Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Jedi temple on ossus

Sanya's eyes burst open, the realism of her nightmares wrenching her awake for the third night in a row. She lay still and quiet, turning her focus inward to ease the pounding of her heart as she silently recited the opening line of the Jedi mantra.
"there is no emotion, there is peace."
A since of calm settled over her, washing away the irrational terror of her dream. All the war's had been taking it's toll on her mentally, she wasn't cut out for war but if it ment saving lives she would do what had to be done regardless.
she rolled out of her bed and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. She looked up to see her reflection in the mirror studying her reflection. even now, eighteen standard years later discovering her true identity amongst the Jedi, she still felt alone.
sure she made a friend, someone who she trusted and in someways depended on it still did change how she felt. if it wasn't the nightmare haunting her, it was the thoughts of sera that blessed her mind.
Fatigue was taking it's toll, her face had became pale with dark circles under her eyes that stared back at her. Bracing her hand on either side of the sink, she lower her head and let out a long, low sigh, her gray, shoulder length hair falling forward to cover her face like curtains. After several seconds she stood up straight, using the fingers of both hands to sweep utility back into place.
Moving slowly, she made her way across the small living room of her apartment to her dresser. She grabbed her robes to wrap around her, leaving only underwear on underneath. she made her way across the living room again to the door, she stood there for a moment and let out another long, low sigh.
"I can't do this myself" she wisperd to herself, before a single tear rolled down her cheek. She proceeded to open the door, checking the hallway to see if it was clear. her head spun left to right several times before closing the door behind her.
After she locked her door she made her way to Seraphina's room. she walked most of the way on the balls of her feet as the floor was freezing cold. As she approached sera's door, Sanya knocked before speaking with a low voice, "hey sera, you still up?"
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]