Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So I think I just joined here, but i'm still not sure how a lot of things work.

But from what I can tell, this is the kind of place that fits my character quite well, what with it being on Kashyyyk and all that. Character wise, my character Thresco has been in self-imposed exile there for several years with no real means of getting off-world. As such, I imagine him signing on with them would work out quite well.

Though I am not new to writing, I am relatively new to the whole Star Wars writing thing, at least aside from the games, the movies, some web comics and shows. In terms of writing, it is entirely new for me as i've only done like three partial threads here a couple of years ago before life kicked me in the teeth and I had to quit altogether.

But now that i'm back, i'd much appreciate it if I could get some hands on guidance and some people to write with here, as that is more or less the RP experience in my opinion.

That said, let me know if anyone has some ideas for story driven rp or just casual rp stuff.


[member="Thresco"] - Welcome to the SJO!

Some tips for beginners.
  • Your characters story and progression are completely up to you to decide. So adventure and socialize at your own pace.
  • Dominions and Faction threads are good low-stress environments to join the adventure and meet new people. Though, we rarely go over 50 total posts these days.
  • The SJO is currently gearing up for some Map Game PewPewPew with the Sith Empire, since the fall of the Mandos Faction. So you'll likely see some of the Faction Admins and Creative Team making threads to match the theme.
  • Again. Please be proactive in seeking thread partners and storytellers to share your adventures with you. There is no greater compliment among writers than receiving a PM that says "RP with me maybe?" Lol.

Otherwise. Welcome and please enjoy your stay. :D
Thank you.

I posted up two Looking For Group things so far, one on the actual site and one basically right here. Also have one PM so far regarding someone who wants to RP, so that's good. Oh, and I also requested for a teacher, though I am not entirely sure whether i'll be getting one or not, even though i'm not exactly picky. So that's how far the proactive thing has been going up until now.

As for the dominion and faction thread stuff, i'm not the kind of person to take a "new" person and just toss them in there as I like to build up towards such things by actually having him join such a faction IC. Doing it the other way around doesn't really work for me personally, so i'm still hoping something will work out. If not, I guess that's fine too, i'm a patient person.

Since I don't know anyone, I doubt i'll be really taking the initiative on PMing people though :p

But yeah, thanks for the kind words, they are appreciated.

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