Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Six Ears And 4 Legs (Vex)


It was early in morning- too early for Shakes' tastes. One couldn't exactly tell how early it was in this particular stretch of almost entirely empty space, but Shakes knew. Nonetheless, the lazy man was a poor man, and neither of those quite suited the Rodian, no matter how much his head ached. With a dull moan, he rose from the squalid confines of his quarters aboard the Midnight Drag Queen, struggled into a pair of trousers in the darkness and stumbled clumsily over to the cockpit, half-naked.
Bleary-eyed, he grasped for his comlink, successfully knocking a bag of glitterstim, several credits and a cup of three-day old stimcaf onto the floor in the process before he finally found the small grey box.
About a week earlier, he'd been given the contact details of some crime lord by a friend of his- supposedly, there were lots of credits to be had by working with him; the name was Vex somethingorother. He couldn't really remember, but it was written down somewhere.

Either way, if there were enough credits on offer, he'd work for anyone.

[member="Vex Tythion"]
The lights came on. "Your times up" came the sound of three voices in unison. Vex groaned waking up with a monsterous hang over to watch his three night companions exiting his room. He sat upup, rubbing his eyes before reaching under the covers for his wildcat. He stroked it listening to it purr then decided it was time to get up.

He threw a robe over himself before walking to his kitchen. He doubted that his neighbours would appreciate him walking around au nateural . floor to ceiling windows were hardly useful for privacy. Vex had a big apartment for such a little person and it was such a long walk to his kitchen. Nevertheless he eventually made it over there and prepared himself a stimcaf. By his calculation he had a few hours before his lackys began fighting for his time.

Unfortunately, Vex wasn't like to have these precious few hours to spare- at this very moment in time, a thousand million miles away, a certain Rodian was clumsily searching for the rather small and (evidently) easily lost scrap of paper that held the details that'd ruin the little man's peace and quiet.
Within the space of about ten minutes, he'd discovered twenty three credits and found a loaded scattergun; another ten after that had revealed the presence of a somewhat unsavoury bronze statuette of a Twi'lek under his bed (likely the relic of a past owner, no doubt) and, a full twenty minutes later he finally found the paper, conveniently nestled alongside his comlink. In the cockpit.
Exactly where he'd started looking.

This soured his mood rather noticeably, and so, tired and disgruntled, Shakes called this "Vex."

"Uh... hello?"

[member="Vex Tythion"]
Vex heared his holo communicator going off some where in the lounge. With a grunt of pure hatred he slamed his cup onto the counter and waddled to the lounge. His communicator was in the pocket of his pants which had been digaurded over a lamp during last nights festivities. He picked it up and begrudgingly answered the call. From the sounds of things there was a half wit on the line "Uh ... Yes?" He replied sarcastically. He was in a foul moored which had been further amplified by such an early call. Whilst he waited for his interuptor to get the words from what passed for his brain to come out of mouth, vex took a look around his apartment was a tip there were clothes digaurded all over strune amongst empty wine bottles. Last night had been better than he remembered. He picked up a set of breifs examining them. They were not his ... Vex came to the conclusion that he had drank too much last night.
Sarcasm. That was always a good start.
"Heh. Funny. Anyhow, friend of mine told me that you were someone to go to for some credits, y'know?" Hopefully this friend hadn't been wrong- Shakes'd gotten himself up far too early to have wasted his time. Leaning back into his chair, he rubbed the sleep from one of his bulbous eyes, giving a yawn as he did so. "So, basically, I was hoping you'd have a job for me." He covered the mic of the comlink to yawn- he didn't want to make a bad impression yet.
Leaning back in his chair, the Rodian awaited a response, glancing to the clock by the controls to check the time.
Vex grunted again "yes surprisingly enough I do know that I have a lot of credits now get to the fetching point ... " vex hated mindless goons he could have sworn they were all dropped as children, eventually the fool on the phone managed to speak. He wanted a job, that set vex to thinking what would he need a mindless goon for and could he trust him then it came to him "come to nal hutta and in the space port you will find a tramp selling purple spice I want you to beat him up take his spice and bring it to me at the low blow lounge ... Oh and make sure he knows I sent you" vex was glad he no longer needed to waste the time of his own men "have you got that [member="Shakes"] "
"I got it." Leaning forward from his reclining position in the chair, he regathered his bearings, suddenly remembering how to fly a starship like some amnesiac recalling the name of their first child. Without another word, he put the comlink down, grimacing as he looked back up to see the stars before him. Somehow, he felt as if this'd been a bad idea.

"Pretty arrogant, for a midget." He grunted, fumbling about with the navigation controls. "An attitude adjustment'd do him some good..."

@Vex Tythion

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