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Snikch Hettoran

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Name: Snikch Hettoran, Deathmaster Snikch, The Specter, Shadow of Chaos, The Fastest Sith.
Loyalties: None
Role: Dark Spirit of the Sith laying dormant within the body of Iziz
Development Threads: Here
Age: 431
Species: Sith Specter, Formally a Jawa

Force Sensitivity:
Snikch was a Sith Master of the highest possible caliber of his age, capable of long, drawn out combat with his use of the force as well as having many means to amplify his own power beyond that of what a normal Sith would be able to through knowledge of meditative combat stances. He was powerful enough with the force to withstand the flames of a prior Dark Lord of the Sith, resisting even his attempts at execution for treason.

I... change... when i feel him... ... ... it's like he takes over... like I'm watching through a window as he perverts my actions into his own. - Iziz

Within the Body of Iziz, Snikch has a couple of tell tale signs when he makes his appearance, the first is his change of demeanor, While Iziz's voice is like a whisper and smooth, Snikch's is hoarse and sharp and seems to echo itself with dark overtones. The Eyes of the Jawa become quickly blood-shot, the bio-luminescence shining through to create a ruby red glow. The Sith mark on Iziz's shoulder expands across his back, highlighting the force presence and the activity of the speaker. But most notably is the sickening force power which radiates from him... not visible to those without the means to see through the force, but the aura is one of sickness, as if the force is poisoned around Snikch while he his active... to those who can actually view it, they would see a miasma of green, smoke-like energy radiating from his body like ink in water, trailing him as he moves.

Disembodied, Snikch is little more than a shadow, a specter, the same as he had been seen walking the sands of Tatooine for hundreds of years waiting for the walls between chaos and the living world to thin and break his way through. Translucent, but staring upon his form is like looking at the physical manifestation of impending dread.

He is as much a feeling as he is a being... a specter, born from hate, and vengeance... He's not like anything I've ever seen or felt before. - Iziz

Snikch was a Sith who followed the old laws of the Sith Empire and followed the teachings of Marka Ragnos. In life, he hid his strength and made a conscious effort to ensure that all other sith thought of him as a pathetic weakling of a Jawa who always managed to only scrape through every trial he had ever been in. Though, in reality, he was a killer and an opportunist who prized his power and advantage above everything else, leaving Sith, Jedi, Men, Women, and childrens' corpses in his wake to satiate his hunger for power and will to survive. Tempered through repeated trials by fire, Snikch was a killer who out-grew his own master in strength and dueling ability...

In death... all which made Snikch horrifying has been amplified tenfold. Having physically gazed upon the form of Marka Ragnos and the power of the greatest Sith Lords to have ever lived and walked the earth, he has been inspired by true power. Not to mention having four hundred years to plan his revenge and his own second coming has made him more vile than few could imagine. Any semblance of allegeance to anyone was destroyed when he was betrayed by the Sith Council of his age... but he does appreciate those who share his views on the importance of power and the self, and the will to satisfy ones own hedonism.

Though most of all, Iziz hungers...

He's... like... craving... made manifest. He hungers for revenge... he hungers for the taste of blood on his tongue... but most of all... he hungers for life... ... ... - Iziz

Weapons of Choice:
Snikch from the background has tutored Iziz and subtly leaned him towards an assortment of weapons which he once used. He is a master combatant. Having nearly perfected his own personal combination of Vapaad, Ataru and telekinetic light-saber combat, while also implementing meditative battle stances into his combat to be able to better serve his purposes. Having mastered Force Channel, Force Affinity and Force Potency. Translated into combat, Snikch uses a Saber-staff and a mechanical tail as his primary weapon, supplimenting it with two, double ended shoto light-sabers... which he is more than apt with using telekinetically as spinning projectiles.

He's been whispering in my ear as long as I can remember... teaching me... guiding me... things i could not possibly know on my own... -Iziz

Wealth: Only the knowledge of what is... and what is not.

