faced with questions about failing profits his race doesn't tolerate failure when it comes to business it was an easy way for him to drop down in social status.

"There has to be another way," Elkin muttered as he turned to his head of security a Moeg named: Ed. "Alright," he said pressing the button with his grey lips. "Set us down."

Ed nodded his lip tentacles briefly brushing against Elkin's expensive black zoot suit and took out his radio that was attached to his metal pants. "Alright men!" he said. "Land first and set up a perimeter!"

The moment the ship touched land, Elkin took out his Holovid and went into speaker mode. "Greetings Salis," he said chewing on his cigar. "My name Elkin Maegor business tycoon of many products such as Toothpicks, Brew and Meat. I've been to..... expand my ventures across the galaxy and I need an experienced hand to train my personal army and lead them to handle aggressive matters. Payment will be discussed in the Outlander Club, If you're interested please meet me there."

Salis Salis
Zepher looked at the information given. Salis had been contacted, somewhat unexpectedly, due to her history as a merc. With an aptitude and love for violence, and wasn't a surprise that she'd her jobs might have gotten noticed. But she hadn't been doing that work much in awhile, working instead in more formal militaries. In truth, she'd always preffered the mercenary work. It was more free for her. Though, recently, her time was not as spent in jobs. She was a Major in the Zweihander Union, but due to a range of circumstances she and her army spent less time actually in combat. It was somewhat tiresom. So when she got contacted, she practically jumped at the opportunity to add to her 'workload.' Zepher had somewhat different opinions.

"This does not seem like a good idea to me, what if the Zweihander Union disagrees with these actions? Working for someone in enemy territory, or at all, in a capacity outside of their pre-existing contract may not be looked well upon." His concern was noted, but she had a response, "I accepted a lower position on the expectation I'd see combat more often. Even if that wasn't in a contract of any kind. Besides there's not much left for me to protect anymore, I've considered just leaving anyway."

"If you say so." He responded simply as they landed the ship. The droid and the Z65_patrol_droid would remain inside while Salis left.

She had pretty much already agreed, though she wouldn't act that way. She had had her droids and her fly in The Lance, with Dvasia attached, to the location. She would not go unarmed, naturally. Even if it weren't for the fact she was being hired for military purposes, she didn't know the Outlander club well, or it's safety. She had her hands free, the paladin blaster rifle slung across her back. But she was clearly armed like a mercenary. The mask of her armor was down, she doubted she'd need it, but it was available if necessary.

She, as always, was highly aware of her soroundings, every person, every potential weapon, item of clothing, escape route, gasses, smells, lighting, materials, she took it all in. It was part of her nature. Paranoia might be the thought of most. But she was a killer, to kill one must avoid getting killed. And know how to take advantage of everything at ones disposal. It was why, in spite of the lightsaber tucked away in a hidden slot, she still used blasters and other weaponry. Adaptability was vital.

The woman would look for the man who showed himself on the hologram, Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor . She was most interested in getting these talks going.

2 Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.
Salis Lightsaber
Stun Pearls
-Salis's Armor
-Several phrik throwing knives

Elkin took a sip of Cognac while he observed the Outlander Club, it was his favorite place to relax whenever he was in Coruscant. Of course if somebody were to kill Elkin then they would come here, though they can try considering that Elkin owned the place. Chewing on a fresh cigar, Elkin looked around while being surrounded by armored guards. It'll be a shame if Salis didn't take up on his offer, but if she didn't no matter Elkin can just enjoy the night and perhaps receive some pleasure by the Twileak dancers who were entertaining the patrons. "Hey boss!" Ed said coming towards Elkin who was sitting on the couch. "Salis has arrived!"

"Send her to me," Elkin replied blowing a huff of smoke. "It's time to begin the negotiations."

Elkin was quite confident that what he's offering to the woman will be right up her alley.

Salis Salis
Salis took in the atmosphere. In many ways clubs were her lifestyle, it was where people released most of their inhibitions. Warfare was where she felt most unleashed, but clubs and cantinas had their own pleasantries to be taken advantage of. Especially when exhausted from a fight or there was little worth doing. However, she was here for a job, a job that would hopefully lead to that freedom that was brought about by battle. The thrill of danger and violence that was equal to none.

Someone approached her to lead her it seemed, and she followed. Her walk was casual and light, but as she often was, she was prepared for a fight. Any direction, any method, any warning, through the force or the senses, she was waiting for it. It was built into her from childhood. Not by her parents but by her nature. She smiled as she approached Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor . "Been awhile since I got contacted about a job. Certainly hope this is worth it, not really one for slow or poor jobs." she said simply, though somewhat cheerfully. She didn't feel the need to act exceedingly formal. She'd reserve the effort of that for actual military matters where there could be trouble if she did otherwise, though, even there she was somewhat inconsistent on the matter.
A smile formed on Elkin's face his golden bioluminescent eyes narrowed at the woman's face. Something that he learned very well when he first started his businesses was to cold read or analyze a person's emotions based on their body language. Salis Salis felt comfortable in the club she was listening to music and felt relaxed. However she was focused judging by the determined look on her eyes, she was a business before pleasure kind of woman something Elkin liked and even admired. For his kind, the industry is a cutthroat place where the slightest of mistake could bankrupt you and leave you in poverty while some shmuck took your place. Elkin worked hard no efficiently to get where he was, hard work was some cliched tripe that Core Worlders say to each other to prevent hurting their feelings.

