Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slaving in the kitchen

There was a festive setting in the throne room of the White Palace. The large room held many people there to Watch as their master had organised Another test for his kitchen slaves.

A brutal gamorean pushed a man screaming into the pit. A roar, followed by heavy crunching sounds was heard as he was smashed to pieces and finally eaten by the Garguanta residing in it.
Many of the cruel specators laughed and applauded at the entire scene.

Sempra turned to the next table in line. He had passed six out of ten tables and so far his pet beast had been fed five slaves.

Sempra looked down on the plate before him. He grabbed what appeared to be some sort of grilled leg and sucked it Clean to the bone.

He smacked his tounge and pondered its taste for a moment.

"This ones was acceptable." he declared which gave the slave, frozen in fear a true sigh of relief. The Gamorean grunted unhappily at the decission though but moved on to the next.

At this Point a pale looking albino slave stood up.

"The elevated [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] has arrived!" he spoke and backed of from the entrance to the room bowing to the newly arrived hutt.

Sempra turned with a joyeous look.

"Ah, if it is not my favourite chef, the great Jemba!" Sempra left the slaves shaking in fear behind him and slithered toward the waiting Jemba.

"I trust you brought that delicious stew with you, humm? I have barely been surviving on these idiots poor cocking you see..." Sempra explained and pointed toward the ten tables, now with only three slaves left.

"Did your journey go well Jemba? I regret that I could not go to Nar Shadda, but you see, my name there is not the most popular at the moment." he added with a genuine sad tone.
Jemba pushed his way through the doors, he had a small group of assistant chefs with him. He gave a low bow to Sempra. "My Lord Sempra! I have indeed brought it, and many other things."

"Do you have a kitchen?" Jemba claps his surprisingly clean hands and a servent rushed and offer a bowl of the chuba stew. The stew was fresh, it was made with whole chuba's and the freshest of herbs and spices.

Jemba's eyes scanned the room and noticed the seats and the trembling slaves. Perhaps he could make a nice stew out of them. He was getting ahead of himself. First things first, impress Sempra some more, then think about the next meal to make.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempra clasped his hands like a happy baby when the stew was presented.

"A gift for me! How thoughtful of you, I knew I could count on you [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]." he waved for a slave to accept the stew and place it on a table for him to enjoy in the near future.

"I have prepared a little surprise for you." he motioned for the slaves. "You see, these slaves are my former kitchen slaves. I am motivating them to learn how to cook a decent meal and those worthy enough will be yours to distribute among your future restaurants. For a very cheap price of course. My method has proven to be somewhat costly, but then, really is there a real price tag for high quality food." he smiled while the remaining slaves shuddered in desperate fear of their lives.

"I trust that you approve of this suggestion? hum?" Sempra made no effort to hide that he thought of his idea as a most excellent one.
"You are too kind my Lord." Again Jemba bowed. "There is always more here if you would like."

It was now Jemba's turn to clasp his hands like a happy baby as he saw the slaves. "Let it be known to any of you who wish to join me. If you disappoint me, harsh punishment follows." Jemba motioned for one of his assistants to come forward. The assistant's face was dis-formed and burnt by boiling liquid. "Here is just one example of such punishment."

Jemba's economic mind began to work now. He himself had very little credits. "My Lord Sempra, you are aware that I have very little to my name. But what I have is yours, apart from my name." The Hutt paused as he took a chuba from the tray he had and threw it down his throat. "Well you can have 20% of it. As discussed."

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempra let out a chuckle.

"But of course - I will also send the funding we agreed on during our meeting on Nal Hutta. you have a deal mr Jemba."
With those words the chains of the remaining slaves were pulled and they were escorted to Jembas ship.

Sempra slithered over to the nearby table and started to gorge on the stew.

"Mmmm... just as delicious as I remembered it." he commended.

"Now, I have a job for you. you see I am arranging for a pic nic. I want all my best and closest associates to be there. Naturally I want food presented to them." he winked.

"Only the best of course, and for various species."

"Do you think you could manage such an operation?"

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
Jemba licked his lips as he watched the slaves go to his ship and as the thought of money flew into his head.

"There is plenty there for you my Lord." Jemba said as Sempra ate the stew. With a click of Jemba's fingers the save burnt assistant would approach Sempra and be willing to offer more foods.

"I'm sure with the new 'assistant's' you have given me, we could make some delicious food for your guest." Jemba again pulled another chuba and ate it. He couldn't help himself.

"And of course I will make sure there is stew for you my Lord Sempra."

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

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