Combat Function: Snikch (only with the approval of the person he is fighting.) takes active control of Iziz's body in combat, pushing the much younger and kinder Jawa's soul to the back while he asserts his dominance and control. Snikch's combat style is one of lethality, not combat, each of the talents he has learned over the years was a vessel to kill others and not engage in drawn out combat. Making Snikch much like a surgical berserker. Snikch is very, very potent in single combat and dueling while not as grand at fighting other opponents due to him not being able to capitalize on his advantages... While having a notably powerful connection to the force, his immediate strength is his speed and font of power due to his current state of being, his greatest asset and strength is his ungodly speed. However, as the body he inhabits is not as well trained as his own mind, it naturally binds his capabilities, least he kill his host. Though, sometimes, at the knowing damage it can cause, Snikch can break those limits and truly shine, but only for a short while.

If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine... -Obiwan Kenobi

Snikch was learned in a great many skills before he died, picking up a few after also... His most notable talents include:

  • Force Speed: 10/10
    Snikch's force speed is his greatest asset, pushing it so far beyond the normal parameters of speed he was able to generate other skills as derivatives off force speed. Snikch was noted for being a blur in combat, little more than a shadow moving at high speeds and being able to move faster than the natural human eye could even register.

    ~ Afterimage: Snikch is able to move fast enough, both with his running speed and point to point movement to make him seem further away than he really is, or that he has more limbs.
    ~ Speed Boom: Snikch through rapic acceleration and activation of his force speed creates a small repulse of kinetic force strong enough to knock opponents away or deflect blows.
    ~ Speed Based Stealth: Pushing force speed to its limits, Snikch moves faster than most eyes can register, his body blurring to almost invisibility.
  • Telekinesis: 9/10
    A veriatble master of Telekinesis, Snikch mainly uses this skill for his absolute dominion over his floating light-sabers. Though he is capable of performing powerful pushes, pulls, grips and chokes as well as repulses of force our from his body to repel attacks or attackers.
  • Force Blast: 9/10
    Force blast is one of Snikch's most powerful weapons, not learned from the world of the living, but rather accumulated it among the ranks of dead lords, Iziz is able to create bolts of pure dark side energy which is capable of shattering matter, much to the scale of techniques like force destruction and even shaterpoint in offensive force... but his mastery goes one step further, in learning a lost variant of the technique.

    ~ Sickening Blast: Through poisoning the force with power, the hue of the greatly empowered force blast becomes greena dn sickly, killing life around it as it poisons the air with a deadly toxin accommodating the force blast which lingers and stains an area after its use like creating a wound in the force. Though the Sickness fades with time, it can take days to be back to normal.
  • Force Cloak: 10/10
    Having learned from the knowledge of the disciples of Twilight, Snikch learned to hide his body within folds of shadow as well as cloak his force signature. Not suprpessinng it as many do with techniques such as Art of the Small, but adept enough to hide from even the keenest of senses. As he has done within Iziz for many years.
  • Bend Light: 8/10
    The power to bend light accomodates the use of force cloak and armour of shadows, however it can be used in bright flashes and even focused rays with Snikch's skilled use. Creating magnified beams of light to pierce through opponents much much like spear of midnight black or simply blinding opponents with force flashes before disappearing into shadows.
  • Spear of Midnight Black: 8/10
    Generating and shaping pure Dark Side power, Snikch is capable of creating multiple spears at once and throwing them telekinetically, thus covering up him hurling them by hand and further masking his intent.
  • Sith Lightning: 7/10
    Rather than fork his lightning off in many ways and create violent storms of force lightning, Snikch perfered to use these bolts to simply kill opponents. Creating instances of rare ball lightning and powerful single bolts which were capable of ripping through armour and penetrating holes through individuals at intense speeds.
  • Deadly Sight: 6/10
    Difficult and draining even for Snikch, and potentially to the death of Iziz, Snikch is capable of channeling the dark side through his eyes in an attempt to destroy everything before him in a violent torrent of dark side power.

Snikch also has a basic knowledge of most common force powers taught by the sith, including: Force fear, pyrokinesis, tutaminis, force weapon, affliction & plague.​ If numbers needed to be given, due to many years of practise, Snikch has a mastery level of about 5.5/10 with these skills.

