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Ready For Judge Sliolynn


Further, expand upon the Halcyon System and provide the Ascendancy with additional locations to explore, discover, and write stories
Image Sources and Credits
Image Source:[HERE] - Vadim Sadovski
[HERE] - Finnian Macmanus
[HERE] - Christian Dimitrov
[HERE] - Armando Savoia
[HERE] - Andreas Rocha
[HERE] - Anato Finnstark
[HERE] - Wojtek Kapusta
[HERE] - Vladimir Manyukhin
[HERE] - Tom Capan
[HERE] - Martin Deschambault
[HERE] - Aaron Limonick
[HERE] - Jason Scheier
[HERE] - Jesper Friis
[HERE] - Efflam Mercier
[HERE] - Casper Kjaehr
[HERE] - Sebastian Schulz
[HERE] - Emmanuel Shiu
Canonical & Primary Source Links, and Permissions

Planet Name:Sliolynn
Region:Wild Space
System Name:Halcyon
Location:[X] - Two Hexes to the Left of the Ios Hex
Additional System Information
Sun(s):Binary K-class Main Sequence
Moon(s):Not Applicable
System Planet(s):1st Orbit - Ioseoph & Svyea
2nd Orbit - Borstaz
3rd Orbit - Chruz
4th Orbit - Mairon
5th Orbit - Tailseal
6th Orbit - Vora
7th Orbit - Nirine
8th Orbit - Laithorl
9th Orbit - Khrea
10th Orbit - Eauncer
11th Orbit - Syiar
12th Orbit - Tuembio
13th Orbit - Zudnaja
14th Orbit - HS-80397
15th Orbit - HS-59126
16th Orbit - Sliolynn
17th Orbit - Naiandyn
18th Orbit - Utiese Rar
19th Orbit - Jast-Klald
20th Orbit - Yianist
21st Orbit - HS-37765
Orbital Feature(s):Not Applicable
System Feature(s):Mairon Asteroid Belt
Laithorl Asteroid Belt
Eniel Asteroid Belt
Utiese Rar Asteroid Belt
Halcyon System Asteroid Belt
Phinveos - Protostar
Eniel - Protostar
HS-22317b - Brown Dwarf
Tiga Loreng Nebula
Rancor Nebula
Gampassa Nebula
C-867-1a - Comet
C-867-1b - Comet
C-868-1a - Comet
C-869-1a - Comet
C-870-1a - Comet
Halcyon System Oort Cloud
Major Imports and Exports
The DeceasedReligious Trinkets
FoodstuffsReligious Texts
IncensePeace of Mind
Planetary Resources

Climate:Arid Climate
Atmosphere:Type I Atmosphere
Gravity:Galactic Standard
Planetary Cycle:32 Local Hours
Orbital Rotation:18 Local Years
Average Surface Temperature:39.5 Celcius / 103.1 Fahrenheit
Water Prevalence:18%: (8% Surface Water / 10% Subterranean)
Seasonal Variations
There is little if any variation between the seasons on Sliolynn. With little moisture in the air, the winters remain dry, albeit cooler than the summer months which seem to last the majority of the rotational period around the sun.
Primary Geographical Terrain

Capital City:The Temple City of Srila
Additional Cities & Urban Locations:Savine-Xaphis
The Necropolis of Zhona-Daaxsea
Additional Artificial Constructs:The Sisters of the Golden Forest
The Catacombs of Lady Nightsbane
Chamber of the Guardians
Zeire's Watch


The Temple City of Srila
Starting its life out as a simple Monastery perched upon a mesa with a commanding view of the surrounding countryside, Srila has since slowly grown into a sprawling metropolis that dominates much of the mesa it was constructed upon as well as the flatlands around the base. The original Monastery still remains at the heart of the city, which has come to be dominated by temples, religious sites, and funerary parlors over the years. Serving as the Capital of Sliolynn, the City of Srila also houses the political and administrative buildings that oversee the day-to-day needs of the people and oversees the administrative duties that often befall a planetary government.

