Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sock 'em Bop Dark Jedi Rock 'em!


Location: Coruscant

It was deep night over the roaring city canyons of the One Siths high seat of power. Lisa stood on top of a nearby landing pad, keeping her eyes on a pad across the way. She had concealed herself well for this, laying in a pile of garbage and covered in dark grease.

Being an outlaw had it's share of scrapes. She had worked within the Ravens for some time now and as of such had accumulated quite the backchannel network of spies and little birdies. What little birdies said today was that an important member of the Republic was attempting to come into Coruscant and poke around for intel.

Lisa had no way of knowing whom or what, but she had heard where, and now she was here.

As the night wind blew she sucked in the smell of the dirty city and smiled. She was born here long ago, and it pleased her to be back. Then her eye wandered back to the scope of her rifle and she began to recalculate the wind speed, and readjust the sights....


The Broken Angel of Mercy
[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Eleos had been assigned to protect a lesser senator of some backworld planet. A minor mission but fitting for someone of her rank, but she had no complaints about it, she knew her place. She stared at the beauty of Coruscant as they descended, and she could even see the temple if she looked hard enough. It was difficulty to think that the Sith now controlled this territory, a planet she once called home. She clenched her fist, but she did not know why. Was this rage? She lost this train of thought as the ship landed and she got up when the senator did, making sure to follow him closely. She was here to protect him. She grabbed her staff off of the rack and exit the ship, taking in the atmosphere of her old planet.

She stepped off of the ship into the space port and took point in front of the senator, they were to meet a small group of Rebels for undisclosed reasons. It was to take place on the Krayt Bridge, renamed for an old sith. They left the area and met up with the rebels at the bridge. The senator and rebel leader began discussing with Eleos a few feet away, far enough to not overhear anything.

As the Vessel landed and the Senator moved down the ramp Lisa tracked him all the way down to the bridge. From the nearby pad she had a birds eye view of the bunch. They were conversing and there was others there.

Black coloured vests with orange flight-suits. She squinted trying to make out more through the scope. As they talked and talked her frustration began to dawn. There could be no witnesses to her act..... Unless she killed them all. Thoughts of carnage began to churn in her mind. A great monster within her stirred, stretching it's wings. It hungered to be fed, wanted to be fed, needed to be fed.

"Ahh frak it, a little target practise ain't a bad thing."

Lisa centred the scope on the Senator first, counting her breaths. The force guided her as she waited an watched. She counted the seconds between each heartbeat, the rise and fall of the rifle. She felt the wind and the moisture. This shot had to be perfect.

Her finger began to squeeze as time began to slow for her. Squeezed steadier, and steadier and steadier....


A single puff of gray smoke marked the passage of her round. A fifty caliber slug erupted from her silenced barrel, screaming directly into the wind like a fearsome eagle. Lisa watched in trepidation as it flew, time seeming to stand still....


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos had been looking out at the distance before the shot hit, remembering of days when the people her where happier. At least in her eyes. She might've been able to stop the bullet if she was paying attention, but she wasn't and now the Senator was dead, in freefall down to Coruscant's surface. Everyone stood in shock, even Eleos for a moment, but she soon recovered. She force pushed the Rebel leader behind his speeder as he stood in shock. Her eyes then turned towards the bullet stream, as she swung her pike and faced the sniper. She crouched down as her Valkyri wings blazed awake in their burning yellow glory, and took off following the trail back to the sniper.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Lisa had the next shot set up by the time the first hit. The senators death in the force echoed like waves crashing against a cliff. The darkside stirred heavily as she watched his life drain from him and the long fall down. More souls would have been added to the void but suddenly she found herself on the defensive.

Some kind of winged woman was approaching her and fast. To fast for her liking.

The beast stirred as dismay entered the mix of emotions. The Rebel leader cowered in fear behind the speeder as the rest fled in terror. Lisa emerged from the garbage, jumping up and landing in a crouch atop the pile. The woman could be felt in the force as well. Her intent was not yet known, but Lisa had a way of guiding that.

Dark matrices of purple black energy began to hue her eyes and her limbs felt lighter, and stronger. The Darkside rushed into her like a perverted parasite, leeching into her bones and crackling down her spine.

"Did you like that little Rebel!" She tittered evil across the wind.

"You wan't some vengeance!"


