Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Western Cluster

A western inspired sandbox setting for roleplay

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Smuggler's jobs board

  1. A poor hand: Someone bets away a ship, potentially involving someone from the Hutt cartel. Crew have to undertake some suicidal mission (heist) to win back their property.
  2. Suncream: A convoy of haulers are forced to ground in a canyon on Riley's Moon by a pirate raid. Left keeping their heads down on a harsh desert world. Some of the crews think this is a fantastic opportunity for topping up tan, but in the shadows some locals take a dim view of the newcomers and start eying up their cargo.
  3. Cultural Exchange: taking a shipment of good to one of the old Moross Crusade worlds, one of the crew accidentally defiles a temple to one of the gods. Chased at every turn, the smugglers have to escape the city. The urban maze is filled with dark winding twists and turns like a futuristic version of victorian london
  4. Seems Legit: It’s one thing to haul stolen merch when you stole it, it’s another when you figure that out when you are inspected. Turns out a Crime lord needs a pair of eyes inside Magistrate Kennings' holding facility on Stryx and they will make your legal troubles go away for details of the place: layout, guard patrols and security measures, the works.
  5. Not on my Ship: Hauling some odd crates until you figure out that the cargo is slaves. You can go to the Magistrate Kennings but burning this deal means upheaving your entire business and trashing your rep Gannis Deloy.
  6. Blockade Runner: Can you skirt Magistrate Kennings' patrols to deliver weapons to an organised resistance on Zennox?
  7. Fire into the Pan: A Crime Lord has decided they like you. This isn’t a good thing. You can’t say no to the job but how far will you let him push you?
  8. Friendly Rivals?: A pair of crews have been trash talking for ages and decide to put their money where their mouth are. They have to run identical loads from Whittaker to the Cidian moon. A run in with pirates threatens one of the crews and the other rallies to help them, rivalry be damned.

Put together a quick jobs board for thread ideas, anyone got any other ideas?

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