Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Siege of The Solar Praxeum.

Aboard: Scorched Earth (

Wearing: 451 Suit (

Armed with: Shooting Star (

Wind and Fire Wheels (Twin Blue Bladed Lightsabers)

Heliosphere (Curved hilt orange bladed lightsaber)

Syd meditated in her personal quarters aboard The Scorched Earth, in the middle of the fields of the Silver Jedi Enclave. She had asked for multiple volunteers because as sure as the Force was her ally she could not complete this on her own.

Her quarters were bare and chrome plated, a simple fireplace in the middle of the circular setting, with her weapons on a rack in the back.

For years, this ship, and more particularly this place had been her one true haven. The one place where she could think in private, unburdened by duty. Being among the Silver Jedi had provided her nor shortage of dark adepts to fight, though she was actively restraining herself from putting 'quite' so many to the torch.

It had never been easy to ignore her programming. And as much as she tried not to, a part of her was still dreading the possibility this new incarnation of the Jedi might imprison her just as the old ones who had created her had.

She had set to work on not being quite the sucker she had been previously. Just interacting with special ops soldiers had taught her many things...

Like always having an escape plan.

She had at last carved out a civilian identity, set up work as a curator for a museum. She'd finally have a personal life.

But not for another week or so.

Right now was a Priority-One assignment.

Syd, back when her only designation had been the Flame Geist, had supplemented her training from many authorities on magic, for she herself could not exist without it.

One such place where her training had been supplemented was the Jedi of The Solar Praxeum: A gigantic, castle like space station positioned above a yellow star at the the very edge of the galaxy, right before there was nothing but black.

Of all the things that had not made it past that era she had been created with, she would have assumed the Solar Praxeum would be one of the things that would have faded with the Resistors. But had been heard from again.

It had turned out the Solar Praxeum had been lost for decades. Centuries after her own forced retirement it had stopped making contact with anybody. Only a passing smuggler ship had caught its fading distress signal, and then had only offered its location as a deal. Word had got back to her and she had immediately arranged the expedition, because she, even one as ultimately limited as she could sense a disturbance in the Force over this place. Something terrible was on the horizon, and she could not face it alone.

Syd ceased her meditation, deciding to leave the cramped confines of her vessel, lest her claustrophobia get the better of her, and waited in front of her heavily modified star courier, knowing others would soon arrive for the briefing. She was clad in a skin tight red and gold chrome suit with a gold belt of fire proof fabric, her primary weapons all hooked to it. She wondered who would join her for this, she needed battle hardened, or clever. Both if possible.

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

[member="Griet van Vliet"]

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

[member="Reggie Faayare"]

[member="Thalo Molidias"]

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

[member="Corvo Anattolius"]
Wearing: Expensive threads, designer jeans
Equipment: XJ9 | Paperweight | QQ-83N Sidearm | Slicer Datapad | Multitool
Companion: BB-4
[ order 66 ]
The Intervention was in orbit of Kashyyyk.

The mobile headquarters of the intergalactic Corellia Digital Corporation lingered above the new genesis of the Silver Jedi Order, the oldest customers in the company's reborn history. There was always some business that could be done here. There had been a multitude of contracts between the company and the Silver Jedi that had been up-ended when the Order had made its elective pilgrimage from Voss. Sorting through how to move forward -- which contracts should be voided, or the terms re-drawn, or required new negotiated instruments -- was enough work that the company had hired on a Wookiee law firm just to audit those transactions.

Suffice to say, Sor-Jan could always find a reason to come to Kashyyyk. He just preferred not to do so.

Most of the time anyway.

He ran the galaxy's largest hologame company. He basically got paid to be a professional beta tester. And that, in turn, generated good publicity for the company and it's CEO. His HoloTube channel for game streams had a Hutt ton of subscribers. The stream he'd posted of getting a server first kill on Permafrost Citadel in World of Build-a-Bear Knights had garnered over twelve hundred likes inside of twenty four hours.

It made it very inconvenient to ever leave home. He had everything he needed there. A full arcade. Two full basements of game geeks and code queens developing the next hologame. And a galactic operations center that tracked holo-communications from Coruscant to Kathol, Crystan to Laekia.

Heck, when [member="Julius Sedaire"] and his Corellian League had run the One Sith out of the Corellian System, Sor-Jan had supported them with signals intelligence and electronic warfare while in his pajamas.