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos was far away from the woman who shot the senator but she was gaining on her position quickly, soaring through the sky towards the figure. Even from this far away she could feel the corrupting forces of the dark side, Bogan. The dark side was twisting this woman and it was probably what lead the bullet all that way. This sith would be shown no mercy. When she got closer she could her the taunts and jeers directed at her, but she blocked them out. The sith can't get in her head, she wouldn't let her. As she got closer she slowed her speed and positioned her pike in a swinging position and used the momentum to take a swing at the sniper.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Lisa could sense the pike as it made it's way towards her. She was focused heartily on summoning the necessary strength for a massive force push but instead was interrupted by this.... thing. As the pike came in, she stepped back swiftly, but could not avoid it entirely.

The tip slashed a small cut across her cheek and blood droplets began to glisten in the darkness of Coruscants setting sun. Lisa felt pain deep and red hot sear her mind and her nerves jumped like a fish out of water. Her eyes became a deeper shade of purple as she immersed deeper into the evil currents of the darkside.

The woman had yet to feel the wrath of a Ticon.

"Not the greatest of swings dear, who taught you to fight! Sand people!" Lisa snorted, contempt dripping in her tone.

Both of her palms now wreathed in the quickly manifesting dark energy faced out towards the girl. The garbage behind her began to rise, steel pipes, pieces of old cans, and few trash bags. Lisa focused her energy, moving them slowly into a crescendo, whirling around her frame. The pieces of debris now turned into force missiles whipped around her body with the force of a hurricane, keeping her dead center and protected in the eye of the cyclone.

"Come at me Little Rebel!"


The Broken Angel of Mercy
[member="Lisa Ticon"]

The various metals and plastics from the surrounding area had formed a protective barrier around her opponents, moving fast in a circle around the girl. It wasn't much, no explosives or anything, but it protected her from a direct attack from Eleos. Eleos began swinging and stabbing at Lisa, to try and stab through the garbage and cut some of it, but getting through was proving difficult.

"Oh you'll have to do better than a wild swing!"

Lisa smiled as the girls attack intensified. Surely she would be feeling quite frustrated at this point. That was her goal, to initiate frustration and anger. The darker the girls emotions got, the more power she would feed to Lisa. Of course she didn't know it, but it was all a carefully laid trap.

As two of the pipes were knocked out of rotations Lisa released a trashbag from her vortex. It sailed at the woman with an incredible speed, rocketing straight towards the center of her chest. Lisa kept up the attack, adding a second and third trash bag. The pipes from the ground sailed up into her outstretched hands as the last of the improvised force missiles streaked towards the girl.

"Come on try harder, fight me for real!"

Lisa held one pipe up and the other she cocked back over her shoulder, back-pedalling as she was no longer protected by her vortex. She was not a close quarters fighter. Daggers, saber and swords were not her tool, her environment was her weapon....


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos managed to find herself getting rather irritated by the Sith's annoying jeers so she grabbed some pieces of metal and used them to block her ears to keep her concentration. Then the Sith started throwing the trash at her, but Eleos managed to cut them apart with a few swings and a force push, then all the girl was left with was her pipes. Eleos threw her lightpike at the girl's head and try to impale her with it, then she grabbed a pipe from the wall and leapt at the girl.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

The lightpike was a nasty surprise and Lisa barley managed to avoid it. The force let her know where to step and how to step but she was too late. As she moved it scraped by, cutting a gash near the side of her ribs and spilling more blood. It did not slow Lisa however and she was more aware than ever of the pain.

More pain fuelled her fire and as the gril leapt towards her swinging a pipe, she threw her own at the woman, propelling them with a burst of darkside energy. They flew fast and true, one to her left, one to her right, with the speed of a blaster bolt. The air hissed ass they passed through it and Lisa's hands were suddenly filled with two curved vibro daggers, each bearing poison that would impart physical and mental anguish of a level unheard of.

The poison was not a lethal one. It's aim was to impart unbearable pain, but keep the victim alive during the process. If the girl was pricked she would feel each wave harsher than the next, until she went mad or received the antidote. Which Lisa would surely love to see her beg for.

She stepped in close, squaring up as the winged girl came down on her and dropped to one knee, ducking her strike with the pipe and slashing towards her thigh with a savage snarl. Words echoed in her mind as Lisa projected her self across the force.

"Your earmuffs wont hide you Jedi, yes I know what you are, you showed your hand with that little trick of yours."


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos saw as the two pipes blazed a path towards her, hurtling to either side. She attempted to dodge the shot by ducking, hoping to lower her stature enough for the two poles to miss. A sudden blinding pain told her she hadn't. She looked to her back. The left pipe had passed her harmlessly, planting itself in a wall. The other pipe, however, managed to impale her right wing, rendering it useless. Eleos detached her wings, she would have to fight on foot now.

