Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should I Kiss You, Slap You, or Love You?

Five years, not that the fiery brunette had been counting. Granted a lot had happened, and people had been displaced. World were destroyed, people had just disappeared, so five years really wasn't a long time in the grand scheme of things. Still, after the amazing night they had shared together the fact it took Dirks Hutchinson five years to call was a little late. I mean really, she rocked his world, and he knew she had. Men!?

So why was she standing outside the door to his apartment building with travel bag over her shoulder? Calise could have said no when he invited her to his new home, but the reality was, she had been displaced a lot longer than five years. The brunette was always on the move, so a week with the Rendili beach bum, that sounded nice, actually it sounded like the most stability she'd had in a long time. Besides, he'd rocked her world that nigh too, and she knew it.

Dressed in typical space attire, after Corellian fashion, Calise finally over came whatever was keeping her back, and pressed the button next to Hutch's name. The tone rang a couple times before his rugged baritone voice greeted her on the other end. There had to be a story to all the experience in his voice, maybe many stories. It was a damn good thing he was good looking, and the best she'd ever had, otherwise his voice might prove to be a bit intimidating. War did that to people, and she knew he'd seen it. His voice gave it away.

"Hey Sugar, you gonna open the door for your house guest. I promise the sooner you do, the sooner you'll be flat on your back wishing you would have called me a whole lot sooner..."

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


[member="Calise Novar"]

"Yeah, yeah… Keep your britches on. I'm coming!" Hutch yelled out from his at-home office space when he heard his apartment door's chime ring twice, then put the comlink back up to his ear as he got up from the desk.

"I tell you what, Mom… I'll send you the info. I really think you and Dad should consider what I said cause this is where I am putting down roots for now and think you'd like it here. I don't like the idea of you guys living in the refugee housing development on Denon. Dad could run a fishing charter here real easily like back home…" the Rendili paused for a minute as a familiar feminine voice called out anxiously from the other side of the door.

"Hey Sugar, you gonna open the door for your house guest. I promise the sooner you do, the sooner you'll be flat on your back wishing you would have called me a whole lot sooner..."

Wait... She wasn't supposed to be here till…

"Anyways, I gotta go… love ya, bye, he farewelled quickly, his heart beating faster both in surprise, excitement, and anticipation of seeing the woman again that had rocked his world one fine, long weekend just before all hell broke loose on the galaxy.

It had taken Dirks five years to come across Calise's incidentals once again in his packed boxes hastily moved when leaving Rendili before the Sith took it over. Lame excuse he knew it, but life had been chaotic since then until now.

With that said, Dirks ended the call, then walked to the door and opened it still dressed in his work clothes as he'd had a meeting earlier; one of his signature smiles plastered on his ruggedly handsome face.

"Hello Doll… Well then maybe I was a bit hasty in telling ya to keep your britches on," Hutch quipped, flashing the brunette beauty a lop-sided grin, then the tall, dark and handsome pulled Calise to him and kissed her soundly in a welcoming gesture.

"Mhmm I'm so glad you're here, Darlin'. Let me get that bag for ya… So you find this place okay?"
Did he just!? Wait he was on the phone, okay. Still it was a bit rude. Oh well, he was still hot, and very very desired. When he finally managed to open the door, he was dressed up again. This was the second time they met up and both times he was dressed nice. Calise wasn't. In fact she was her normal self, though the way Hutch's eyes dipped to peek at her boobs just before the kiss told her he didn't mind so much.

"Still taste good, that's good to know," she said walking past him and into building as he took her bag.

She turned around and walked backwards so she could look at him. Gods he was as handsome as ever. Five years had not been bad to him at all. Now if he was just as good in bed as he was then, this was gonna be a week to remember. Then it would be back to finding work.

"Found it just fine. Your directions were detailed enough. Now, you wanna put that bag in your bedroom and show me how much you missed me?"

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


[member="Calise Novar"]

"How about a tour on the way… " he grinned, grabbing Calise's hand.

