Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sol Ordana

Sol Ordana

Tosche Station Traveler

(Above: Sol working with Kage operatives on the eve of a minor revolt on Quarzite)

NAME: Sol Ordana (Triss'amew'iashi)

RANK: Witch Initiate

SPECIES: Hybrid (Echani/Chiss)

AGE: 25

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 170 centimeters

WEIGHT: 52 kilograms

EYES: Greyish Light Blue

HAIR: Grey

SKIN: Bluish Grey




TECHNO-HEAD: With a solid grasp of galactic technology and its underlying, Sol is able to intuitively understand and interface with most technological applications and constructs. And although this does not necessarily translate to excellent slicing abilities, she is able to identify, repair and even reverse-engineer most devices, armor pieces, weapons and even vehicles and structures. It's also made her a proficient pilot.

THINK TANK: Following close behind Sol's technical expertise is her remarkable tactical and strategic acumen. Using a combination of technology, good intuition, sound principles of the art of war and a little assistance from the Force, she is able to plan, lead, organize and control almost any military operation, from the smallest covert raid to entire theaters of war. She is also able to make astounding mental calculations, performing mathematical processes and analyses with factors up to 10 digits long using only her mind.

SCARRED: A tumultuous upbringing and a generally psychopathic behavior have left Sol emotionally unstable and susceptible to Force-assisted Dark Side attacks, particularly mental or psychic ones. This notably impairs her ability to fight in close quarters, where she easily succumbs to mental attacks.

FORCE-DEPENDENT: Over the years, Sol has become dependent on the Force for even the most mundane tasks. Without it, her chances of survival in hostile situations drop far below that of an otherwise more trained individual but has learned to get by without the Force.


Even before she was born, Sol Ordana was already destined for a hard life. Sired by an Echani father and a Chiss mother in an otherwise taboo affair, she was immediately cast out by the proud Chiss culture, and likewise viewed as an abomination by the Echani on their homeworld of Eshan. Details about her parents are unreliable, but it is known that they eventually had to leave her in the care of a friend who owed them a favor, and so Sol wound spend nearly the next two decades growing up in Tattooine's settlements. And so in the dry, arid environment of a death world, the young Sol, birth name Triss (Chiss), would go on to become a pretty nifty pilot, swoop biker and pod racer as she was raised around spaceports, pod-racing rings, swoop bike boulevards, starship part shops and salvagers' junkyards.

Eventually however, her adopted father ran afoul of one of the local Hutts, and she was sold into slavery along with his property (he was frozen in carbonite, and never heard from again). And so at the age of 15, she became a servant girl to a certain Zasz the Hutt, who, captivated by the exotic Sol's skin, hair, eyes and youthful figure, always kept her close. Over time Zasz craved for increasingly thrilling forms of entertainment involving Sol past the carnal, and so she'd come to be in the fighting pits, where she'd be put up against beast and brawler alike for the Hutt's entertainment, only to be taken back to his personal quarters after the night had ended. She was by no means an extraordinary talent by then, but she learned to hold her own throughout the ordeal - an equally important lesson.

Fortune smiled on her however, as Zasz's operation was eventually jeopardized when the Galactic Empire expanded across the Outer Rim. The younger Hutt's compound was raided by imperial stormtroopers, and amidst the confusion Sol was able to escape to a nearby spaceport, where she hitchhiked aboard a large freighter and left planetside. She was 21.

For the next 4 years, she'd jump from system to system, performing a myriad of jobs for all shorts of characters to get by and build her network of connections - whether as a head mechanic for a Corellian smuggler, debt collector for a Hutt on Nar Shaddaa, and at one point even a negotiator for a minor Mandalorian clan. Throughout her travels she'd also come in contact with the witches of various orders and sects, who'd initiate her into the art of Force Witchcraft and warn her of the evils of both the Jedi and Sith, and not to fall into the trap of the dichotomy of Light and Dark. From then on Sol would delve deeper and deeper into Force Witchery, and from the shadows use her magic, guile, charm and tact to weave events and circumstances to her liking.

And what guile could not accomplish for her, espionage and subterfuge would. And when even that failed, Sol had her witchcraft and charm to fall back on. She was always one to avoid violence and bloodshed where possible, preferring to manipulate, charm, blackmail and bribe pawns to carry out her bidding.





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