Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sierra von Kaltz

    • Name: Sierra von Kaltz
    • Age: 24
    • Ranks:Captain of the 88th Cyan Company
    • Home World: Commenor

    • Height: 1,65m
    • Weight: 59Kg
    • Hair Color: Red
    • Eye Color: Light Blue
    • Skin Color: Light
    • Force Rank: Padawan
    • Force Alignment: Light
    • Physical Marks: Scar in the left cheek

      • Lady of Anteluma, daughter of Duke Bastian von Kaltz of Commenor

      • Captain in the Galactic Alliance Army

      • Padawan of the New Jedi Order

      • Student of the Jakku Enclave

      • Commanding Officer of the 88th Cyan Company

    • Born with a silver spoon: Born in the Royal House of Kaltz, and being the oldest daughter of his Royal Highness Duke Bastian von Kaltz. She has all the backing of the biggest Royal House of Commenor if she ever wants to. She is next in line of succession of the Duchy of Anteluma and heir of the Hoverball Sport League Corporation.

      Her highness the bookworm: Due to her instruction since her young age, she is quite versed in scientific and technological advances, focusing in sentient anatomy with focus in medical fields. Lately, being found Force Sensitive; she has been learning a lot about how the Force applies in those fields.

      Royal Fencing: Some part of her instruction and due to the House Kaltz Heritage, she was trained in different type of blades, excelling in swordsmanship; she has been greatly facinated with the lightsaber as a weapon now that her training in the ways of the Force might allow her to study it's forms.

    • Royal Prick: Eventhough she decided to keep their distance with her family for some time and is experiencing her rebelious streak, she is royalty and that shows in her behavior towards others. She doesn't mistreat them and has an oath to look after their well-being, but her personals relationships are affected.

      Conflict in loyalties: Bound to the Silver Jedi Concord by territory, she saw the opportunity to serve in the front lines by joining the Galactic Alliance and their military. Her decision has been haunting her since done so since she has left a bigger gap in her relationship with her family although she is still not lost to the priviligies of her position as Lady von Kaltz.
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