Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sith hunting (Open to all)

Location: Ziost - Sith Shrine

The Zabrak entered the planet's atmosphere and made his way down the planet's surface, SiRiDio paid slicers for the location ... a meeting was planned for a group of peasants who worshipped the Sith as a culture.

SiRiDio hated all Sith including minions, the ship handed he pulled his cloak's hood over his head and made his way out he was parked on a mountain. He made his way down the trail a couple clicks north the old shrine was lit and could be seen SiRiDio made his way to the entrance walking in a seeing the acolytes. He raised his left hand closing his hand the acolytes grasp to their throats as they fell to the group lifeless.

Darth Hashira had been on the planet for less than 24 hours when he had come into contact with one of the many villages on Ziost who worshipped Sith idols and ideas. He had come to help consolidate such villages on the planet with The Sith Empire. The ongoing Second Sith Civil War between the Jen'Ari and The Sith Empire prompted such consolidation with smaller sects of Siths to bolster the strength of either faction. Hashira was here representing The Sith Empire. He was making good diplomatic talks with the villagers using a translating droid, standing out in the town's square openly debating, requesting and even threatening the clansmen. All was going well and, seeing an opportunity to finalize talks, he followed several of the senior members up to the shrine.

They arrived just in time to see a Zabrak simultaneously strangle multiple members. Hashira reached into cloak near his hip and retrieved his lightsaber, igniting it and falling into a Vaapad stance. He used Force Speed to rapidly close the distance between him and his opponent, launching into a series of aggressive strikes, sweeps and jabs. His lightsaber, similar to the one the ancient Force User Kylo Ren used, was very unstable making such attacks heavy with raw power. He kept silent while he attacked, even choosing to keep his hood up.

Just as the Zabrak got done another showed his face a Darksider SiRiDio could feel that he turned as he heard a lightsaber ignite seeing the man fall into a Vaapad stance, odd using Vaapad while using the Darkside is useless and more like Juyo. Just then the figure dash forward with an offensive flurry, SiRiDio pulled out his double-bladed lightsaber he blocked the attacks using Ataru to dance around the heavy cleaves.

SiRiDio would employ CQC strikes and knees while still blocking, he had an unusual natural ability to predict enemy movements and he used it but then again most powerful force users did. He leaped backward 10-15 feet landing extending his left hand out he shot a 3 second current of Force lightning at the cloaked figure.

Switch his stance from Ataru to Juyo he used his rage to dash forward attacking with quick stabs and quick cuts to overwhelm his enemy, his strikes were quick but SiRiDio was oddly muscular for a Zabrak granted him decent strength.

[member="Darth Hashira"] |
Drai Kor quickly paid the small Ewok that brought him to this planet and walked off the space shuttle's ramp. Feeling the ground underneath his feet as he walked off the ramp he could sense a dark presence surround him, pull at him, call to him. Not knowing what brought him to Ziost, Drai Kor continued to walk among the high stone structures, using his staff as a walking stick.

Then out of nowhere the buzz of an igniting lightsaber echoed through the hard environment, Drai Kor quickly started running to the sound of his heavy brown robe flowing behind him just in time to see a Zabrak fly 10 feet up into the air. Watching the following actions with great interest, Drai Kor senses pure hate reach out from the hooded figure being barraged by the Zabrak however, there is a different feeling coming forth for the Zabrak, more tangled. Confused by the whole situation Drai Kor finds the closest rock, a chipped 4 foot tall grey pillar. Meditating behind it, Drai Kor sits, listening and feeling through the force, figuring out what to do and when to reveal himself.
[member="SiRiDio"] [member="Darth Hashira"]
The Zabrak glared at his enemy as they took a pause to gather themselves, one did not need the force to see the raw emotion that could be felt by his glare.

" You dogs of the Sith, always running but I've caught up with you " The Zabrak remembering his past as his mother and father were murdered by Sith.

" You will not escape me this time "

The Zabrak leaped towards the dark warrior using stabs and quick slashes along with acrobatics dancing around the shrine as the two clashed and their lightsabers continued to bash together. The Zabrak used his rage and anger but did not lash out in anger he used it to focus himself, he continued his attack flurry attempting a force push here and there and re-engaging in their lightsaber duel.

[member="Darth Hashira"] | [member="Drai Kor"] |
Kerkov walked with his arm around his second in command, Draco Kayra, to the hangar bay. "We're too far, captain. We're much too far." Said Draco. Kerkov laughed and said, "Think of it as a vacation, Draco. Besides, distance is all relative when you can travel faster than light anywhere you force-be-damned please." Draco pushed Kerkov's arm away and stopped in the walkway, "We're called the Hydian Way Corsairs for a reason, we stick to the Hydian Way, or at least the Outer Rim." Kerkov, a good head taller than Draco, grasped him at each shoulder, "Tell me something Draco, whats going on in the Outer Rim nowadays?" Draco rubbed his temple and said, "I'm not sure, Bill." Kerkov smiled, "Exactly, nothing. Peace reigns. Do you know what armies and navies do during peace?" Draco began to look irritated, "They stay at home." Kerkov said, "Yep, they stay at home protecting all their gold and valuables. Thats not good for us is it?" Draco merely shook his head. "But here, in the Sith Empire, a civil war grips this theocratic autocracy by the jugular." Draco's face scrunched into confusion, "What Bill?" Kerkov rolled his eyes and moved on, "What I'm getting at, is I'm going down there, taking whatever shiny, Sithy, items they got in that pissmark of a village and then we can go somewhere closer to home, maybe the colonies." With that, Kerkov turned and entered the hangar bay.

Not thirty minutes later, Kerkov was stepping on to solid ground and taking a deep breath of the cool air. As he exhaled, he watched his breath mist and disappear. "Alright boys," he bellowed to his six, armed, companions, "Lets make this a quickie, I imagine several of you have pressing matters to attend to, after that slave ship a few days ago." Two of his gang chuckled hoarsely. The men and women of the Hydian Way Corsairs had been 'wetting their beaks', so to speak, with their new cargo. Kerkov unholstered his pistol and pointed it forwards of himself, "Village is two klicks that way, and remember, these are cultists, they may be a little clingy to their precious stones and trinkets." So they set off, into a situation they could've hardly predicted.

[member="Drai Kor"]
[member="Darth Hashira"]


ES-06 got into his starfighter aboard the ESU Frigate hangar, he powered up the engines launching out of the Frigate and lowering to the planet's surface. ES landed the ship 1 click west of the village he got out of the ship grabbing his standard DLT-19D heavy blaster rifle and putting it on his back, he reached back in grabbing his custom Vibro-Blade he attached it to his waist and started his walk locking his ship.

" I've landed on the ground I'm gonna start my hike to the target " he talked into his COM that was encrypted, his mask turned his words into clicking noises of different pitches giving him maximum privacy.

He walked west until he came upon the village, he grabbed his rifle off his back and went prone for a better look through his scope.

[member="SiRiDio"] | [member="Darth Hashira"] | [member="Drai Kor"] | [member="William Kerkov Jr. "]|

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