The home of the Order of the Final Path was originally nothing more than two small hamlets that had been separated by a river that ran between the two, connected only by a small bridge that symbolized the friendship between the two communities. In the following years, as the two communities grew, they rapidly merged into the city of Savine-Xaphis - a new temple dedicated to the Order of the Final Path was constructed at the center of the two cities, spanning the river that had originally separated the two and brought the communities together. Many of those that seek to join the Order often come to the city on pilgrimage, others arrive to collect the needed items for their funerary customs, and others still have found their own home in the shadow of the Great Temple of the Order.

The Necropolis of Zhona-Daaxsea
The Great Necropolis of Zhona-Daaxsea is thousands, if not tens-of-thousands, of years old and has been used by the denizens of Sliolynn to bury their dead for countless generations. First constructed by the Gargantelle - an extinct race of giant humanoids that originated from the planet Boz Pity - it has housed the dead since time immemorial. Though large sections have since been overtaken by the shifting sands of the desert, more, well-traveled and kept areas are devoid of the sand, however, ancient tombs are constantly being discovered during the construction of newer tombs and catacombs. The priests of the Order of the Final Path ensure that all burials within the Necropolis do not disturb other burials, and it is the secretive Risen Guard that ensures that once the deceased has been laid to rest, they are left to slumber.

The largest city, though perhaps not the most well known, on Sliolynn - its function is that of housing the millions that come to the planet each year to bury their dead. Vast housing complexes, as well as morgues, fill every corner of the city, providing temporary accommodations for both the living and the deceased. Yhin'Zro has, somehow, managed to be titled as the Economic Capital of the planet, due to the vast amount of credits and various forms of payment that flows into the city. Those citizens that call the city home often take up a local trade, with many living on the top floors of houses that rent out rooms for mourners and pilgrims, or others that keep their cellars cool and dry to prevent further decay of the deceased as it awaits the journey to its final resting place.

The Sisters of the Golden Forest
Vegetation in such a concentration is rare on Desert Planets, even more so given the Arid Climate and lack of surface water. The Golden Forest, as it is called, is fed by an underground aquifer which is protected to ensure the survival of the forest. At the center of the forest stand two immense statues, their lower halves buried in the rock and soil, with only the upper halves still visible after many years. The visage is that of two beautiful women, their arms stretched out to the sky - a representation of balance, the Sun and the Moon. This balance that the two statues show has caused the Order of the Final Path to adopt the area as a sacred site, a place where an individual can come to balance themselves against their internal struggles or those that they may face in their everyday lives. Though not a Force Nexus, there is a strange calmness that an individual can feel in the Golden Forest, all they need do is sit and listen.

The Catacombs of Lady Nightsbane
Massive catacombs built in the Ancient Sith Style of Korriban as dictated by Lady Nightsbane, a practitioner of the Dark Side of the Force and follower of the Sith Religion though not a Sith Lord herself. The massive complex consists of multiple structures hidden in the deep desert though still closely guarded by the Risen Guard on the outside. Internally, the catacombs are protected by a series of traps, defenses, and ancient droid guardians to ensure that the treasures, artifacts, and knowledge that Lady Nightsbane had gathered during her lifetime is not stolen by those that are not worthy of attaining such knowledge. Though some exploration of the tomb has been concluded, those few that have survived say that the main burial chamber is empty, alluding to the fact that her actual burial chamber has either not been discovered, or it was never within the catacombs themselves.

