Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shoxx Uotan

NAME: Shoxx Uotan
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 16
SEX: Male
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Pale white


+ Shapshifter: The primary ability of the Shi'do is their ability to shift their forms in to any type of humanoid, allwoing them to add and reduce weight as well, and even as far as whales in the more extreme cases.

+ Advanced Refelxes and Agility: Shoxx's agility is at a supreme high compared to most people around his age, this is due to all of the running and climbing he has done in his life.

+ Saber dualist: Mixed with his speed and lack of strength, Shoxx had dedicated most of his time as a padawan focusing on his light saber skills, making him extremly well known to how to handle his light saber in most any situation. He is also able to dual wield at an extremely proficient level.

+/- Thrill of the hunt: Shoxx's loves the thrill of hunting things down, but he tends to let it over take him sometimes getting caught up in it.

+/- Enthusiast of life / Natural joy/ childish: Shoxx is very childish, always looking for the joke in things, This trait makes him very optimistic about life and bad situations, but it also makes him very naive in situations as well.

- Clumsy: Being the goof that Shoxx's he tends to make more mistakes that the average jedi, making him prone to more mishaps.

- Lack of upper body strength: Shoxx's level's of strength isn't the highest for his age. He isn't super weak, but he does quit match up to all those around him.

APPEARANCE: Shoxx can been seen with all kinds of different appearances, his favorite to mimic is the green Lannik (Yoda Species, I know that isn't the name, but it was placed on there a a label kinda). Shoxx can actually be caught in this form the most when he is just causally relaxing or training. It's almost as if it's his actual race. When not in the Lannik form he dons a more human type of stature with a 6'0 stance and 180 pounds, this is his actual form but he only shows it when on missions and wearing his mask. If he ever loses it he quickly changes his face to suit a more humanoid face which could be anything. This is due to him being forced to hide who he really is all of his life.

Shoxx's Shi'do skin is a pale, chalky white, with white pupils and blue iris. No hair.

Describe your character's physical appearance. While your avatar should represent your character's appearance, there might be some things not apparent in it for use in role-playing. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color may also be listed here

Lightsaber Forms:
Form I Shii-Cho (Way of the Sarlacc): Novice
Form II Makashi (Way of the Ysalamiri): Untrained
Form III Soresu (Way of the Mynock): Untrained]Form IV Ataru (Way of the Hawk-Bat): Advanced
Form V Shien / Djem So (Way of the Krayt Dragon): Untrained
Form VI Niman(Way of the Rancor): Untrained
Form VII Juyo(Way of the Vornskr): Untrained
(Untrained / Novice / Adept / Advanced / Mastered)


Alchaka: Untrained
Force Body: Untrained
Force Healing: Novice
Force Speed: Adept
Force Concealment: Adept
Hibernation Trance: Untrained
Morichro: Untrained

Theran Force Listening: Untraine
Force Meld: Adept
Force Sense: Novice
Precognition: Untrained
Shatterpoint: Untrained
Telemetry / Psychometry: Untrained
Force Empathy: Untrained
Farsight: Untrained
Force Sight: Untrained
Force Comprehend Speech: Untrained
Telepathy: Untrained

Alter Damage: Untrained
Alter Environment: Untrained
Beast Trick: Untrained
Battle Meditation: Untrained
Cleanse Mind: Untrained
Combustion: Untrained
Crucitorn: Untrained
Doppelganger: Novice
Emerald Lightning: Untrained
Force Bellow: Untrained
Force Blinding: Untrained
Force Deflection: Untrained
Force Flash: Untrained
Force Flight: Untrained
Force Illusion: Novice
Force Leap: Adept
Force Light: Untrained
Force Push/Pull: Novice
Force Throw: Novice
Force Wave: Novice
Ionizer: Untrained
Malacia: Untrained
Mechu-Deru: Untrained
Mind Trick: Untrained
Pyrokinesis: Untrained
Revitalise: Untrained
Sever Force: Untrained
Telekinesis: Untrained
Tutaminis: Untrained

Father: Jazaar Uotan "Gizmo" - Alive
Mother: Mich'an Uotan - Deceased
Brother: Jacar Uotan, age 8 - Alive
Sister: ???? - Hasn't been informed of her yet. - Alive/deceased?