And if working with the Silver Jedi meant anything, it was having to putting on real clothes.

Suffice to say, Sor-Jan was opposed to this on general principle.

...unless the work was interesting. And from what he'd been able to pull together, [member="Syd Celsius"] had some solid intel on a discovery that might lead to something.

A Niathal shuttle, emblazoned with the green logo of the company, landed just outside the meeting coordinates. As it landed, two small figures emerged from within. The first was a blue accented BB unit, rolling down the loading ramp. The second was a young boy, seemingly no more than ten or twelve years of age. He looked as though he could have been a tween model for DuraSteel's line of boy's clothing, except the utility belt he wore had a drop leg holster over the right thigh.

The pistol was a signature piece of technology used by the Levantine Sanctum. It had clearly seen some use.

The lightsaber at his left hip even more so. Well maintained, but with the tell-tale signs of decades of use.

The other items with him were all tools of one kind or another. A datapad-wristlink, a multitool, and what looked like a portable hologame system.

After all, hopefully no one thought that the CEO of the galaxy's hologaming industry was going anywhere without access to a game.
When Reggie had gotten word of [member="Syd Celsius"] putting together a group to investigate some structure called the Solar Praxeum, he had immediately started to prepare for the expedition. The first thing he did was contact Simon to meet him at the briefing, understanding that Simon had more combat experience than the Padawan and could provide more help. Reggie didn't know if his partner could join the expedition or not but there was only one way to find out.

Reggie gathered what he thought would be needed for the expedition. His datapad was the first thing he grabbed, putting it in the pouch that was on his belt. The device was usual in gathering and storing information, which was useful in a variety of different situations. He grabbed his lightsaber hilt and hooked it onto his belt, and then grabbed his staff. The staff was a new addition to the Padawan's small arsenal, using it for it's non-lethal capabilities that his lightsaber didn't usually have. After gathering everything, Reggie started to head towards the briefing wearing his brown clothes and headband.

When he arrived, he noticed that Simon had made it before him. The man wore his usual jacket, having light armor underneath. Two blasters and a knife were on his belt, the man being prepared for the task at hand. Reggie was surprised considering when he mentioned the expedition to his pilot. He was prepared for whatever they were getting into.

"Now how did I get here before you Reggie?"

The Padawan responded with a shrug, asking himself the same question. Reggie took a look at the others present. He saw what seemed to be a young boy he had never met and their BB unit. Then his gaze was upon Syd, who was standing in front of their star courier. Reggie hasn't met Syd personally but he did know of her.
I'd arrived not long ago and from what I understood we'd be working to find out what'd happened to a Jedi Praxeum... I was wearing a cloak over my armor, sword at my left hip and sabers on my belt alongside a heavily modded blaster pistol. Looking towards a woman with brilliant orange hair and amber eyes I slid one leg off my swoop bike and began walking over to meet her. She looked quite striking I had to admit... I also recognized a young padawan I'd trained in the art of sand manipulation. Walking over quietly I tapped the young man on the shoulder and said softly "Hopefully you've kept up with your training of sand manipulation Reggie....?" Looking towards the brilliant orange haired woman I said "Andorreth Vikar a pleaure to meet you Ms...?"

[member="Syd Celsius"] ~ [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] ~ [member="Reggie Faayare"]
A message had come through mostly from the her cousin. Kyoko sat there in the seat of her ship and freely let her tail swish back and forth with her ears feeling the coolness of the ship. SHe usually wore her hair back to conceal them. Her pants more loose fitted so she could conceal her tailwhen she was around others who were not family. THat someone this Syd had any idea she couldn't be certain but Kyoko was moving now. Rising up as the thicker muscles in her legs were tight while she wrapped the tail around her waist. Hands going to the vest she was wearing as the ultrachrome plates on it over the skylar gave her a highly reflective look. Her disc blades on her hip that looked wider as it concealed her fluffy tail. Her pale skin catching the ;light as she docked and walked. Few things matched the strength of her sabers and she held three discs along her utility belt with the satchel and her own pack. Slim, compacted and ready for anything. "Hello, I am Kyoko from the Ike Clan."
When Thalo heard about an expedition to the edge of the galaxy, he was quick to sign up. Luckily, he was already at the Silver Jedi Enclave, so he didn't need to go far to reach the place they'd meet. The Place they were going to travel to was an old jedi station. Thalo tried to join expeditions to most Places like this, in hopes of finding a Clue to his lost master. Nothing had turned up yet, but he didn't give up.

