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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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Silver Jedi Defense Force (Info & Roster)



Not everyone under the governance of Commenor can sense the force, yet their determination to help in all the endeavours of the Concordia is matched only by a Silver Jedi's determination to be a beacon of hope anywhere in the known Galaxy. Thus right after the formation of the SJC, the Silver Jedi Defence Force (SDF) was created. Within the first few standard months of its inception, it became arguably the largest volunteer military force in the galaxy. People from the length & breadth of the Concordia enlisted & even the influenced didn't shy back from sending their wards to lead these great men & women into countless righteous battles. The worlds later liberated by the SJC wouldn't have been where they are if not for the perseverance & dedication of these fine warriors.

The SDF is currently divided into 3 parts:

  • SDF Army
  • SDF Navy
  • SDF Starfighter Corps

The Mandalorian Covenant trained the first generation of SDF Officers & Soldiers, from whom they learned the phrase what is today the motto & war-cry of the SDF, "Kyr'amur Demagolka, Tal'onidir Par Laandur", which translated to basic literally means, "Kill Monsters, Sweat Blood For The Weak". Today, every soldier of SDF lives & dies by their motto and strikes fear in the heart of their enemies with their glorious war-cry.

The officers & the enlisted come from all over the Concordia; together with Jedi Sentinels & other deputed Jedi pledging themselves as Jedi Generals, Admirals or Marshalls, make up the bulk of the SDF. Though a lot of planets within the Concordia have their own planetary forces & Jedi Watchmen, SDF provides security along with these PFs.


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    Made out of the most rugged if not the most disciplined men & women in the SDF, the SDF Army is as ruthless at charging as resilient they are at defending. They not only carry out direct action missions, but also support, relief & other humanitarian missions all across Concordia & also provide support to other friendly nations. They have been known to break through heaviest of enemy blockades just to provide food & rations to just one small town.

    The enlisted apply from different camps all over Concordia & undergo a basic training for 4 standard months therein. The officers go through a much rigorous admission process & train for 2 standard years at 5 different academies all over Concordia. After induction, the soldiers are divided into 2 different arms: Combat & Services, which are future divided into several parts.​
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