"Living room on the right. Dining room and kitchen on the left, then first door down the hall on the right is my office. Door on the left is the fresher, and the shower has a bench…. then the bedroom," Hutch smiled, setting the brunette's bag down on the floor quickly, then pulling her in for another kiss.

"So you want to do dinner and dancing, or pull an all-nighter," the Rendili asked with a waggle of his brows. "Either way, I intend to show you the time of your life while you're here, Miss Novar."
"Well that was the fastest tour I've ever gotten," she winked, the smiled as he kissed her.

Wow she had forgotten how a good a kisser Dirks really was. What else had she forgotten? Normally the sound of an all nighter would be appealing to her, but the food on the transport had been the worst slop she'd ever eaten. Calise was hungry, but not so much she couldn't wait to go out until after she had gotten what she wanted from the Rendili. Her hands were already working at the buttons of his vest when he asked about what she wanted to do. For the night. One thing was clear at least. She knew what she wanted to do in the moment.

"You better not promise something you can't keep, Mr. Hutchinson," she replied, then leaned up to his ear to whisper. "Because I can sometimes have high expectations."

She nibbled on his ear as the vest fell to the floor followed by his shirt. Her dark brows waggled back as she looked to the bed and then to Dirks. Calise turned him around and shoved him on the bed, then getting on the bed herself, she kissed him deeply.

"But before you buy me dinner and drinks tonight, I told you I was gonna make you wish you called me sooner, and that's a promise I know I can keep."

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


[member="Calise Novar"]

One of the things he loved about Calise was she a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. Usually Dirks would have to be the initiator, but with this sweet brunette honey she was in the driver's seat. It definitely was a turn on.

With his back flat on the bed, the Rendili's hands began to roam all over Calise's curvaceous body above him. Her vest came off, then the corset top… Bingo! Hutch was in heaven. Yeah, he was a boob man.

Well it didn't take long for the rodeo to start, after all it had been awhile for the two and desires were flaring. The shower afterwards was just as fun. With a towel wrapped around his hips and another drying off his wet head, Dirks looked at his lady friend standing there in front the sink at the counter in his fresher.

"So Darlin'… Have you decided yet what you'd like to do tonight?" Hutch asked, tossing the hair towel in the dirty clothes basket, then he leaned in to kiss the top of Calise's bare moist shoulder with his arms encircling her slender toweled waist.

"Stay in or go out for dinner? Either is fine with me. I just need to know so I can dress accordingly."
Oh Gods how'd she'd forgotten just how much she enjoyed Hutch. Why did she let him get away again? Right they were both in between jobs and he needed work as bad as she did. Looks like he found work before she did. Sure she had the odd job here and there, but nothing steady. All she knew was Hutch had just given her a very good reason to stick around the area, twice, and the week was only just getting underway.

She leaned her shoulder into the kiss and set her head back on his bare chest. She wasn't always the snuggling type, but Hutch had sting arms, and she loved how secure they made her feel. Security was something her life lacked, and so whenever she could get a taste of it, Calise embraced it fully. Turning, she pressed a kiss to his lips as her stomach growled and interrupted anything further from happening in that moment.

"I think I could eat a whole nerf I'm so hungry. How about we go out and get something fast and cheap. Gotta have a good cantina around here with great pub food!?"

What Calise could really go for was some buffalo wings, deep fried green beans, and an ice cold ale. Then she'd come back to Hutch's place and let him do the driving. It was fun to take the bull by the horns, but it was just as nice to take a back seat sometimes. The only thing was being around Hutch again suddenly freaked her out slightly. Being held by him told her something she'd thought would never happen. Calise seriously found herself thinking she could fall for the man. Wow! Needed to shake that out fast. For all she knew he had someone else he was interested in for something long term. Right... she needed to get ready.

