Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Siriwook the forgotten Wookie child of Wasskah

Out of the dark underbrush that covers her, concealing her from the light reflected off the surface of 'Dosha onto the ground of its moon, Siriwook runs with purpose. She hurries, but not from fear. It's hope that keeps her moving, hope of rescue--not a new hope, but old, as old as her time on this forsaken hunting grounds, time that perhaps would have ended long ago if not for the voice--or perhaps voice is the wrong word. Siriwook never heard anyone speak the hope to her. Perhaps they were simply her own thoughts inside of her. Regardless, something told her, "In twelve years time, you will be rescued."

Each footfall is precise, placed between a bush here, a sapling there--both plants deadlier than a bowcaster shot to the heart. She knew what a bowcaster was because her kidnappers--her hunters--had left one for her as a child, now definitely depleted of all charge and merely ornamental, a sick joke, in their minds, to make the wookiee child a challenge worthy of their time. But it backfired--the joke, not the bowcaster--as the young wookiee proved more than capable of hiding and surviving on the dense jungle moon, being similar enough to her native Kashyk. And where it was not similar, there was the voice--guiding her. Pushing her to live, to have hope, no matter what.

Lost in reverie or the knowledge of her immanent rescue, Siriwook has made a critical error.

*SNAP* A fallen branch is cleaved beneath her furry foot. She falls to her stomach. She knows she is not alone.

**/ [
NAME: Siriwook
FACTION: The Galactic Alliance
RANK: Force sensitive pre-initiate (to be requested)
SPECIES: Wookiee Demi-Wookiee
AGE: 19
SEX: Wo-wookiee. ~_^ Female
HEIGHT: 2 Meters
WEIGHT: 130 kg
EYES: Dark reddish-brown
HAIR: Dark Ginger (reddish brown)
SKIN: She's a wookiee.... Uhh... dark brown?


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weakness 1: Due to near-starvation for over a decade, Siriwook has issues with food security that cause her to horde food items even when they are abundant or from a shared source. Attempting to get her to share her own food will drive her into a panic; taking food from her would be unwise.
Weakness 2: Despite having the innate creativity of a force sensitive and the engineering talents all Wookiees seem endowed with, her education from age 7 onward was severely impacted by living alone on a moon. Siriwook knows nothing about a great many things. She's very, very uneducated compared to other Wookiees her age in terms of social graces, history, geography (outside of Kashyk and Dosha, that is), literature, piloting, and other things.
Weakness 3: cPTSD. Siriwook was traumatized by Trandoshans. Though her empathy may kick in eventually, her first impulse when confronted with anything resembling a Trandoshan is to flee.
Weakness 4: Her experiences may stand in the way of her becoming a Jedi one day, despite her miraculous lack of hatred, because fear may turn to anger.
Weakness 5: Poverty. Riff-raff, street rat.

Strengths: Wilderness survival, running quietly, being very fit and strong, raw intelligence, force sensitivity, and improvised construction.

Siriwook is a ginger teenaged Wookiee lady, with hair that looks somewhere between auburn and orange, with light reddish-brown highlights. Or it will, once she gets cleaned up (see picture to the left). She's well-endowed in the hips department, but is challenged in terms of chest from her lifelong starvation and stress. Her body is positively ripped in terms of muscle and scarred all over from cuts, blaster rifle burns, and other injuries--or so she would appear, if not for her being a wookiee and covered from head to furry foot. A wookiee, however, would be able to tell where she'd been injured, even with the fur, due to discoloration and/or variation in texture and length.

Abducted from a wedding wherein she was a flower-grrrl, Siriwook has spent the last 12 years on Trandosha's jungle moon, Wasskah. Thanks to her innate force sensitivity and a childhood on Kashyk, Siriwook has survived being hunted, then forgotten and presumed dead, by Trandoshans looking to harvest her pelt as a trophy in the barbaric and mostly-condemned Trandoshan tradition of abducting and hunting other sentient species.

No, she ain't got no stinkin' ship.