Chamber of the Guardians
Even those of the Risen Guard will one day come to an end of their path, and those among their number are also afforded the greatest of honors, to be lain to rest in the hallowed grounds that they had protected all their lives. The Chamber of the Guardians is that final resting place, a place filled with urns and sarcophagi that house the remains of the Risen Guard. In the center of the Chamber is a singular massive sarcophagus, the resting place of the first Risen Guard, flanked by two massive statues that remain in a perpetual watch, guarding the chamber of slumber for their fellow Risen Guard brethren. The location of the Chamber is a secret known only to a few among the Risen Guard and fewer among the Order of the Final Path - ensuring that their greatest place of slumber is left untouched by those that would seek to befoul the memory of the Guard.

Zeire's Watch
The Followers of Zeire had been a Force-Sect very much like the Order of the Final Path, with a focus on balance, though the balance of growth and decay that is often seen in Nature. From their Fortress hidden in the Jungle, they acted as Gardeners, using the death and decay of old plant life to bring about the birth and growth of new life. They had called the planet Syiar their home, and prior to that world's poisoning, they had kept nature in balance and safeguarded the native flora and fauna. With the rise of the Weavers of the Tapestry who sought to destroy the Followers of Zeire, they were either destroyed or driven from their homes. Of those that had managed to flee, they arrived upon Sliolynn, and in the last few remaining years they had, they constructed a grand sepulcher and pyramid dedicated to Zeire, those they had lost, and for the death of their order. When Zeire's Watch had been finished, the last of the Followers sealed themselves within and passed quietly, their secrets hidden in the temple within, waiting for the day that there would come those that would seek them out and deliver their homeworld from the tyranny that it currently faces.

Major Geographical Locations:The Standing Stones of Zhona
The Passageway of the Silent Watchers
Shelde Mountain Path
Fractured Coast
The Grand Quarry
Aurodium Cavern
Hasvern Overwatch
Andionth's Black Monolith


The Standing Stones of Zhona
Beyond the well-established cities and known roads lay the treacherous deserts and vast fields of rocks that are inhabited by all manner of native fauna. It is easy to become lost in the deep desert, with many having found themselves wandering for days, and fewer surviving to tell the tale of their perilous journies. Between the Temple City of Srila and the Necropolis of Zhona-Daaxsea is a river, at times it is nothing more than a trickle, and in some areas, it is a mighty roaring beast. The river is marked by a series of standing stones, naturally formed through erosion over the years, they are utilized to mark the correct path between the City and the Necropolis to aid travelers to prevent them from becoming lost. The stones also mark the safest areas to cross the river, where it is either the calmest or the shallowest point.

The Passageway of the Silent Watchers
Thousands of alcoves have been carved into the higher reaches of the naturally formed rocks and mesas that dominate the most well-known and traveled passage into the Temple City of Srila. In these alcoves, watching over the passageway in the dry desert air are the Silent Watchers, naturally mummified corpses that have been secured into the alcoves in the higher reaches to keep them away from the native fauna as well as make it difficult for would-be grave robbers from accessing what little wealth the deceased is interred. The natural exposure to the elements aides in the mummification process, and many that are granted such a privilege - as the Order of the Final Path believes that to watch over a great gateway as a guardian in the afterlife assists others in finding their way to rest - are well respected, and their families held in high esteem by the community.

Shelde Mountain Path
Long since considered a spiritual place, Mount Shelde separates much of the heavily populated Southern Regions from the vast expanse of the North which remains the realm of the desert and its native flora and fauna. The Path, in some areas nothing more than a few feet across and in others large enough to fit multiple beasts of burden, is seen as an allegory for an individual's life. The path is rife with difficulties and resting places, with the gateway at the start representing birth, the summit is the representation of an individual's zenith, and the gateway at the end representing passing into the next. Many travel the path without a single thought, seeing it as a means to get from Point A to Point B; whilst others view it as a journey, a means to reflect on their lives and come to terms with their decisions before their final symbolic death as they pass through the gateway on the other side of where they began.