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


Mhmmm Dirks could get used to this… or could he? Even though [member="Calise Novar"] was a wild girl in his book, she sure knew how to stir things in him, and more than what was between his legs too. There was just something about the bounty huntress that made the Rendili go hmm, though he was very careful to not let that kind of thinking stay active for long.

"There is, and it's just a short walk from here. So put those sexy jeans of yours on and let's go get us something to eat," Hutch smirked giving the brunette's perfectly rounded bare bum a playful smack.

Dressed in his usual casual attire of comfortable jeans and a henley shirt when not on the clock, Dirks interlaced his fingers with Calise's as they strolled along the causeway from his apartment to the sports bar he often frequented to grab some food and a game after work. The former college football player was still was very active in sports himself and loved to keep up with what the sport teams were doing across the galaxy.

Walking into the bar, they quickly found an open table with good views of the large holoscreens that had multiple games on them. Pick a sport, they had it on.

"What's your favorite sport, darlin… other than me," Hutch asked waggling his dark eyebrows at the Spiran beauty as they waited for the waitress to come over and take their order.
Calise pretneded to be shocked as Hutch slapped her bare butt. Truth was she liked it, from him. Usually she hated it when a guy thought they could just treat her like a piece of tail, but Hutch, it was playful. Gods he was amazing, but it had been five years, more maybe, and a lot could happen in that amount of time, or nothing at all. Well her night was gone, he was going be in her mind all night, and no matter what she tried to do, she wouldn't get him out. Dammit, she hated the fact he had that kind of power over her. The sharp witted, intelligent, independent bounty huntress went all weak at the knees around the Rendili beach bum.

"He is going the end of your independence girl... get it together," she said to herself in the mirror, and sighed. She didn't care honestly, not after the hell the past five years had been.

She threw on a pair of "sexy jeans" like Hutch told her to, and a tanktop. Naturally she put her bra back on beacause, well, large chested woman reasons. Finding Hutch waiting for her, she just grabbed his shirt around his chest and pulled him in for a kiss. There was no reason for it, she just wanted to kiss him. He was a very dangerous man to her, to her lifestyle.

"Which season is it?"

The question was her answer to the question. Though it wasn't actually. Certain sports she did like over others. A smile played at her lips as she looked over the menu. It was definitely and wings and ale kinda night.

"Football, hands down. You played college ball, didn't you?"

They'd never talked about it, but she had thought she recognized the name after they had met. Sure enough, after a little research, her suspicions had been right. Too bad couldn't play anymore. Then again, she might not have met him, so it was for the best.

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


Hutch was happy. This was a wonderful surprise [member="Calise Novar"] showing up out of the blue. The Security Chief had had a tough last few weeks and well the Spiran beauty was just what the doctor order. The Rendili was at a loss to why he'd never tried to contact her again after that meet up on Ord Mantell. Besides the sex being fantastic, he simply enjoyed the brunette's company, and that was saying a lot coming from him; a dangerous line of thinking too.

"Yep… Starting quarterback for two winning seasons until I blew my knee out the first game of the third. Might've been able to go pro, but then I wouldn't know you, and I like knowing you," Dirks smiled waggling his dark eyebrows at her just as the waitress came to take their order; wings, battered O-rings, and ales

After the petite blonde left, Hutch's hazel gaze was momentarily wrapped up in a replay of a sweet move on the holoscreen, then it returned to those dark chocolate pools of Calise's that dared to drown the beach bum. He didn't know why he asked the next question, but just did. "So what do you think of Ceto so far? Think you might like to stay a bit or is this just a stop over for you?"
"Oh my that would have been very unfortunate," Calise winked.

She took a good sip of her ale while Hutch looked up at the screen. She'd taken the side of the booth which put her back to the screen so Hutch could watch the game. For whatever reason she wanted to see him enjoying the game. There were so many screen around she could find something if she truly wanted to, but she just kept looking at him. Of course she also grabbed a wing as soon as they were put on the table. Wow she was hungry. Good thing too, because his question caught her off guard. Women's intuition told her there was more to the question than just curiosity.

