Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So guys...


Disney's Princess
Welcome! :D

EDIT: Oh wait. This isn't the welcome forum. IR DUBMZ. ...Ahem. Hello Darron! Join the New Republic Faction and be a cool Jedi with the rest of us! :p
Well what did you have in mind to get you into the water so to speak? If you could give us an idea of what interests you we might be able to point you in the right direction or come up with a new thread all together.
Good, I promise to give my all on this one.

Moridin: it's been forever and a sith emperor would be a fun adversary.

Ashin: we are having a huge discussion tomorrow

To those I don't know, please help me. I'm ok at writing so it's your call.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Yeah, Darron, you won't regret crossing blades with the boss man here.
And you better believe we're talking tomorrow. A whole new wooooooooorld, a hundred thooooosand things to seeeeeeeeeee....
Well you could jump right into the thick of things the Jedi are in Dominion thread or you could help out the Mandolorians against us (not sure if the Jedi numbers are full though or how aid works exactly but it could be a start.)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
True doctrine. I'm looking forward to it. And naturally we'll still shatter small worlds with duels.
Now, specifically...what sorts of things were you guys thinking? I'm a firm believer that the actual story seed is irrelevant, but *shrug*

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