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Sith Empire Guide

From red lightsabers to the ancient Kaggath, this will be your guide to the returning Sith Empire! Here is the kind of things that will be included in this introduction to the servants of the Dark Side.
  • The Sith Order Ranking System
  • The Non Force-Sensitive Ranking System
  • Councils, Kaggaths and Korriban
  • Sith Teachings and Tombs
  • Sith Military
  • Imperial Law
(Do not post in this thread.)
The Sith Order's Hierarchy

"To be a Sith is to taste freedom and know victory."
Yuthura Ban
The Sith are an ancient order that have been reformed many times. This is how things stand now.

Dark Lord of the Sith:
Open (Not to be used until the Empire increases in members.)

Dark Council:
Darth Sidic
Three open spaces (To be expanded in time)

Darth Voracitos
Darth Apparatus

Sith Lords:
Mortuus Assyr

Deimos Nerron
Irina Tyvalla
Non Force-Sensitive Hierarchy

The military personnel of the Empire is growing and is at the factions core. The army must keep the peace and prepare for new wars against the Empire's enemies.

Minister of War:

Minister of Intelligence:
Kaine Zambrano

Minister of Production:

Grand Admiral:

Grand Moffs:
Open (2)

Open (5)





For rough Army ranks ( After officers is Sergeant then Corporal then Private.
For rough Navy ranks ( Without Admiral of the Fleet (replaced by Grand Admiral).
For Intelligence ranks (
Councils, Kaggaths and Korriban
"After a thousand years... Korriban is ours again!"
Darth Malgus

Korriban is the home world of the Sith species who have since become extinct after their bloodline was 'polluted' by the Dark Jedi who sought shelter from the Jedi. This was the place of great Dark Side energy and has once again been reclaimed by the Sith. It is a dusty planet with many ancient tombs on its surface. Korriban is a dangerous place to practitioners of the Light Side as it often corrupts those who touch down on its surface. Thousands of years of Sith history is buried deep into it and it contains both the Sith Academy and the Dark Council Chamber.

The Dark Council is the governing body of the Sith, answerable only to the Dark Lord of the Sith. They rule over four different aspects of the Empire but as the Empire's strength and population increases more opportunities for a seat on the Council will emerge. They control the Sphere of Sith Power, the Sphere of the Military, the Sphere of Production/Logistics and the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence. Currently all but the Sphere of Sith Power are open. For a Sith to earn the place they must ascend to the rank of Darth and apply for the position. 51% of the Council must approve for the Darth to be accepted.

The title of Dark lord is the most prestigious in the current Sith Empire. They are at the heart of everything and are the rulers of the Empire. They must be strong in the Force and have mastered the Sith way to ascend to this rank. To ensure that instability does not occur in the Order (restlessness has often been the Sith's downfall) the title is put for a vote to ensure the most popular member of the Council wins. However, there is another stage to the process. The ancient Kaggath is a battle between two Sith Lords. In order for a vote to count for and extra 50%, the voters can say that if their candidate comes in second place then they will support them if they take up a Kaggath against the most popular candidate. The second-placed Sith can choose to oppose the new Dark Lord's rule in a Kaggath or decide to instead stay on their seat on the Dark Council. Only Dark Council members can ascend to the rank of Dark Lord. Only those who said that they would participate in a Kaggath can fight for their candidate.

A smaller Kaggath can also occur between two Sith who are within one rank of each other. For example:

Dark Council member vs Dark Council member/Darth
Darth vs Darth/Lord
Lord vs Lord/Darth
Apprentices are not permitted as leaders. Other members of the order can participate in the Kaggath but must be of the same rank or lower of the leaders in the duel and are forced to take ultimate orders from their sides respective head. A Kaggath is issued when a formal challenge is sent from one Sith to another for any reason although the receiver can choose to reject the challenge.
Sith Teachings and Tombs

The Sith are, at heart, a militaristic Order where only the strongest succeed. There is often little luck in the Sith world with anyone who could prove useful brought to the academy to train in the dark arts. Former Dark Lords like Naga Sadow and Marka Ragnos have their tombs on Korriban and it is possible that their spirit still resides there, watching over Korriban. The planet is swollen with dark energy and the Force is strong within the planet itself. Artefacts lie all around the planet and they are an important part of the Sith. The power of the Dark Side itself is often channelled and studied through the medium of artefacts and ancient powers, impossible to understand.

'Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.'

The Sith Code is studied by all who wish to truly become Sith. One of the first things, the most basic thing but also the most important are these words. The Sith believe that power is gained to enable them to be 'free' of burden and having the ability to do what they desire, completely unrestrained. The Force is merely a single way of gaining this power. Texts, manipulation and brute force all bring a Sith closer to their goal. Everything takes a back seat behind the lust for power. Power is a vague goal however, but in the end all power can inevitably bring about a kind of 'freedom'. The code can be interpreted in many ways but only those who can truly perfect its nature and use it for themselves will be able to take the first step on the Sith hierarchy. The role of Apprentice.

Apprentices are the workhorses of their master. Towards the start of their training they are still in a young form and their mind can be influenced. A good master will work knowledge of the code and begin to teach them basic use of a lightsaber, an invaluable tool for a Sith. Philosophy is taught to there student as well as discipline as time goes on and the wider truth of the Dark Side is revealed. Harnessing emotion comes towards the end of the training as with controlled hatred comes greater power as the Sith Code teaches us. Often Masters stray from this path, often using their Apprentice for their own selfish benefit and not for the benefit of the student or the Empire. That is one of the problems that the Sith face as the battle for power is all-consuming in the Sith mind.

Once an Apprentice's training is complete they become a Lord and are no longer the tool of their master. Instead they will be sent around the Galaxy, conquering or researching. They are at the disposal of the Dark Council member who has a use for them and it is now that we see the Lord expanding their own power base whether it be by building a personal military or gaining spies and connections. This is when they will take on their own Apprentice as the cycle goes on. Eventually the Lord ascend to Darth where they are feared and obeyed by the men under their command.

At the rank of Darth the opportunities are endless. They begin focusing on the destruction of their rivals which often kills themselves eventually, much to the displeasure of the Dark Council who want as many Sith as possible. At Darth they begin for their final stages, here they will either settle down, subconsciously breaking the Sith Code or they will threaten and defeat their rivals or die trying. The ultimate goal is to become Dark Lord of the Sith and a powerful Darth will soon get thoughts of that if they ever join the Dark Council.

The Dark Side is called the coward's way out by many but to claim the title of Dark Lord takes unimaginable courage in the Sith world where treachery lies everywhere. It is a restless life but also has many great rewards waiting at the end of the studies. It is a long journey which consumes the Dark practitioners life as they work towards ultimate power and freedom from the chains of Galaxy.

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