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Approved Starship Shinobi Class Fortress

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Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To make an advanced stealth version of the B-Wing with heavy modifications
  • Image Source:
    Hybrid Composite image of A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter and MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 Edited by [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
  • Composite beam weapon from star wars rebels

[*]Canon Link: N/A
[*]Primary Source:



[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Squadron Count: Low: 4
[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Average (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • Moderate (normal)
  • Extreme (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Average: 1

  • Blockade Buster: Designed like the B6 prototype with raw power to smash into ships larger then its class. The composite beams can combine to make a stronger attack and with its bomb bay it can drop enough bombs onto a ship to cripple them.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed by Saotome and the second fleet as a combination of two ships. THe nimble but fairly clumsy B-Wing incorporating the B6 prototype heavy composite beams and the Starfortress bomber bay. In the main strut of the ship it has a modular hold able to deploy a large quantity of bombs for making bombing runs on surface bases or a ship with enough time to get away from the explosion.
  • Beast of Burden: Designed as a nimble fighter, the bulk of its weapons are lock in either the forward position requiring a full crew of three to properly operate the ship. With one focused on the flying, a secondary gunner operating the backwards weapons and a forward gunner to operate weapons. It frees up the focus but also means that the ship itself it most costly in terms of manpower.
  • ON Board Systems: Designed with a handful of Sasori and Saotome systems to improve the performance of the ship and make it a more advanced fighter.
    Astromech Socket: Designed for a personal or military issue astromech to have it in the ship to handle small repairs and systems. Regulate the power or detect problems.
  • "Screamer" Active Jammer: Designed to disguise the ship and disrupt homing actions taken against the fighter. Countered by military grade scanners and sensor packages.
  • Vanish 2 military sensor masking system: Cheaper then an actual cloaking device and best used to conceal and mask the ship from sensors.
  • Executive Suite: Providing small scale repair systems for the astromech to work with and a containment shield within the fighter in case of breaches.
  • Saotome Advanced Tracking System: An advanced droid brain developed for tracking targets along a vector and allowing the ship to shadow after them.
  • Saotome Ember Scanner and Slicer Unit: Designed to hack into a ships systems when in range. The slicer unit searches for slave circuits to lock onto and cause sabotage like instances before the fighter attacks.
  • Saotome Nutaki System: An advanced navigational computer for shortening travel time and increasing the speed by which the pilots can reach an area being able to work with the tracker droid brain.

  • Overly Engineered: Designed to be a hybrid vessel that focused on getting overwhelming attack strength, speed and protection. The drawbacks are more in engineering. THe bomb bay essentially empties when it releases its load and requires a lengthy and expensive rearmament.
  • Crew: For a ship it is beefy when it comes to crew. As the pilot does not actually have control of the weapons. Manpower wise it is a drain compared to other bombers even with the trade off of its benefits.
  • Fixed position: To keep the craft with a high level of performance the weapons are fixed in position. WIth forward guns and backwards guns but leaving the sides exposed.
  • Bomb bay: A flaw with the starfortress has carried over and that is the bomb bay. WHile the hull is stronger material wise it is still just hundreds of bombs active and waiting to be detonated on impact. An explosion or shot to the bomb bay can set the bombs off destroying the ship.
  • Fuselage position: A common problem with the B-wing model is the rotating capabilities of the ship itself. The cockpit can remain stationary but the rest of the shp is able to rotate around it. In some cases making dodging easier but requiring a heavy awareness of the pilot to avoid crashing the ship into derbis or anything that might be around them.
Description: Designed by Saotome for the second fleet, the Stealth B-Wing StarFortress is a beast of engineering combining two very impressive ships into one that takes parts from its development. The blade model with its composite beams, the heavier model with its gunner position and the bomb bay of the starfortress. THis has made some problems as to reduce the stress on the pilot the weapons and flight have been divided. Requiring a larger crew to effectively operate the ship at the highest performance. THe bomb bay is still an issue as it is the largest part of the ship, the thinnest in terms of hull to store all of the bombs and the most volatile if impacts being able to blow up the ship and most things close to it. The other problem of the B-wing comes into play with the awkward positioning of the ship to the cockpit. Weapons, wings and main bomb bay are able to rotate around the ship and it requires a constant state of awareness for the pilot where they are when going through a debris heavy area or trying to do and attack run.
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