Cries could be heard throughout the under city, but this time it wasn’t due to someone being murdered over a deal gone wrong, or just simple killing for fun. A baby was being born. “Sir, we are sorry to inform you that your wife did not make it” The father only smiled as tears rolled down his face. “And of my baby?” Just behind the nurse came the doctor holding his son. “Healthy baby boy” He said as he passed over to the father. “Such a wonderful thing” he said with a voice filled with sorrow. “Come Shoxx, come look at your baby brother.” As Shoxx was starting to approach another doctor came out of the same all. “Doctor, the patient.” Looking down at Shoxx. “The mother…she…she’s changing” The doctor turned to the other. “Changing?” He questioned him. “Yes…her skin…her body…it’s changed to a white pale.”

The father knew what was happening, it was the think that they had be trying to hide from everyone since their first born. They lived in an area where the Shi’do where not welcome. Most people where scared of them due to their ability to shape shift, making them frowned upon. Scaring people into thinking they always had to watch their backs around them. "Shoxx, it's about time we leave" Looking down to his son he nodded towards the door. "But what about moth-" His fathers hand landed on his shoulder and he began to start pushing on him. "We need to leave while they are talking" Being only eight, Shoxx was lost and confused but followed his father. "They are Shi'do! the doctors cried out" Then the family quickly took off sprinting.

Over the course of the next few weeks the city had been in a slight up roar. They terror that the fact that not only one Shi'do had been hiding among them but a family of them was terrifying to them. This was a city ran buy thugs and criminals after all, and they didn't want to be
infiltrated [/size]due to a spy. "You see Shoxx, we aren't liked around here...this is why we have to remain hiding at all cost." Confused he only asked his father "Why can't we just move away then?" Sadden by the question his head lowered. "We don't have the money....Me and your mother have tried for years to save up, but things keep happening....I have how ever....contacted someone to meet with you my boy" Shoxx's father had always noticed that Shoxx showed extra p[/size]otential, much like his older sister.

Shoxx's father had set up a meeting with a jedi to come and see Shoxx, and it turned out that he was right. He did show promise for becoming a jedi. They offered to take Shoxx with them, and his father gladly accepted, knowing this was his only chance to escape. "Me and Jacar will be fine Shoxx's, they won't find us. After all they call me Gizmo for a reason!" His farther had gained the name Gizmo due to his uncanny ability with c[/size]ybernitics. [/size]

Since that day Shoxx has joined the ranks of the padawans and is eager to grown in his studies, his goal is to join the Silver Jedi and learn from what he sees as the best Jedi.
Shoxx was never told about his sister due to her leaving before he ever got a chance to meet her.

SHIP: Being a Padawan he hasn't been able to obtain a ship yet.







Training/Sparing ] Master training[/url]
Character Development
Factory Judge
Even as a padawan, all the powers and lightsaber forms that you have placed on here are learned through a great deal of threads and skills over time. I am telling you now that you will probably have to knock off just about all of those powers because they require alot of skill to learn, let alone preform. "The force is infinite, but you are not" A common saying around here as you cannot control all of these force powers. Even some Masters have less powers, let alone less powerful force forms, than what you have listed.
[member="Shargon'Ta"], If I didn't have a bio up that means it isn't complete.

[member="Karina Dartrex"], Idk if you noticed it or not, but it says untrained. And I am not even finished creating my character.

Could everyone please stop posting in my thread and allow me to finish my character.
Factory Judge
I did not see anything about being untrained. They were blank when I saw them. And more than a good 3/4 s of those powers you can't learn from someone. Such as Shatterpoint. It is a power that needs to be discovered by ones self, and is very very rare power to have. I think a total of 3 people know it on the board.

I would suggest that you list only the powers that you know, and drop the ones that you list as untrained as they take up unneeded space. As well that most of them contradict one another.
[member="Shargon'Ta"], Ok I may have come off as a jerk. I appologise for that. Really I have just been looking around and taking idea's from others. I have seen some great set ups on here.

[member="Karina Dartrex"], Whats funny is my edit and your post was one minute apart. lol. So sorry about that.
Anyways. I am the type that just likes to have as much information showing as possiable. I won't gain half of these powers, but thats ok, just want them there for referance.

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