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Sifa Tirel

Sifa Tirel


NAME: Sifa Tirel
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.68m
WEIGHT: 66kg
EYES: Left; Red Right; Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White

[+]Geneticist: Sifa is something of a genius. Most of her twenty seven years of life were spent within the Jedi Order's Agri-Corps. Usually the Agri-Corps is a place where the 'rejects' of the order are sent, however Sifa went there by choice. She had a fascination, and even obsession with plants and life itself. This has lead to Sifa becoming something of a genius when it comes to the natures of Fauna, and particularly Fauna. She enjoys the creation and splicing of genetic samples and has produced more than a few rare and unique plants.

[+]Healing: Perhaps due to her fascination with life, Sifa has learned to heal. Though she is hardly a master in the techniques of the preservation of life, Sifa has always had a gift within the arts of healing. With her fall to the darkside this hasn't changed, her method of healing still very much hold to those she was taught in the Jedi Order, though they differ slightly in their application.

[-]Twice Bitten: Sifa could be said to have a very broken personality. She is outgoing, confident, and even narcissistic, however she does not do well with being rejected, being reprimanded, or countermanded. This, among certain other personality traits had made her a sort of pariah among those of the Agri-Corps, and Sifa was more often than not isolated from others. This has lead to an odd deviation in her personality, she has a tendency to lash out both physically and mentally when treated 'unfairly'.

[-]Agri-Corps: Though she was once a Jedi, and thus trained in the use of the force and lightsaber combat Sifa had been confined to the Agri-Corps. This means that as of right now, Sifa is no real combatant. Though she has ways of winning fights, Sifa when matched against a blademaster or anyone of real note would more than likely fail in a direct engagement.

As stated above Sifa's personality is a double edged sword.

Just like most would suspect, Sifa while in the Agricorps was popular, though most were weary of her. She was confident, outgoing, but generally full of herself. When on her good side, Sifa was your best friend. She helped you with whatever you needed, whether it was a math problem or hard manual labor. However, when you were on her badside she was as wrathful as any ghost. She would go to great lengths to chip away at whoever 'wronged' her and destroyed her.

Everything went as her personality would dictate, with things falling into place because of how she was. It was personality trait, this odd sort of tendency for vengeance that lead to most calling her a Harpy behind her back. As she slowly descended into the darkside and began to fall, this trait only grew stronger and stronger, until one day someone who 'wronged' Sifa simply disappeared.

Doubtless, Sifa is a Nagai. She shared many traits that her species denotes. Her hair is jet black, her skin is ghostly pale, and her frame is small but fairly muscular. Sifa looks like many other Nagai, though since the species is somewhat rare and not very differing from regular humans, not many actually recognize what species she hails from.

Interesting enough, and the thing most notice about Sifa herself is the color of her eyes. Uniquely, Sifa's eyes are two different colors. This heterochromia is represented with one deep red eye and one bright yellow. Her eyes have been this way since birth, it is not an effect of the force, but rather unique genetics. Sifa's first Jedi Master theorized her eyes influenced her interest in genetics.

Sifa Tirel was born on her homeworld of Nagi. Though her species were known for being violent, and even mostly sociopathic, a Jedi happened to be traveling through the planet at the time of Sifa's birth. Sensing the great potential within Sifa, the Jedi Master offered her parents a chance to take their daughter away for something greater. Her parents agreed, though under one condition. They took the child to a mystic among their people. The Mystic branded Sifa, burning an odd relic script into her skin.

How her parents slowed someone to so simply do this to their child was beyond the Jedi Master, and he quickly took in the young girl without hesitation. This means that ever since near her birth, Sifa has been a Jedi.

As all true Jedi are Sifa was brought up within the ranks of the Order. She learned to use the force, a lightsaber, and was taught all the ways of diplomacy and the arts of being a Jedi Knight. She took quickly to the disciplines of the force, and faster to those of the mind.

Dutiful, strong, and more than a little clever, Sifa was able to learn quickly. She took a liking to more scientific studies, quickly learning about biology, anatomy, and eventually the fields of genetics. By the time she was twenty years old she already held a more basic understanding of genetics than most scientists, having apprentices under some of the greatest geneticists in the Republic. This knowledge was soon put to good use, with Sifa electing to join the Jedi Order's Agricorps.

Of course, she took to this rather well. The agricorps was hailed as the place for 'lesser' Jedi, those with little force potential or knowledge in other things. Sifa however was the opposite of this. She was strong, confident, and more than knowledgeable in all areas the Agri-Corps required. As expected she quickly became somewhat of a drawing personality within the Agri-Corps, and quickly she rose through the ranks. Eventually her fascination with genetics and knowledge itself drew her into experimentation. She began to play with more base attributes of plants, mixing and matching species even under the insistence of her Masters that such a thing goes against the will of the force.

Working day and night Sifa dug into her passion, until finally she created something...unique. A flower, deadly as could be, black as the night with a soft glow. The plant was pure death, toxic and broken in a way that seemed entirely unnatural. In awe of her discovery, Sifa did not notice when a fellow Padawan stumbled upon her. The other woman immediately accused Sifa of practicing Sith Alchemy, an accusation that Sifa neither appreciated, nor entirely refuted. She lashed out, and before a day had passed disappeared from the Agri-Corps.

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