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Slayn & Korpil I-1SAT/M Wasp




Intent: To create a mass produced, reasonably cost, long lasting, interceptor that is highly modular. Slayn & Korpil is hoping this will gain them a lot of traction in the galaxy and expand their business.

Image Source:

Canon Link: N/A

Restricted Missions: N/A

Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil

Model: Slayn & Korpil I-1SMS/M Wasp
(Slayn & Korpil Interceptor-1 Standard Module System/Military variant)

Affiliation: N/A

Company Name(s) Slayn & Korpil

Faction Name(s) N/A


Production: Limited

Material: Common materials, Titanium alloy frame and Durasteel outer hull, standard starship components

Link: Titanium, Durasteel,



Length: 10.2 meters

Width: 6.5 meters

Height: 5 meters

Armament: Twin front facing R-9X heavy laser cannons,
Twin automated turret mounted R-9X heavy laser cannons,
One general purpose pylon per wing to carry a variety of missiles, bombs, gun pods, cargo modules, or virtually anything else you can strap on

Armament Rating: Average

Defenses: Low

Squadron Count: 14

Maneuverability Rating: High

Speed Rating: High

Hyperdrive Class: 2

Links: HYd-997 hyperdrive motivator


Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust Engine, HYd-997 hyperdrive motivator, Surgine-Series Fuel Accelerant System, Ejection system, Hyperton 2000, ANv-9q sensor system, ANq 3.6 tracking computer, Rotating body and cockpit, removable rear module section allowing for high adaptability, more thrusters then standard

Highly modular
Mass produced and military open market
Rear turret on standard version
Thrusters positioned to allow full three dimensional movement while in space while at speed
Easy to service
Rear turret module stays in position as the cockpit and body rotates around it allow for greater accuracy
Crash system to allow a pilot to eject and survive

Virtually no armour
Average shields for an A-wing
Small which limits what can be placed on the pylons and rear module
Placement of engines means that if the engines on one side are taken out the other will not have the power to keep it flying in atmosphere
Engines need to be maintained regularly if using the engine booster
Vulnerable to hacking
Lacks landing gear so requires a more careful landing then normal

Description: With the original intention to create a small and fast interceptor as competition for the TIE Interceptor and A-wing. However with the idea to make it more adaptable then any other fighter on the market the priority for the fighter was slightly changed. While keeping the heavy cannons, pylons for missiles and speed that would have stood out on the interceptor the Verpine engineers began designing a rear module system.

The rear module system allows the back of the fighter to be removed and easily replaced with a different module within an hour or two. The bog standard military version would have a rear automated turret but this can be easily changed out for a manned turret for courier and light transport duty, a very large engine to allow it to get up to extreme speeds, a missile or torpedo launching system, a bomb bay, a large sensor module to rival that on a light capital ship, a decent sized cargo pod that itself can be adapted and just about anything else that you could think of. The downside to this is that the ship is vulnerable to having a virus planted with one of the modules even with the basic protections in place.

Sporting a JZ-9 engine on the tips of the wings these each have a Surgine-Series Fuel Accelerant System the craft is very quickly able to get up to speed and maintain that high speed for extended periods of time. Combined with the additional thrusters on it to allow for easy maneuvering inside an asteroid field, the rotating cockpit and body, the craft is highly maneuverable and able to rotate on a spot so the fighter can fly sideways or backwards to allow for strafing runs while keeping it's forwards momentum.

Lacking heavy armour and only sporting average shields for an A-wing the craft is quite vulnerable to damage. Relying far more on pilot ability, speed, turret on the base model, and maneuverability for survival. It also is more vulnerable to hacking then most ships thanks to the fairly open software required to interface with the rear module and weapon pylons. The interceptor does however sport a very useful safety system, if ejection is required the majority of models have a ejection system for the seats which will surround the occupant with a tough bouncy bubble allowing for an otherwise fatal crash to be survivable.

Bomber module:



Length: 10.2 meters

Width: 6.5 meters

Height: 5 meters

Armament: Twin front facing R-9X heavy laser cannons,
Bomblet generator
One general purpose pylon per wing

Armament Rating: Low

Defenses: Low

Squadron Count: 14

Maneuverability Rating: High

Speed Rating: High

Attack Module:


Attack/Heavy Interceptor

Length: 10.2 meters

Width: 6.5 meters

Height: 5 meters

Armament: Twin front facing R-9X heavy laser cannons,
Bomb bay that fires downwards and forwards (Carries up to sixteen proton torpedoes, ten proton rockets, twenty advanced concussion missiles, 16 Intruder Missiles
One general purpose pylon per wing

Armament Rating: Medium

Defenses: Low

Squadron Count: 14

Maneuverability Rating: High

Speed Rating: High

Point Defense module:


Attack/Heavy Interceptor

Length: 10.2 meters

Width: 6.5 meters

Height: 5 meters

Armament: Twin front facing R-9X heavy laser cannons,
Missile bay with thirty advanced concussion missiles in a stack allowing for three to be launched at once, 26 Intruder missiles
One general purpose pylon per wing

Armament Rating: Medium

Defenses: Low

Squadron Count: 14

Maneuverability Rating: High

Speed Rating: High

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