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Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Trailer

I realize I'm probably in the minority being an anime and video game fan on a Star Wars forum but just thought I'd throw this out there because it looked interesting.

Also +9000 internet points for Pegasus Mech.
[member="Jorj Kell"]

As a huge fan of both SMT (Persona) and Fire Emblem. I am too happy for this.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

Because opinions.

But seriously, this looks like an embarrassment. It's like their trying to grow another cow to milk it to hell and back like they did with Persona 4 and it's even worse considering the fact that, if I'm not mistaken, those are mainline SMT characters mostly and not a single trace of the P3/P4/P5 cast.
[member="Yvette Dusong"]
Forgive me, I took your words wrong. I was concerned it was another "Anime and anything that looks vaguely anime-ish is trash" sort of thing, or at the least a "this is gross, this is stupid, you should feel bad for liking it".... Slight exaggeration, but mildly close enough to what I was worried you were saying. Guess I've been reading to many YouTube comments lately (which is a horrible decision in itself).

Personally I haven't played much of SMT. I've played a small amount of the main Persona games though. Mostly because my brother wouldn't shut up about me playing it. Fire Emblem, however, is one of my more recent obsessions. Just finished my second playthrough of Awakening the other day. As for my expectations for this...
Eh, I'm trying not to judge it to hard until I actually get a chance to play it... or watch the bro play it (which is generally how I decide to play games. If it looks interesting and he already owns it, I just borrow it from him).

Once again I apologize for assuming you were going into 'full pointless shaming/insulting' mode. I need to stop assuming things based off past experiences. My faith in humanity is regretfully low.
Cross over games are fan service games. Fan service is not meant to be deep or meaningful. They just take some of your favorite characters out of the more serious situations they find themselves and place them into something more lighthearted. One of the best examples of this is Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC. With crossover, you get a chance to see series collide in a way that they never would otherwise. Honestly, it's the anime equivalent to the DC or Marvel universe cross-overs. "See your favorite superheroes/villains duke it out against these other guys that we're contractually obligated to include." Will it be of that quality? Eh, who knows?

Personally, I probably won't check this one out. Why? It's on Wii U, and I still haven't found enough of a reason to buy a Wii U. If it was on 3DS, maybe I'd give it a look.

I am also a massive Fire Emblem fan, [member="Drapeam Nyx"] and Awakening is probably one of my all time favorites. I think I have about 200 hours in one playthrough.
[member="Jorj Kell"]


Also idk any of your personal interests as far as games go, but there's plenty of epic stuff both already released and upcoming in the Wii U's library that justifies me owning it personally. Smash 4 with its continual DLC support now which is amazing, MK8 with its shtick, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, this game obviously, heck I'm excited for freaking Splatoon of all things. Then again I might just be a weird gamer. I don't need a metric crap ton of games to have a system be worth owning now a days. Only had Fire Emblem Awakening when I bought my 3DS in April of last year, sunk enough hours into that game alone to justify the price of owning both the game and system. Heck I only have like 3 titles on my XBOX One and I still love what I have. But again everyone has their own views and I might just be weird. To me, this crossover looks like fun. I've always kinda secretly wanted a modern esque Zelda title and I guess this is the closest I'm gonna get to Link riding a hoverbike named Epona with a lightsaber chainsaw Master Sword.

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