Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silence never felt so... wrong. (Naboo-Open to All)


In the Plains outside of Theed.

Glyph sighed and smiled as he looked long over the city he had just came from, before falling onto his back and letting a relaxed sigh, full of relief and peace, leave his mouth. He had missed this planet, why he didn't care but for some reason had come to call this planet home and thats the kind of thing he could certainly get behind, having a home that is. Not the Protectorate that Naboo was a part of, no it was just naboo he called home and he was more than happy to spend all his free time here if he could, but he still had contracts and people to meet so of course that was not the case.

No but for now he would find himself looking up at the sky and counting the clouds, looking at their shapes, debating if this place was truly the beauty that people gave it credit for. It was easy to say yes, but surely it had scars like any other place on the galatic playground that the inhabitants of this galaxy call home. He smiled, his words leaving his mouth as he laughed to himself. "Far too philosophical Glyph, next thing you know Fel is here throwing books in your face..." The blue eyed boy laughed to himself some more, imagining the girl chasing him with the biggest book she had so that she could give him a concussion for dumping her and then getting himself caught. He wasn't even sure if she had cared enough to wonder where he went, and maybe that is why he came back to naboo... but he couldn't go see Felicity anymore, hell she probably wasn't even on the planet and never would think to come looking for him where they had had that date before.

With that his head fell back onto the ground and his brown hair spread out around him as he waited to see if anything interesting would happen today to get his mind off his old friend.

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria was on Naboo again, not for a job, or anything else that could come to her mind at the moment, just a festival unknown to anyone but herself. The Festival of the Full Moon, Baimon cree da Lunte Finalé in her native tongue, Flaeg. It was one of the most joyous holidays of her people, but there was no one to celebrate it with, so she decided to visit Naboo, the place she had found refuge in as she mourned the loss of her race, the Camo, and her parents, the rulers of the lost race.

She loved Naboo because it reminded her of her home planet, Flague. She soundlessly strode up a hill, her long black gown flowing around her ankles, where there was a young tree growing, but stopped as she heard a young voice talking to itself. She kept going until she was hidden by the tree, too see if this boy, or man, she couldn't tell, had heard her.

Finally realizing he was not a threat, to the young Wikinia tree or her, and came out from behind the tree, kneeling down and gently caressing the carving that was marked in the tree, put there herself about two standard years ago, and spoke, startling the young one, "So you have come here for relaxation too, young one?"

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Glyph didn't move a bit, and instead of opening his eyes he reached out and looked around him with the force until he saw the woman that now stood before him, curiosity in his mind as he looked at her twice over before finally opening his eyes. The sapphire orbs piercing towards her and studying her as a wide grin appeared on his face, well a wider one. "Hello, pleasure to make your acquaintance who ever you are, i do hope that im not sitting in your spot. This is the perfect spot to watch the clouds, stars, rain, or even just a clear day with nothing but blue sky... i always did like the color blue, its serene and calm, but also sad in that it is a lonely sorrow, one very few people can truly ever recover from. Have you met this lonely sorrow face to face, or are you but a creature who is harmed by the woes of this world and the galaxy?"
The galaxy had a weird way of manipulating people into seeing something cosmetically beautiful, while overlooking the sheer danger that lurked in its halls. For beauty was blind in the eyes of the wise, and vibrant in the eyes of the ignorant. To believe that there was peace anywhere in the galaxy was a ridiculous accusation, made with only faith in something that did not seem evident. Though Talo had relinquished his ties to the sith, their code was everything but false, and such was a rumor spread by the jedi to give those who believe hope. The jedi knew that the sith code was one of realism, but thats what made them dangerous. They knew how ignorant those who saw beauty where, and used that ignorance to destroy them. That was why beauty was impossible, because there will always be something under it, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Talo trusted nothing of the planets outer beauty, and only watched what he could see through the force. A seers gift he supposed. But on this day Naboo came fourth with something different, a meeting of two individuals that would somehow create unrest. That was more than enough cause for Talo to investigate, watching them from a distance through the force, Talo looked for violence in them, but for the moment only saw bliss.

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria watched the sky as the boy answered, then chuckled, "I, unfortunately, am both, young forceling. This tree here is one of the last known of its kind. I was there when the planet it originated from was destroyed, and its people scattered, murdered and enslaved. That sorrow has turned me into what I am now." Her ears pricked up slightly and she sensed another being close by, but said nothing of it.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Vault"]

"Hmm... you need a bit more happiness then, try watching the clouds, they are serene enough to let you simply relax and smile as you think about the good that has happened to you. Whining and feelling sad or sorry for yourself does nothing to bring about a brighter future and its something that ive come to realize is likely to change if things get worse or get better. A smile is just something that burns through both... Also its the sky, how cant you smile at the wild blue yonder."
Talo skulked in from the distance, watching them with his eyes now, as well as the force. A cool wind flew by, humbling the grass. Talo had become skillful at waiting from his time as a hunter. He didnt have to do anything, just wait for one of these individuals to do something that would alter his course. It didnt matter what they did, Talo felt like he was supposed to be there, and he followed the force.
@Asteria Starcatcher

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