Fractured Coast
Basalt, Obsidian, and Marble make up the strange sight that is the Fractured Coast, a place that had likely once been battered by a massive, mighty ocean that is now nothing more than a dry ocean bed. The mixture of the natural minerals and rocks in this region makes for a spectacular sight, as the contrast between the white marble and the dark colors of the basalt and obsidian seems to mix and intertwine together. The Order of the Final Path look to the Fractured Coast as a symbol of balance, seeing that balance between the Light Side and the Dark Side of the Force perfectly represented by the mixture of the natural elements. The region has long since been considered hallowed, and it is only those that have the highest respect or have given their lives in the service to Sliolynn that are granted the greatest honor and entombed within the region. For this reason, the number of tombs within the Fractured Coast are few and far between, yet, they are protected with a greater ferocity by the Risen Guard than is known or has been seen in the execution of their duties.

The Grand Quarry
With humble origins of being nothing more than a small hole in the ground, the region has, over the successive years, become a vast quarry that dominates much of the Eastern Foothills. Large blocks of Marble, Granite, and Limestone are hewn from the rock face, and then shipped off to every corner of the planet for use in the construction of tombs, catacombs, and necropoli to house the dead. The most recent extractions can be seen in the deepest parts of the vast quarry pit, and it is not uncommon for the workers to discover unknown or forgotten tombs that had been hidden in sections thought untouched or already used. In those instances when a tomb is found, the Order of the Final Path ensure that the body or bodies have not been disturbed before reciting the burial chants and resealing the tomb - the workers for their part move onto the next part of the ever-expanding quarry, continuing their work of providing the building materials for the houses of the dead.

Aurodium Cavern
There is little in the way of an abundance of natural resources that Sliolynn has to draw upon, and what little Aurodium it does have is so finite that mining it or attempting to do so would cost more than the aurodium would be worth. There is also the fact that the planet has larger quantities of pyrite that is often mistaken for the much more precious ore. Deep in the desert, in a place long since forgotten, is a cavern that glistens and glimmers with a sheen that is not seen anywhere else on the planet save for the richest of burials. This cavern, however, is a fool's cavern and has been the demise of many seeking the aurodium in them hills. The cavern holds more pyrite than aurodium, and the dangers inherent in even traveling to the region have been the cause of more than a single life lost - either to the elements or to madness. Others treat the area as a sort of oddity, a place to test their limits along the journey to and from, rather than as a means to get rich quickly.

Hasvern Overwatch
Overlooking the great Temple City of Srila, the area is well known for its small shrubs and even smaller creeks that seep from the sandstone, producing small paths of vibrant color. The Hasvern Overwatch was one of the first areas that the people of Sliolynn had sought refuge from the elements and native fauna in their earlier days. Vast caverns that had been used as homes can still be found to this day, and ancient pottery fragments and pieces of technology, writing, and artifacts are still found. The Order of the Final Path ensures that the area is left untouched, understanding what the discoveries could mean, while also encouraging careful excavation and documentation of the site. With the Risen Guard focused on the protection of the tombs, the Order of the Final Path has turned to others to ensure the protection of this historical site, though this decision has seen a smuggling enterprise beginning to emerge.

Andionth's Black Monolith
Standing in solitude among the ravines, chasms, and canyons of an ancient dried-up Ocean is a massive piece of Obsidian, the Sandstone, and Granite that had once surrounded the creation have long since eroded or been hewn away by some crafter's ancient hand. It is one of the most well-known of the Gargantelle burial sites, apparently dedicated to an individual known as Andionth - or for a family of that same name. Its surface is polished to a brilliant sheen, and the continued sandstorms and constant winds seem to aid in keeping that sheen from fading. In rare instances, when the light is just right and one looks hard enough, they can see the mummified forms of the Gargantelle within the massive Monolith, watching quietly from their place of slumber.