He's powerful... maybe even as strong as you Master Ferus... - Iziz

Notable Possessions: None.

Other Notes:
Snikch was born to trouble, an identical twin and growing up murdering and eating victims on tatooine until he was collected by a Darth Whom Snikch physically attacked and attempted to consume, taking a liking to the Jawa and noting his powerful yet odd connection to the force. Snikch's position as an identical twin was odd, creating a connection between him and his brother, who would inevitably become a Jedi, Snikch knew nothing of the force bond which connected the two of them. Under the tutelage of the Darth, Snikch became a powerful fighter, winning several Sith Tournaments and even killing several Sith in Duels, as well as Jedi due to them largely underestimating him because of his small and docile visage.

Inevitably, as the galactic war raged, and Snikch grew in power and prestigue, he took on his own apprentices and fought the Jedi, only to find his brother among the chaos, conversing with him through the force and learning his identity, Snikch and his bother met and fought upon Empress Teta... during the fight, it became apparent to the two of them, that neither of them were whole, when it came to the force... twins of an embryo which was not supposed to split, making them two halves to one greater whole. The brother, less trained in the art of combat, fell to Snikch, but not without mortally wounding the Sith Jawa in the process... forcing the Sith to take on several of his twins' donated limbs and organs in order to survive... but finally, with the absorbtion of his brother, Snikch transformed and become two-but-one in the eyes of the force, weilding great power for the short time he held it in his grasp.

Having sensed the connection, and paranoid of the power and potential treason of a powerful Sith Master, the Dark Council of the Sith, led by a former Dark Lord of the Sith, the Jawa was fooled and captured, putting him on the path to execution... denied a traditional trial by combat... the first denial in the council's history. The Dark Lord attempted to set the Jawa Ablaze with much of his own might, however, Snikch resisted with his own telekinetic repulse. Finally being senteanced to execution by combat, the Jawa was placed in what the council perceived to be a combat scenario with impossible odds... Learning later that Iziz had managed to murder the waves of opponents, but succumb to exhaustion afterward.

From that moment the Jawa fell to chaos, bathed in the hate and torture of that world, surviving as a thrall until he was able to claw his way back to a place which was familiar and bind himself there... walking the sands of tatooine as a wraith of his former self who became myth among local clans... But, when the fabric of the world was torn apart, and holes to chaos tore wide open, Snikch was able to pry free from his bondage and sought out a host to tether to... picking a newborn child for his newness to life, and his ability to cope with the specters' presence... there... the former Sith Lord waited, and groomed his host to become an image of his former self...

A host... so that he could return.

Snikch is largeley a plot device, he's a teacher and ultimately a villain for Iziz to build up and overcome, not physically through confrontation and matching his power, but by using Snikch's nature against him. He was a long standing former character who I did not want to import, as I thought he was far too developed and powerful for him to just turn up, so, I turned him into a plot device! Basically, the intent is to just write a cool story, learning a few things which very few people know on the way. :)

I'm looking over this sub and I'm sorry but he's too powerful, I can't responsibly approve him at his present level. I can't let you be possessed by an entity that is essentially all knowing in 4 distinct areas of the force and all those saber forms. The drama it would cause is unimaginable. So if you want to move ahead I need to see a very significant reduction in those power levels. One because it would as said it would cause huge drama and two because a knight would lack a body powerful enough to survive power on that level. It would be akin to putting napalm in a plastic cup, for want of a better phrase.

Once thats done I want a Dev thread of at least 50 posts (This can be across several threads and involving several writers, Iziz needs to be in them all).

I'll be honest this will need a lot of work, if you want this I'll do you a detailed list of necessary changes and additions

[member="Lucien Cordel"]

Does it not help that this was a former character? My idea was rather than importing a character i chose to integrate him as a villain to my character's story, and with Ferus being part of that story, cos he's amazing and wants to join, he wouldn't be much of a challenge if he weren't able to stand up to the characters involved in the story... I also did say that using his power could kill Iziz. He was a Sith with about 900 posts on another forum and i simply wanted to use him as a plot devise rather than import him specifically.