Hard work doesn't grant a person success, its pure ruthless calculation. Getting success through hard work is only something that lowly employees tell themselves in order to get by through their day. It was all an illusion especially in the companies that he runs, Elkin likes to sell his employees hope in order for them to stay in line. Offer them extra pay maybe even get closer to his position the old carrot and the stick a happy worker means healthy business afterall. Keep people in line through false promises and Elkin reaps the profits. "Oh I'm sure that you'll love this job miss Salis," he said. "Sit down have yourself of glass of Cognac."

He motioned to Ed to pour her glass in which he quickly obliged and offered her one. "Let's cut to the chase miss Salis," Elkin muttered while chewing his cigar. "I know that you're a busy woman, how would you like to lead my security forces?"
She grunted at his offer of Cognac, "Certainly," she responded waiting while the glass was poured and he continued, he didn't waste any time, much to her pleasure. No navigating politics or complications of wording. She'd gotten so used to it she almost had to think harder on what to say as she took a sip of the drink, shutting her eyes for a moment, "Wonderfully faster than normal." she admitted with a smile at both the taste and the current prospect, leaning to one side, "Much as I want to say yes right away I naturally do have to ask questions. Will need to be sure payment is good, but first I need to know what that job entails. You want a strategic leader, a spearhead, a trainer, some mix? Much of my preference lies in the fighting itself, but training and leading are acceptable."

She waited to listen to what he said. Taking breaths with the cognac by her nose and mouth to take it in. Nothing wrong with enjoying it. She didn't buy alcohols that much, she had them, but when she thought about it it was an incredibly rarity she'd ever actually gotten drunk or anything more than tipsy. Probably just another part of that ever attentive attitude. Hard to fight when you can't stand.

This should be interesting though, he was quick about getting to the point and had a job that one way or another had something to do with combat. Seemed like he had good credits as well. So Things were looking up.

Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor
"Of course," Elkin replied watching Salis Salis sniff the alcohol looks like she wasn't a fan of the beverage or she wanted her senses honed in. "Your reputation of being a no nonsense Bounty Hunter who's also a tremendous leader is a..... unique skill set to lead my forces." Elkin smiled as he turned on the holoprojector displaying the amount of credits he was to offer Salis. It was an overpay that's to be sure but given his ambitions in heading into the Outer Rim and beginning to mine the rare minerals that remained untouched there he needed a veteran one that was just as ruthless as he was. To her kind the only thing that mattered was credits and Elkin had plenty.

"I want you on my team," Elkin said. "I want you to train my men from lazy slackers to hardened soldiers. 10 million credits annually will be more than enough to satisfy you no?"
She smiled at the compliment to her skills, though of course compliments only carried so much weight. The smile grew wider at the quantity of credits that appeared on the screen and her eyebrows rose. That was a considerable sum for a job like this. She'd always been one to use credits in very small amounts most of the time, with only a few splurges. This would set her up for awhile, though, really she had already been set up for awhile. Never could have too much, could always give it to her daughters if she needed to.

She took a sip of the drink in her hands, taking in the flavor as he continued. 10 million annually. That was not a price to scoff at. She let out a slight chuckle, "Well, you certainly know how to make a deal. Not even anything for me to bargain on if I'm honest. I can agree to this. I will make one more request though, you don't interfere in the training. Don't worry I won't go around killing all your troops, and I'll ensure there are medics there. But for people to know how to fight for real they have to feel real fear and real pain. I'll keep things mostly non lethal, as long as they do as they're told."

With what he was willing to pay, she didn't want to squander it. Best way she saw to keep that payment was make sure his soldiers weren't the type to fall apart the moment they saw impossible odds.

Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor
"Whatever you desire Miss @Salis," Elkin said taking another huff of his Cigar. "As long as these whelps are trained for battle, use whatever means you deem fit. Whatever you need I can provide, It's just another tax deduction for me anyway." Elkin chuckled taking another huff while carefully placing Cigar down on the table.

"We have a lot of systems that we must take Salis," he said. "The fate of my industries are on the line and what you do with my security forces can give the Galaxy plenty of food that they can enjoy and of course the more resources you take for my company, the higher the pay."

A sinister grin spread across Elkin's face. "So is it final?" he said as Ed placed the contract and pen in front of Salis. "Do we officially have a deal?"
Salis nodded as he agreed, as well as brought up that the more resources he'd get, the more she might get paid. Good way to increase someones chances of staying on board and working hard she figured. Although at this point she was almost wandering what she would start spending her money on. Maybe wait another decade or so, then decide.

She looked at the contract and would read it carefully, assuming there were no deceptive text involved, she would smile again and nod, "I believe we do Mr. Magor." she said signing it and setting them down before taking a larger swig of her drink, "Just let me know where and when to start. And if you haven't told them already, I might want to introduce myself to your men. Could be some value in that."

Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor

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