"Well, I'm running out of credits," she swallowed, "so this isn't a stop over, unless I can't find work and a place to live."

Her dark eyes looked deep into the eyes of Hutch, searching for an answer to her own question. She smirked.

"Why you askin, you offering the other side of your bed and a job in company you work for?"

What was it Hutch was offering? She didn't have to think about the answer she posed. If he was asking her to live with him spur of the moment she'd say yes. She liked him, and liked the idea of them. It hadn't taken five years to figure that out. Was it her move to make? Probably not, but she was going to anyway.

"Because if you are... I could be convinced to stay for a while..."

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


"I wouldn't mind sharing the other side of my bed with you on a more regular basis… In fact, I'd share mine too," Hutch grinned slyly, then took [member="Calise Novar"]'s small hand in his larger one, rubbing the back of it with his thumb tenderly. Hazel eyes gazed into her brandy pools; ones he could drown in for all eternity. The Rendili wanted her to know he was sincere too.

"But, I can't offer you a job at Salacia right now. There aren't any openings to be honest. You'll be the first to know though. [member="Judah Dashiell"] is always looking for ways to expand his business, which means hiring more personnel, and good ones at that... How about we just take things one day at a time right now? Though, you're all mine for the foreseeable future. That is, if you want that?"
"I figured you might say something like that... How about we call it the middle of the bed."

Calise smiled and winked. There was something there between them, and she was very interested in finding out what it was. She was used to running on her own, where she wanted, and who she wanted to run with. Calise looked away when Hutch mentioned he couldn't give her a job. It meant if something didn't open in the next few weeks, she'd have to leave. She sighed and looked back to the dreamy Hazel eyes of the man she was falling for.

"That really sucks you know. I want to see where this is going, but I will have to take off for work if something doesn't open soon. I'll stick around Hutch, and we can hope something opens up. Seeing you again after all this time, and you still know how to make my heart go pitter patter, and when my heart goes pitter patter... it goes well for you."

She winked, and kissed Hutch's cheek. Her lips moved dangersously close to his ear, and she whispered into his ear.

"You had best get me back to your place, so I can remind you of how well it can go for you."

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]


"Well the middle definitely gives us more room to roam," Hutch quipped with a waggle of his dark brows.

Their antics in bedroom were quite robust. Neither was shy in asking for what they needed or wanted nor delivering it. But too, he enjoyed just holding the Spiran beauty as well. It wasn't just [member="Calise Novar"]'s physical attributes or assets as she called them that attracted him to her. It was really what was underneath that separated Calise from the others the Rendili had been with. Yeah, she had substance.

"That goes both ways, darlin."

Calise's words whispered in his ear made Dirks whip out some credit coins real fast to pay for their food, then he downed the ale left in his glass. His hand found hers again and off they went back to his apartment for a night to remember.
The night really was unforgetable. They'd always had a very robust love life, but this time Hutch seemed to be more attentive to her needs than just a score. Sure they both communicated what they wanted, and needed, in a partner, but Hutch put a lot more into it than other times, at least it seemed that way to Calise. Maybe it was because she had finally admitted out loud how her heart went pitter patter for him. She'd not realized it until that trip, but it had always been there, even during their first time together five or six years ago.

Two weeks had gone by without finding work. Calise hated to do it, but she couldn't ask Hutch to support her until something opened where he was at. They'd taken it slow the last two weeks, really making sure they both felt good about being together. She'd told Hutch it was what she wanted. She wanted to be his, and he wanted him to be hers. If she was going to be exclusive to him, then he was going to be the same. That was only fair.

Her bags were packed, and she was reluctantly loading them in a taxi speeder. She'd already spent all morning saying goodbye to Hutch in a way he wasn't soon to forget. Once her job was done she'd be back, and hopefully there would be work for her with him. Calise was going to miss the cocky surfer bum, and she let him know it too.

[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]

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