As the voice echoed through her mind, Eleos continued in her swing. "You don't know me as well as you would like to." after saying that Eleos quickly darted backwards as she pulled her staff back towards her horizontally to knock the assassin unconscious. As the pike came from the top, Eleos whipped the pipe at her legs to minimize her dodge zone and then she bull rushed the only area left, set to tackle the girl in the middle.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Lisa had so little time to react as the attacks rained back in a flurry. Death blows rained down upon her, first a swing then a hack at her legs. The first one she ducked, the second she jumped over. Her heart raced with adrenaline and the thrill of combat pumped her up. The darkside swirled as the other woman's attacks grew more and more vicious.

The third, the tackle hit dead, but Lisa was braced for it. As she collapsed inwards at her core under the force of the blow she latched onto the now wingless foe with her legs and sank her fingers deep into her back. Now was the time for true power. For pain!

The air began to crackle and heat as Lisa's hands began to form the dark energy. The beast roared, fully in control of her now, and the dark side swirled within. Small tendrils of lightning began to dance across her palms and fingers until finally in a animalistic shout she let loose a torrent of blacking purple bolts.

The electricity flowed down her arms through her hands, which were dug into her foes back....


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos screamed out in pain as the jolts of lightning arced their way across her back, the pain only increasing with the implants where her wings were a minute ago, now only conducting her enemies lightning. Instinctively she put her hands on her opponents chest to try to push her off, but the Sith was wrapped around her. So using all the strength she could muster, she stared her enemy deep in the eyes and gripped her wrists to try to force her hands off of her back. She made sure to focus on the sith's eyes, to keep focus and stay conscious and also to read what she was going to do next.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Lisa's hands slipped form the womans back as the pushed hard. She could see her pupils wide and with pain. As the storm of electricity stopped Lisa paused, staring deep into her eyes as well, projecting hate and malice. She pushed hard with her mind, attempting to unleash terror upon her. Memories of how she broke little billy's neck when she was an orphan flowed forth, attempting to poison Eloe's mind.

"Join me, give up the useless crusade of the lightsiders, take power over your life girl."

Her hands slipped to her back, readying for her next attack, just in case the Eleos decided she had not had enough. Her legs were still firmly wrapped around her waist.

"We don't have to fight jedi, we can part ways as equals, or as broken bodies crawling away from one another."


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos was beginning to feel the perversion of the Dark Side wrap itself around her mind, but she was still holding onto thee last bit of light that she could feel. "You and me could never be equals." She tried once again to get away from the Sith's grip, but she had taken too much damage, she could feel the will in her eyes dimming and hoped that her opponent didn't notice. She had grown weak and was now lying on her opponents chest, She needed to think of a way out of this and fast.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

"Hmm suit yourself then."

Lisa grew tired as well. The lightning had taken much out of her but before she went, she vowed to teach this girl the error of her ways. Releasing her grip on the waist Lisa hopped back wards and crouched. She was breathing heavily and losing blood from her wounds. She would never last in close combat with the Jedi.

"Looks like the Order did you well this time eh weakling?"

Her last words were punctuated by an immense blast of force energy, as Lisa unleashed the last of her power into the woman, trying to slam her into the railing with all the force she could muster. The attack was diversion for her however. Her aim was not to kill, just to maim.....and escape.


The Broken Angel of Mercy
Eleos was surprised to see the woman back off when she had Eleos essentially beaten, she tried to stand up managing only to meet about half her original stature. She looked up at the woman with a mixture of emotion in her is, but mostly spite. The the energy blast came, it ragdolled Eleos knocking her against the bars, but she managed to use this to lift herself up. She dropped her lightsaber and walked towards the assassin as blood poured from the corner of her mouth, slowly moving towards her.

[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Lisa bolted towards the end of the landing pad towards a small air speeder. It was parked haphazardly as she had come in a rush. And she was in a rush to leave. The attempt to convert the woman had proved less than fruitful, so now she could make her own way through the den of the Sith.

As she reached the speeder Lisa whirled in place, snapping her sniper rifle back up onto her shoulder an racking the bolt. A brass casing flew from the chamber and a new round was loaded with a CLICK.

"You're a fool jedi, you'll never catch me, have fun in my world!"

She centered the scope and unleashed three shots in quick succession. The small crack of the silencer punctuated the bustling noise of the airlanes just barely. Each slug buzzed as it whipped towards the mark, aiming to blow holes in her legs and stop her pursuit....

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