Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This came up when I was working on a family costume with my daughter. I was trying to throw together a passable casual Jedi or smuggler costume. Every character wears boots without laces. I went down a rabbit hole on this. Apparently Lucas Film costume department was strict on no laces, no zippers, and no buttons on footwear. Wookieepedia even has an article on shoelaces that is limited to a single instance of one kid joking about another kid‘s shoelaces being untied. I find it fascinating that in an entire galaxy, nobody thought to come up with the idea of boots with laces. I also find it annoying because it requires purchasing a pair of cosplay boots for a decent costume.
This came up when I was working on a family costume with my daughter. I was trying to throw together a passable casual Jedi or smuggler costume. Every character wears boots without laces. I went down a rabbit hole on this. Apparently Lucas Film costume department was strict on no laces, no zippers, and no buttons on footwear. Wookieepedia even has an article on shoelaces that is limited to a single instance of one kid joking about another kid‘s shoelaces being untied. I find it fascinating that in an entire galaxy, nobody thought to come up with the idea of boots with laces. I also find it annoying because it requires purchasing a pair of cosplay boots for a decent costume.
This is a cool detail about Star Wars costumes, I had no idea the no laces rule was so strict. May be it adds to the unique look, but I get how it makes costume creation tough.
This is a cool detail about Star Wars costumes, I had no idea the no laces rule was so strict. May be it adds to the unique look, but I get how it makes costume creation tough.
I should clarify — visible laces, zippers, buttons. Some of the boots used in filming had hidden zippers. And some eagle eyed fans have pointed out an few instances where you can see hidden bootlaces making accidental appearances for a split second in scenes. They sometimes used boots with laces during filming but completely covered the laces with wraps, gaiters, or other features to give the appearance of no laces. But of course not everything stays in place when you’re running around filming an action scene.
This came up when I was working on a family costume with my daughter. I was trying to throw together a passable casual Jedi or smuggler costume. Every character wears boots without laces. I went down a rabbit hole on this. Apparently Lucas Film costume department was strict on no laces, no zippers, and no buttons on footwear. Wookieepedia even has an article on shoelaces that is limited to a single instance of one kid joking about another kid‘s shoelaces being untied. I find it fascinating that in an entire galaxy, nobody thought to come up with the idea of boots with laces. I also find it annoying because it requires purchasing a pair of cosplay boots for a decent costume.
So this comes into play from my time as a Cast Member for Disney in like 2019. I got to meet people from Lucas Film during their walkthrough of Galaxy's Edge in Hollywood Studios. They made a lot of comments about concerns for the accuracy of the area to the leaders and following their visit they made it clear that Cast technically weren't supposed to wear shoes with laces, of course this varied depending on a person's position. Slip on Sketchers were a life-saver. I'm pretty sure they relaxed this rule since then of course and it wasn't religiously enforced, but yeah that was an interesting uniform conversation during our huddle. Our outfits also didn't have any visible strings or zippers as well.

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