Thalo chose to use a black coat, ending at his knees, With a dark grey shirt under. The pants he used were also black. Not the most typical jedi clothes, but he liked them. Across his back was a holster belt for his lightpike, which was currently in there. He also had a belt, where his curved lightsaber hung on the left side.

When he arrived, he looked over the others present. Nothing too particular about these People, except the Young boy. Then he focused his attention on the one who had gethered this Group, waiting for her to speak up.

[member="Syd Celsius"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Andorreth Vikar"] | [member="Kyoko Ike"]
Griet had a bad feeling about the Solar Praxeum: there was no way the client that needed to fetch some information at the Solar Praxeum would even have an unqualified audit opinion, unlike most of her clients. As it stood now, it would only be getting a disclaimer of opinion, but when things go sour enough to warrant a disclaimer of opinion, piecing together the missing information was, more often than not, a dangerous proposition. Then again, it's not the first time a client is misleading me, although it's one of those few occasions where I actually need to embark on an adventure to get my day job done. I hope that, if I can get good use out of Neural Storm here, there may be people tempted to learn it or to have that knowledge infused into them, but for the infusion part, Janick is the go-to person for that, Griet thought en route to that rally point. She carried her sniper rifle as well as her lightsaber for that sort of situations. When she arrived at the rally point, a little late due to the sheer amount of documentation that needed to be reviewed, as it was a bankruptcy filing, she could already see with whom this trip will happen: [member="Kyoko Ike"], [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], [member="Thalo Molidias"], [member="Syd Celsius"], [member="Reggie Faayare"], [member="Andorreth Vikar"].

"I am Griet. If, at some point, we need to capture somebody, or something, alive, I'll do my best with Neural Storm to neutralize it, otherwise I may as well be on overwatch"
The Flame Geist stared at who had gathered around for the briefing. Even a seeming kid had shown up, though she could sense he was more than he seemed.

Syd walked forward to the gathered group. Many motley types. She produced a micro projector from her belt.

"Greetings, everyone. Thank you for showing. My name is Celsius. Syd Celsius."

(Clip of Bond Theme plays)

"I have asked you all here today for a dangerous, high risk assignment very close to a Star. Where we are going..." she trailed for a second, hitting the button on the micro projector and producing the image of a rough, seemingly unevenly shaped Castle made of rock on an island of the same. It had multiple spires of different lengths and as she zoomed the image out, it showed it was directly above a small, yellow star.

"This is called The Solar Praxeum. In the aftermath of The Gulag Plague, this facility was set up as a hidden training facility for Ashla users and Jedi. It is one of the few besides the type of facilities I was trained in during that era that specialized in teaching magic and spells to Jedi. A niche specialty at the time but given current events and trends their focus was almost prophetic. Because it was close to the star, it was difficult to detect. This made it an ideal training facility if you wanted to hide your trainees. Enchantments kept the students themselves from being sensed. For centuries, the location was believed lost--even when I trained there I wasn't allowed the location specifics."

Syd floated a bit as she stared at the image, eyes glowing orange. She remembered the vast wealth of knowledge and being astounded by it. To lose it all would be a tragedy.

"The facility was detected by a passing smuggler. Scans indicated signs of orbital decay. At the rate of decay, we may have a few days before it decends into the pull of the sun below it. Given the lack of activity or correspondence from the facility in such a long while, its fairly safe to assume all of its original inhabitants are dead...but we don't know what caused them to abandon the Praxeum...or if they abandoned it at all. We would essentially be going in blind. But this facility has an irreplaceable amount of knowledge that may still be within its confines. Light aligned magics and rituals on both books and scrolls and data disks."

Syd circled around the holographic image still floating in that ghostly manner, recalling the endless hours of study.

"Our mission is to go there and ascertain the cause of orbital decay, and if possible to correct it. If not possible, we are to save as much as we can and leave. It is highly likely we will have to uncover the cause for why its abandoned to begin with. My creators, The Resistors of Darkness, had a long standing association with this facility. Hopefully my entry codes still work. But make no mistake, we will be in very grave danger once we arrive. If we become trapped there for whatever reason, and we cannot ascertain the cause, or correct it, we all die horribly in a rock casket. Anyone who wants one will think less of you for not wanting your final moments to be 'Death by cooking'." Syd advised. "To be honest, I wouldn't blame you for wanting out. So...who wants out, and who wants in?" She asked the gathered group.

