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Approved Tech Silver shock trooper armor

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  • ef71a867c3c0d9854bc91b1d6c502e70--conceptual-art-d-art.jpg
  • Intent: A suit of armor specifically designed for shock attacks. Made for Draven Dursden's personal guard, and specifically made with the idea of sustaining short, intensive battles.
  • Image Source: The artists name is Raveneau Pierre (
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): ​Very High
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: High
- EMP: Very low
- Explosives: Very High
- Force: Very low

  • Targeting System
  • Vacuum Resistance
  • Ejection Capabilities
  • Life support
  • The armor is fashioned with multiple overlapping matrix armor plates in place, this makes blaster and other plasma weapons bounce off easily, deflecting these with extreme ease.
  • Light sabers will eventually get through this armor, given enough time. The Matrix armor gives it more durability though.
  • The heavily insulated nature of this armor makes explosives have less impact to the wearer.
  • The suit protects against harsh environments extremely well, allowing the wearer to go into the heat of the most inhospitable battlefields.
  • Has a sprint capabilities, allowing the suit for a short time to sprint at high speeds, to cross gaps between trenches and enemies.
  • Is extremely powerful, able to toss aside trees, logs, boulders and anything short of a tank, that gets in its way.
  • Has a built in system which links all the members and allows for fast, precise communication and targeting. Lets all of them tap into Draven's coms.
  • If a emp hits these shock troopers, they are done. With all the heavy plating and wiring, the suits have no room for back up fuse breakers or energy sources. Once they go down to a emp, they will stay down, and be practically useless. The only functional things on the suits would be the life support and the ejection.
  • There is a small square plate in the center of the back of this suit that acts as a kill switch. If this plate is ripped off and the wiring exposed, and destroyed, the wearer will fry inside his suit. The engines will overheat and he will suffer a horrific death. This plate is extremely protected and one of the hardest parts of the suit to hit, but when hit, it is a instant kill.
  • These suits do not have the fuel or ability to sustain long drawn out fights. If these troopers are engaged for a drawn out fight (Three days at most) they will power down, and the user will be trapped with only life support until they are rescued. Often the suits will have satchels on them with back up power sources, but unless the trooper specifically brings them, the suit will shut down. They cannot run for days at a time, and take time to replace the batteries.
  • These suits are HIGH MAINTENANCE, if they are not repaired and rewired after a battle, they will short and have a mechanical issue. If there is a crack in the plating it must be repaired, if the mesh which the plate is inlaid with is slashed, it must be repaired. They require quite a bit of preparation for combat, and this takes, quiet a bit of time. Once they get out on to the field, they are complete animals, but getting there takes days.
  • The parts take a long time to acquire and build, they are not just on hand. That means these suits will have to be shipped back to a silver jedi base in order to repair them. Make dos can be done, but make a noticeable effect in a negative way.
  • Practically useless in small or enclosed, tight spaces. They do trenches excellently, but put them in a underground hole, and they will suffer. These suits are BIG, they are BULKY, and they will have major issues if they are put in a tiny space.
  • Crushing forces will easily kill the user. These suits can with stand quite a bit, but a tank rolling over them? No. The suit will crush its own user if they are caught under a heavy force.
  • Very slow when out of combat, due to having to lug around the heavy packs and gear.
These suits are meant to inspire awe and panic among enemy forces. Waiting behind the front lines to strike with their leader, and when the time comes, to be on the vanguard, pushing forwards viciously cutting down any who remain in their way. They are meant to go into hell and come out on the other side intact. The suits arose from a need for shock troopers, a force which could cross the gap between enemies and themselves and punch through the front line, allowing allied soldiers to follow behind. Often times this involves doing battle with sith, or saber wielders, and pretty much every time, heavy, heavy, heavy blaster fire. Their heavy armor is meant to make up for their leaders lighter garb, and to withstand the dishing out of heavy blaster fire which they always receive.

This armor is not meant for long assaults, and is only meant to be brought up when the action begins, and retracted quickly when it ends. Due to the large sizes of the armor and the heaviness of it, the wearer must be hyper sensitive of positioning in combat, as it can easily be swarmed and overtaken if not careful. The gear is meant for shock and awe, to break enemy lines and send troops running.

Often the troopers inside will take trophies of past battles, and they can usually be seen lugging around huge backpacks, along with enormous leather belts with huge pouches on them. Spare parts are usually what occupies these spaces, along with repair tools. They are very useful for lugging around large amounts of gear, due to their easy terrain maneuverability and environment resistance.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Draven Dursden said:
Image Source: The artists name is Raveneau Pierre
Hyperlink here please.
Draven Dursden said:
Manufacturer: Silver Troopers
Is this a company?
Draven Dursden said:
Weight: Very Heavy
You can put an additional weakness in of being slow / heavy, if you'd like.
Draven Dursden said:
- Force: Average
What in the submission allows for protection against the Force?

[member="Draven Dursden"]
No, it is the unit which uses the suits, I could contact someone about having a company produce them for us, if needed. As far as the force protection, I supposed it was just as good as anything else. But I have changed it to weak, due to the electricity short circuiting if hit by force lightning.
[member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"]

  • Manufacturer: Silver Jedi
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Cortosis Mesh
  • Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Extreme
Cortosis is a restricted material and may not be submitted freely at limited production. Furthermore, extreme ratings require armor submissions to not exceed unique production.
[member="Draven Dursden"]

I did not see you make the edit until I checked the edit stamp. Please tag in the future or it will delay your approval :)

If you do intend to keep production at limited that is okay, but you'll need to drop the extreme rating to Very High. Or drop the production to Unique and keep the Extreme.
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