Native Species:Various Unintelligent & Semi-Intelligent Fauna
Immigrated Species:Human
Gargantelle (Extinct)
Additional Census Information
Overall Planetary Population:Moderate
Estimated population at 6.5 Million Individuals
Species Demographics:Human - 30%
Aki-Aki - 20%
Barbadelan - 10%
Imroosian - 5%
Lorrdian - 15%
Tognath - 15%
Other Various Species - 5%
Languages and Communications:Galactic Basic Standard
Aki-Aki (Language)
Imroosian (Language)
Tognath (Language)
Lorrdian Body Language
Ancient Tython Glyphs
General Planetary Cultural Information
The Culture of Sliolynn and its populace is one of deep respect and reverence of the newly deceased and long since dead. Everyday life for the people of Sliolynn has centered around and focused upon this and their ever-continuing curation and care of the dead and the vast Necropoli, Tombs, and Catacombs that house the bodies. What free time they have when they are not seeing to the needs of the deceased is often centered around learning some new skill, trade, or ability to grant them a better understanding of the natural cycle of life and death - games are often focused around such myths and legends. Naturally, the Religion of Sliolynn has developed over the years from the moment that the first body was lain to rest in the desert sands within a now long-since forgotten tomb. Their Religions focus on natural cycles - such as the Dawn and Dusk, Life and Death while shying heavily away from concepts such as War and Revenge as there is already an ample supply of the dead and the denizens of Sliolynn need not create more to keep their culture thriving.

Form of Government:Theocracy
General Philosophical Alignment:Neutral
Affiliation(s):The Ascendancy
Planetary Wealth:Poor
Societal Stability:High
Additional Political, Economic, and Societal Information
Order of the Final Path
The Tombworld of Sliolynn is protected and carefully curated by the Pacificstic Order of the Final Path. The Order favors neither the Light Side nor the Dark Side of the Force; neither do they take a stance between Good and Evil, remaining Neutral in all matters. They understand that in the end, all things will come to final rest and that their bodies or some form of remembrance of them are all that will remain. The Order welcomes all to Sliolynn, willingly inturning any individual to their religious rights to the best of their abilities provided that individual does not attempt to utilize such a passage as a means to cause harm - either to the living or the deceased. The Order of the Final Path removes themselves entirely from the conflicts of rival governments or petty warlords, tending to the deceased in their final resting place.
Planetary Wealth Analysis
Lacking any precious metals, what mineral wealth that it does have access to is not so rare or unavailable in larger quantities on other planets to make it worth the effort to mine and process the resources that it does have. Wealth, if any, that is brought to Sliolynn is often from the standpoint of payments for funerary services and those burial objects that are inturned with the deceased in the tombs and catacombs that mark their final resting place. Even these trinkets and riches are closely guarded, protected by the Risen Guard and their Barghests to prevent tomb-raiders from pillaging the treasures of the dead. More often than not, what little wealth that is brought to the denizens of Sliolynn is just enough of a stipend to keep them alive, though it is not unheard of for Governments, Organizations, and even Criminals to provide charitable contributions to the Order of the Final Path and the denizens of Sliolynn due to their continued care of the deceased.
Planetary Stability Analysis
There is only one Law of note on Sliolynn - Let the Dead Sleep - and it is the only Law that the planet has ever needed. The respect for the keepers of Sliolynn is such that individuals police themselves and those that they journey to the planet with. This behavior is done out of both respect and fear, respect for the keepers of the dead, and fear that they and their own would no longer be permitted to bury their dead on the hallowed planet. All individuals no matter their background are openly welcome on Sliolynn, and outside of the native flora and fauna that may pose a threat when in danger or hungry, it is one of the safest worlds in the Halcyon System for an individual to visit.
Freedom and Oppression Analysis
Those that call Sliolynn their home are free to see to their own needs and to act accordingly as their own conscience deems. The Order of the Final Path, though the de facto government, sees no need to interfere with the lives of the populace nor do they utilize the Risen Guard for anything other than their intended purpose of safeguarding the tombs of the dead. The atmosphere of Sliolynn is one of mutual respect, and despite their lack of military or naval power in any sufficient strength, neighboring worlds have risen to ensure the safety and continued neutrality of Sliolynn. The only true law, and actions that are prohibited by the Order of the Final Path, are those actions that would otherwise disturb the dead from their eternal slumber; as the Order of the Final Path cares not how one has lived their life or what actions they have taken, for all will come to reside upon the Tomb World when their path comes to an end.