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

[member="Griet van Vliet"]

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

[member="Thalo Molidias"]

[member="Reggie Faayare"]

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

[member="Corvo Anattolius"]

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Wearing: Expensive threads, designer jeans
Equipment: XJ9 | Paperweight | QQ-83N Sidearm | Slicer Datapad | Multitool | Ring
Companion: BB-4
[ order 66 ]
Hiding what was, seemingly, a Je'dai or Jedi library inside the hot zone of a star?

The shielding on the facility alone would be worth a look. Particularly if it was as old as Syd seemed to believe it was. The engineering design? Pius Dei? Rakkata? Something undiscovered perhaps? Those facets of the solar praxeum alone made this mission interesting to him.

If they could replicate the design, it could prove useful to the Underground or the Resistance...

Which was not to suggest that the boy was not also considering the other facts in play. Loss of communications. Decaying orbit. The shields may have failed, flooding the praxeum with deadly levels of radiation.

And if the technology were very old, it might well be beyond repair.

So this might be just a recovery mission. But, even in that, it seemed the potential benefits were still edging out the risks. "I'm in," the boy offered after a moment.

Plus, they had an Ike with them.

If there was a good luck charm anywhere in this universe, it was Jedi with the last name 'Ike'.

[member="Syd Celsius"] | [member="Griet van Vliet"] | [member="Thalo Molidias"] | [member="Kyoko Ike"] | [member="Andorreth Vikar"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"]
When the Padawan was approached by Andorrerreth he turned to face his teacher, glad to see him again. It had been awhile since Reggie had been taught how to manipulate sand with the force, but he's made sure to practice the technique when he could. Whenever he's on Tatooine to visit his family is usually when he had a better opportunity of practicing everyday.

"Yes, I have been keeping up with what you've taught me Knight Vikar. Maybe i'll be able to show you my improvement after we're done with this mission?"

When Syd Celsius began to brief everyone, Reggie turned his focus on her. The way she greeted everyone with her name was familiar, but he couldn't understand why. All that he could muster up as a memory of a song that seemed to play after she said her name.

Refocusing himself, the Padawan listened as information was given on the Solar Praxeum. The knowledge that was and could still be contained in the facility was priceless in his eyes, seeing the opportunity to learn from those that came before him. However, Reggie pushed those thoughts aside. Reggie didn't come here to learn about the structure but to help discover what happened to it. He knew the dangers, but they didn't affect his resolve.

"If I can help, then that's what i'm going to do. I'm in."

The Pilot that was still near by rolled his eyes, expecting his friend not to reject such a dangerous mission. Simon heard the dangers and wasn't too fond of being cooked to death. The Padawan looked at him and gestured in a way to let him no he could leave. However, the ex-smuggler wasn't going to leave his partner because of the dangers that were presented.

"I'm in as well."

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Syd Celsius"] [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Thalo Molidias"] [member="Kyoko Ike"] [member="Andorreth Vikar"]
'Death by cooking' didn't sound very appealing. But Thalo hadn't expected this to be without danger. It wouldn't be fun that way. But he would have preferred if it wasn't so close to a star. He didn't like heat very much, and preffered it to be cold. But he wouldn't back out. Even if the chances of finding his master, or a clue to him, was slim at best, he wanted to travel to this place. And it could be good training for him. He was still a padawan, even if he didn't have an official master anymore.

"I'm in aswell. I'm Thalo, by the way. Thalo Molidias."

He had completly forgot to introduce himself. But he'd righted that now, although he felt a bit awkward saying it when he did. But it was nothingto dwell on. Now his Focus needed to be on the Journey Ahead.

[member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Syd Celsius"] | [member="Griet van Vliet"] | [member="Kyoko Ike"] | [member="Andorreth Vikar"]
Ancient Praxeum that had tech? Check. Race against time? Check. Solar temple? check.

My thoughts were that it'd be worth the risk to go. Death by cooking was....less than ideal however I'd be going aboard my ship which had multiple types of shielding.

If nothing else I could provide an escape away from the decaying orbit. Plus, I was interested in any and all types of tech that could keep such a place hidden.

