Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*for some reason the image decided to go jumbo size on me so sorry for the lack of well pictures*

Number: SK-8R
Faction: The First Order
Rank: Trooper
Species: Human
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 165
Eyes: Cold gray
Hair: Recently shaved off revealing underground tattoos
Skin: Pale
Force sensitive: Never tested

Strengths and weaknesses:
​Very strong and athletic
A great tactician
​Has a very calculative mind
Experienced ​
​Over zealous
​Distrusts everyone except for superiors

​Appearance: Bald, covered in criminal tattoos and scars. Facial features have been described as "hawkish"
Biography: At a very young age (4-5) SK was taken from his home and was raised by the state (First Order) and was force fed propaganda and imperial doctrine for his early years. As a side effect of this he was almost abnormally Zealous at times thus alienating himself from his peers. After he murdered his instructor because "He was insurgent scum!" a brief investigation was ordered. They found several illegal documents in his abode. The military now had its eye on the young man and at the age of sixteen he began his training in earnest. After learning basic combat skills and military tactics he expressed very abnormal behavior. When they discovered he had fell for another student he and his lover ran off. No records were kept of this time. After four years he came back shaved, scarred, tattooed and very grim. Swearing to regain the trust of the order he hunted and pursued rebels and terrorists with what one might describe as religious fervor. Finally after the five long years of purging he was allowed a spot in the military. Low ranked but still grateful SK buried himself in his new assignment.
Equipment: Basic first order trooper supplies including weapons and armor.

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