As for development, I've used and referenced him in every thread Iziz has been in so far, cos he's kinda core story-line.

So, could this not be considered like, a lesser import character thing?

(Edit: Sorry, forgot to change profile >.<)
Orphen said:
Does it not help that this was a former character? My idea was rather than importing a character i chose to integrate him as a villain to my character's story, and with Ferus being part of that story, cos he's amazing and wants to join, he wouldn't be much of a challenge if he weren't able to stand up to the characters involved in the story... I also did say that using his power could kill Iziz. He was a Sith with about 900 posts on another forum and i simply wanted to use him as a plot devise rather than import him specifically.
I'm afraid that changes nothing, there is a vast difference between importing a Pc demi-god like sith lord and putting said Pc demigod in a knight's body and having him takeover to fight when the mood takes him[The ghost not necessarily you] . It will cause drama either people will lose their temper when you take what was a knight and replace him with a ghost with god-like power or they will ignore it. Then a fight ensues and things get bitter. Also to quote your self:

Iziz Vei said:
I thought he was far too developed and powerful for him to just turn up
He is so powerful it unbalanced the game, he has (Perhaps) trained so extensively he has no recognisable weakness, he is at the very least average in everything and as stated he is following your submission all knowing (Or near enough) in 4 distinct areas of the force but no one/ very few on the board have seen you do it. Thats not me saying you haven't I'm sure you have but you hasn't earnt the respect that is needed to claim power on this level.

Orphen said:
As for development, I've used and referenced him in every thread Iziz has been in so far, cos he's kinda core story-line.
This I can look into add the link to the submission and you may satisfy the development thread necessity but I can't say before i see them.

Orphen said:
I also did say that using his power could kill Iziz
And I'm saying for the most part it will kill him no ifs or buts , most namely the force speed, If he ran as fast as you claim he can Iziz would die. That sort of thing needs extensive training which the ghost has but the knight doesn't.

Iziz Vei said:
the intent is to just write a cool story, learning a few things which very few people know on the way.
This isn't so much an issue but I missed it read one, It is frowned upon for an NPC to just teach a player character rare powers. This is too avoid everyone and their dog claiming powers like essence transfer etc. Now some of these powers I have never seen Rp'ed here before so it would be hard to find a pc teacher so allowances will need to be made but anything that is taught solely by the npc will need to be written very well.

So in summary it changes nothing for me that he is a previous player character of yours, he's too powerful to be an NPC. Now I understand that you may disagree and if you think I am treating you unfairly you can apply for a second chance and a new judge will take over however you can only do it once and I have consulted with the other codex staff and we share a very similar view, but it is in any event an option if you want to use it.


(Appologies for the late reply)
I think i will just go down the route of importing him and using him that way, I just wanted to put something on paper so people didn't think i was pulling things out of nowhere.

Also, Iziz is pretty good at force speed xD But yeah, without employing something like tutaminis moving at Snikch's full speeds would shred his body... unless Iziz also masters force speed. I know the implications. This isn't meant to be a clean story.

I do disagree with some of the statements you made... with asking people permission for his use before using him i think it would eliminate the risk of bitterness, I also don't think he's demigodly to any sense of the word, I've looked through several sith master profiles to compare him and he seems on par... but i understand NPC's are not to be as powerful as PC characters. I've asked Heavenshield if I'm able to import the character and I'll await his reply, and I guess I'll just move this info to a word doc or something.

I think it came down to i didn't understand the purpose of the NPC area, i think i do now and this is more of a misplacement than anything else.

I mean, if it's just a matter of bringning some of the numbers down from 10's i could bring TK down to like an 8, force cloak to a 9... he's not all knowing in their art, he could not perform brain surgery with telekinesis, but he could probably throw an X wing at you. like. yeah.

So yeah pulled numbers down, I don't want to seem like I'm not willing to work with you, cos i am <3
Don't worry and yeah I think your right what you want to do is better done with a player character as you can still do the possession etc. can still be done with a PCs and indeed I feel it might be better taken that way :)

So is this ok just to be closed up and archived?

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