As it was I'd been planning some things for awhile now. The tech in a Solar Praxeum could help exponentially with my endeavors... Plus, odds were there'd be knowledge I could add to my databases especially concerning pyrokinesis.

Looking towards Reggie I nodded and said "I'd like to see have you've progressed padawan." Glancing towards the flame haired woman I spoke up "I'm in, my ship has multiple different types of shielding and can be evacuated to should there be need."

[member="Thalo Molidias"] ~ [member="Reggie Faayare"] ~ [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] ~ [member="Syd Celsius"] ~ [member="Griet van Vliet"] ~ [member="Kyoko Ike"]
"It's entirely possible the place may have run out of fuel, too"

Poodoo, she thought, while hearing about the description [member="Syd Celsius"] made of the Solar Praxeum. Not only there are questions about the sort of client that would hide some documents about wasteful spending, slush funds or embezzlement in a place left adrift, but also liable to cook anyone inside. And also liable to cook the documents, too. Even if we did find the documents, that client will return to an adverse external audit opinion for sure, even if there were no serious misstatements remaining after the fact, since internal controls are, simply put, inadequate. Now I may not know as much as Sor-Jan, or even Janick, about computer engineering, so I'm grateful for him. She made sure her equipment was in order before meeting with [member="Reggie Faayare"] and his master, [member="Andorreth Vikar"], while being grateful for Andorreth's ship, especially since the possibility of dying by cooking for an adverse audit opinion was less than appealing to her. Then again, she was led to think that part of why the station was adrift may have been because the station ran out of fuel. Sure, the technological possibilities were tantalizing, but she crossed her fingers that [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] would be able to handle this, and not necessarily befall on some systems that had some crazy chemical principles behind them. As for [member="Thalo Molidias"] or [member="Kyoko Ike"]...
Kyoko looked at the others around the room who were joining in on the mission. She wasn't opposed to it and spoke with a grin. "I am in." She knew something like this could be impressive and they well her family had solar shielding designed onto their ships for going to just this type of place. Even collectors that gathered the energy put out to power ships and stations... so they might be able to adapt and upgrade some of it." She was checking it out though while walking and looked at the other jedi who were around with them here in the room. THe small jedi master though leaned against a wall and her arms crossed over her chest. "We can adapt some of the solar shielding tech from my cousin to function for more protection if we need it."
Syd almost smiled at their responses. But didn't. Mainly because, having reduced emotions, she didn't exactly know all the social cues that indicated when she should smile, and had never studied such cues, being mainly a living weapon, but also because she knew this was not a situation to smile at.

She almost envied other people's ability to smile casually. Her creators had never taught her such values.

You are a slave. You will die a slave. the words of the first Sith she had ever killed hit her again at that moment as she observed the unique emotions play out across their faces. The boy confirmed his participation, as did the others, each offering their own unique skill sets, far more varied than hers, though admittedly when one's bread and butter tactic boiled down to 'kill it with fire', one found they might not necessarily need too much variety to problem solving.

But as powerful as such a tactic could be, that alone could not see her through this task, for she would be storming a great ember over a blaze even greater than the one withing her psychic shell.

When Kyoko offered her skills at Solar Shielding, this made the Flame Geist perk up. The Force had led such a one to this situation. Of that she had no doubt. Some of them even seemed to know each other from previous assignments. That sort of group cohesion would be invaluable. She felt a distant discomfort that that was the only way she could quantify them: in terms of group dynamics.

In some ways, this assignment reminded her of the days she braved the threats before her with a full compliment of her creators backing her. But her creators were gone, murdered, it seemed, by an infiltration specialist. Syd was still looking for a name.

"Kyoko." Syd turned to the blond Jedi, her voice a faint contralto. "My ship is old. Tough but old. Would it be possible to get a portable version of such Solar shielding aboard my vessel? I'm afraid the vessel itself cannot be further modified."

She then turned to the others. "We have a short frame of time to prepare. I'd say two hours at most. Make sure you are properly supplied and equipped. Speak to Kyoko if you have need of such tech. I myself will start making final preperations immediately. Prepare for anything. We know not what awaits us..." she finished. "May the Force be with us."