Heavens to Asteroids, no.



Total Threads: 14 | Complete Threads: 5

Total: 3 | Complete: 1

Total: 8 | Complete: 1

Total: 3| Complete: 3

] \**
As she lay in the darkness between the thorns--no doubt, she'd be picking them out for hours later--Siriwook catches a glimpse of metal glinting in the planet shine from Dosha. How long has it been there? Where did it come from? And, most importantly, is there a non-Trandoshan pilot?

Siriwook decides it doesn't matter. She is going to get into that ship and, if nothing else, get off this moon once and for all.

In her mind, she hears a voice "[Trust in the Force, Siriwook. Let the Force guide you out.]"

Siriwook rolls to her feet and stands, alarmed.

"Wyaaaaaaaaaaaruaaaaagh rurururururu? Waraugh. Woo woo waaaa? [Voice of hope? Is that you? What is the force?"

The only reply to her inquiry is a rapidly-approaching blaster bolt. Letting go, as she has countless times before, she lets her hope of escape guide her movements. Jumping sideways, she hears a clang. Beneath layers of dirt, she finds the hatch of the ship below her. It's unlocked, and she jumps inside.

As she does, she hears an electronic voice greet her in Shyriiwook. "Wyaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Hiiiiriiiwooook!"

Siriwook begins crying. This ship knows her. How? Why? She decides these are questions for another time.

"Ruuuu. Rugh. Wruaruagh. [Get. Me. Outta here]"

The ship responds by kicking into auto-pilot. The controls are already set. She must take its course, without question. Still, the voice of hope inside her tells her she must sit far from the passenger seat.

"Ru. Rurururu. Aru. Hrughruru. [No, I don't want to hurt anyone!]"

The voice speaks to her again, "[Trust in the Force.]"

"Woo woo waaaa?"

"[All will be revealed.]"

Siriwook sits at the turret, trusting that the voice of hope inside her will not now force her to take a life after all this time. When she'd fired her bowcaster--when she'd found charges for it-- or laid cover over a pit, she'd never actually hurt someone. So she thought--but was that true? Had any of the fires or traps she'd set taken a life? How could she know? Still, the voice of hope had kept her alive this long for a reason. Though, why hadn't it led her straight to the ship before? She trusts that she will know in due time.

Putting her two furry hands on the gun controls feels unnatural. Even if the ship had greeted her in Shyriiwook, this ship is not of Wookiee design--that much is clear. As the ship shakes the forest debris from its hull and rose, noisily, into the night, she can hear blaster rifle bolts ricochet off the hull. At least one lands on a Trandoshan hunter, and she feels his passing. She frowns. Even in inaction, there is death. Her spirit lightens at this realization. Somewhere deep down, Siriwook recognizes there is wisdom.

"Wyaruagh. Ruagh. Wyaaaaa. [So I will act and preserve life.]"

At this moment, she realizes there is a date attached to the display in front of her. Life day. It was life day.

Tears pooling in the fur beneath her eyes, she grips the controls more tightly. And the ship rises through the moon's atmosphere....

[Continued in ]
With apologies, and hoping this doesn't disrupt role play too much....

There have been some character developments you should be aware of. First, I'd like to explain that Siriwook has had stunted growth while on Wasskah. Understandably, stress and isolation has inhibited her normal development. Now that she's out, and in a relatively safe space, she's going to be going through some changes.

The first thing you should notice as her body changes is, she's not really a wookiee. She's a human-wookiee hybrid. She lacks four of the six chest endowments normal for female wookiees, and this will become more and more apparent as time and her development progresses.

Wookiees who meet her should notice more readily than you do that she's not a wookiee. They might be disgusted or curious. They should say she has a terrible accent and ask what she is.

The second thing you should notice is that she's going to develop the capacity for speaking Basic, but with an accent only slightly less silly than Scooby Doo.

Finally, she's going to be remembering things about her childhood that she'd suppressed. She's going to unlock her true origin.

Spoilers follow. Don't read if you want to be surprised.

See more details.

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