Level of Military Readiness
Following the wishes of the Order of the Final Path and their strict stance of Non-Violence and Pacifism, there remains no standing military force of any great quantity or quality. No massive navies that orbit the planet and protect it from raids, nor any standing armies that could grind a planet into dust with their onslaught. The Order of the Final Path sees Death on a daily and focuses upon the needs of the deceased without the need to create more to keep their practice, their faith, and even their Order to continue. Their neutrality and welcoming of all sides to bury their dead have also ensured that no individual or planet would seek to strike Sliolynn, and those few that have been insane enough to attempt such action have found themselves the target of the strangest of allied coalitions solely gathered against them.
The Risen Guard
Not all among the Order of the Final Path have embraced the strict stance of Non-Violence and Pacifism as there exists a Sect within the Order that has taken up the blade and acted as the shield and sword of the dead. The Risen Guard embrace combat as well as the Force though staunchly remain neutral both in their stance of external conflicts as well as their beliefs and harnessing of the Force. Utilizing their own custom-built lightsabers and having adopted and domesticated the Barghest, The Risen Guard carefully patrol and guard the ancient tombs of Sliolynn, exacting Justice upon those that would seek to plunder the wealth and riches of the dead.
Technological level compared to the Galactic Standard
Technologically on par with the rest of the Galaxy, there is still a market involving the import of certain technologies that others might deem primitive or backward; whilst also preventing and outlawing the importing of kind of Sonic-based weaponry due to the potential damage those weapons could cause. Most technology is found in the largest cities and a few smaller settlements, though the further an individual travels from such settled areas with a condensed population, the less likely it is to spot advanced technologies rather than the more primitive items that are often utilized in the day to day lives of an individual.

Since time immemorial the planet of Sliolynn has served as a Tomb World for the inhabitants of the Shiraya Expanse, even prior to the arrival of the first Colonist from Naboo that had traveled to the region so many years ago. The original inhabitants - thought to have been a group of Gargantelle colonists from the planet Boz Pity - having long since found their own bodies and bones inturned within the surface, caverns, and Necropoli of the planet, have - thorough written records and vast mosaics and hieroglyphics - passed down their own lives work to those that settled the planet after them in an ever-continuing passing of the torch. There has always been an unspoken rule of law - even among the vilest of beings - that Sliolynn was to remain untouched at all times no matter the reason for conquest or pillage, the Tomb World of Sliolynn was sacrosanct.

Over the years since its original founding, the Order of the Final Path - a group focused on Non-Violence and Pacifism, has taken up the mantle of government on the planet and has ensured that all sides have been given the chance to provide their dead with a place of rest. The Order has, during its tenure as the custodians of the dead, maintained a number of treaties among a multitude of organizations, governments, and warlords to keep Sliolynn untouched. Such treaties came with the understanding that Sliolynn had the power to call upon any such treaty to defend the world and it would be honored no matter how many years had passed since its signing. This interconnected and layered web of treaties has ensured that of all the planets within the Shiraya Expanse, Sliolynn has never fallen nor been pillaged or raided - even the Khanate had pledged a considerable force of arms to ensure that the planet remained untouched.

With the arrival of Confederate Remnants within the Halcyon System and the discovery of the Tomb World; even The Halcyon Corporation - the de facto government of Khrea - has agreed to keep the peace and ensure that Sliolynn remains untouched so that it can continue its own existence as it sees fit. The importance of Sliolynn is such, that it has even provided itself surface as a Neutral Ground for Peace Treaties and Meetings between warring factions and rival states.

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