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

[member="Thalo Molidias"]

[member="Reggie Faayare"]

[member="Corvo Anattolius"]

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

[member="Griet van Vliet"]

OOC: Giving people time to equip with solar protection and prep time. Will make a post taking us to the Solar Praxeum after you've done your respective stuff. Or, if you want, you can just do a post taking you to the praxeum immediately.
"I think solar shielding is necessary here, at least to me" Griet addressed [member="Kyoko Ike"] after [member="Syd Celsius"] warned about the short window for preparation.

A client dishonest or incompetent enough to bank on either the risk deterrence factor of a dungeon whose crawl recommends the use of solar shielding or the denizens of said dungeon to destroy compromising documents is a major issue. Last I checked, the client notified us of the situation shortly after issuing a "pink slip", which in Talz bureaucracy, means the termination of employment, to the previous CFO, and the CEO took over the responsibilities of the CFO on an interim basis, Griet thought, while everyone else present was oblivious to what an adverse external audit opinion even means in the first place. Including, but not limited to, [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], @Thalo Molidas, [member="Andorreth Vikar"], [member="Reggie Faayare"] or [member="Corvo Anattolius"]. Once she got the equipment in order, that solar shielding generator, Griet was now on standby to get to the Praxeum, but she can kind of feel that everyone else was part of the dungeon crawl for other reasons. Professional reasons perhaps, but there were no other accountants in there. Not to her knowledge anyway. The most bizarre dungeon crawl of her lifetime begins...
[member="Syd Celsius"]

Kyoko was looking at her and she gave a nod of her head to the question. "Yeah we should be able to in the time. We made the shields to be adaptable for different ships and systems. Even without modifications we might be able to use one of the back up systems to turn it into a secondary shielding unit rather then fully install a version and drawing extra power." Hmm she tapped her chin and was thinking about it with a grin on her face. She looked at Syd though and was walking over to check her out. "SHow me and lets get started, we can do a lot in a few hours and with the right equipment we can finish the hook ups in transit."
Reggie used these next few hours preparing for the expedition like instructed, making sure he had everything that was needed for what was ahead. The Padawan trusted the people he'd be working side by side with, so he had to make sure they could trust him and the skills that he offered them. He equipped himself with any other tools and armor that was offered to him.

Now he waited for the expedition to begin, meditating as he waited. He cleared his mind and pushed any negative emotions away from his mind. He wouldn't fail his teammates during this adventure.

[member="Syd Celsius"]
It'd been awhile since I'd worked with others in any major capacity as it was I was waiting for coordinates so I could board my ship and make the jump to our destination. I saw Reggie busy meditating and I busied myself doing the same. Hopefully we'd be heading out soon...I was itching for some action....

[member="Syd Celsius"]
A day later...

The Scorched Earth, temporarily fitted with a generator for solar shielding, flew towards the rock like castle, that hovered above a ball of golden fire in the black of space.

"Thalo, we're here." she called out, transmitting her ID codes, hoping they still functioned as she flew closer to the spires of rock, baked and scorched over the centuries as she flew through the hotzone as fast as she could, the warnings in her ship going off. She admired the Solar Praxeum for its vast wealth of knowledge but she had always disliked the way to reach it, which was rather Ironic, considering (in the most pun-tastic way intended) that Syd was all about trials by fire.

Still, the heat she sensed was invigorating. She fed on heat and flame and she was directly underneath the single biggest source of either one could find. She felt stronger here than she had anywhere else in months.

Her ship passed through the Praxeum Shields and she watched rocky, docking bay doors open and she piloted in, the bay hangar being large enough to hold multiple ships.

Syd got her weapons ready, her tight fitting red and gold chrome suit reflecting everything as she stepped off the vessel.

The Hangar bore the traces of once being grand, composed of brass arches, elaborate crystal lights and a motif of Suns set in ancient stone reliefs along the walls...there was static over the speakers and Syd spotted the old Hangar control office, now wrecked and collapsed in. She felt the old bit of nostalgia...her chief creator, the Man in White, had taken her here to refine her magical skills. She remembered how much she had studied, learning more of the various ins and outs of spell casting.

Syd looked fondly at it all before she spotted the charred corpse. It was on its knees. A slight rumble revealed it to be little more than ash and it collapsed.

Syd pulled out her link. "Syd to team. Hangar's open. Something is...wrong..."

[member="Thalo Molidias"]

[member="Griet van Vliet"]

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

[member="Reggie Faayare"].

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