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Approved Location Socorro's Belt

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Name: Socorro's Belt
Rotational Period: N/A
Orbital Period: N/A
Classification: Asteroid Belt
Diameter: N/A
Atmosphere: Type IV
Climate: None
Gravity: Variable on size of asteroid in the asteroid belt.
Primary Terrain: Icy, rocky, post cataclysmic.
Native Species: Surviving Human and Selonians.
Immigrated Species: Humans, Selonians, Ithorians, Ho’din, Morodin across some asteroid bio-dome bases.
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard and Old Corellian.
Government: One Sith Territory, but overseen by Arceneau Trade Company, InterGalactic Solutions, and native Corellians
Population: 5,000 scattered across biodome bases.
Demonym: Corellian.
Major Imports:

  • Agricultural Goods

  • Technology
Major Exports:

  • None
Affiliation: One Sith Territory -- but allegiance to Corellia
Major Locations:

  • ATC Asteroid Biodome for the research of Teraforming Corellia.

  • Scattered remnants of Lashtu’s shipyards.

Native Corellians see Socorro’s Belt as a sacred graveyard for those who were killed during the breaking of Corellia. It has become a pilgrimage site for those who come to pay homage to their dead, deliver gifts, and a few taking a bit of material to make personal tokens of remembrance for themselves during a private ceremony called the Doaba ol'val tru ( Peace and Farewell in a Funeral) . Some Corellians, who called themselves the Guardians, took to patrolling Socorro’s Belt to prevent pirates from stealing the capsules. These Corellians were held in rather high regard among the exiles.

Technology: High Technology

The Netherworld event saw a mass disappearance of trillions across the 'verse. Nothing would compare, however, to the destruction that was wrought upon Corellia in the aftermath. In Akala's desperation to be reunited with her lover, her selfish experiment resulted in the sundering of planets, releasing the energy she had collected to be the conduit of energy on the planet.

The results were that the netherworld rifts sundered the two worlds, separating sections of Corellia and Lashtu only to mash them together. The cities crumbled under the weight of the burst of the Force, incinerating in a violent wave of light, resulting in the millions of deaths as the world's crumbled apart.

In the wake of the near destruction, Corellia is now a broken amalgam of what once was Corellia and the former Yuuzhan Vong world of Lashtu. The broken halves tore against each other, the result producing a cracked remnant and a large asteroid belt, called Soccoro, Olys Corellisi for 'Scortched Earth'.The resulting surveys showed small pockets of biological life was still active in Corellia's remains, providing a foundation for teraforming.

Alric Kuhn, then CEO of Titan Industries, negotiated with the Wrath of the Dark Lord for control over the Corellian Sector. The agreement was made that it would be left under the purview of Titan Industries and no Yuuzhan Vong Technology would be brought over to it.

What that, Arceneau Trade Company along with Titan Industries have done a wealth of work and fundraising with Brightstar Industries to rebuild Corellia and bring it back to a fragment of its former glory. New terraforming technologies have been utilized to bring together slowly the broken halves. Former Employees of Titan, ( the Corellian Natives), came to work with Arceneau Trade in the wake of Alric Kuhn's original disappearance. Negotiations with former owner Tzavong Kraal have transfered former Titan properties under Arceneau Trade, with their former Corellian employees now employees into the Queen of Trade's company. This offered a cushion of protection for the Corellian people, allowing them more freedom to covertly plan and perhaps one day, liberate their home.

Teraforming technologies through Arceneau Trade Company have managed to restructure and fuze together the broken halves of Corellia, although there is still much to be done and reconstruction efforts are continually underway.

Socorro’s Belt is the leftover asteroid remnants of the broken halves of Corellia and Lashtu after its near destruction by Akala. As this is an amalgam asteroid belt of not only Corellia, but Lashtu, There are several remnants of Lashtu’s Massiive Shipyards here, some known to even have rivaled Mon Calamari shipyards. Here, there yet may be a few remnants of the long lost Lashtan space faring technology.

In the aftermath of Corellia's breaking, rescue crews in the deepest fissures discovered deposits of an odd red metal. Chemical tests confirmed that the substance was a variant of havod, with minor differences that defied analysis. Speculation as to the source of those differences ran the gamut from ancient Celestial intervention to the heat and stress of planet-breaking to the leftover effects of Akala's Nethermancy.

Whatever the reason, once refined the metal was stronger than usual havod alloy, which does not occur in nature. The new metal was dubbed Corellian bloodsteel. It has become a symbol of Corellians' lost homeworld and a desirable choice for weapons or starships owned by Corellians -- but it has also attracted the wrong kind of attention to Corellia.

There are also other ore resources on Socoro’s Astroid belt that are now accessible in the wake of Corellia’s near destruction. These include gold, iridium, silver, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhenium, rhodium, ruthenium and tungsten during initial survey's; iron, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, aluminium, and titanium for construction; water and oxygen in geological survys after. Among subsequent research has found hydrogen, ammonia, and oxygen for potential use as rocket propellant. Also found were small deposits of Diamonds, Gold, Agrocite, Doonium, Ostrine, Rubindum, and Ethromite.

However, mining here is not recommended, as the native Corellians see Socorro’s Belt as a sacred graveyard for those who were killed during the breaking of Corellia. It has become a pilgrimage site for those who come to pay homage to their dead, with a few taking a bit of material to make personal tokens of remembrance for themselves.

Many Corellian survivors and exiles performed a private ceremony called the Doaba ol'val tru, and would shoot capsules filled with gifts for their friends and family. Some Corellians, who called themselves the Guardians, took to patrolling Socorro’s Belt to prevent pirates from stealing the capsules. These Corellians were held in rather high regard among the exiles.

Any corporate action to mine Socorro’s belt may well be seen as an aggressive attack on not only the Corellians, but as a desecration to the final resting place of billions of Corellians. This, however, does not halt the foolishly brave few who attempt to smuggle mining activities from under the Corellians or ATC’s radar.

Notable PCs: N/A
Intent: To submit the Lore of Brokelia in the wake of the Netherworld Event

Canon planet:
Canon System:
Netherworld Event:

Breaking of Corellia Part I
Summary: The Yuuzhan Vong galaxy planet Lashtu begins to overlap Corellia.

Breaking of Corellia Part II
Summary: Akala's explosion in the Force has ripped the planet asunder, leaving the two planets in broken halves.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Please include links to the companies you have listed under government. Additionally, I'd like to see how the location came to be under corporate governance.

However, mining here is not recommended, as the native Corellians see Socorro’s Belt as a sacred graveyard for those who were killed during the breaking of Corellia. It has become a pilgrimage site for those who come to pay homage to their dead, with a few taking a bit of material to make personal tokens of remembrance for themselves.
Any corporate action to mine Socorro’s belt may well be seen as an aggressive attack on not only the Corellians, but as a desecration to the final resting place of billions of Corellians.
In light of this information, I'm going to say that ore and raw materials are not an acceptable major export for Socorro's Belt. If you wish to keep it as one, I'm going to need a good explanation as to why it's acceptable.
Gael bar Ammon said:
Please include links to the companies you have listed under government. Additionally, I'd like to see how the location came to be under corporate governance.

Added a big chuck of links!

Gael bar Ammon said:
In light of this information, I'm going to say that ore and raw materials are not an acceptable major export for Socorro's Belt. If you wish to keep it as one, I'm going to need a good explanation as to why it's acceptable.

Danger Arceneau said:
Native Corellians see Socorro’s Belt as a sacred graveyard for those who were killed during the breaking of Corellia. It has become a pilgrimage site for those who come to pay homage to their dead, deliver gifts, and a few taking a bit of material to make personal tokens of remembrance for themselves during a private ceremony called the Doaba ol'val tru ( Peace and Farewell in a Funeral) .
Danger Arceneau said:
Whatever the reason, once refined the metal was stronger than usual havod alloy, which does not occur in nature. The new metal was dubbed Corellian bloodsteel. It has become a symbol of Corellians' lost homeworld and a desirable choice for weapons or starships owned by Corellians -- but it has also attracted the wrong kind of attention to Corellia

Danger Arceneau said:
Any corporate action to mine Socorro’s belt may well be seen as an aggressive attack on not only the Corellians, but as a desecration to the final resting place of billions of Corellians. This, however, does not halt the foolishly brave few who attempt to smuggle mining activities from under the Corellians or ATC’s radar.
The Major exports explanation on ores and raw materials is answered in the description.

Corellians are the ones who go into the asteroid belt and use ores and raw materials for their trinkets. This includes such things as Jedi Corellian Credits, Corellian soul stones and the like for actual Corellians.

There are also would be profiteers that would sneak in and try to exploit and mine the items themselves in order to get those major exports.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Personal keepsakes and illegal smuggling rings do not constitute a major export. For exports, I am looking for something the local populace and government collectively harvest and trade abroad.

It doesn't sound like you mean that the local Corellians, ATC, or anyone else actively mine there, so it's probably best to just strike that altogether. All the bits you highlighted above though are still acceptable for the description, as it does add to the sacred feeling that the location is supposed to provide.
[member="Gael bar Ammon"]

OH!! Okay, I get you now.

Alright, if keepsakes that folk use for items as per the description is okay and illegal smuggling are not considered major exports then yeah, that's totally fine taking it out.


As an addendum and for posterity even though I already informed you over skype - the CJ team voted not to allow this submission into the contest because it missed the submission deadline. I will edit the submission title to reflect this.
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